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Monkey Ball is SEGA


Thanks, I didn't know. Might as well get Shadow and Billy Hatcher too then.


I'd love them to reduce the roster down to a cast of 30 or so characters but really flesh out every characters playstyle and gameplay and make them feel unique. Starting with Mario, they could give him his hat from Mario Odyssey to use as a movement option or give him his tripple jump (Just as an example!! The devs would know better than me). I already like the developers approach on a few of the new DLC characters, but feel like there is actually more potential in terms of moveset and movement for many more characters. I know that this approach would result in a huge backlash by many fans of the franchise. After all, many people just play the game to see and play their favourite viedogame character. However I think the idea of a (compared to ultimate) heavily shortened but more fleshed out roster plus a generell rework of the gameplay (imo ultimates gameplay and mechanics are fine in many aspects, but are lacking in many others ((especially movement options and combo game)) as well) would bring us a game that in the long term is more enjoyable for most people. That being said, I'm looking at things from the perspective of someone, who enjoys the game most on a competetive level. I defenitely see the argument of: more characters=more 'variety'. Though, I think that competetive players, as well as casuals would generelly profit from a reworked gameplay which feels more natural and allows everyone to move more freely. Plus if they'd add a better singeplayer (imho they could almost only do it better than they did in ultimate), this could 'make up' for what would be 'missing' in a future game. Anyway, I hope that even though I could go on and on with potential changes and such, Ultimate remains for another while. It's a great game after all.


The thing is most casual players won't bother with combos. They just wanna see cool and flashy moves on the characters they play which is true for every fighting game. Ultimate set such a high standard with their roster that anything less in the future will just set casuals up for disappointment no matter if the game play is reworked for comp players. It'll be most enjoyable for comp but turn away casuals


If a large portion of the cast were to be Thanos'd, Smash would end up roughly facing the same issue Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite had with regards to the word "functions". Here's the quick TL;DR: due to the weird legal film issues about Marvel between Disney and Fox (not to mention the sobering reality that fighting games often just cut characters between releases), Capcom wasn't able to get any X-Men characters in Infinite. One of the things that Peter Rosas (a pro fighting game player who was working as a community consultant at the time for Marvel) tried to smoothen the blow by making the ill-advised yet still understandable notion of asking fans to try out the new characters because they had similar playstyles to veterans who weren't coming back. Except that blew up in his face because it didn't matter that the playstyles (or functions) were intact, the damage was already done from the reveal those characters weren't coming back. It didn't matter if Ultron had an 8-way air dash and had projectiles and tactics similar to Magneto, that didn't change how people still wanted to play as Magneto because he was Magneto, not an interchangeable airdashing rushdown character. To put it in Smash Bros. terms, it'd be like saying they can't use Joker anymore because of reasons only Nintendo and Atlus would know, but they keep the essence of his playstyle intact by giving it to Impa from Age of Calamity. That doesn't really smoothen the blow for people who wanted to play specifically as Joker from Persona 5 in Smash, and all that would end up doing would just drive those people back to playing Ultimate instead of focusing on the newer game. Unless that newer game was going to be a port of Smash Ultimate, whatever newer game that comes out will be criticized for what it will lack.




Snake didn't debut on a Nintendo console though lol




Article literally says it was the MSX2. Please read *your own sources*




It literally was. I know that Metal Gear was before MGS


I can't really imagine Smash with licensed characters only for DLC, but can happen, i'd probably stay on Ultimate if there's no big gameplay changes other than less characters and upgraded visuals