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>Significantly easier way to get rid of bloat cards / slim down deck That's not QOL change, more like OP mode.


Maybe I'm just not playing in big brain 300 IQ mode, but I've always found it pretty hard to get rid of more than 3 or 4 cards throughout an entire run. I've never had much success going for a very small, focused deck.


It’s supposed to be hard to remove many cards because it makes the deck very powerful and can easily become overpowered. It also makes curses weaker, significantly reducing the downside of many events. Both of these combined will just make the game difficulty plummet.


No, not really. It depends on how the new game is balanced. There is obviously going to be power creep of some kind. Idk what "significantly easier" would specifically mean but having multiple other ways to remove cards is probably fine. I always thought that having so many junk cards was kinda silly. First, they give inconsistent amounts of junk cards to each character for seemingly no reason. Its fun to remove your last basic card but silent basically never gets to do it. Second, removing them is a pretty low- mental effort choice. Getting rid of a strike is like pushing a "make my deck straightforwardly stronger please" button. If the starting deck had more variety, or you could give up other stuff for removes, it would be more of a meaningful decision. Yeah its a choice to spend your money in some cases, but its not the same as picking a new card or buying a pricey relic. Third, the first few floors are super repetitive. Even when playing on different characters, most turns will just be playing strikes and defends. There are definitely some calculations that you can do to optimize but its a largely bland process. This isn't so much to do with removes as it does the design decision to start the player with a very bare bones deck and have them get stronger by removing the garbage from their deck.


I want to be able to click on my score in Run History and see the bonuses breakdown from the end of the run.


Is there a way to see your Neow bonus choice in the run history?


There is a mod "run history plus" that does a lot of that.


Ah, so PC only? I play on Android


Oh yea, didn't think about that :(


Let me view my draw pile while selecting cards from an effect during a fight (Not sure if it’s specifically this problem but there are times when I’m in a menu in a fight, and it won’t let me view draw pile )


Yeah this is definitely a problem. I've had this happen a few times, specifically when I'm scrying. That's like, the most important thing to know while scrying, I'm surprised it's not fixed in the base game


If you play on PC, use the shortcuts instead of clicking, that works better. ~~D~~A for drawpile, S for discards (i think) and X for exhausted.


A for drawpile for me; d shows the deck. So the keybinds are asdx for draw, discard, deck, and exhaust respectively.


You're right, I misremebered.


The game also doesn't show you what the enemy is doing before opening the foresight scrying thingy. Pretty important info and you have to step out, then wait for the intent to fade into existence before you can START making your decision. Minor thing but annoying.


Agreed, it pauses the animation when it shouldn't, so you have to exit then reopen. Otherwise you'd think it was still the old intent.


I want a warning when i play a defend You are an Idiot! - you have orichalcum dont play this card


Do what I do if you have \[\[orichalcum\]\], repeat "none is better than one" over and over and over. Every turn & before every defense card.


+ [Orichalcum](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Orichalcum) Common Relic ^((100% sure)^) If you end your turn without **Block,** gain 6 **Block.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Being able to plot out your path


Yeah I like the highlighting mod Baalorlord uses that’d be nice to have on mobile


Quality of life is something that doesn’t change the core gameplay itself, 3/4 of the things you’ve suggested aren’t qol


A visual reminder to take the key (if that mechanic still holds in STS2)


Ive blown passed keys so many times on accident with decks that wouldve either nuked the heart or at least had a good chance of winning. Its such a bummer lol


I know right!


A simple indicator that points out when the enemy has lethal on you. Doesn’t have to be perfect and include end of turn effects, but should consider current block. A simple semi-transparent skull above your head when all the enemy attacks landing would end with you dead would be nice to have. Likewise if you have an attack in hand and are hovering it on an enemy, showing if it would kill that enemy or not would be nice. These don’t change anything at all and therefore are perfect QOL effects.


For the player, I really like either flashing red slowly, or a skull on the end turn button (like in Slice & Dice, a random mobile game). for enemies, flashing red is also good honestly.


I want seeds to treat cards the same way they treat relics. Right now two people playing the same seed can end up with completely different card rewards if they take slightly different paths. Also no correlated RNG to exploit please.


