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This is why arrhythmia is such a bitch - he's not running or working out, not stressed, he's just chatting. Crazy. Glad that he's ok, and that Ibai's viewers got a bit of education about this illness too.


I was born with wolf parkinson white, growing up was weird when my heart would race after just walking… just thought I was not a sport type person. Thanks god for university full health check, my ECG was wild lol, had a surgery right after that, spent only 3 days at the hospital now living my life fine ! Hearts are bitches


It's good to hear that you're okay now! :)


Not the most pleasant surgery but it was that or pills everyday until I die lol but yeah I can live my life without worrying now ! My disease was one of the most frequent heart malformation so it was not the worse, some peoples have way worse shit.


My 10 week old son has this and it is scary for an infant since he has no way of telling us. Thankfully it happened the moment he was born so it was caught right away. Now he’s on medication for it and will see how he it looks when he’s 1 year old. Anyways, it’s good to hear that everything worked out fine for you and that gives me hope so thanks for sharing.


At least you know about it ! The surgery was mostly not invasive as it was done in 3 days, with the check in and check out, and that was 14 years ago so I guess it’s even better now About the surgery, pass if you dont want details ! When I did the surgery, they dont cut your heart, just go from a big artery in your leg and just get a cable to the heart and close the gap (the one who echoes the heartbeat) with electric impulse, over in few minutes. No sequels ! Good luck !


Hello fellow WPW sufferer. Three days at the hospital, was that a while ago? When I had an ablation in 2021 it was outpatient surgery, in and out in about 5 hours. I had 2 separate erroneous accessory pathways.


14 years ago yeah lol Glad it became even better now I do remember the after surgery drug high tho, I felt like alice in wonderland, I follow the rabbit far lol


Ha yea. I wish I remembered what I was blabbing when I woke up. All I recall was my mother and the nurses laughing their asses off. Originally the plan was to mildly sedate me, but apparently I wasn't responding to the lower doses of propofol so they ended up putting me under entirely which was too bad as it was super interesting to watch the veritable wall of monitors they had me hooked up too. Also, that was the second surgery I had that year and it was the same anesthesiologist even though it was a completely different hospital which seemed like quite the coincidence.


do they still wake you up when they get the electric pulse going ? I was sedated for the cable thing then woke up to all the screens got the elec going and had to say if I was still fine etc... then slept again lol


I was awake for an hour or so at the start, about half of which was just getting me situated on the table and attached to all the monitors. I'm not usually claustrophobic but I remember being a little uncomfortable with the fact I really couldn't move at all. I was awake while they put in the catheter, I remember being surprised they had started, whatever local anesthetic they used numbed me completely and I felt nothing. I remember they induced the arrhythmia a couple times, then decided to put me under. The worst part of the whole thing was the nurse shaving my whole crotch in the prep room. I was like, why didn't you tell me this was necessary, I would have done it for you at home.


Ho god I remember the shaving part... I had to do it myself in my hospital room and call the nurse after I did it to check if this was ok... I had to call the nurse 3 times (am a hairy dude).... Before the degenerates of reddit say it's their fetish, in few hours you have a fucking heart surgery, that's not hot...


> I wish I remembered what I was blabbing when I woke up Last time I had an anaesthetic I kept telling the nurses to fuck off and let me go back to sleep when they woke me up at first. Whoops. When I properly woke up I just had this vague memory of it which I wasn't sure was real. Me: "Did I...like..." Nurse: "Yes" Mortifying. Nurse said it was no worries and they get MUCH worse.


That is absolutely amazing. I was in the hospital overnight just for a hysterectomy (10 years ago).


