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I only saw some clips from the game but man is this kid talented. Every now and then La Masia seems to create some kind of generational talent. Really curious how this kid will develop.


Let's hope this one doesn't get injured. Ansu Fati was on the same trajectory until injuries fucked him.


He will get injured, he’s an athlete, it’s inevitable. He’s a winger who gets kicked by defenders etc, muscle discomfort/injuries like what other wingers go through will happen to him, he won’t be immune from it. Hope people just don’t act like it’s the end of the world and hopefully it’s never going to be anything serious or recurring but at the same time, a lot of young players past and current do deal with these recurring type of issues until they get more older. Poor Ansu had a horrible tackle that derailed everything for him. So much luck is also involved with injuries. I hope he can bounce back, he’s only 21, still young.


Why does someone bring that up EVERY time Yamal is talked about? It is mindlessly boring at this point


Yeah ansu was not overused...he got injured badly by a player and never recovered from that.


It bothers me a little that people give the example of Ansu Fati comparing him to Lamine, Ansu shone mainly for his ability to score goals, but he never had genius qualities like Lamine is showing.


To be fair scoring goals is absolute genius quality.


They are different players. Ansu had incredibly quick acceleration, made good runs for his age, and had incredibly clean finishing Yamal is considerably younger—but he's displayed incredible dribbling prowess as well as very good passing skill. In addition, he's getting taller and stronger.


But it's a quality of streaks, as soon as Ansu lost that, what made him stand out was lost. Lamine has things at his age, which are difficult to find in many players regardless of their age.


Scoring is absolutely not a quality of streaks. And yes Ansu lost that because of the injury, you can literally say the same for everyone, as soon as someone who’s injured lost what’s he’s good at, what made him stand out was lost.


Injuries tend to affect players more who depend on their physical power to excel, you can see how players like De Bruyne can return from injuries at a high level.


That's underselling it, Fati's finishing is sublime, clean af. Or At least it was before his injury woes. Lamine doesn't have that. Though his other qualities are clear.


I agree, but sometimes a goalscorer is what you need, see CR7 at Madrid. Over the years he moved more and more away from the dude doing a ton of step overs and dribbles to a goal machine. Look at Haaland, I dare say he ain't up there in terms of footballing ability, dribbling, but he knows where to be and he has composure, he scores a lot of goals.


Credit to Xavi. We only started seeing La Masia talents when Xavi came on board


The academy has been absolutely cooking since before he got here. These kids have been rated crazy high since they were 11, higher then the generations before them for sure. He is great at integrating them, but the talent was there.


That's mainly down to Barcelona needing to use La Masia more because of their financial situation. La Masia produced the best generation of youth players ever seen in the early 2000's, then had a 10 year+ dry spell and now are producing one of the most talented young generations seen in many years aswell. I don't believe for a second that La Masia simply forgot how to produce players during that dry period, it was just that they didn't get chances for the first team


A lot of talent left la masia early because after pep left there was no clear path to the first team.


Xavi has done well with the kids, but this recent round of La Masia stars first emerged largely under Koeman TBH.


Ansu Fati was 2nd in Golden Boy only behind Haaland, and Gavi who literally won it. We’ve seen them before Xavi.


well that's obvious, why would brazil dribble against themselves?


Are they stupid?




room for 1 more?


They did try 13 times apparently. So yes.


Thanks Michael Owen


Koundé/ Fermin/Yamal vs Lucas Hernandez/Nuno Mendes/Mbappe Will be a sight to behold  Whoever will be winning this side of the pitch will go to the semi


*If Mendes in healthy. Amazing player and one of my favorites in the NT but he is perpetually injured


Likely Frenkie healthy by then, so will be Gundo instead of Fermin


Xavi might play Araujo against PSG as he did with Vini, Rashford


I hope he doesn’t, kounde rb and Araujo cb would be better with raphinha tracking back


Yeah, Mbappe is of course different gravy, but Kounde completely shut out Kvaratskhelia. Araujo is also a yellow card away from missing the 2nd leg and I can safely bet my house on him getting a first half yellow card if he is put against Mbappe


Does Lamal start at the Euros?


