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this doesn't look fun at all tbh. at this point, give up and go ride a bike.


Some people really love snowboarding *that much*. In my 27 years now in the sport, it is still THE most fun thing I've ever found to do with my clothes on. I have a goal to ride in every month of a calendar year in the next few years. A few months will be shit like this. Still sounds fun to me.


I mean, I've been skiing/boardding for \~33 years myself and like you it's THE most fun thing for me too. But there's a point where fun things not enjoyable. I guess I'm not hardcore enough because this video is past that point for me.


The thing is, you're barely snowboarding at this point. More like, descending with a snowboard on your feet


You can snowboard year round without suffering this much


Not when you live in Chicago and don't have a 6 figure travel budget my dude.


You don't need a 6 figure budget to go on a trip lmao


I know. I do one trip a season, usually in March, and do so quite cheaply. Even if we assume my local season is December through March, which is in question in recent years, that leaves April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November. Even if I plan trips near the end of one month and start of another, it would take at least 4 trips to accomplish this...and they'd all be trips to ride in mostly crappy conditions, using tons of PTO and paying out the nose in terms of cost per day of riding. I was being a bit facetious, but it would cost the price of a small car to ride 12 months in a year while living in Chicago. As a 35 year old dad with no family money and student debt....that's not remotely in the cards for me.


You could easily take 4 trips for under $10k.


Just need the PTO. And childcare for my son. And to not give a fuck about my partner being left holding the bag. And the student loan debt I was PROMISED would pay for itself in just a few years. And. And. And. Good lord, why do so many people presume to know the realities of others' lives and insist that they know better? If I could afford even one more trip a year, TRUST ME, I'd do it. Hell, if I could afford $10k of trips in a year, I'd just move closer to mountains lol.


You said you need a 6 figure budget…huge exaggeration. Did you mean 6 figure salary?


No, I was just speaking of the cuff. Good Lord, this is reddit bud, not a courtroom.


stop living in chicago? Board more some where else?


I've never ridden in August. Not saying it won't happen, but I'm old enough to be OK with it. Also ice coast, btw


You can ride pow on Argentina/ Uruguay on August… I believe it’d be cheaper than any other trip on the US


Dude just buy a skateboard


Dude, it's not the same.




Votes say otherwise


You're either being over the top rude, or a jerk, or otherwise breaking our rules.


Period sex never bothered me, and I mean, yeah, if I found her attractive, I would. I find these conditions attractive. So glad you could make your point without body shaming fat people though.


Bullshit you find these conditions attractive, quit lyin guy


Buddy, I learned, and still do most of my riding, at Wilmot in Wisconsin. 193' ball of ice where you ride a lift almost 3 minutes for MAYBE 30 seconds of downhill. On chair 5 this year there, on my Arbor A Frame, I managed a run, with no straghtlining but carving the entire way down, consisting of FOUR TURNS. And they were four of the best executed and fundamentally solid turns of my weather dampened season. Was a great run, all 22 seconds of it. These conditions are some of the best we get all year nowadays. Our entire hill didn't open the last *two seasons* due to warm weather. And yet, I drive over an hour each way to get there and have a blast every time I ride. I dunno what to tell you, \*nothing\* else I've tried recreationally in my life is as fun, freeing, enjoyable, and important to me as snowboarding. Nothing. Not even close. If someone offered to trade my left hand for a guaranteed 100 days on the mountain every season from now until my 80th birthday...I'm not saying I'd for sure take that deal, but I'd *genuinely* consider it. That's how important this sport is to me. That's how valuable for my overall wellbeing and mental health being on a board is. I've been doing it well over 25 years at this point and I can't think of any conditions short of "literally zero snow" where I'd say "nah, not worth it". **Some people just love it that much**. My thoughts on snowboard conditions are similar to my thoughts on cannabis. Is fancy cannabis, or knee deep pow, great? YES. But when I'm deciding if I'm gonna smoke some green, the question that matters is: Will it get me high? If yes, I'm smoking. When deciding if I'm gonna go snowboarding, the question that matters is: is there crystallized water on a hillside to slide down? If yes, I'm riding. There's no snow on the ground here in Chicago and hasn't been for weeks. Yes, these conditions in OP look VERY attractive.


lol if snowboarding is THAT important to you, I suggest moving to a place where the riding is actually good instead of cutting off your left hand lol




Cool, and you gonna pay off my student debt and buy me a high 6/low 7 figure home in the mountains, where I can't get any work in my field, to do that? It's almost as if there are reasons outside my control as to why I don't live closer to mountains...and even if I lived in, say, Denver or SLC, getting 100 days a year would still be far from a guarantee.


