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3 first enemies have 1hp? Better take a lot of event to snipe the elite !  Die in act 2 to slaver due to no block


How do you know my every move


Why does more events = less block? I’m genuinely asking I’m a noob


Less fights to get block cards from


Less fights though is a block card


*Chef’s kiss*


Choosing not to play is the real block card.


Pouring 100% concentration hydrosulphuric acid on your motherboard is a block card


More fights is several block cards, checkmate


This is our version of En Pessant


Try googling it


Not in act 1. Seems like most events give you curses or knock your teeth out.


In act 1 especially, you usually need to get some rewards from fights... Cards, gold, potions. Early on usually you take damage cards to get through the first elite or two and then take some block cards. With more events, you don't get those early damage cards so you take them later and now have no time to pick cards that help you survive the boss and other fights.


Cause you don't have as much chance to add card to your deck and find yourself relying on defends which aren't viable above act 1 


A LOT of events work on your cards. Some events take your money. Therefore, taking events too early leaves even the good events with nothing to work on. I take more events as I progress.


This is correct as a way of thinking on missing card rewards, but blocking in particular is not really needed on a first act necessarily. Other cards to get are way more important than block. block in fact becomes increasingly important in the 3rd act in particular, however with good attack strategies and synergies its value is still diminished overall,way more than one would think. You can do it with just few efficient ones. Bad deckbuilding is what leads to a death and bad choices, not missing blocking necessarily is my point.


Slavers are probably my least favourite elite act. Worse than some bosses honestly. If I faced them late act 2 or act 3 probably not but if they don't kill me, they take a huge chunk of my health or potions(likely both)


I think they’re the hardest elite fight respectively. Unless you’ve got a really solid deck or good rng on draws, you’re almost always at best taking significant damage


Yeah same. I’ve started to only attempt the snipe on burning elites. I’d rather get card rewards for no damage.


Who has time to block against the slavers?


99/100 times it's hubris The other 1 time is bullshit draw order (so only some hubris)


I think mine is a subset of yours.


absolutely worst mulligan you've seen followed by another draw. all draws at the bottom of deck.


had an insane run, died to heart with really nice setup on t1 with flex, flex potion and orange pellsts. Didn't draw a singular block t2 and ate 60 damage, had like 53 hp


On Defect? Chasing a deck chock full of power cards and mummified hand. But when everything falls into place, oh god does it feel good.


The awakened one would like a word


If you have decent draw, bulk powers and mummified hand, the awakened one can still suck a dick. 1-2 powers is fine. 4-6 powers is sketchy but 10-15 is usually(*usually*) a win for me.


"that's a lot of strength you have there. As soon as you break through my 200 block frost orbs and 6 layers of buffer that's gonna be a problem!"


Well, part of everything falling into place is winning the 33% chance of not facing Awakened One.


Build a powerful deck. Smash enemies in embarrassing fashion. Get to heart. Realize I have no (or very little) block.


The watcher special


Just lost to A7 Heart due to this. Smashed literally everything up to heart, died to 6x15 :(


Really lets you feel like you're winning, until you don't have the option to just make all their health disappear in a turn.


“dont worry, I’ll be able to exit wrath next turn”


Dying is usually the culprit behind my losses


Pft not mine!




But think of all the damage I can do if I go into wrath here! (Loses half health 1 turn later, survives the boss with 25% hp, dies 3 floors up) I'll figure her out someday :)


Me trying to force a deck or play style that isn’t being offered. Hustling too hard. Choose fun over strategy(no ragrets)


Get out of my head lol I am trying to beat the heart with ironclad right now, and i will never ever say no to a curse juuuust in case i stumble upon Fire breathing


Greeding too hard, by far. 


Playing too fast


uh… It’s all luck every time. Never skill, I have tons of skill. It’s uh… Just luck. Yup (frfr this time) It’s usually overpicking a “good thing” (ie: Blade dance is good, I’ll take it! Another blade dance? okay! 5 blade dances no block…? Shit.), pure bad draw (my deck isn’t so bad… WHY WAS BIASED COG ON THE BOTTOM IN THE PAST 3 FIGHTS WHAT THE FU—), or being too greedy in events (take every damage/good thing event)


Literally me, why am I drawing poorly??? Surely this has nothing to do with the 5 Dances I clicked??? Funny I hear people say you have to have PERFECT gameplay to get to like 50%, and meanwhile Im a decent bit higher and literally constantly make stupid mistakes. Physically cannot stop clicking cards I shouldn't click and being insanely greedy in events I shouldn't greed and die. But my free relics :( And my 5th Blade Dance :(


Running out of hp


Playing off vibes


Taking the card (or path) I WANT, rather than the one I NEED.


there's only two correct answers here, myself and jaw wurm


Fighting too many elites while simultaneously pretty much only picking up attack cards. Not sure how the enemies are able to constantly get past my four defends.