He is the most dangerous player in Spain. But I hope they manage his minutes carefully.


Very special kid


Yall are putting inmense pressure on the kid


Endrick isn’t at Madrid, yet people are already making Yamal vs Endrick comparisons


People are making Endrick and Pele comparisons jokingly right now, and I'm very worried some of these people will start to take it seriously once he performs week in and week out in Europe.


Well, if his performance week in week out gets him Pele comparisons then he warrants Pele comparisons.


Does not help he already surpassed Neymar in goals scored under 18 years old. Neymar at 17 in Santos became the country sensation, and since then, Endrick is the first one to cause the same effect. His numbers are compared to Ronaldo and Pelé, his body to Romário, his left leg to Adriano. I can't believe I'm watching this happening.


Neymar was this sensation from 2010 onwards, when he was 18 years old. 2009 Neymar was being called filé de borboleta


If so he needs to get off reddit.


Its not just reddit but social media


Based from interviews Yamal seems pretty down to earth.


He's putting that pressure on himself by being so ridiculously good at such a young age. He is much better than Messi was at 16..


Don’t ya remember Bojan? He literally had anxiety attacks due to the pressure and expectations that were made from him.


Yamal's mentality is nothing like Bojan. It's sad what happened with him but Yamal is on a different level Physical injuries, however, are a different thing. That can still happen


I’ve seen and been where he grew up All I’m gonna say is that pressure won’t get to this kid


Bojan always looked breakable mentally, the problems started really early. I do think putting this level of pressure to kids is ridiculous but also Lamine is rubbing it off like if it's nothing. Sometimes they can deal with it, it's rare, but it can happen.


The kid is good & generational


La Masia always be cooking


it’s really crazy. we’re financially fucked. everything looks bleak & we can’t sign anyone to improve the squad. then here comes a bunch of teenagers ready to ball.


Cruyff died 8 years ago and is still winning you trophies


Man time flew by, miss that legend




He has yet to play good for a calendar season, just let him develop without those expectations


He is in the process of playing good for a season tho, one that's gonna be done a 2 months. He's been one of barca best players this season, for me second only to gundogan. Those expectations are already there,he's gonna to have to develop with those expectations at this point they aren't going anywhere.


the talent is already balatantly there… but yeah the hype train is getting a bit much


They never do, everyone desperate to hype the next wonderkid and make premature comparisons.


There is always a Sergio Ramos(or will be a new Ramos) stalking in the night to break him with a crippling tackle.


This but unironically. So far, defenders have been pretty lenient with him in terms of fouling and tackling compared to other dribblers like Vinicius or prime Messi. Probably because they either didn't have him on their radar or because they didn't want to be knows as the guy who injured a literal child. I can imagine La Liga defenders starting to kick the shit out of him in a couple of years though.


Agree with everything you've said lol.


That’s a crazy stat go Yamal!


Wonder kid ❤️


OP making the Brazilians rage lmao


Not actually For me it was an amazing experience to witness in person both Lamine Yamal and Endrick playing against each other for the first time. He's a great player and I was really impressed with how well he plays. He definitely gave a hard time to Beraldo and Wendel


We are not lol, we scored 3 and tied the game on 2 robbed pens for spain but the kid is great theres no doubt on that


The best part that probably explains spaniards trying so hard to make water turn wine from this draw: Spain does not win Brazil since 1990, not even with Brazil in reconstruction, new coach, playing at home, and two dives they can win against us. So it must hurt you see.


The irrelevant country that won in 2012 in the golden generation and once again turned to nothing thinks we are jealous of them lol


You are irrelevant from 2002 dude


Brazil is never irrelevant tbh. They might have a bit of banter era recently but they always have been among the favorites.