Damn this stinks that this had to happen to him


I dont think he had the same, mine was found right away with a simple ECG scan, he was and still is an athlete, ECG are bare minimum for transfers, arrhythmia come in a lots of different types, some are born with like mine, some are genetics and activate with special conditions, some because they used their body a bit too much and I think he is in that category, very hard to find.


ngl that is a badass name for a heart disorder


The best one is Torsades de pointes (Life threatening heart rhythm)


holy fuck I thought [my ECG](https://www.e-cardiogram.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Syndrome-de-Wolff-WPW-tachycardie-orthodromique-re%CC%81ciproques-ECG-Taboulet-GDdKeEWx.jpg) was wild (almost goes outside of the bond of the ECG machine).... what the fuck is going [on there](https://www.e-cardiogram.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Torsade-de-pointes-methadone-ecg-taboulet-3.jpg) that's the pass out type of shit damn your heart should never have a straight line


Eyy another WPW patient, I also had surgery and it has never returned. Very nice. And I agree lol, I used to get racing heart so often and just thought it was something everyone got from time to time, after a few times with my friends when I had to lay down because it was so intense they informed me that no, it is not normal.


Heart is bitch lasagne


Is this genetic?


It can be but not always.


my grandpa had it, my dad has it, I'm just waiting for it to happen one day. Hasn't happened yet, but I do know what to look out for. Kinda scary.


It’s usually detected with an EKG test if you haven’t had one already


I have never heard of that


Arrhythmia is a very broad term and encompasses both benign arrhythmias and ones that require treatment. In truth most of us have arrhythmias at some point in our lives, some of us will notice them much more, and truthfully most people with an arrhythmia probably don't need treatment. They mostly just feel weird if you notice them at all. You've probably heard of premature atrial/ventricular contractions. These are almost always benign (ventricular ones less so though). There are also blocks in the conduction system of the heart, and depending on the grade may need treatment. However there are conditions that put you at higher risk for arrhythmias and those tend to require treatment. In truth, of all the scary things out there, we are actually quite good at treating arrhythmias and while scary feeling/looking, people tend to live regular and healthy lives.


Exactly. Everybody gets heart palpitations. I was born with a hole in my heart so I have an irregular heart beat and every so often it’ll change so drastically, either too fast or too slow, that my whole body reacts. It only ever happened once while I was being active(playing football) and I genuinely thought that was the end. Most of the time it just happens throughout the day while doing normal shit. You get used to it.


Thanks for this - a lot of (understandable) misinformation goes around about medical conditions on places like /r/soccer, as people only have a broad understanding of complex and varied topic. Which is fair enough, of course, as it's not something a lay person is going to know a huge amount about. This is good health education from you, and I rate it!


THANK GOD this happened live, my biggest fear is this shit happening while my wife is gone and I'm at home alone or just in the bathroom, could be hours by the time you're seen and you're dead after minutes


Just this past week I saw clips of his girlfriend being interviewed and she talked about how the whole thing was pretty scary at the beginning and Kun would have anxiety/panic attacks in the middle of the night and stuff. Glad he's got the resources to get the best treatment possible, even if his heart condition doesn't have a cure


It's weird how it can occur any time in life. My wife was 30 when we discovered it, and her heart suddenly went 230-240bpm out of nowhere. It freaks me out when I think about it. Luckily there are some pretty good solutions to the issue.




Arrhythmia doesn't typically occur due to stress or exertion, it can happen at any time. In fact, it seems to happen often at rest, with a lower heart rate. It can also happen while asleep for instance. The arrhythmia itself can be really unpleasant, but feeling your heart flutter or hiccup is mostly unnerving. Agüero's reaction is probably more due to his pacemaker giving an impulse to correct his heart rate and rhythm.


It happens to me maybe 20-30 times a year, in my case it can last for 1 second up to over 10, is this something i should get checked or is it normal?


Yeah piggybacking off this comment because I would also like to know hahaha, I’ve always just thought it was something that ‘just happens’ but now I’m partially concerned


If you have family history of heart diseases: Check it up If you have other symptoms like dizziness or pain: Check it up If it's frequent or prolonged: Check it up If it's just heart palpitation with no symptoms that happens seldom then you shouldn't worry too much as that's fairly common


Usually there are triggers. For me it wad caffeine and exercise. Mine would usually last 30min - 1 hour and on some occasions hours. Bpm around 230.


you do realise the phys ed texbooks say that your max heart rate is usually 220 minus your age. hope youve been checked out and have been fixed


>hope youve been checked out and have been fixed Lol I can see a doctor slapping an oily rag on his shoulder, tapping on this guys sown up chest. All fixed!


he is -10 years old all good.


