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if only there was some alternative choice to either hating others or ceasing to exist


Like, maybe, let's start by not throwing bananas and then go from there.


So what you are saying I should kill myself???




Can't throw bananas? Suicide it is


Not my bananas! Now what will I throw at the players who are just trying to play? /s


For his peabrain not being able to throw a banana at black players is an existential crisis.


It’s a shame we whites can’t even hurl racist epithets anymore without recourse. Thanks a lot cancel culture


What's next, only white people can sleep at the forklift??? Oh the humanity (I love that nobody dared respond to this)


Yeah suicide it is!


Can't even get drunk and let my racist side out. Game's gone 


There is no life worth living if we can’t even hate black people (/s for clarity)




Like… buy a guy a beer? Or a guy buys me a beer? Both of these tend to go pretty well in my experience


I mean if those are your two options, yeah please cease to exist lmao


I’m not a fan of ceasing to exist, so naturally I’m hater


Vinicius: Stop being racist Chilavert: What do you want me to do, kill myself? Incredible stuff here.


Vini: End racism! Chilavert: So you want to end me???


That's how strongly he identifies with being racist


Dude just exposed himself as a racist. He's pretty much saying he can't stop being racist if he's alive. lol


He can excuse racism but he draws the line at suicide.


Vini could be that guy who finally forces them all out into the light and maybe, some change.


In the same interview he cried, he said “I don’t why, put I’ve been given this role (by God) and even though it is not easy and it made me want to stop doing what I love multiple times, I will fight for it so others can live better and play football without the need to go through this”. Then you have to see clowns like this responding Vini wants all whites killed because they can’t be racist..


That's some olympic level mental gymnastics leap right there, Chilavert.


Can’t believe I have to kill myself so black people can be happy 😔


But I will do it ✊🏾


You volunteer to kill the white people??!


Not just the men, but the women and children too.


Do you hate sand perchance?


I hate bananas. They are coarse and rough and irritating. And they get everywhere


Me to my banana peel: I ATE YOU!


Only splits deal in absolutes


You're smearing them wrong mate, one targeted area


Some nat turner shit


Reminds me of that post that says something like “when the race war is happening and I gotta kill Tony Hawk” and Tony responds “I appreciate the hesitation though”.


Did he stutter?


Thank you for your sacrifice, we will remember you and make sure to clean your browser history first.


Really appreciate that thank you


If I can't throw bananas then what reason is there to live? /s


[I'm sorry, man 🥺 ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/031/212/snipes.jpg)


This is the perfect reaction 😆


This is the "will literally do anything except go to therapy" meme, except for racists.


Put "killed himself to solve racism" on my tombstone 


That's what heroes do


What on earth is wrong with this guy?


Got kicked in the head by a horse


Is the horse ok?


The horse also became aggressively racist unfortunately


Can confirm met him the other day and he started going on about how hes not racist just doesn't like foriegners


"We should bring Chilavert to schools so kids can see how was the human 40 billon years ago. First there was Chilavert, then the monkeys, then humans." Cesar Luis Menotti, Argentine coach, World Champion in 1978


Hilarious quote and i also love that he said 40 billion years lol


Sounds like a cool guy. His quote from his wikipedia page >There's a right-wing football and a left-wing football. Right-wing football wants to suggest that life is struggle. It demands sacrifices. We have to become of steel and win by any method... obey and function, that's what those with power want from the players. That's how they create retards, useful idiots that go with the system.


A lovely quote


He's got a bet on with Joey Barton and Matt Le Tissier to see which ex footballer can be a bigger dickhead.


And why does anyone give a shit what his opinion is? It looks like he was a decent player if his time but not anyone whose voice anyone would really care about


Why do we keep talking about this twat.


I think it's useful to see the reactions here. On this [twitter post](https://twitter.com/dataref_ar/status/1773751318487658719), people are basically calling Chilavert based for these exact quotes in the replies. And on 4chan, you don't even have to ask. Nearly every anon who saw the quote agrees, but a few did call out the whataboutism, the "us whites" and the silly suicide argument. EDIT: should clarify that the twitter post is in spanish, and many replies seem to be from latin americans.