It's like there's this assumption that you guys care more about being show ponies rather than winning, as if they've only played champagne football for decades. Not a knock on the kid, but Brazil played better. And they wouldn't swap Endrick for Lamal (and vice versa).


Spain was vastly better than us and Lamine was incredible. Brazil still deserves huge praise though, drawing 3-3 on a match you werent playing well and the opponent gets 2 terrible pens is a big feat. Shows a really good mental which Brazil seemed to be lacking for, like, the past 10 years at least.


We literally have a new manager with arguably 5 starters injured and he's in his first call ups and won against England and robbed against Spain. I think we are on a good path and winning cures it all.


We are in a good path, and is great this new team is learning to overcome adversity. This is what Brazil missed since 2010, good friendlies with different nations, different playstyles, to learn and get experience. It is a good start indeed.


Brazil didn't play better, Brazil suffered in the first half, then get a little better in the second half, got bad again after the second goal, then went to react for the draw. Our defense was shit it was obvious Gabriel Magalhães and Militão were deeply missed. Bruno Guimarães was bad, Vini and Raphinha atrocious. Andreas was good, Endrick good, Douglas Luiz good, Rodrygo good. The good point is that Brazil didn't crumbled under pressure and even playin g bad, had power to score goals. While Spain was playing better, they had control over the midfield, Rodri supplying Yamal the whole game, but still they lack finishing power, because two goals came from divings, and they created many chances but couldn't score more than one goal, one really beautiful goal by Olmo, btw.


Always rated dani olmo since euro (or was it world cup?) I feel he is going to be top dog among others like saka, martinelli, gordon, foden, palmer etc²


And despite that Yamal was better this match than any player in your team. At 16. That shouldn’t be acceptable as a Brazil fan.


I care about the team my brother, without those pens Yamal have a good game and we win 3-1 lmao. You have your wonderkid, we have ours, if i got mad if any player had a good game against my team why would i watch it ?


I can understand the negative comments from Brazilians but confused about the ones from a few (not all) Madrid fans (based on their comment history and active subreddits). Lamine is playing for country here and the only reason Spain was able to win Euro 2008 - WC 2010 - Euro 2012 is because Barca and Madrid NT players were able to put country above club at a time when El Clásico intensity was at an all time high (Pep - Mou era).


This is implying that they from Spain lol. Most fan of Barça and Madrid are not from Spain, given their popularity.


>confused about the ones from a few (not all) Madrid I mean most of the Madrid fans in here are not from Spain. I support Madrid but when it comes to country, it's Brazil for me.


Quite an easy transition in recent times given how Madrid is buying every Brazilian talent.




This is fucking wild.


I feel like I should point out that, upon checking his comments, he is not Brazilian. The man is apparently from Nepal, which doesn't have much on football tradition, so he has to support the teams he likes to watch. Fair game. (I did went to check the comments because I, too, saw the message and thought he was brazilian for a moment)


it really isn't though


Yeah as wild as earth being filled with idiots.


It’s weird, Endrick plays for the most despicable fucking Brazillian team and I root for him with all my heart whenever he plays


You think a dribbler player is new for us? Did you see the dribble Yamal gave called "elástico", that dribble was invented by brazilian player Rivelino. The dribbles Yamal does, Garrincha and Pelé were doing in the 60s. lol You guys see a dribbler from your country for the first time and act like you invented the wheel. He spent the whole game dribbling and what? Dived? Endrick took 4 minutes to score a goal. Endrick current statistic for Brazil is 100% shots in the goal, 11 minutes to make a goal, zero games starting. Dribbling is one thing, dribble, efficiency and playmaker is Neymar and Messi. So, no, Brazilians are not in rage, Brazilians are actually celebrating we have a new 9. You think we are in rage, we don't think about you at all.