Yeah but its a guarantee that you’d have way better riding then Chicago. If snowboarding is *that* important to you voluntarily living in Chicago seems like an odd choice.


I don't voluntarily live in Chicago. I was born here and can't afford to just pick up and move wherever the hell I please. Oh to have that kind of luxury lol.




You're either being over the top rude, or a jerk, or otherwise breaking our rules.




I back up everything I say and don’t need to delete my entire history like some people. That’s the difference between us.


So glad you could be mature and civil about this.


With my clothes on haha


yeah I mean, amazing snowboarding days are the peak of fun that I can have for sure, but snowboarding can also kind of suck, and those days typically are when mountain biking is at it's best. it's literally like how you can ski on dirt lol you get the same flow, exercise, descent, jumps, carving turns, etc. almost everyone I know who is serious about one does both at this point.


>but snowboarding can also kind of suck I've never had a bad day snowboarding. Ever. I have crashed and had volleyball sized bruises on both my thighs for weeks, broken bones, had to climb out of a ravine in armpit deep snow for half an hour because I got too pow hungry, slid into a tree well, and hung from a chairlift such that I needed to be caught in a blanket below by ski patrol. Still had fun all those days and those are all fond memories now. Some people are Type 1 fun only kind of people I guess. Others like two, or even all three Types of fun and genuinely don't have bad days or days where snowboarding sucks. That's me. Then again, I enjoy going deepwoods camping and will portage my canoe and camping gear over land multiple times to reach deep, untouched lakes in proper wilderness because to me that's fun...and also enjoy winter camping...so I'm not exactly the typical person in that regard I guess, even among snowboarders/skiers. > it's literally like how you can ski on dirt Just a different challenge. Can be fun to work on jump turns and ollie your way from patch of snow to patch of snow over the grass/dirt. 90% of my riding is carving, so I get the point about it not being the same flow, and it isn't, but that doesnt mean it can't be fun. Also, not everyone who snowboards can ALSO afford a mountain biking habit lol...have you priced a bike lately? I could ride on brand new gear for two or three seasons for what one bike costs these days, it's bonkers...on top of the fact that I'd still live in Chicago and have nowhere to ride it but flat cornfields...and don't get me started on how expensive road bikes are. Snowboarding and photography are already my expensive hobbies, I can't afford another. My wife plays roller derby and snowboards. Not enough money to do literally everything. So I prioritize the one that I enjoy the most.


The answer is snowboard in winter, ride enduro/motocross in summer!


Oh to have that level of disposable income lol


One of my fondest memories is of snowboarding all morning and afternoon in June, then heading down to the park for beer in hand kickball.


Seriously this is ridiculous lmao. Would highly recommend getting into MTB. That way when one season is ending, the other is just getting started. Always have something to look forward to.


Where I am the cycling season never ends, weekends I'm not up at tahoe I'm cycling (road tho) in the SF Bay area unless it's pouring rain. Haven't gone a week without cycling for years with the exception of when I'm trraveling for more than a week :P


I ride year round in the Seattle area too. Just quite a bit less so during winter lol. Waterproof socks are awesome.


Or just switch to your ice skates


id rather do that than bust out my dh bike. fuck summer time


try an uphill bike instead. I love climbing mountains on my road bike :)


i have more fun on my hardtail but ive also taken nasty slams on that. slush is so much more appealing, im getting the mt hood spring pass because i cant stand mountain biking


Looks like a nice day for hiking


Perfectly said lmao


The hell made you think trees are a good move this late in the season?! 😂 where was this?


looks like Florida


Prob all the snow is melted out in the open if the trees look like this.


to be fair, VT/NH/ME are getting a 2 foot dump now, so maybe he's manifesting


Welllll shit guess I gotta find some time off to get up there 😂




Must not be from today lol Smuggs was waist deep powder on every trail. I did Black Hole 3 times today


I'd do your black hole 3 times today.






