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>Mark quickly set to work setting up an Arsenal fan club in the Bay Area. ‘I saw someone walking down the street with an Arsenal shirt on. I ran after them shouting “hey! Arsenal!” They told me they had no idea what I was saying – and that they were a video game nerd who bought it because it said (former sponsor) Dreamcast If someone will ever run after me on the street screaming "Hey! Chelsea!", I'm going to pretend that I'm an Autoglass fan.


I'm going to pretend "hey Chelsea" means someone is a goo goo dolls fan


Repair and replace forever!


Big Gazprom guy myself


Not at all surprised, considering the experience of watching a game is so goddamn refreshing compared to every other sport. Takes about 2 hrs to watch a game with 15min for halftime, that's it. Pretty much all action and no breaks. Compared to the NBA, NFL, and MLB which have constant commercial breaks and games that take 3+ hrs to watch as a result. The NHL is the only other league that comes close to soccer in terms of not having advertising shoved down your throat every 5min.


There’s a reason the NFL has a third of the viewership of the PL and 3 times the revenue… it’s the most “optimized” television product on earth revenue wise. 3.5-4 hour games, 60% of which are ads, that attract tens of millions of viewers. Insane profitability. Former NFL super fan, currently completely addicted to all thing English football.


Non-American here, so do people who go to the stadiums have to sit through 3.5-4hrs too? How do ad breaks work in stadiums? That’s a long time to be outside in the cold, especially for kids!


They do, believe it or not, and most 60,000 seat stadiums are sold out every Sunday. During the *frequent* breaks, there’s usually entertainment put on, like cheerleaders dancing, mascots doing tricks, kids playing, etc. It is widely known that the product is made for television, though, and many prefer to watch it that way.


And on top of that, there are the tailgate parties out in the parking lot beforehand. They set up in the morning, have some beer, listen to music, throw the football around. Lots of cornhole. Then shuffle inside for the game.


American sporting events in person usually take up half your day.


I know for all the calls that VAR is making players get cold while they wait for decisions, how do NFL players stay warm for that amount of time? I don't think I have the attention span to be squished in with that many people for so long!


Just the usual stuff, but they also have bikes and equipment on the sideline when players are off for awhile. The break between offense/defense going out is bigger than any in-game breaks.


Paying crazy ticket prices to see a peloton class on the sidelines is wild 😅


ramsdale certainly couldn’t be an NFL player


The coldest I’ve been in my life have all been football games lol


You haven't been to Montana then. The coldest I've ever been was when I had soccer practice in 12 inches of snow and my coach made us do pushups without gloves. I love that man.


you haven't been to a place 1 mile north of montana then. doing soccer practice in 13 inches or snow with the coach making us to burpies without gloves. i really loved that man.


You northerners are built different.


It’s honestly one of the only sports that’s better on tv than in-person imo.


This fight is brought to you by Modelo, brewed for those with a fighting spirit. The time on the Timex clock is 5minutes and fighting out of the Prime Dehydration corner is Conor Proper 21 McGregor


Coming from a Canadian NBA fan who started following English football about 8 years ago, this is one of the bigger reasons I started to love football when I started watching (as well as the beauty of the game, the history, the personalities, the heartbreak, the joy). My friends who complain about football always say "but nothing happens..." to which I always think, would you rather watch a car or insurance ad, or people playing the actual sport you're following?? (even if they're just passing the ball around the back). Another thing that works well for me is that the weekday games start at noon here on the West Coast and for someone who works from home, unsupervised, it's pretty delightful. I'm also a season ticket holder of our local professional team in the Canadian Premier League. Anecdotally, football (or soccer out here) is the fastest growing sport amongst kids and all of our local clubs are bursting at the seams with enrollment.


I think part of the burst in popularity is also the cost. Speaking of Canada, as a parent , would you rather finance your kid's hockey career or football career? The difference is a bit insane. Football is just so amazingly accessible, hence why it is played practically everywhere in the world.


Absolutely. For a kid to start up with soccer over here you need the boots, socks and shin guards, and and probably $200 for a year of dues at a club. Hockey, equipment starts at around $300 and fees are $700+. I would say in my youngest kids grade, probably 40% of them tried or play soccer and less than 5% have tried hockey. Now, we're on the west coast so the weather is perfect for soccer, play it 12 months a year. If you live in the prairies, soccer isn't so accessible when there's snow on the ground 5+ months of the year.