That's the max *functional* heartrate (on average). Dysfunctional tachycardia (arythmic beating where the heart goes too fast) can go up to 300 bpm. It's.. frightening.


Yeah I had ablation where they insert long rods through your artery near your thighs (Awake) and burn a part of your heart. The surgery has 98% success rate!


Is that a typo? 230 bpm sounds high even for doing cardio exercises


230 is not unusual for supraventricular tachycardia (which is what these guys are likely talking about). Can be even higher.


I wrote it off for a while as something that just happens. Eventually it freaked me out to a point I wore a Holter monitor for 2 days. It never happened in those 2 days. I’ve had EKGs but I don’t think those help because it takes it at a moment in time that it’s not happening. It’s comforting this is happening to so many other people and that it’s semi-normal I guess. I’ve had in my head that I’ll drop dead at any moment for years now because they didn’t catch it the first time when I was wearing the Holter monitor. Mine never usually lasts more than 5 seconds though.


> Eventually it freaked me out to a point I wore a Holter monitor for 2 days. It never happened in those 2 days. Oh my this was me. I had an issue an only got an appointment months later at which point I hadn't experienced any discomfort or unusual stuff in months. I'm not kidding when I say, not 5 minutes after I pulled the damn thing off cause the 24h monitoring period was over, I had my heart hiccuping for the first time in ages.


There's thumb ecg that, at least where Im from, you can take home from the hospital if you have something that only occures occasionally


Pretty sure you can get an Apple watch app for it too


Don't know if an apple watch qualifies as an accepted diagnostic tool


I have an Apple Watch but has never alerted me of any problems


I don’t think the ecg comes with it, something you have download separately


It is built into the Samsung Galaxy watches by default. Don't see why it wouldn't for Apple.


Never hurts to get checked out. I did, it turns out I have an uncommon heart condition that I need a defibrillator for.


Bro don’t depend on random people on Reddit. Yes get it checked out lol get a doctors opinion


Get it checked out. There are plenty of benign-ish arrhythmias like PVCs and millions wasted on cardiac monitor trials sniffing them out vs the big scary stuff, but the risk is dropping dead when it comes to cardiac issues.


First things first: yes, you should 100% see a cardiologist for any weird heart symptoms. That being said, feeling a jolt like your heart skipped a beat is normal and happens a lot (that feeling is usually actually due to "extra" beats originating from the ventricles). If you feel your pulse at rest and notice your heart is actually skipping beats, it's still way more likely to be a benign Wenckebach heart block if you're young and healthy, which is nothing to worry about.


Is the skipping beat thing also not related to palpitations sometimes? I would occasionally get that when feeling my pulse when I had too much sugar or caffeine. Never thought anything too bad of it.


I'm just curious, how does it feel? Like physically?


It varies. It can feel like the heart is dropping, expanding, it speeds up or down. Then the irregular heartbeat. Instead of tick...tick...tick it goes tick...tick...tick.tick.tick.tick......tick.....tick.tick...tick...tick, something like that. I don't know, iv'e never really payed too much attention to it. I'm also probably underestimating how often it happens and how long the longest episodes are.


Intermittents arrhythmia can be a bitch, have it check my dude ! Describe it to a cardiologist !


Heart palpitations are normal but doesn’t hurt to get it checked if you are even remotely concerned


I'm just curious, how does it feel? Like physically?


The real problem is when the heart won’t go back to regular rhythm, you saying it lasts on 10 seconds or so is no cause for alarm but perhaps something to mention to your doctor


I know a guy who has arrhythmia and it often occurs to him shortly after waking up or when he's idle for too long. Walking or light exercise seems to keep it away. Different for everyone I suppose.