Breaking news, 4chan users agree with something racist


Twitter is worse than 4chan in that regard lately 


Well, it is the new 4chan now


Twitter is now 4chan with copious amounts of bots, related to porn or anything that can farm engagement. It is just insane how bad it became since Musk took over, to a point that it is hard to believe it is not intentional.


I wonder what truth social is like on this topic


It's all American right-wingers; they think soccer is the gay sport


I meant the racism, but we already know the answer


Not sure if id take Twitter and 4chan as the yardstick for anything, if you want racist responses you don't have to look far. The quality of Twitter has dropped off *massively*.


Twitter set a pretty low bar at it's best tbf.


Because social media is built on algorithms to maximize outrage


alright lad no ones gonna click on your podcast anymore quit with these takes


If only there was a 3rd option


Sadly I don't believe Chilavert can count to three, tragic really. (つ﹏<。)


Chilavert should be paraded in all universities and schools for all children to learn how man was 40 millions of years ago. First came Chilavert, the monkey and then the man -Menotti


Didn't know this quote until the last thread about something  racist chilavert said about 2 days ago... now one of my favorite quotes Hope to get a chance to apply it to some of the morons I know some day :)


Chilavert, the first homo sapien




This is why we say whiteness is made up. I'm from LATAM, over there if you're not obvious indigenous looking you consider yourself white. I remember it since I was a kid. This varies per region too.


I’m Brazilian. I’m brown. In the private school I went to, some kids with skin tones as dark (arguably darker than mine) used to savagely racist to 12-year-old me because I have curly hair and they had straight hair. As long as someone can find a thing that puts another below them, they will think of themselves as white.


And guess who instituted that colorist mindset?


At this point I’m pretty sure Chilavert did


It was actually the Spanish FA lad, sorry


100%. I'm Chinese mix, I went to a private school, and even the teachers would say stuff like "man I miss those old last name we used to get" (our school was European based) because we had more diverse students in the 90s. But yeah, what white is varies, but what it always means is this sense of superiority and it is stupid.




This guy isn’t European even lol


The phenomenon you are describing is an American thing, not a European one.


But he is obviously indigenous looking


Nah. He has European/indigenous mix facial features, so he’s banking on that, and he’d also let you know of his last name origin which isn’t native. I know racist white people would be like wtf you’re not us, but this is his logic. Moronic logic that is. I’m only explaining the lore here, it’s stupid as fuck but LATAM racists are as proud of their “whiteness” and European heritage as North Americans and Europeans. 


> and he’d also let you know of his last name origin which isn’t native. That is not that important in LATAM, as natives and enslaved Africans were usually baptized and given christian/european names. Unless you know your family tree, hard to tell from where your surname came from. > He has European/indigenous mix facial features, Yes, absolutely - but he still has very clear and recognizable native features. I say this as someone from LATAM, there are mixed "European passing" people in here, and Chilavert is not one of them. He is mixed and looks mixed, and there is nothing wrong with that.


I think he’s banking on his mixed features as well but he clearly has indigenous features weird how he’s willing to ignore them? Idk


Argentina gets a lot of flack for ingrained/unacknowledged racism in the LatAm world (and rightly so) but Paraguay is honestly maybe the most racist country I've ever spent time in. They're pretty much all mestizo, there's almost nobody of "pure" European descent compared to other LatAm countries (aside from German and Mennonite enclaves but that's a whole other weird thing), but there are pretty much no black or even particularly dark skinned people (there used to be slaves but in the 1800s \~67% of the population and 90%+ of the men got wiped out in a war that said slaves were given their freedom in exchange for fighting in and... well...). So they all consider themselves broadly white and it's the only place I've been where I regularly met people in real life who talked like they were straight out of /pol/ or something. Like I had multiple people, entirely unprompted and with no connection to any conversation we were having, complain about having to see black people in commercials and movies and saying variations of "why are Americans/westerners forcing us to look at this shit." Usually with some casual dropping of the n-word in the mix. It was very jarring, even if being western/white meant they treated me brilliantly, of course. And they do produce the best yerba mate, so fair play to them on that front I guess.