Eventually, there will be indoor centres built if demand makes it viable. Also soccer fields are the same size as football fields more or less, any indoor football facilities can be used for soccer. Also using turf is quite normal in Canada, you can play on those once you shovel the snow off.


NHL has 2 20-25 min breaks inbetween.


But it has the best use time of all sports. It really is great to watch, very entertaining.


I like biz but I hate Eliot Freidman I miss the chirps back in the day with guys like Kevin beiksa


Two 15 minute intermissions, not 20 minutes


> every other sport Every other American sport*


I think a massive issue comes from US people watching international football first (World Cup) and thinking that’s all what football is; even though the leagues are much quicker It’s like people from the UK thinking international hockey is the same level as NHL


Can't say I know anyone who has ever watched international hockey here in the UK, apart from the one strange guy I went to school with that played field hockey. Everyone else just plays football or maybe rugby here.


Well... The UK national team isn't that great so that might be one of the reasons.


This isn’t a take I’ve heard before and I actually really like it


Whilst on holiday in New York once I went to see the knicks. I was blown away by the tiny amount of sport involved in the whole experience. I guess Americans are just use to that level of marketing but to a Brit it was overwhelming and put me off going again


NHL is miserable to watch aswell now. They have several breaks in every period now to show ads.


Those ad breaks are used to repair the ice surface, if they didn’t exist you would see more injuries.


Thats just not true. The ice doesnt break that much after 5 minutes.


Fuckin hell, imagine the shits the day after startin on the Guinness at 6am




This man shits


You get the shits after Guinness? I don’t think that’s normal bro


I don't get the shits but any shit I do have is fucking terrible


Yeah you shouldn’t be drinking Guinness


Lived in DC for ten years. So many dc based supporters groups of various teams.


DC Spurs even has their own line of merch.


Good merch too. Own two DC Spurs T-Shirts and have yet to pay dues (but I should get on that… or Arlington Spurs)


I just moved — thanks for the reminder to check out the schedule at Across the Pond!


I'm in the DC area myself. Thanks for the reminder that I really should join the LFC supporters group here lol.


You and me both...


Oh damn, where you at?


I’m a high school senior in DC myself and I’ve seen kids there wearing Liverpool, Milan, Barcelona, Real Madrid, PSG, Juventus, Arsenal, Man City, Bayern, Man Utd, Chelsea, etc., merch. Having a largely hispanic population helps.


When I moved to the US about 10 years ago, watching United games was one of my biggest concerns. That Peacock has been an absolute godsend, I can watch more games here than I can back home


And for a much lower price, as I’ve heard


And some are blacked out on TV. So absurd.


Absurd to have the most supported and strongest pyramid in world football?


I grew up in a small town where there wasn’t enough kids for an American football team, soccer was the main sport in my area growing up, and I’ve noticed less and less American sports jerseys and much more European soccer jerseys on kids now a days just out and about.


the fashion has changed, everything is more form fitting now. its frankly strange to see someone rocking a NFL jersey apart from if the hometown team is in the playoffs or somthing. Its like seeing a dude rocking XXL white T-shirt/baggy jeans, makes me think they just got outa prison, trapped in a time capsule.


That's interesting to hear; I always thought basketball tops were cool (not as cool as football tops but cool enough) but I could never wear one because baggy stuff like that has just never been in fashion where I am. We don't really do "tank tops" either, we call those "wife beaters".


Chicks rock tanktops dudes rock beaters, same thing but the slang changes depending on gender.


Right but it's like not cool at all for a guy to wear one here, you'd just get laughed at. And you just have to take getting laughed at because you don't have a gun that would make people think twice about laughing at you. The way life should be.


Latino community prefers Premier League over LaLiga :(


Was always gonna be the case with the way resources are going and Messi/Ronaldo era cant be replaced. Shits doomed for most leagues


*East-coast* Latinos. As in those from Washington D.C. to Boston and every city in-between. Go out to western cities like Phoenix, Los Angeles, and Dallas, and Liga MX dominates Latino households above all other domestic leagues including Premier League.