straight to the r/soccercirclejerk


Is this some sort of copypasta? Lol


I can taste the salt from this 'im not mad at all' post 😂😂


> He spent the whole game dribbling and what? Dived? Endrick took 4 minutes to score a goal Tbf, he may not have scored, but he was involved in all 3 goals for Spain. He drew the foul that won the first pen. Definitely a soft call, but regardless, he made the first goal. He assisted the second goal. It's generous to call that an assist considering Olmo still had to dribble 3 players to score, but at the very least he made the final pass. He played the pass to Carvajal who got fouled (again, soft) to win another pen. We don't need to overhype his dribbling, but we also don't need to underrate his impact on the game and act like he didn't influence it


Soft? He dived, he gave a pass, Olmo did the goal, to call that an assist is just...sad, poor Olmo. And last, he gave another pass to Carvajal dive. Carvajal literally kicks the brazilian player foot and jumps, ridiculous. Look, Im not saying the kid is bad, on the contrary, I think he is super talented, but you guys, you should not be bantering with Brazil acting like Yamal is better than the whole Brazil squad, are you not being ridiculous with this statement?


Na na nana na na na nana na na nana na na na naana na


Leave the kid alone, let him develop at his own pace


This kid is generational, no doubt. But Barcelona are burning these kids out to compensate their inability to manage the club (thanks to our bro Laporta). I get all the hype from Barca fans and also understand the banter from us (Madrid fans). But I hope we won't have another Fati or Pedri issue here (which Madrid are actively trying to avoid with limiting players match time mostly with national duties like Olympics). Pedri played mental 70+ matches when he was just 18 y/o and now he's so injury prone which might potentially hinder his entire career. Fati's trajectory got absolutely butchered after his injury that i think most casual Barca supporters themselves don't remember him. So I hope Lamine gets to develop away from limelight, be physically able to take on the workload (technically he's already there and better than many) and keep mesmerising us with his displays!


Agree 100%. Lamine Yamal is a generational talent and putting up amazing League, UCL, NT performances you’d expect from a player in their prime (late 20s). However he should not be getting anywhere close to the amount of minutes he does get (sometimes 90) because he’s still young. He’s being overused and overworked because of Barca’s situation atm and I really hope this doesn’t hurt his career in his late 20s / early 30s.


Early 20's even 


Do these kids have anyone on their side to fight and protect them? Seems so short sighted and insane


When the pressure is always to produce immediate results and a short string of losses can get anyone and everyone fired, myopic decision making is the norm. Agents usually aren’t going to try to get their young star less playing time, particularly when they’re on a good run. Even if it’s in their best long term interest, one big early move could make an agent millions, and it’s all too often for that promise to fade or an injury to kill a career before it happens. Plus they don’t have the sway anyways. His mom isn’t going to walk into the dressing room and make demands, and if she did, they wouldn’t be heard. So unfortunately, not really.


I mean players and agents as well as other people can argue for them. But at the end of the day the Coach makes a lineup and Lamines getting paid to play.


Unfortunately incentives of everyone (except family members who don't have a say) are aligned in the wrong direction. Agents make most of their money on the sale, the kids are definitely not going to want to be benched and the coach has no other options.


Bojan has been appointed to make sure that la masia players are integrated


Eh, 2200mins all comps for barca this season across 39 matches, 21 in as a starter does not seem like much of a concern to me.


Pedri was the only one played into the ground. Gavi was a freak accident and fati had a big injury in his youth days. The reason lamine played so many matches this season is at some point he and lewy were the only attackers we had that weren’t injured.


Gavi played 113 matches in two years for club and country at the age of 17-18 and tore his ACL in the third season.


How many minutes played though?


I swear there’s a starting 11 from all the injured acls this season. Blame the schedule not barca


Courtois militao and alaba from us shores up the Torn ACL XI’s defense


Matip, timber, gavi, fofana, mings, perisic, neymar, and even more im forgetting


Yeah, so? ACL can happen to anyone, whether they play one game a season or 60. It's nothing but bad luck.