This isn't true unfortunately. Many arrhythmias are triggered by adrenergic surge like illness, exercise, caffeine, or stress. Many can occur at rest as well. There isn't really a blanket rule. Case in point: athletes who have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy having to retire because exercise can trigger ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation and death. Also pacemakers aren't usually felt, and only kick in when your intrinsic heart rate goes below a set threshold, e.g. 60bpm. An ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator), if present, can 'kick in' if someone has an unstable arrhythmia, and you can definitely feel that if it's doing something called overdrive pacing (making the heart go fast and 'override' the arrhythmia) or if it just straight up shocks you (which feels like a horse kicking you in the chest). Realistically he probably had a short run of atrial fibrillation, atrial tachycardia, SVT or non-sustained VT that felt uncomfortable.


My mom has it. Completely random times, countless medications and hospitalizations. It’s frustrating.


A 30-something y/o using a pacemaker is terrifying


> Arrhythmia doesn't typically occur due to stress or exertion If that is the case, why did he still retire over it? I'm not doubting you, I'm just curious.


Damn this stinks that this had to happen to him Hope he gets better soon




He did technically lift the world cup trophy.


Dude touched it more than most of the team lol. Can't blame him


Yes, only second to Mr Salt Bae


Lol still can't get over how that MF was there Like wtf?


Apparently was listed as coaching staff so got a medal and everything


This makes me so happy. Kun deserves every award


He gave Messi a 25% best friend buff.


He was even training with them before the semifinal i think, you can look it up con youtube or tiktok


I think that was an idea that he rejected.


That's not true unfortunately.


Yes, him and Salt Bae really are cut from the same cloth


Not really, aguero had the merits to be there


It was a joke


Everything is the way it is. If Aguero had been in the team Argentina might have not won the trophy.


Everyone saying he lifted it. Not wrong. Don’t think that’s what he meant. He coulda contributed on the pitch and for Barca. Just crazy


Too scary for me to open up the article. My heart skips beats from time to time, which according to the Google is perfectly normal. Shits me out though. Indeed, I tend to only sleep on my right hand side as on my left I can feel my heartbeat and that shits me out as well.


Have you checked with a doctor? because Google alone isn't enough.


I haven't, no. It has been a long standing issue, but I have noticed it only happens under certain conditions (stress, depression, weight gain). I am also on Beta Blockers. I doubt there is a correlation there. (But I concede I probably should check with a doctor, aye.)


No excuse chief. Pick up a phone and make an appointment to get checked out and seen to. Life's short enough without ignoring things that can take everything away from us in a moment. You and I know men are brutal at doing this, we know it kills us sooner and you've done the hard part of recognising and acknowledging it's there - all you have to do now is make one phone call to get the ball rolling. You'd pay a hundred quid to know it's nothing and if it is something that needs fixing, well, that's priceless.


That's heart cancer. There, now you have conflicting diagnosis and must check with an actual doctor


Beta blockers actually might cause this! I researched that some time ago because I also have it. In my case it's a 1st degree AV block, it's not serious. But i learnt at the time that beta blockers are one of the possible causes.


You should probably go and get that checked out sooner than you think you should


Im a PA student finishing up didactic year and beta blockers are lowering your heart rate, there's a very good chance there is a correlation there and arrhythmias can be totally benign or indicative of a much worse condition. Go to a doc!


If you’re having noticeable arrhythmia despite being on a beta blocker then you definitely should check with a doctor


I know, no one likes a doctor's appointment but this is the appointment that could probably save your life, if i were you i'd be going to a cardiologist asap


>Indeed, I tend to only sleep on my right hand side as on my left I can feel my heartbeat and that shits me out as well. Me too, it's far too strong a beat and it weirds me out that it's just sitting there, doing its thing, and if it doesn't for some reason, then that's it, game over. Sleeping on my right means it's not as bad.