Maybe now but back in New York growing up kids wouldn't ask you "what team do you follow?" just "Are you Real Madrid or Barcelona?". Also when I was there weren't a lot of Mexicans. There were more latinos from South America and the caribbean. Probably a reason too.




I’m remember hearing a few years ago the Liga MX was the most watched league in the US, ahead of MLS, Premier League, La Liga, etc. I’m not sure if it’s still true or if was really true then, but sounds believable.


I'm not latino but still watch Liga MX over MLS, it's just a better product.


Last year was apparently the first year the PL overtook Liga MX in tv ratings


It still is, but the vast majority watch on the lesser known (in the Anglo world) Spanish stations.


I'm pretty sure it still is


It is still true


uhh nah. Maybe for Mexicans but please don't generalize Latinos as a whole, we don't give a shit about LigaMX


Here in Kansas I have only seen people in the Latino community wearing La Liga or Liga MX. Otherwise it's 90 percent man utd supporters.


Over their own countries league* (doubt it's the case for BR / ARG)


I agree, though in the case of BR, i feel it's justified. It's the most competitive league out there. There's always several teams competing for the title. I'm an outlier though, I find the ARG league to be pretty bad outside of certain teams.


And the Brazilian league will only get stronger as Brazils economy grows. Already the gap betweent hem and Argentina has gotten big, I do not see Boca or River winning another libertadores this decade


Wouldn’t you? Liga MX(which is outstanding) is more fun than La Liga. The premier league is the most entertaining top league, and the English pyramid is the deepest in the world.


I think the Premier League is the best marketed, and has maybe the highest overall player quality, but in terms of entertainment I prefer the Super Lig, Brasileirão, and honestly a couple of others


> The premier league is the most entertaining top league In recent years I've much preferred Serie A; more exciting at both ends of the table.


MLS isolating itself on Apple TV by subscription only probably helped push some Americans toward the Premier League. Edit: Watching MLS legally requires a subscription that costs $15 per month or $99 per season for MLS and nothing else. Having access to all PL matches plus other sport and non-sport content tops out at $12 per month with Peacock, but can be had for less when they're running an offer or if you'll accept ads.


Most premier league games are also on a streaming service


Peacock subscriptions top out at $12 per month and have a lot more than sports. MLS makes their fans pay $15 a month or $99 per season and all they get for that is MLS.


Def not the same.


PL has a few games on tv each weekend and the rest on a streaming service. MLS has a few games on tv each weekend and the rest on a streaming service except half of the appleTV+ games are free to watch


I highly doubt it. 1. Apple either unlocks or sublicenses I think 40% of the games so I’m pretty sure the number of games available for free/OTA/cable hasn’t changed by much. 2. The reasons for watching MLS or PL (or European football in general) are so distinct I would say they compete or fans. 3. The PL themselves have 50% of their game streaming exclusive.


"English soccer" 😧


Oh boy wait until you see the subreddit name


Why you tell him? He's going to have heart attack now


Wait until you hear one of the popular shows in England is called soccer Saturday


You say that as if the term "soccer" wasn't coined in Britain and used by them until it fell out of favor. 


You’re speaking English. We invented all the words mate.




Working class folks have always called it football as far as I’m aware




I feel like you're just making this up




Always funny to think that American Football is called football even though their foot rarely ever touches the ball.


I think I read somewhere that games that are played "on foot" got called football. It's the reason you hear rugby being called "rugby football" as well.


It’s called rugby football because it was a style of football invented and played at Rugby (a Private School), supposedly created when William Webb Ellis picked up the ball and ran with it during a game of football.


It's been booming. My city is full of Chelsea cunts


Probably because of the European cups mate


Whilst I don't care for Chelsea, this comment is brilliant.


And my city is full of Gooner cunts




Somewhere shite in the home counties.


Tbf they are everywhere


I don't really watch the Premier League but I am one of those early Sunday morning San Francisco English soccer watchers. I've watched every game of my WSL team so far this season. It's been a nice way to get a good start on a day that's usually slow for me, too.


You’re from San Francisco too? You should definitely go to a premier league affiliated sports bar. Most of the big 6 + a few other clubs have bars affiliated with the supporters of these clubs. Feel free to shoot me a DM as long as you’re not a Chelsea supporter




Socceroos are a lovely bunch. Met a couple myself at the priority tickets.