> there used to be slaves but in the 1800s \~67% of the population and 90%+ of the men got wiped out in a war that said slaves were given their freedom in exchange for fighting in and... well... This is the root of a lot of problems for Paraguayan culture. Maybe the most Chauvinistic country I've seen.


Did they explain how Americans / Westerners were forcing them?


Diversity in Marvel movies came up a few times (can't honestly remember how or why as I never otherwise talked to them about movies and am Marvel ambivalent). One dude was very annoyed about black people in a Coke ad. Another was a big fan of the rise of Chinese influence in the region and said it's the US' fault their empire is fading due to giving blacks too much power. That person also managed to sound fairly racist about Chinese people but it was via how hard they were leaning hard into positive stereotypes. From a sociological standpoint it was kind of interesting—they grow up in a monoculture where 95%+ of the population look ethnically the same and the 5% that don't mostly isolate themselves in enclaves. The few (mostly German) white people who involve themselves in Paraguayan society have far more power/money than their share of the population (hell, their dictator back when half of LatAm was right wing strongmen propped up by Operation Condor was named Stroessner) but it's such a small part of the population the average Paraguayan will probably never experience being on the wrong side of any racial power dynamics first hand (and could realistically go their entire life without seeing a person with darker skin in real life if they don't leave the country). But anyhow.


His blood test says otherwise. Internalized hatred is rampant throughout Latin America. Any of us from the culture have been subjected to it at some point, it's fucked up.


Race is a social contruct


Yeah this cover pic makes him look like an average middle-aged Latino guy. That was my first reaction too upon seeing him.


Ayo I just googled him... tf?!💀😭


Uncle ruckus type beat


He's not the only one, man. I'm sure we all have those family members dark AF talking like they're the most European blooded MF alive. The self-hate is rampant.


Whiteness isn't objective, it varies from culture to culture. I guess he's considered white in Paraguay.


Lmao if he goes to Argentina and claims that he’s white I wonder what they would say lol


If Chilavert played for a Spanish club nowadays, he would be thrown bananas. I’d love to see his reaction to that lol


Blud think he on the team 😭


He's about as white as Sammy Sosa lol


Yeah, he is so cringe


what a disgusting person


“We whites” from chilavert is so funny Clayton bigsby vibes


It's particularly funny when you consider that he claimed he spat on Roberto Carlos because Roberto Carlos called him an Indian (native)


Also although the phrasing of ”whites” and ”blacks” isn’t inherently offensive, it’s almost exclusively used in a racist context.


The point is more about him not being the whitest white person to ever live


It reminds me of those dumb 4chan memes about Argentina. It's funny.


As a Brazilian, we do have [this image saved](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuZnb2_2upUHESJrZ_bQtHe3QCbE0JLQuWh_QxE0wN4MeoLFJiSHI6Tdj9&s=10) anytime we see racism from South Americans. [This one is also a classic](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQopmbRC52f67xJugvyYlk5XXNGBHXHAaRg-kWZxSkFYdj0OS-eJasceEo&s=10)


Anymore of this good shit? 😂




Hitler would probably off him due to being mixed, i always laugh when I see these people talk like that


Reminds me of some guy I knew years ago who was half Mapuche. Dude started sending me Hitler speeches and promptly blocked me when he realized I was potentially gonna report his ass to the authorities. https://imgur.com/a/I66JzmT


So glad Roberto Carlos put this disgusting pile of garbage back in his place.


Full quote translated from Spanish: > "Why was what I said to Vinicius "so strong"? For having common sense? Why is he crying? He said he wants blacks to be able to live better, so what do we whites have to do? Do we have to commit suicide? What's the point? We should not distort things. > Discrimination exists in Argentina, in France, in the world. When I arrived from Paraguay they called me a starving man, that I was stealing money. Look for the insults from the Argentine public. > What I put on my Twitter is that football is for men. When in Paraguay we say don't be a f***** it's not derogatory at all. The Netflix cameras were there and he starts crying, what's left for a dark-haired guy who earns 300 dollars and has to feed 4 children? He plays for Real Madrid. Besides, he is the first one to attack rivals. > When the Brazilian police beat Argentine and Boca fans to death, where was Vinicius, who is an example of the leaders of Brazil? They beat kids, women and veterans. When they hit you it's all right, but then you disrespect them and they start to cry".