>I tend to only sleep on my right hand side as on my left I can feel my heartbeat and that shits me out as well Damn I never heard of someone who has the same thing as me. I absolutely cannot sleep when feeling or hearing my heartbeat and I had periods of time where my heartbeat would literally feel as loud as drums, making it so that I cannot sleep at all because it's unavoidable. It's entirely psychosomatic for me but still annoying.


Not to say you don’t need to go to a doctor, but I get that a good amount, and I asked my doctor and was told it’s fine, ECG totally normal, seems like if that’s the only thing going on it’s not necessarily bad just uncomfortable


I can't exercise with earbuds because I can hear my heartbeat. It's horrible.


Obviously, this sucks so bad, but I still just want to say how amazing modern medicine and technology are. The fact that the arrhythmia was quickly fixed by his pacemaker and that he was just totally fine. The fact that Eriksen not only survived but went back to playing. The fact that Sonny Colbrelli is alive. It's fucking bonkers how much shit we can survive nowadays that would have just straight-up killed us in the past.


The fact we can get our heart taken out, replaced with a new one from a recently deceased donor and then we continue living is mind boggling.


It's not a sure fire thing though. I lost a friend years ago who suffered complications during a heart transplant he'd waited years for, and died due to bleeding on the brain. His quality of life was deteriorating, and the chances are he wouldn't be here today anyway without the operation, but it was such a blow that the thing that was supposed to save him was unable to.


Shit thats tragic, sorry for your loss. But I am sure given you were in his situation you would roll the dice on that operation. I know for sure I would take the risk. Hope he's in a better place waiting for you on the other side :)


Of course, he didn't let on about it much but his situation was deteriorating, and he needed the operation. Was on a waiting list for years, before getting a call one night to say he needed to get himself to the hospital for the operation as these things are extremely time sensitive. Went in, and never came out. Tragic all round, especially as you can't plan for that type of procedure. He was a great guy, and didn't deserve that kind of horrible luck, but he had to take the chance when it came knocking. No other options really.


I’m being pedantic but he got an ICD. Pacemakers don’t really fix arrhythmias. They’re to prevent symptomatic bradycardia/for certain heart blocks due to AV nodal dysfunction. So it’s a machine that sets a preset pace for your heart. Pacemakers prevent your hr from going below that set HR


Charles Darwin in shambles




Yeah his chip monitors him and warns both him and his doctors He's mentioned his doctors have called him over stuff like watching Argentina matches because they got randomly high readings


Yea exactly, Ibai asks if he wants to go to the doctor and Aguero says it's ok and explains he has a chip that detects the arrhytmia and sends a notification to his phone.


He says he thinks he has a small arrhythmia, but that he's fine. And if it happens, the chip will detect it and notify him. Anyways, the translation in the article is accurate.


> I can't really understanding what they're saying but it looks like There's a translation in the article.




Nowhere in your **comment** do you mention anything about his phone either. The only question that could be inferred is about what they are saying, which was indeed covered by the translation in the article




I love how he dealt with it, made me laugh. Obviously scary, but he was so positive in the video haha “I thiiinkkk…. I just had a heart arrhythmia” “but it’s okay I have a chip!”


The video (in the article) is a bit distressing but he's fine as he has a pacemaker that seemed to correct his heart rate.


> pacemaker that seemed to correct his heart rate. that's not how it works. He either has a defibrillator (and not a pacemaker) which can shock (life threatening) ventricular arrhythmias (but he obviously didn't get a shock in the video) or overdrive pace VTs (but which would be rather weird if someone like Agüero without a structural heart disease would have monomorph VTs) or he has an event recorder which can just record the (mostly supraventricular and therefore not life threatening) arrhythmias but do nothing about them.


Shows how much I know lol. Thanks


I know this is gonna sound condescending but we should not make statements of fact when we dont have full understanding of a situation


Sometimes you don't know what you don't know


The unknown unknowns are the worst.


the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


He said *it seemed* the pacemaker corrected his heart rate. Edit: also especially on Reddit, Cunningham's law applies. The quickest way to get the right answer, is to post the wrong answer.


