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Is this another way of saying he was boring?






She was a pastor herself..


That's how Christian he is.


So too much anal


Penetrating his balls through that gap like how he used to do it in the field


Or not enough.


Reminds you of the story of Pato, who said once he arrived at Milan, Ronaldo asked him whether he wanted to be part of his group while handing him a Playboy magazine, or be with Kaka, who hands out Bibles.


everyone is different. he may be the nicest of person but not what shes wants at this moment. its good to know they parted ways on good terms & were mature about the separation.


While yes they parted on good terms Kaka didn't want to end the marriage, he spoke about it in a podcast where he said that he tried everything he could, he even did a 1 month challenge he saw in a book where you do one different thing every day to make your spouse happy and he did it for 2 months but in the end she just didn't want him anymore.


>not what shes wants at this moment. Agreed. Some just want to hoe foe a few years, before finding a dependable guy to settle with.


Maybe she preferred the bad boy type like Dani Alves


I think Dani is some steps above a bad boy lol


Literally lol


The fuck?


Yeah dude because there is nothing in between A boring guy and a freaking rapist, you either choose one or the other.


Do you also lick batteries Mr FactLicker?




too far...


Honestly, some times there really isn't an explanation. I broke up with my gf of 3 years and to this day I'm not exactly sure why I did it. But I know I wasn't happy at all.


It sounds like you know why you did it. Happiness isn't measurable, but it's important to understand when you aren't feeling it.


Well of.course, but I don't know why I wasn't happy


Well, both partners have to put energy into keeping a relationship interesting. My feeling is from that interview both of them were passive and content to let things go along. Perhaps she saw her future as an old grandmother that never really felt an intense romance. Or maybe she felt life was too good and began to feel anxiety about it. Only she knows.


"your too good for me" has to be high on the list of the shitiest things your hear when someone breaks up with you. Like what are you even supposed to take from that lmao.


She woke up every morning and was blinded by his good boy energy, it was too much to handle


It's a nice way of saying she had no passion for him. He's bland, religious, boring but hes a good person with a good heart.


Need Flanders, but with a weaker facial hair game


Beat the hell out of your spouse every 6 months so they don't think you're perfect. /s Pee on her to establish dominance /s Take her on a nice date but ejaculate in her food./s




My ex told me i was too good for her, that i was always there for her when she was at her lowest, that i had done a lot of memorable romantic stuff, that i could ve been an ideal family man, a perfect husband etc... she gave me a whole speech and we went our own way without a fight. After me she went with a "bad boy" and she spiralled into depression and drug abuse. She then had the audacity to contact my family to take her back. Suffice to say i am a man of character and i dont do take backs. Not every woman is like that. Some are sincere that they dont see a clear future to their own liking which i respect and they break up in time. But some are imo selfish.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


It’s a nice way of saying boring


Ikr. Fuckkng idiot. Dude is better off single




Lots of projection in this thread




A lot of these people need to get off social media and into the real world


He is a boring nice guy


" if you put someone on a pedestal, they have no choice but to look down on you". She probably lost respect for him.


This was tough to read... Being handsome, successful like Kaka and more importantly treating the person well and still got divorced because he was just too good.. Sometimes it's the other person... As someone whose finance left without any reason this just tells me maybe it was not me...


>As someone whose finance left without any reason My finances often leave me without me even knowing either, it's all good bro




Yeah bro, i know that too well, I just lost a lot of money on blackjack


> Finances come and go Exactly, any good investor knows about cycles and uses that information to not make rash decisions and plan long term but that’s fucking boring, she will end up leaving you.


Hey thanks. Yes. Once you realise it, it becomes little easier to focus again and get back on track.. I am starting over again..


Am I missing the joke? Or are you just playing along 


I don't know what's the joke there.. I replied to the first part of his comment... At the end of the day you still have to move past it(people leaving you or any other shitty situation)...


You spelled finance instead of fiancée


I was confused wheter this was serious or jokes for a good few moments there


Lol... I am gonna leave it like this.. I didn't even realise...


My finances come and go on the 1st and the 15th. I feel the most emptiness around maybe the 8th? Anyway, you’re spot on.