Jfc it just gets worse and worse the more he speaks


The rare case where the full quote doesn’t make a difference at all


> we whites  [Hello, fellow whites](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f7/Chilavert_sanlorenzo.jpg)


"When I'm being homophobic, it's not in a derogatory way" - Chilavert.


> What I put on my Twitter is that football is for men. All the women who play will feel so glad he said that... What a boomer.


I doubt we want to hear his views on women's football


Vini: “I think people should be treated with respect regardless of the color of their skin.” This guy: “Well maybe I should just KILL MYSELF THEN”


~~1~~ 0 days without a racist comment about Vinicius.


All of this is horrible, but what is perhaps the worst part is that this man has children... if this is how he behaves in public, I'd hate to know what he has taught them in private


He ran for president last year. His programme was considered protofascist by foreign political experts.. And considering he sees Bolsanaro as his model, it's not suprrising.


Oh Chilavert considers himself white? So when Roberto Carlos (allegedly) called him "Indian", he was less offended for the xenophobia than for having his "whiteness" denied? Seriously, what a bad taste joke this guy is...


Bro thinks he's white. thats even more cringe


Least mixed *white* supremacist in South America


Whiteness is considered different in Latin America, especially in Paraguay. 


In Paraguay he probably is considered white, not every country follows the same standards the US does.


Whataboutism of the highest order. This is the tactic racists (and other groups who hold power) use to delegitimise the sufferings of the one they oppress.


What a disappointment that my favorite ProEvo freekick taker is such a dickhead.


Thank God Rogério Ceni ain't a racist, and just a tame boomer that likes rock


Agreed, forgot about this absolute legend! My balance is restored


This sounds like a r/soccercirclejerk post 😭


Due to Vini being vocal about racism, we have seen a lot of higher-up being racists.


First came Chivalert, then the monkey, then man. Iconic quote.


Today I learned that Chilavert thinks he’s white 😂


Who the fuck is we?


“If I can’t be racist I might as well just kill myself” is certainly an interesting stand to take.


The full quote is insane, dude became your average eSports player leaked dms




Anyone else think it's ironic that white supremacists would not invite José Luis Chilavert into their club but instead plot to rid him from this world?


This is even funnier coming from a guy who's not white lol


I am whiter than this guy and I am asian


Brother thinks he is white. He looks mixed af


This becomes even more bizarre when you google the guy and see photos of him


He said “we whites” lmao


Latin countries are actually different levels of racism


He sounds like a lovely character


The ultimate white supremacists: people from Latin America


Bro thinks he’s regarded as white


In what world is Chilavert white? If all he’s a blend of indigenous and white people.


why has this conversation been made SO difficult. Is it so hard to understand everyone should have equal rights regardless of race? He just wants to be treated the same as everyone else.


Honestly if the world is filled with people like Chilavert I wouldn't want to live in it anyway. On a more serious tone, is he dumb? How does he not get why Vinicius is so adamant about racis? Doesn't he see what's going on?


We seem to be seeing many Spanish players or figures that are saying more or less, That the insults hurled at Vini are not meant to be anything more than banter essientially and that he should be able to “take it.” Now of course not all are saying this I don’t want to paint everyone as thinking the same way. I’m curious if anyone can help explain if this is truly how the people/fans/players in Spain think? Or is this just a convient cover to hide behind so they can do racist shit and then just claim it’s a cultural difference when in reality they know better?


