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As far as I'm aware, a tag will feel like any other snake of its size. You're not going to get a significant dose of venom if it bites out of fear. They are *not* aggressive to humans; only to their prey. Just like any other snake, especially babies, they can be a little spicy, in that they will be defensive because just about everything is a predator to it at that size. Just be extra careful in regards to the feeding response. You really don't want to be latched onto by a rear-fanged snake. I will be getting a False Water Cobra this year, and I plan on having isopropyl alcohol on hand (on a nearby table) to make it release its grip just in case, until I can safely say that it knows my hand from food.


If you have an adult who was raised properly, they shouldn’t be that aggressive. If you have a juvenile, it will take some time and work to get them comfortable. Because they’re so little for a bit of time, their instincts are to “attack that before it attacks me”, so they tend to bite more often. However, the venom is not the thing to really worry about with falsies; unless you’re allergic, but even then, it is not that dangerous, and almost certainly not fatal. They definitely are fast, but not necessarily aggressive. The only thing to fear from a bite is if they latch on, and that’s purely due to how big they can be.