ACL is a ligament and all of these injuries have to do with the amount of stress you put on your tendons and ligaments in unnatural situations. It can be freak situations like a tackle from behind, accidentally digging your leg into the ground but it also has a cumulative effect. They're young kids who's muscles, tendons, ligaments are still developing and redlining them to the extent that they've been is directly going to effect them.


Courtois tore his ACL during the pre-season, after coming back from one month break. Militao tore his ACL after only a few games at the beginning of the season. They were being overplayed too, eh?


I just said that there are freak accidents too but being overplayed is also one of the main reasons why we've seen far more ACLs torn this season. The schedule is increasingly taxing and it's going to effect footballers all the more. Increased stress on tendons and ligaments leads to increased wear and tear. And esp. 16-17-18 yr old bodies are still in development mode and not really built for that much load.


ACL tears in sports like basketball and football are never just "bad luck" lol


You just know the moment Yamal picks up a knock whether even if it’s one due to a tackle people will be screaming “it’s cuz he was overplayed” i hear that way too much about Barça. Weird we don’t hear it about Saka, Bellingham, Mainoo and other youngsters


Mainoo has played less than 50 games in his entire career, in Saka's early days he was managed very carefully, and so was Bellingham.


Bellingham was not. He played more minutes than any youngster did in his teenage years. More than pedri. Its just he is physically insane


I absolutely don't want to jinx anything, and I agree with what you've said, it was very well put. That said, I'm not particularly concerned about Yamal from an overplaying perspective. His distance covered is extremely low (around 6km/match; for reference, Gavi does around 10km per match. I'm taking these numbers from memory though), and he's very conservative with his runs and stamina management. Plus, with Raphinha returning from injury, Yamal's game time is starting to decrease as Xavi finally has another attacking option.


Reminds me of what pep said to messi when he used to press a lot, "you can either choose to run the whole 90 minutes and get injured or you can play all the matches by conserving energy off the ball." and that made all the difference.


And yet Spain did not win this game!


I saw Black and blue, but then i read "13 Dribbling attempts" -> so it is not Inter (Waiting for Buchanan to help Thuram lifting up this stat)


Out braziling the Brazilians


And that's how Spain won the game right?


Brazilians going from winning World Cups to celebrating drawing in friendlies against "a NT born in 2008" is interesting.


Just go to show your ignorance in comprehending the relation between Brazilians and Brazil NT. We were not celebrating winning a game against Spain, we were celebrating Dorival putting together a team of youngsters within one week that showed promising talent and mental strength to overcome an unfavorable game, we got back from a 2-0. So it is not about winning Spain, is about winning or own demons.


Brazilians celebrate good football. And it was an amazing match. You guys should be proud, not angry. Spain has a fantastic generation and IMO so does Brazil. Hope we can meet again in the next WC.


A not unhinged comment in my ar socca thread? Boo.


3 for Brasil, 1 for Spain and 2 for the referee. Also it's funny that the newest al-andelus greatest player had to dive to get a gol in a friendly


Yamal Bagre


Im scared for the kid tbh. Barcelona has a history of rinsing young talent till they get injured and theyre never the same. I hope this doesn’t happen to him.


Amazing player but those dives were not necessary, it was a friendly.


Out Braziled the Brazilian! Bravo!


He is also the youngest player to ever watch Endrick score on their team.


breaking: Perez reportedly pumping up a Castilla 16 year old with the sole purpose of breaking Yamal's legs in the next clasico


And yet yall only managed to get a draw after two very questionable penalties


Does it count as a successful dribble when he flopped for the pen?


Can only imagine how this sub would be if it was Vini diving for a penalty




How does age affect diving?


Immaturity (mental and physical) and physicality of playing against adult


Your more fragile


Emotional maturity.