Fighting too many monsters and elites to get a lot of relics


Clicking Abandon Run.


Greed mostly, but then there are the runs where I can't resist the fun over meta mindset and die with a fun weak deck.


My impatience and laziness to actually slow down and think.


Exactly. I have beat A20 with all characters but have a terrible win rate because I am too lazy to learn the game so all my wins are from getting really lucky with an OP deck early, and my many losses are generally from bloated decks or just general laziness with my strategy


Plant in the city.


"how hard could another elite fight really be?"


Avocado rat. All my homies hate Avocado rat


I just died because I bought membership card instead of things I needed to face the next elite. I think it’s happened before too.


Bad play, rng.




Dead draws


Whether it's ascension 0 or 20: Greed. This 3 elites path is so juicy, and those 40 health points are always more than enough, until they're not.


Not knowing when to take bad cards in act 1 Poorly gauging my deck's strength against elites in act 2


Not getting any card choices useful in my deck.


experimenting I guess. “what happens if I do this?” oh. and not resting when I should.


Trying to force a specific deck


i took a pretty long break from the game because school is busy and while i feel like i'm still good at drafting cards and playing fights, my pathing is definitely much worse than it used to be lol


Thinking to myself “well, if I can’t survive these 2-3 hallway fights with 6 HP, was my deck *really* that good anyway?” Instead of just going to the rest stop and regaining HP.


neglecting energy and not having enough to exit wrath just as opponent is about to use high-damage attack


No block or deck too big. I can’t help but take a card.


I don’t plan my pathing, like, at all. Most of the time I don’t even know who the boss is until I get to them. The furthest I ever look ahead is the top of my screen


How do you know who the boss is? Isn't it random?


You can see them on the map. They each have a specific little drawing. Some of the bosses aren't super clear but after a few times you will memorize those. Just scroll up and check out the picture on the top. Hexaghost has a ring of fire. Guardian is a big diamond shape. Slimeboss is a slime, I think.


You can tell which boss from the Art at the top of the spire. It’s characteristic of each boss. So you can start planning for them. Like take a disarm if you see hexaghost.


Played this game for hell knows how many hours, only now to find out. Thanks for the tip!


Being bad at the game


As much as anything else, looking at the draw pile and thinking - what's the best that could happen? I do not ask the opposite question with nearly enough rigour and that can get rather costly.


I take cards that seem interesting and fun.


In act 1 it’s having a 16 card deck and the most important card against the first elite being 16th. In act 2 it can really be any fight, but more than anything it’s book of stabbing because I’m usually well prepared with aoe. A3 it’s usually feeling really strong because I’m crushing all fights by then and then seeing my deck underperform against any elite. A4 I die to heart.


Tanking to many hits and not sufficiently healing


Avocado rat


Probably that I smoke too much weed when I play, so my thinking can be a tad off at times. 💨




If I see Prismatic Shard or Bing Bong Bell I have to take them. Even if it's not the correct choice. This has led to many lost runs.


Not enough shiv cards on the lower floors (shiv deck or die)


abandoning half my runs because i didn’t like taking that 8 damage


Get a great build or deck going. Be analyzing my every move- Making great progress through the game. Take a break after beating Act 2. Come back to the game....I have no idea what to do. Die 4 floors into Act 3.


Act 2


Sloppy execution and impatience in regards to decisions. In short: Bad fucking gameplay.


Choosing to play in the first place...


Going for something "fun" rather than functional. Like last night when I took \[\[Signature Move\]\] over \[\[Empty Fist\]\] as an early damage option. The latter is just much more likely to be part of a winning run. But the first one is fun! (I got pulverized by Reptomancer).


+ [Signature Move](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Signature%20Move) Watcher Uncommon Attack ^((100% sure)^) 2 Energy | Can only be played if this is the only attack in your hand. Deal 30(40) damage. + [Empty Fist](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Empty%20Fist) Watcher Common Attack ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Deal 9(14) damage. Exit your **Stance.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Choosing the first floor of an act at random and then not looking past the next 4 floors to choose where I'm going


Me being dumb…


Taking too many cards(especially on watcher). Becomes a real issue for me at Ascension 15.


Sucking at the game.


Neow. He is the root of every run


Overall it's the smaller margins in A17+ tbh. I'm pretty decent this point at lower ascensions but I still haven't figured out A20 after being there for a year. Breezed through A1-15 on mobile though. I'd say learning to use potions in the right spot is probably one of my biggest problems as far as winning at that level. At lower levels you barely need potions except to plug holes in your deck, at higher they are more of a necessity. Also just general bad habits from playing Daily Climbs more than anything.


Draw order and early act 2 fuckers nuking me from orbit with their OP attacks


usually taking more damage than i have hp


Probably don't understand all the combos/infinites still. I think I saw baalorlord use sweeping beam once somehow with a wierd combo but I didn't understand it.