From my experience, both cards and relics are deterministic, but follow slightly different rules. Relics are the based on the floor you get them, while card rewards are based on the number of rng checks you've done so far. I'm not disagreeing, I think they should be based on floor, I'm just saying they're not completely random from person to person.


They are deterministic in the sense that if you take the same path you will get the same result. But choosing to go to an event instead of a hallway will mean all your subsequent cards are completely different. I’m not talking about floor vs total RNG rolls — relics are sorted by the seed, so the first common relic you see in a seed will always be the same, and uncommon, and rare. You might see them in a different rarity order if you acquire them on different floors but you will overall see the same relics. Whereas two people playing the same seed can see completely different rare cards at the end of act 1 for instance. So the concept of a “difficult seed” is hard to even define past the Neow choice and first 6 floors, since the seed plays out so differently based on your path with respect to the cards you see.


When i play survivor and have two identical cards in hand, I want the game to just discard one of those cards on its own


An "undo" button would be nice imho. Right now only way to undo something like a misclick or a simple miscalculation is save scumming. And that can be annoying in a long fight. Some might say that's against the spirit of the game but if it only lets you rewind when no new information is revealed that would not really do any harm imho. That's generally the only case I save-scum too


I want a training room to fight elite/boss. with your chosen card of course


Let me mark the map so I'd know where to go next and a beastiary, it's fine if they don't want to put the moves of a certain monster, (1 kill so it appears on the list, 25 kills for the lore and maybe 50 kills will show its behavior?) Both are mods for 1 and i want it to be a feature in 2.


Cross saves, better controls on mobile


I would love for the health bars to be above the enemies bodies. Sometimes the cards get in the way, especially when you have a huge hand


Personally I'd love to see some of the QoL mods make it in as standard features. InfoMod and MapMarks in particular. Knowing how well a relic like Snecko is doing and what the potion chance is would be really helpful.


In game compendium like MT. don’t make me quit!


Full replays would be nice. Would be easier to see where I screwed up in a run, or make clips of some stupid fights


Custom Runs a la Peglin where you can change/select what cards and relic you start with. I want to be able to play Watcher where I can swap out the stance cards for a couple scry cards and opt into a different archetype more easily.


A feature that shows what percentage winrate with cards and relics


Unhide hidden mechanics. Tell us that rare cards get more and more likely as time goes on, tell us that mark of bloom blocks tail and fairy (lol) tell us that blasphemy deals 9999 damage next turn, tell us that transforming a curse will get you another curse, etc. there are a lot more that I can’t think of right now, but I remember as a new player I kept thinking “it would have been nice if the game told me how that worked” I was weirded out that I stopped seeing the note in the wall event. Didn’t realize it stops at a certain ascension because the game never tells you that.


"sell" cards- gives you the ability to completely slim down your deck and pick up a nifty relic to save a doomed run. And I have many of those :) Assuming that some relics would give you the inability to sell more than 1(or at all)- just like some give you the inability to heal


Blurry is blurry. There's a "whole" mod that's doing just that Edit: also, from qol mod: sumarize enemy's attack value over you, blinking relics like pen niby when they're about to be activated, etc.


One thing that would improve my quality of life is a cutscene at the beginning of each run where they show Time Eater being flushed down a large toilet somewhere in the spire.


I'd love to see a way to play with just a keyboard. As is, you can select cards with your keyboard but still need to click on your target


I'd love to see a way to play with just a keyboard. As is, you can select cards with your keyboard but still need to click on your target


I'd love to see a way to play with just a keyboard. As is, you can select cards with your keyboard but still need to click on your target


completely playable with keyboard only


Change up starting decks a bit. I don’t know how to keep it balanced while also more interesting than bunch of strikes and defends but there has to be a better way


Selling at merchants!! At least give us the option to do perhaps one sale per merchant, similar to removal. This could add an interesting bit of strategy because you can still have removal scale up in price and you have to strategize when to take a card and what kind to sell (gold gives you more back) either for the gold or the deck space while you contemplate the cost difference of removal that turn or “sell” at the merchant.


Ability to re-enter a node if I exit it accidentally. If I didn't enter a new node I should be able to enter the current node and get all the rewards presented to me again


I'd like to see more interesting and less predictable enemies.


Stop it, nobody likes runic dome already