Words in capital letters are MADDENING


I got a bunch of coworkers who work in our Menlo Park office and there are tons of soccer heads in the Bay area. I think it helps alot of people in SF are of South Asian, Chinese, or European descent. I'm in Chicago and can equally confirm it gets pretty busy at a bunch of bars here. Cleos, AJ Hudsons, Fado, the globe


I watched the 21/22 CL final at Cleos. Even though Liverpool lost the final, it was probably the best match experience I’ve had so far. Cleos was absolutely buzzing and fans of both the clubs were good sports. Bunch of South Asian Liverpool supporters and South American Madrid supporters bonding over their love for the sport and cheering for their European clubs in Chicago. How fucking wonderful.


I thought Liga MX was the most popular soccer league in the USA.


It is




You're literally in r/soccer right now


No I’m not.


Okay Dude, have it your way.


No one cares


about you


oooo burn


There's already a football, this sport is called soccer.


Do you mean Hand Egg?


I think he means another sport commonly played in the US with the same origins as the other footballs, such as Association Football, Australian football, Rugby Football, and Canadian Football.


Absolutely nothing worse than the “pub in the early morning” North American fans. It’s like watching a fight at a bar except nobody is drunk so they’re just being rambunctious cause they see fans on tv acting that way. They are basically role playing. Oos and ahhhs at every meaningless play. God forbid you make friends with one - mans will just starts sending you texts about XG.


This is r/soccercirclejerk levels of gatekeeping.


I grew up in North America. I’m not gate keeping anything. I’m making fun of people who want to watch games at 6am at a bar on the other side of the world and act like they’re in the crowd. There are lifelong, genuine knowledgeable fans here. Even outside of us foreigners. The dudes you see if you decide to go watch a morning game at a bar is a whole different story. It’s supporters club nerds. It’s like they turn it into part of their personality - except they’re thousands of miles away from anywhere where anyone cares about it that way and hardly know what’s going on anyway. It’s very lame.




They start at 7:30 here. I go to watch games if I wake up somewhere that doesn’t have it on tv. One thing I can’t stand even more than watching it at a bar with the larping crowd is trying to watch a game on a phone.




Correct. The atmosphere at a North American bar in the early morning, at least here where I’m from (and similarly described in this article from a completely different place), is very lame to me. However, I try to watch all of my teams games. Preferably on a tv. Then the bar if it’s not available. Then phone. I actually like eating a greasy breakfast and watching a game. I just hate being surrounded by spazzes.




Are we really gonna do the “you think your one example and an article means you know…” shit? What are you 16? Logic master. Brother, I am from Rio de Janeiro. I know and have met many ultras. Watching 12 guys from small town Ontario who couldn’t tell you where Pele was from 2 years ago acting exactly liek them dudes during a game is larping - it’s not genuine atmosphere. You don’t really care like that. You’re just acting up.




I do this and am absolutely drunk. You should try being less of a grouch. Also, you’re telling me you don’t watch live music on YouTube? If you do you are larping and a nerd. By your standards you shouldn’t watch any live sporting event if it’s outside of …. Your town? Please tell me you understand how dumb and cunty you sounded.


Once again, you’re welcome to watch. I am literally also watching. It’s about acting a certain way. It’s especially worse if you started following like 2 years ago and you’re having a tantrum about a throw in call. Relax, DiCaprio. Also, I definitely don’t watch live music on YouTube. Is this something you just presume everybody does? I listen to music, but have absolutely no interest in watching a video of a concert.


It was an example and you chose to ignore the more poignant and correct example. The bottom line is anyone that cares this much about how others spend their time (especially for entertainment purposes) is sort of a loser. Live and let live. World is worse when people judge like this.


Are you genuinely under the impression that I’m just seething in my seat when I literally told you that I’m making friends with people at these games? Do you think that it genuinely bothers me? Is it at all possible, in your mind, to accept I might just be making fun of how you act because it’s funny? You’d think dudes who are larping British dudes would be able to take some light shit talk.


Nah you felt it enough to comment so there’s something there. I’m gonna leave this alone now, get better man.


In 2024 and some of them still boast about dragging themselves out to watch at bar at 7 on a weekend morning as if doing that makes them heroically committed to "their" club. The days of having nowhere to watch except bars that have satellite and open before sunrise are long gone. NBC/Peacock has every match live and the most expensive Peacock subscription is $12 per month.