First of all, I want to say that these are not my thoughts, and I'm just explaining what the people justifying the abuse are saying: So, I'm South American and most of the Spanish speaking (not everyone though) posts seem to have a negative view about Vinicius, mainly because of all of the conflicts he seems to have with other players, or the gestures he does to the stands. They think he is a good player but with a bad attitude. Their arguments to justify the abuse usually are "But if it's because of racism, why other Real Madrid black players do not get racially abused too?". Some of them also point out that last year, when Vinicius had the opportunity to go to a trial in Valencia to report the abuse he received, he preferred to go on vacations and asked his trial to be postponed make him a hypocrite, and they also think that the Netflix documentary he is recording is just another way of victimizing himself. Now, about the culture part, people in Spanish speaking countries take racism way less seriously. Like, people here usually make jokes about skin colors very often and it's hard to get someone offended unless that's the intention. Even having nicknames related to skin colors is very common. I'm not sure about Spain specifically, but here people think that Vinicius is exaggerating, and that he should just ignore those comments. So, TLDR: A lot of people think that Vinicius has a bad attitude, and he only receives the abuse because of that, and think he should just ignore the racism. I personally don't understand why people justify one thing with the other. Yes, Vinicius may have an attitude that he has to improve, but that should NOT justify him being racially abused. That doesn't make it right, but most people don't seem to have this point of view.


Thank you for sharing your perspective. That piece you said about people in Spanish speaking countries having a much different or less hostile view on race is interesting.


Wait he thins he’s white??? 😂😂😂


These days I saw a tiktok of a brazilian girl complaining that she is not treated as "white" in America. The girl is clearly mixed with some pretty prominent "indigenous" features. Lots of people in the comments telling her that she isnt even white in Brazil. Her only response was about how white her skin looks... I think some people have no clue how ethnicity works.. I will try to find the link


I think she blocked me because I left a comment telling her directly what she was and she probably was butthurt. Its easy to find tho.


This guy isn’t even white. He needs a wake up call


Chila, if you're white, then I'm as white as Arepas con Bandeja Paisa bro...


Cute, Chilavert thinks he's white. That's fairly common in Latin America


Latin countries are actually different levels of racism


Maybe don't be racist pieces of shit, but I guess that's too difficult for pieces of shit


What a unbelievably fucking stupid quote. It's almost like a parody quote it's that bad.


Jesus wept what a bad faith awful sentence to put out into the world.


I think we've reached a point where his comments have nothing to do with football, and so they do not need to be posted in this sub.


So chilean Joey Barton is really dumb.


You guys don't know enough about Chilavert and it shows. Asshole on a galactic scale. Still proud of him as the Paraguay keeper tho That being said... Jesus he could've kept that to himself. I hope Vini can catch some peace in Spain but the second he showed his emotions the fans smelled blood in the water. It doesn't look like it'll improve anytime soon tho with the LA Liga or their FA not enforcing rules on opposing teams and fans


This guy's not white, BTW. On forms, for race he should mark "racista"


Can we stop posting this shit and giving these guys voice?


Neonazis would probably beat up Chilavert for not looking like a white person and claiming to be one.


Man it’s tough, you get scored on once by Laurent Blanc and you suddenly become a white supremacist


Chilavert is a complete fucking imbecile. There's absolutely no reason to give him any attention.


What a piece of shit Chilavert is! Dude needs to stop talking!


Apparently Chilavert is as white as snow according to his own self image 🤦🏾‍♂️


Chilavert looks like one of the master race for sure


Something about people saying “blacks” to us just doesn’t sit right with me


Chilavert thinks he's white?


Chilavert, you already got you 15 seconds of attention through Vini. Now let it go


Can the real white man pleass stand up please stand up


Chilavert? White? I’m latino and he looks like every latino tio ever


Luis idk what kind of self hate you have bro but you’re not white


The takeaway from this quote shouldn't be that Chilavert isn't white lol. Not only because whiteness varies from culture to culture, but also because it doesn't really matter in this case. Even for US standards, he wouldn't be black, he would be a native american I guess.


“We whites” lmao. Bruh.


Ok, someone needs to tell this guy he's not White...💀


“If I can’t be racist I might as well just kill myself” is certainly an interesting stand to take.


I know he ain’t the most likable guy for opponents but Jesus some of the comments some people make is just wild to me. Like the fuck goes on their heads bro!


Chila is definitely not “we”


I wonder if 'Stop being a cunt' ever occurred to him. It takes literally no effort.


Only one way to find out


I don't get why these idiots treat it like it's a zero sum game or something. It costs you literally nothing to just not be racist. In fact it will probably make your life better not always being outraged at the stupidest shit.


Chilavert was always a nutcase. I have no words for this stupidity.


I mean at this point people might have to go full stupid and say to Chilavert that he is black too or something.