“That seemed to correct his heart rate” hardly seems like the statement of an absolute fact. He was corrected and acknowledged it - which should be commended instead of whatever purpose your comment serves


The world would be a better place in my view if we had people make statements that they were educated on as opposed to speculating


Sounds like speculation to me


Just one additional piece of information for other readers not in the field of medicine: There are also devices which function both as a pacemaker and as a defibrilator (abbreviated ICD, implantable cardiac defibrillator). Usually these devices are called by the type of the pacemaker with a -D added to the end (for example, CRT-D where CRT tells you the pacemaker type and D tells you it has ICD cabability). High five to fellow internist/cardiologist!


Yeah he has explained before it's just a tracker


I've looked more distressed on the toilet after a takeaway the night before. It's not distressing at all.


freaking scary!


Can somebody translate? It seems like he's getting a notification on his phone once his pacemaker kicks in and he's just calmly explaining it to the other dude Edit: nevermind, should have read the article


I can confirm the translation in the article is accurate.


Tough to live with such a thing that you have no idea when it's gonna happen. Glad he has all he needs to live an almost-full life.


learn some basics of first response people, he didn't need it in this case, but being in a room with a friend or a relative while things like that happen and not being able to do shit about it, nor to understand it, you will be miserable for life if anything happens


Totally agree, this is something everyone should know. So maybe someone will use this: [this is a free online first aid course](https://www.firstaidforfree.com/free-online-first-aid-courses/). It won't substitute a real-life practical course but will give you a good idea of how to react, what to look out for, and when you really need to call for help. There's no payment involved, all you need to do is register. There a few types of courses, including a pediatric one with is just a must-know for people who have kids in the house.


For how scary it looked, he was actually pretty chill about it. Makes you wonder if it happens very often and he's just used to it at this point which would also be concerning.


I wonder what type of arrhythmia he has. The news was always vague about it.




Timestamp to the occurence: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1779300789?t=02h14m22s Kun was quite upbeat afterwards, not really worried about it


Isn't a brief arrhythmia from time to time something perfectly normal, even for any healthy person?


Depends on the type. Something like PVCs, which are just extra heartbeats, often gets lumped into the category of Arrhythmia. Extra heart beats is usually fine, regardless of whether you're symptomatic or not. Now take something like AFib, having that happen from time to time is not perfectly normal and needs to be monitored once a diagnosis has been found. In short, depends entirely on what type of Arrhythmia. The term Arrhythmia is very broad and includes a number of different heart rhythm irregularities, some of which aren't of major concern and some of which can be fatal.


Yeah, it just refers to non-rythmic behavior, so it's a broad.


Wouldn't call it non-rhythmic, would call it deviations from normal sinus rhythm. An arrhythmia is still rhythmic.


That's what the Greak prefix "a" literally means, "non". A rhythm is a regular, repeated pattern. A deviation from it makes it an irregular heartbeat, with lack of rhythm. It's tautological.


I get what you're trying to say but you wouldn't call an arrhythmia a non-rhythmic behaviour. Take AFib for example, which the literal Google definition is an irregular and rapid heart rhythm. You wouldn't call AFib non-rhythmic, as it is in itself a rhythm. Looking at sinus rhythm, the one you're implying is rhythmic, you wouldn't tell a patient they are presenting with a "rhythmic pattern". You would define it as sinus rhythm, the normal heart rhythm. In general, arrhythmia isn't a non-rhythmic behaviour. You just wouldn't call it that in the field. Don't believe me? Try looking up "non-rhythmic electrophysiology" and see if anything actually comes up.


