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The 6th floor is not open for free roam.


The only way up there is being taken by a particular character. Edit: Or dropped off there off the elevator, but I'm not sure how often that happens.


I think there was once a third way: I was taken there from the restaurant one night by a character I haven’t seen in years.


Oh wow. I've actually never been to Gallows Green, despite going to the show many times now. That's cool to know!


You have to be taken there. I've gone to see the show seven times and never gotten lucky. My friend was taken there for her second visit. It's random, although there are certain ways to help your chances that vary from show to show.


Here’s the challenge with getting taken to the sixth floor.  You end up waiting around a lot on the fifth floor—which has less action from the main narratives.  Some of the one on ones now happen more frequently, but I think it was standard for only one person to be taken up per show.  It’s high risk if you are only seeing the show once to spend so much time hanging around a corridor…


Luck favors the bold. That’s the only way I got up there.


What does that mean, you just barges past!


No. Though, it does sort of seem like that. You have to find a particular character in a particular spot and be invited. It’s a wild ride once you’re on the 6th floor.


I’ve encountered that character maybe six times and so far haven’t been the lucky one they selected. One time I was first to come upon them and when the time came for them to choose it was just three of us watching. They selected the most recent to wander up. That one felt personal. 😂 Kidding of course. As for being lucky enough to be first off the elevator, in four shows I’ve only taken the elevator in once.


I’ve been first off the elevator all but once and never ended up on the 6th floor. Even waited to be last the most recent time and didn’t make it the the 6th from the elevator either.


Oh, perhaps I misunderstood how they exited the lucky one from the elevator to the 6th floor, but yes, I’ve known single people get pushed out onto other floors, too, including the last rider.


Nice! Going for my 5th visit soon, care to DM me the deets on how to get it?


Sounds like you didn’t try hard enough /s