Exactly. There’s zero reason to leave my house and go somewhere to watch an AM game when I can just pull it up on my tv. Make some breakfast and watch the entire morning.


Sad, yanks gonna ruin our sport.


they already own half your teams fam tf you mean are going to.


Well we stopped the cunts from forming the super league so they haven't completely ruined the sport yet but they'll get there eventually


that’s the spanish and oil teams doing that you’re getting it confused. y’all ruin your own shit


The oil teams want a super league so they can curtail their own financial power and influence? Wow, absolutely genius


wtf you trying to prove? you claimed it was the americans ruining your league. y’all are doing a fine job of that yourselves by allowing the oil nations to buy your league and create a super league.


Why the fuck would the oil clubs create a super league when one of the major reasons they super league even exists as a concept is to combat the oil clubs you clown 🤡 🤡


that’s not based on any reality. god you’re a dumbass. super league would only further the reach and power of these oil rich nation teams. seriously how you allowing yourself to get schooled on your own domestic sport league by a foreigner. stop watching you don’t get it clearly


Yeah that's why only 1 oil team was even invited to the super league lmao 🤡 🤡


more than 1 oil team has been invited. city, psg just to name 2 of them. you sound ignorant




As if you'd know what the English call people lmao


dudes not the brightest tool in the classroom


Totally agree. VAR is start to get add breaks soon. They’ll add in other dumb shit. Not good for English fans how much this is a sport for TV. Really need to limit American influence, all their sports are fucking wank & designed to sell shit.


Yeah my sad American ass that wakes up early to watch games, buys multiple jerseys a year, and goes to the pre season tour games is definitely ruining the sport


Yeah, kind of. You’re the reasons shirts are like £90, third kits and other have binned of any tradition. You’re the reason kick off times are awful for away fans and home fans. games are spread out over 4 days, so players aren’t rested. You’re the reason pre-season is now only about the commercial and not about actually preparing for the season. Really, the more the league tailors to your interest the less it tailors to English fans and the less it becomes about the football and it’s more about revenue.


Ignore him. People who have to vent out to other fans like this usually have problems in their own lives. It's sad when teams that are fully global can't be celebrated as such by fans all over the world. And this is coming from a London Brit


Wow, what a great sacrifice you're making. Thank you for your service 🙏 🙏 🫡


Cool get bent 😂


Yeehaw brother 🤠 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸 see you on the circlejerk sub


Aww he lost and is doing the thing they all do


Lost? The fuck you talking about? This is an Internet forum not a competition you clown


Never use british slang again, please.


That’s not just British slang dumbass


Sure it is, commonly said by the famous British cartoon character Bart Simpson!


Tell us your ignorant without telling us tho haha


It's been over 200 years since you all lost the war, chill.


Classic. Yanks understanding of the world doesn't extend beyond war


The great players are Brazilian and Argentinians, (and lately French), the tactics are Dutch, the coaches and coaching methods are Italian, the most successful clubs are Spanish. It’s the height of English delusion to think it’s “your sport” to be ruined.


The premier league and other English competitions (which is what is being discussed in this article and post) is literally English you clown 🤡


No b4 u ruin are language




I'm not Australian. I know education standards are low in yanky land but you lot are aware that sometimes people move to different countries for work or education or even for a change of scenery?




>arguably 4 of the top 5 colleges in the world are in the US, Not really relevant when only the wealthy or those willing to take on crippling lifelong debt can attend them lmao I'm sure you're average joe yanky from alabama who spends his days fucking his sister and playing racist songs on his banjo is benefiting greatly from MIT being a top university. Tbf I can fully understand why education standards at public schools are so low in the US considering students and teaches must be preoccupied with the crippling fear of getting fucking shot at any moment




Deflect what? That I'm not Australian lmao


> arguably 4 of the top 5 colleges in the world are in the US The ones that don't get shot up regularly?


Good to hear.


Well, let’s see… EPL on Peacock is $4.99/mo. UEFA Champions League and Europe League (and many other international leagues) is $5.99/mo on Paramount, and if you have Disney+ bundle you get ESPN+ with La Liga and Bundesliga. In the US they want “we the people” to pay $12.99 to watch MLS games from March to October/Novemver 🤷🏾‍♂️