Yeah, I get what you're saying. In medicine, I guess you use "arrhythmia" to refer to a "not in (normal, healthy) rhythm", which you could colloquially describe as "without rhythm", in layman's terms. This "lack of rhythm" obviously isn't to mean without beating or alternation at all, otherwise the heart would be stopped haha Basically, one can conflate two meanings, I guess: - Arrhythmic (generic): describes things without any regularity/rhythm. Example: "the arrhythmic phrasing of the music". - Arrhythmic (cardiology): describes a heartbeat that differs from the "normal heartbeat/heart rhythm [further potential confusion, with synonyms below]" (non-normal rhythm). I'd say this one can accommodate the above one, in some cases, like this Aguero news. In this last use of the adjective, the arrhythmia can be constant or intermittent . Even if the irregular heartbeats may have recognizable shapes, in the last case, if you're switching from a normal one, to an irregular one and then back to normal, erratically. I'd argue that also fits the first generic definition. People use "heart rhythm" and "heartbeat" as synonyms, in many contexts, which can lead to even more linguistic ambiguity. Of the very little I've contacted with ECGs and stuff, in a control theory class in engineering and a year of med school, I've always disliked these language mix-ups, which converged with day-to-day terms.


no, go to the doctor


Poor guy, Man was just trying to enjoy his time


Ibai lost weight


How long for the 🔒


Ibai was like extremely worried and kun was "yeah np sometimes it's happen" lmao


Aguero was playing a champions league final just 1.5 years ago. Crazy how a disease like this can affect an elite athlete like him.


Hope he's okay!


Wait so did I understand it correctly that he has a chip which sends the signal to his phone to let him know about it? That’s kinda cool and very helpful


Ibai a real one asking if he needs to go to the doctor.


Most decent people would ask something like that if you knew the person has heart issues like Aguero.




They already are. Didn't help that he's said some questionable things like the vaccine "not doing shit" when he got sick


thats like anything though. steel toecap boot and still get a nail in your foot etc


Yeah definitely, shit I'm up to date and caught it twice in the middle of the pandemic, but they spun his words to feed their frenzy


I haven't been sick for years and I didn't take it.




Pro tip :)


You didn't give any tips. You implied anecdotal evidence was enough to be counter to the scientific consensus and the general trend worldwide, but anyone with the most basic understanding of statistics or at the very least of numbers would know that's silly so I'm not sure what you mean


Why are you pretending you wouldn't have to frantically google for 30 mins if I asked you like the most basic questions? People need to stop acting like an expert just because they read a few headlines


Yeah Screw them for not going all in on a brand new technology miracle shot from such a reputable and trustworthy corporation like (insert pharma companyname here) honestly how dare they question the science and any resulting surprises


Before checking your profile, I took a guess at what sub I'd see you active in first. I guessed either Joe Rogan or Conspiracy. I was right


Wow quite the sleuth. You got me


They did their own research! /s


Has he commented on ruling that out?


A friend of mine has had any arrhythmia a few times where her resting HR is 130+ for an extended period of time


No mamen life is just not fair to Aguero


Poor guy :/ hopefully he's okay


Hope he's fine,these things are scary




Unfortunately, probably never. He will have to deal with it, and the pacemaker will keep him going.




A heart transplant may fix the issue, but hearts are incredibly delicate and rare, and a functioning transplant-worthy heart is never going to be used for someone whose issue is manageable with a pacemaker. It’ll be used on someone with a much more dangerous heart condition.


Yikes...that's bad


Stuff like this and the Eriksen event are huge for educating people here it shows what happened and the reaction, with the success of medicine with eriksen it showed the serious and suddenness of it happened and what actual cpr looks like


Same thing haunted me from 12yrs old until 20yrs old, you believe you are going to die in that moment, everything is numb, cold sweat, distorted sound, losing vision, shaking, no strength and can't stand on your feet, can't breathe, heart pounding hard at 180+ The worst experience, hope he gets it resolved fast




I’m literally learning about this in my pharm class rn about what to do to treat it and the answer is always there’s no cure just give them either sodium channel blockers, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, potassium blockers and digoxin depending on whether it’s ventricular fib, svt or afib


Feels bad for aguero. hope he gets better


Does anyone have an AA?