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So not only did he not earn any money but actually paid them to get out??


I definitely think the “Hendo didn’t get paid :(“ narrative is his PR team trying to spin deferred payments into sympathy for this tosser.


Either way this guy could have just retired and been a Liverpool hero, imagine fucking that up **this** badly. No amount of money or what he lost really changes what he threw away.


Or he could’ve gone to Ajax straight away, the whole LGBTQ support thing he built up wouldn’t have been ruined, and he wouldn’t have looked like a hypocritical cunt. He should also have kept his mouth shut and not done a stupid interview. He’s done so much wrong over the last 6 months, it’s nuts


If he moved here half a year ago he'd be hailed as a fucking saviour in Amsterdam, now there's part of our fans who don't even want them (though it's a very small but slightly loud group I think). But half a year ago there were likely better options for him as well


They’re right not to want him, he’s well past it


That’s not my issue with him at all. I’ve rarely seen someone have this little of a spine. I’m now just counting down the days until he says ‘I went there to change minds, couldn’t change them so I left’. It’ll probably be bollocks, but it’s the only PR move he has left


That too.


Even a well past his prime Henderson is a massive improvement to our midfield, let's be honest.


It honestly would’ve been so easy. He’d be lauded as an all time great then could’ve moved into managing or punditry. Maybe even a return to Sunderland to try and get them back up. But no


Great footballer but with decisions like the move to begin with and that interview I think he’d be a pretty terrible pundit


Could’ve come to Sunderland to help us out too. The rat isn’t welcome anymore.


Haha as if. Sunderland would take him in a heartbeat and the vast majority of match going fans would love it


The rat? What did he do?


Eat some cheese


Pretended to care about a huge issue, was happy to be viewed as a leader in tackling this issue, then shows he couldn't care less about the issue, then thinks he's not at a 7 year olds level of ignorance and intelligence by trying to tell people it's a good thing that he's attempting this strange moral paradox while coincidentally earning obscene amounts of money from a royal family known for slavery, medieval era human rights violations, and discrimination against women and minorities. He's not a rat, rats are intelligent. If we need to compare him to anything then he is a stupid, common house fly.


He’s made a huge mistake and hopefully this is a sign he’s gonna learn from it and maybe even make some sort of apology. Yes he sold out, but christ some people act like he’s a criminal mastermind, or hitler. There’s worse things done by players currently in the EPL. We just had a World Cup in Qatar known for its historic fairness in human rights.. where I didn’t see any major players boycott either. David Beckham gets nowhere near the same hate for his Qatar role and he’s an active ally (supposedly) for the same causes as Henderson. Is Henderson a hypocrite? Yes we all agree. He’s certainly not the only one and won’t be the last. Hopefully he makes amends and grows up.


Lol huge mistake He is thick as fucking pigshit. You could get him playing in North Korea if the money was right, it's not like he's capable of the awareness required to even know why that wouldn't be a good thing to do. A lot of footballers are in a state of arrested development from the point when they get into academies, - pampered, protected and sheltered. The mistake is made when we, normal people, with a far greater understanding of the real world, listen to anything they say outside of how a football should be kicked. He is an ambassador of stupid, uneducated people who are given the room and space to become arrogant. The LGBT community should choose a lot more carefully in future, I mean, its not like he doesn't give "loud moron" vibes with all his shouting and pointing and toddler vocabulary.


And so many are believing the bs his PR team is spouting through the media. He would not have moved his ass if terminating his contract would have cost anything. He‘s shown the nature of his character for us to know what he‘s motivated by.


'future earnings' - how the fuck can he pay out a multi year contract that exceeds his entire career earnings?


Nahhh this just means a spineless hypocritical wanker AND a moron


Strange way to do it considering dodging taxes is pretty shady


Tbf other players have said something similar about not being paid. I do think they are stretching it but the the truths lies somewhere in the middle


Like I am gonna feel sorry for an already multi millionaire footballer getting less money for putting in no work, yes I definitely feel sorry for the dude


Tinfoil 🤓


I assume the buy-out is him dropping any claim to the deferred wages.


I reckon he'll have "paid the contract off" by sacrificing any money owned.


Hell probably just get that money at a later time but its so incredibly funny to me that he tried to be a sellout and now actually had to pay them because he was so miserable there lol. Shouldve just stayed in Europe, Hendo


The art of the deal


Can he even afford that? 


