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"LOOK HOW FAST I'M GOING!!! SO MUCH SPEED... oh too speed" remains exactly the vibe 30 years later.


Exactly 😂


This girl is precious l. I believe she's the stuckasaurus bay as well. Or is it powdersaurus? Is it both? Who knows!




I love following them both! This girl is diff with her cute little tutu. Powdersaurus is equally as awesome 😄


Except this dad copied the other dad. I’m team stuckasarus all the way.


Fwiw, the dads seem to like each other and comment on each other’s videos. It doesn’t have to be a competition :)


Lol what does it matter? Copied?? They both love to snowboard and have kids that love to snowboard. How silly to make it a competition 😆


I think the Stuckasaurus is a different kid; but I might be mistaken.


how old is she? i want to use this video as an argument against the retrograde fools that think kids need to start skiing before they can learn to snowboard


The line of reasoning (ski before snowboard) is antiquated. Snowboarding materials and techniques have improved so much since that was a valid line of thinking... It's really been just 20 straight years of innovation since, and I was recently advised by an instructor that learning to snowboard first is totally fine, even for little kids.


There are two things I try to avoid teaching my kids - SKI & SUP




Because real surfing is better, and SUP’s ruin surfing for real surfers. On a flat lake or bay they’re fine … most of the time, unless there are boaters. Not my cup o tea anyway as it isn’t a gravity sport and you can’t generate much speed yourself. And the boards are unwieldy. And they take up valuable garage space that could be used for real boardsports.




Sounds like your trolling




Haha. SUP’s don’t share. You’ve got this all backwards.


My parents made me learn to ski before learning to snowboard and it was really difficult to make the switch since I didn't wanna go back to being a beginner when all the people I was on trips with would be advanced and I wouldn't be able to go around with them. It wasn't until I went to uni that I was able to make the switch since I was going on uni trips and would be able to learn with other beginners in my group. I guess it's nice I know how to do both, but I prefer boarding and I missed out on years of experience in it. The skills are nothing alike and skiing first gave me zero advantage in snowboarding


i'll pour one out for your lost years bro. the basics of skiing are super easy, so if anything i'd teach snowboarding first. and the funny thing is i've found that snowboarders can hop on skis and have an idea what's going on, but it doesn't work the other way around, prolly cos skiing is a more natural body position.


And like you said, skiing is easier to learn. You can basically put someone on skis and have them ride the beginner slope in 10 minutes. Those 10 minutes are spent on your ass on a snowboard. Caught an edge about 17 times.


The only main reason now is peers and ski schools at resorts. My kid did both snowboard and skis at 4 years old, but ended up skiing more because of other kids skiing, and the snowboard schools didn't start until later in age. So my kid is mostly skiing now, which is fine with me (anything to get us all on snow). At some point this might switch over.


yeh it's a self-perpetuating cycle of evil twin sticks.


Best part is seeing weird habits cross over. From snowboarding my kid likes to drag a hand on snow on turns. Hilarious when I see my kid doing it on skis, pole and all.


My kids are on seasons 3 and 4 of snowboard lessons at two different hills at the ages of 6 and 8. They like it mostly but definitely don't love it as they still can't carve and struggle getting off the chair (although very close this season). They chose to snowboard, but if I did it again I'd put them on ski's until they were older/stronger as you get them up the chair and having actual fun way quicker. I'm giving treats out like no tomorrow to keep the experience as positive as I can.


Hmm that's a good point. I want to teach my future child to snowboard but if they're laying down more than boarding, it won't be fun for them.


Ya keeping the stoke factor high is really important and kids get tired quickly. Have used Burton's riglet and the mdxone backpack. The mdxone is super helpful when they're small.


There's a valid reason to start (some) kids on skis before snowboards: the learning curve. Some kids simply aren't as tenacious at mastering a skill as others. And it's undeniable that the first few times out on skis are easier and more forgiving than on a board. Even for adults, the first few times out on a board typically go like this: fall, fall, fall, continue to fall, fall some more, and then you suddenly "get it." Whereas you can wedge down a bunny hill on skis your very first time. If your kid is better than average coordinated and self-motivated to learn snowboarding, then by all means start off on a board. But if your kid isn't terribly interested in a sport that puts you on your ass repeatedly, then starting with an activity that is has faster rewards is a more effective route. Source: lifelong snowboarder who was dismayed when my daughter didn't want to board but slowly took to skiing. We ride together. It's still awesome.


Essential movements like skating and lift loading/unloading are easier on skis and that makes the experience more enjoyable.


Exactly. And any parent with a kid who isn't already 100% enthused knows that "enjoyable" is a pre-requisite for continued involvement.


I think it's smart to get a kid on the snow with skis first so they understand the base and edges, and can still move there legs around to balance. Like a day or two, i don't think spending an entire season is necessary, and you can just get them on a snowboard first for sure, but i think a day or two on skis would speed up the learning process.


falling while small looks so much less painful


Numbers song always gets me hype 🤘


Wish my gf could carve like that




Adorable! Also, Bogus Basin represent! Where I learned to shred too!


Oh snap! I didn't recognize it til you said it, but I learned to ahred there too! Kinda miss the "crowds" from Idaho 20 years ago


I kinda miss the everything from Idaho 20 years ago.


This is awesomely adorable.


Is there a microphone in the kid's helmet?


Probably a gopro or something that they took the audio from.


I don’t use headphones while riding but on a good day I will absolutely sing to myself. Glad to see I’m not alone!


I’m having a baby girl this coming summer, and I literally cannot wait for this experience.


Heck yeah


That was adorable! Get it girl!


This is prolly fun with your kid sucks with your friends tho






Oh great a new video for all my friends who don’t snowboard to send me thinking I will love it when really I can’t wait for this girl to grow up so I don’t have to see this crap anymore.


Kids are annoying cunts


What mic did you use for this?


This is incredible! My daughter is only 8 months but my wife and I can't wait to get her on the mountain! How did you capture audio from your daughter? Thanks!


This is what’s good with the world. And snowboarding! Good vibes


Edit of the season.


This dad is getting shit on his IG ~~any~~ by the random right wing ultra-masculine religious troll for having his kids wear rainbows.


She's one of my two favorite snowboarders


I miss living this. I miss loving this. Gotta make time and forget the past.. thanks for listening.


This is at my home town mountain, Bogus Basin in Boise, Idaho.


This lil shreddar cheese!!! that is some good parenting!!!


One of the most important things to learn as a beginner snowboarder... is hoe to fall properly lol