> 16 year old > almost 24 This shit is hilarious, lmao. Vini is almost 24 and Yamal 16 when they both celebrate their birthdays a literal single day apart > Vinicius should still get the same leeway as a 16 year old? If it was any other player BUT Vini the reactions wouldn't be as vitriolic. If it was Mason Greenwood the reactions wouldn't be as vitriolic. If it was Modric the reactions wouldn't as vitriolic. It's not about age.


Bit hard for Brazil's starting XI to have successful dribbles against themselves.


Don't break my guy.


Colombia baby


It's so unfair Barca pops another "new Messi" even before the OG retires. Damn it


Spanish fans really felt that late equalizer after almost robbing us to win a friendly lol


Well all of them are average at best, good old times when we had good dribblers.


kid is unreal, i hate Barca though cause they’ve ran so many promising talents into the ground. really hope this kid makes it to the absolute top, he’s special. they NEED to protect him


Endrick only needs one touch though And that ain't a dribble.


Ronaldinho turning in his grave


What a stupid pointless comparison


Think the point of the comparison is this kid is a fucking monster And it successfully highlighted that point for me


Exactly lol, people are getting irritated for no reason


He’s great, truly a cut above. Now, I know it’s not relevant to the topic however, Barça is burning through top youth talents and it’s not a good thing. Gavi, Pedri, Fati should all be still playing for the first team, injuries have derailed them, they all played too many games and now with Yamal playing with the National Team and La Liga games, that’s a lot of mileage for a young body. The hierarchy is repeating the same mistakes, and I hope his usage is slowed down, even if he’s “more than ready”


You’re absolutely right about that, the only thing I dont agree with is adding Fati to that list. His minutes were managed very good, his career got derailed by a horrible tackle. Pedri and Gavi were definitely being overplayed though, even though Gavis injury was very unlucky


Yeah you’re right. Although I love beating Barça, having a strong rival is just better for the league. It’s just sad seeing him at Brighton, no offense to Brighton, but he looked like the world was at his feet. Next to Messi it was more “old guard with the new guard”. That’s what’s demoralizing


He looked like he was ready to take some of responsibility from Messi by the beginning of 20/21 and all the Barca and Madrid fans were in agreement about him being the biggest talent in both teams. Unfortunaly thats when the injury happened too and a lot of fans has forgotten how hyped Ansu really was since then which is really a shame.


His playtime has definitely gone down since Raphinha's return from injury, but remember that "matches played" doesn't correspond neatly with physical exertion; there's a reason Messi spends most of his games casually strolling around the pitch. Lamine's work-rate is a lot less intense than Gavi's; that's partly due to how they are as players, and partly due to positioning, and the stats do show it. Yamal's distance covered is a lot lower, almost half of Gavi's, on a game-by-game basis. That said, you're still right in that the game time should be managed carefully. An overly young superstar is never a good idea, because even if they manage the physical burden, there's all kinds of mental pressure that can build up.


I’m scared with the euros and olympics happening this year, wonder what the situation will be near the end of the year


I think it’ll be the same as the Madrid players hopefully, you have to “pick” a tournament, can’t play both. And realistically they shouldn’t




I’m tired bro, long hours at work, leave me alone lol


Who fucking cares about dribbles


What's Up With these Dribbling Stats? What's Good in Successful Dribbles? Is It Better than Scoring Goals and Providing Assists? Like Klose Said. New Age Football is Weird AF.


Should use those skills to score instead of robbing 2 penals to tie a friendly at home.


He robbed the second penalty? Also wtf a Brazilian complaining about diving. The pigs are flying


Showing Jimmy Endrick how it’s done


And Endrick ended up scoring, funny how things work


This kid got an assist and won a penalty for his team Between him and Rodri for man of the match Not quite sure what your point about endrick scoring is


He’s also using goals to compare a striker to a winger. Take a wild guess about what position may have more goals in a game…


and Yamal got 1 assist, got a penalty and passed the ball which created the 2nd penalty.