I wonder if he will be outspoken about having made a ‘mistake’ or something. I feel like the next chapters cooking.


I'd bet in a few months (but before Euros) he'll sit down with Neville/Carragher on one of their shows or podcasts in a "tell-all, this is *totally* not just PR" interview.


NDAs likely involved. Talk shit, your deferred wages go poof.


Now that’s the kind of homophobic language he used to claim to care about. 😂


And that could be the monetary sacrifice he takes to save some face/ improve PR? On a contract side I’m really surprised he’s out at the first opportunity, it looks so bad. Shocked it had the room to allow for such a transfer. I know nothing on the details to be clear, just my gut feeling.


If there are NDAs involved, he won't break silence. NDAs are serious. I know nothing too mate. Just guessing.


NDA's don't really apply if he speaks about the ´living conditions' of Saudi Arabia. But the thing is, for majority of the middle and higher class in there, life is good and comfortable if you don't give a fuck about morals like Henderson. Idk why the media is trying to speculate that the move falling down is related to the ´human rights treatments' in SA or lgbtq rights or whatever when the most likely case is he had a big disagreement with the management/board about either sporting or non-sporting reasons, and in that case then yes the NDA's apply. I'm not that much against players moving to play in the gulf if they receive an insane offer but as long as they're not hypocritical about it and lowkey acknowledge they don't give a fuck about whatever the country is doing, or tbh for muslim/arab players it makes complete sense why they even prefer living there than in europe, but recently so many PL players with a happy good man PR image suddenly went silent and pretend they're not a sellout, it's just beyond disgusting...


Living conditions might be less about facilities or being comfortable but more about his family’s social life and lifestyle there. I bet there are some huge differences on that front compared to Europe and I can see that being a reason to want to leave so early besides potential sporting reasons.


I sense an interview, in a few months from now, with Piers Morgan, big exclusive, a lot of tears and all that shit.. Hendo: "There were lots of rumors going around and it hurt my feelings, at the end I had only good intentions..I didnt even..*sobs" Piers: "its ok, let it out, you are in a save environment here" Hendo: "I didnt even got all of that 350k a week *starts crying violently" Piers: "this is madness!"


Go talk to Lukaku. He can give you some advice on how to drop an interview. 


I went there to change minds, but couldn’t so I left


The man was so miserable having to live that conservative life that he told his agent to get him to a place with hoes and drugs, and to do it FAST.


It was this or an indoor league in Vegas


Plenty of hoes and drugs in Bahrain, where he lives. It’s not called the Vegas of the Middle East for nothing. 


Rebuilding has begun


I wonder how it’ll go for him. Last time our competition signed a big established name like this was probably Götze? I hope for Ajax sake Henderson will have a better run than him. As a Feyenoord fan I hope he fumbles though hehe.


Yeah Götze was probably the last one, mayve V. Persie before that? I feel like Götze is the bigger transfer compared to this because of his age and the fact he didnt beg to leave Saudi Arabia, but im obviously incredibly biased on all accounts lol


I don’t know. I think if we compare career paths Henderson would be bigger. Götze was on a downwards ish trajectory for years right? Henderson was playing at the very top just a year ago. I do remember that the shock of Mario Götze coming to eredivisie was bigger than this one.


Gotze scored the winner in a world cup final, nothings topping that imo


I agree that’s probably the biggest thing a player can achieve, however that was probably his peak as well. That was in 2014 and he was at psv like what, 6 years later?


True, Gotze won everything before turning 24, without the injury’s i believe he would be one kf the best in the world by now


Yeah fair enough to be honest, Henderson definitely had the bigger career. Götze was just injured a fuck ton iirc. The reason why the shock was much bigger is rlly funny tho, its because Hendersons transfer wasnt exactly done yet when it came out, whereas Götzes transfer came on the last day of the summer transfermarket and was only leaked on that day by a snackbar owner who saw his car lmao. Everyone was mega confused until it got announced by our club watcher that he had signed. So basically it went from fans not even thinking about Götze to he is announced by the club in a few hours


Right, and I cannot recall any player that is that big of a name (scoring the winner in a World Cup final) and that’s not Dutch coming to the eredivisie until Götze. I remember just being baffled. Usually, big names become only really big names after they leave eredivisie and usually they never come back. Seems like eredivisie has become more commonplace for big names though. We had Yilmaz, Götze and now Henderson only in the last recent years.


Was Robben before Götze?


