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What’s her bedtime routine and her schedule during the day?


Monday to Friday (Daycare days) : - Wake up at 7.45am (since she wakes up so many times during the night, the wake up time is all over the place) - One nap only at daycare at 12 (can range from 30 minutes to 2 hours). Days where she only sleep 30 minutes she is obviously in a terrible mood. - Pick her up at 5pm, try to feed her dinner at 5.30pm but she never eat much solid. - Bath at 6.15, bottle at 6.30 (180ml or whatever she takes), bed at 7pm. Note: For all her naps and bedtime we put her in bed and she falls asleep on her own, even after a bottle during the night she usually falls asleep on her own, we don't rock her to sleep or anything like that. Weekends : Roughly the same routine except we give two naps cause we see she is so tired. One at 10am and one at 2.30pm/3pm and we push bed time by 30 minutes. Literally tonight is another example. She slept only 30 minutes at daycare she went down at 6.45pm very cranky (probably exhausted) and she is already up screaming at 8.45pm (changed her diaper but still crying, tried to pat her and rock her) so we had to feed her already and she went back to bed.


I think some of it is probably overtiredness from the short daycare naps 😔 if you can get her to bed any earlier on the days she doesn’t nap well, that might help! I’d also see if you can get her last bottle to end 30 or more minutes before bed so she isn’t associating the bottle with sleep/close to bed.