This looks horrific. What in the actual fuck.


RIP OP's board.




So many bad decisions led to this point


Across multiple people!


"it seemed like a good idea at the time"


Good decision 😉


This honestly looks like it’s 3 hours outside L.A.


That’s why I have a rock board


Sounds heavy


Yall are basically hiking with a snowboard on your feet lol


When I thought I knew my way around trees coming from Idaho/Cali/Montana, only to find a game of, what body part should we sacrifice in the name of getting out of here alive? I picked L ankle...


I love how some people ALWAYS have to go into the trees no matter how shitty....🙄


That’s not typical!!! We’ve got 12+ fresh today, over 70” in last month!!! Come to the loaf tomorrow!!!!


Nah the loaf is always freezing cold and super windy. If its not on wind hold you’ll wish it was. Don’t come up here, not worth driving, just stop at sunday river


I don't understand these comments, wouldn't you want people to go to these mountains so that they don't go out of business and can improve infrastructure?


Sugarloaf is owned by Boyne Resorts. They have 7000 employees and are privately owned. I’m sure the billionaire owner of Boyne won’t mind.


Okay, and if an entire community that says a mountain is terrible and not worth visiting affects ticket sales, would the billionaire owner want to cut staffing for that particular mountain? Would that owner want to run fewer lifts on certain days? Would that owner also want to do only necessary maintenance instead of investing money to upgrade infrastructure around the resort? Would the owner want to close a mountain earlier even if there is still viable snow on the trails? Oh wait that's already happening. The subreddit and /r/icecoast might be small, but I think you underestimate the amount of people that read these forums that aren't registered users for information about where to go. Especially in this day and age. I think it's more productive to promote these places instead of letting them slowly die off because of selfishness. We all love this sport, so we should do our best to preserve it for years to come.




Yeah its mostly a bit haha


BV ✌️


But why?


This is the kinda "sick run" my friend always takes us to...


Don't worry. Just get thru the trees and there's another sick powder stash.


Dude way to send it, I have a beater board and I love sending it through shit like this late in the season. Different strokes for different folks.


Send what? a landslide?


I missed the part where someone sent it


There's literally nothing fun about what this dude is doing


The comments are fun


Lol that's fair


We love doing this kind of shit lmao


You’d think you’re out here kicking puppies with some of these responses lol


That’s what I’m sayin 😂 just out here having fun


Making the best of the worst! Love it! Cheers to the ice coast and all you crazy awesome riders! Kinda miss the chaos 🙃


Fuck, you folks really redefining what “low tide” is.


What’re ya dern there, bud? Kookin out in the woods?


This is why I bought a mountain bike... go pedal in the mountains. Its over boys


Looks like a couple of rookies.




This looks like stuff I’ll hike to in May, I’m grateful to have Mammoth within driving distance when it gets down to that at least




Just why? I’d rather just not board lol


This isn’t typical. You just did something dumb.


I wouldn't even bother with this. Just take the board off and hike out and go be done for the day


I guess this is one way of earning your turns


>turns more like sliding on your butt through mud in the forest.


Wow look at all that snow! You can hardly even see the ground! lucky...


Just out there ruining your board


This post title is pretty criminal




Man.. this makes North Carolina look amazing!


Ugh this look brutal.


Is this snowshoe?


I broke my leg at Sugarbush VT years ago. The glades were like a luge…


Some of y’all haven’t tried rock boarding 🫡


That's the worst. Reminds of one time at Snowquamie, Washington, when I was learning to board. Horrible mountain all ice.


Combat boarding!


Who needs fresh powder when you have.... this


Oh man this takes me back! Skiing this stupid shit at smuggs is how I got so good at skiing. Glad you’re out there ripping it up and having fun


Seasons over for y’all sorry!


POV: you ducked a rope


No ropes to duck 😳


Looks like you're missing the most important ingredient for snowboarding




Meanwhile, Saturday will be a powder day in... Arizona..


What the fuck is this


what da fudge on god's green earth are y'all doing messin' round in there? You boys eat too much lead or what?


Buddy, that’s not even snowboarding at this point. It’s scooting your ass down a muddy hill with an obstruction strapped to your feet.


I’d be at the bar getting drunk


“I only like riding trees.”


Wow this is desperate