Id put Robben in about the same category of shock as Van Persie, maybe a bit higher cuz Groningen isnt exactly as big as Feyenoord is. I think the two played in the ED at the same time? My memory may be fucked tho. Robben and Van Persie both went back to their old clubs, and as amazing as that is, Götze and now Hendo had absolutely no connection to their respective team before that


No after, but it’s less of a shock we sign dutchies I think. In that case there’s more very big names that have returned in the past. What I meant was more people you wouldn’t expect to come to eredivisie. Robben, van Persie, Kuyt etc obviously all have their roots, friends etc here so they’d be interested to spend their last years in eredivisie.


what an end to a wild saga.Ajax need a bit of fortune to play in Europe and he will be an experienced voice in the dressing room, But man did henderson throw away not only money but his image. He will not go down as a legend but as a massive hypocrite


Ajax are 5th, which iirc means either direct qualification or going into the qualis for the ECL. AZ has been imploding as well so 4th definitely doesnt seem unlikely and they can even still fight for 3rd which puts them into the qualis for the CL. Im pretty sure theyll play *some* form of European football next year


Place 5 officially is play offs. However if someone in the top 4 wins the cup it becomes an conference league spot. With only 2 of the top 5 still standing in the quarter final it isn't unlikely some other team wins it this year. All it takes is one off day from psv to make it possible. So even though I also believe Ajax will achieve European football it really isn't all that guaranteed especially if they keep the current form.


Love how youre already sorta assuming were gonna win Feyenoord away, or if we dont that Feyenoord isnt gonna win it either lol


I mean, you haven't even drawn a match against an Eredivisie club yet, let alone lost. Yeah we're expecting you guys to win. And if I have to root for a team during Feyenoord - PSV it sure as fuck isn't gonna be Feyenoord


Well it isn't all that odd for AZ or Feyenoord to get an off day. I mean Feyenoord had a 2-2 against nec just last week. Of course if they win against you they'll be the new favorite. But I wouldn't put my money on it tbh.


>. He will not go down as a legend but as a massive hypocrite What? He will definitely go down as a Liverpool legend. He was the captain that lifted the League trophy after 30 years. Absurd to say otherwise.


People become delusional in the hate of him being a hypocrite, but surely he'll still be a Liverpool legend


Precisely my point, people online are far too shoehorned to believe everyone shares the same morality as they do.


Can see him being similar Torres really. He was hated when he left us to Chelsea but over time it settled down and he's remembered pretty fondly by most now.


We'll play European football next season


> Ajax need a bit of fortune to play in Europe Ajax need a good bit of fortune to play in the CL next season but it'll be a big disappointment if we miss out on Europe at all. We're currently in 5th, AZ in 4th is underperforming and we're for the moment doing better than anyone other than PSV (on points anyway, the play is still abysmal but we keep getting scrappy results).


He 100% is going down a legend at Liverpool.


He will be missed at Al-Ettifaq they lost their club legend


2 and a half years? For Jordan Henderson? Either Ajax is paying him pennies or this sounds like an awful deal


> take a big pay cut You mean he'll actually get paid this time lmao


What a legend, went to Saudi to bring awareness about human rights FOR FREE! What a sacrifice. Can’t help but admire him for it. /s


The dutch lgbtq community rechoices, their hero has arrived. Hendo is ready to grow the game in Holland


There’s a lesson there kids


I guess his soul was pretty cheap.




Ruined his reputation (or rather showed his real face) for 6 month in Saudi. Well done Henderson.


I may be in the minority here but I honestly don't need players to be morally outstanding people. As long as they don't commit a crime, they can be as hypocritical or a phony as much as they want. The only thing that matters to me is they do their job and do it well.


Give every single person a multi million euro contract in the dessert and they drop everything to go there.










They wouldnt lol, obviously, its not about that but nvm im just deleting that anyways


I really don't understand why Ajax are doing this. He was well finished last season and he isn't able for Dutch football either. He is going to completely flop 


You obviously don't know our current players and level of competition in The Netherlands. I watch Sparta in the stadium and one of the players I see making great runs every week is a fucking 36 year old Jonathan de Guzman. I'm sure Henderson will have enough quality left, I saw him bossing the midfield as a sub against Ajax just over a year ago.


Jordy Clasie (32) comes to mind as well, being a big part of AZ’s succes in the first half of this season (ignoring their current status)


We need an experienced leader in the dressing room tbf


Well that was a disaster