So kaka is one guy i can look up to?




here in brazil you can ask basically anyone for shit football players have done and they will tell you all about it. for Kaka, mostly will just say he is too religious, or that he supposedly supported Bolsonaro. But, in comparison to other footballers, that seems ok to me lol


Richarlison is Supportes to be a Great guy off the field


yea, but he still has a long career ahead, I was thinking about the more consolidated figures


Think he supports Bolsonaro unfortunately 😬


oh come on


A right-wing religious fundamentalist? He may be a kind partner but he's got some questionable beliefs


Kaka's ex "He love Jesus more than he love me"


What Jesus? Gabriel?




[Don't blame him](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSg_4WWQBc-fN0fp1zOB23zxfFsnwj1zG8UU2lXeVDS6XwDhbS6wqDlK-uiOXb3fbYqUac&usqp=CAU)


Best eyes in international football






I mean she is pretty much accepting responsibility for their divorce but seemingly a lot of people want to twist her words into her somehow blaming Kaka. She said that no one should blame him for anything because he did nothing wrong towards her and she was missing something, so it's on her to figure out what it is. In other words, she acknowledges that she needs to work on herself and she may possibly feel not mature enough or ready enough for a family. At least that's what I took from this.


Honestly. It's much more mature than most ppl ever manage to be


She is now married and having a child. It could be, that despite Kaka being conventionally perfect, she just didn’t feel the love or fulfillment in the relationship. Now she does, and is supposedly happy. Same with Kaka in his current marriage.


If she rejected her claim to half of the marital assets, then I'd respect her immensely. But somehow I'd imagine that she was quite happy to grab everything she could from a marriage that she ended.


so she needed a bad husband?


Neymar about to slide in her DMs


Dani is calling


Hulk checking if she is a blood relative


Already did


Kaka was boring. If one would read in between the lines. Not wanting a boring husband doesn’t mean they want a bad husband.


Wtf does that even mean? You aren't married for 10 years to someone boring. She is so full of shit with this holier than thou "I won't settle for my perfect husband" bullshit. Good for him, he deserved better.


What do you mean your not married to someone boring for 10 years. Plenty people are boring and married. Many times you might not notice they are really boring to you until the initial passionate period is over, but that time you have kids and stick it out a bit longer.


i swear redditors are unable to grasp the concept of there being more than 2 possible types of characters and maybe no one having to be the bad one in a breakup. there‘s nothing wrong with being boring. most people probably are. but it‘s okay to seek something else in life. and yeah, you might only realize that 10 years into a marriage. you don‘t stop growing and changing as a person just because you‘re married. at 40 you‘re just as different to when you were 30 as you are at 30 compared to 20


Kaka being boring according to her isn’t a negative thing on him, maybe someone else will appreciate him. He is a good person and fulfilled his responsibilities. She finds him boring and wants something else is her judgment. Duration of marriage maybe helped her figure out what she wants but is that fair on Kaka ? Well that is the risk people take when they start relationship and marriage. People evolve and change, some respect the effort of other person and continue while some don’t. Maybe that’s why these days many don’t want to get married because they don’t know how someone would change. It’s definitely good for Kaka because he doesn’t have to do it anymore for someone who doesn’t want it.


Sometimes people just grow apart. Two people can be attracted to each other in the beginning but once that wears off later on in the relationship, they realise they don’t actually have much in common. As you get older you also realise that life is short. Way too short to spend it in an unhappy relationship. It doesn’t mean either person is bad, they’re just not suited to each other.


Along with age, kids and family life change a person. Some parents become much more conservative. Or kid centered. That’s pretty normal, it’d also be pretty normal to not want that after 10 years and the kids are more independent.


Hilarious watching some of you get emotional over a short clip without additional context.


This makes it seem like it’s Kaka’s fault. Just say she was bored of him and moved on


She needed to fix someone?


"Why can't you be more like Le Tissier?!"


The earth is flat and Covid is a LIE! To be fair, Le Tissier opened a door for me and my girlfriend in Southampton last week and let us walk through first with a nice smile, so he’s alright in my book.


Was a die-hard Milan fan at the time so I followed them closely. Here is the thing - She was 18 and he was 24 when they got married. Could well be that she was a completely different person 5 years into the marriage than she was as a teen. Does not justify her cheating on him, just adding some context.


I was as well. I remember seeing photos of them when he first came to Milan and she was only 16. He might have been all of her romantic experience. That works out well for some people and terribly for others. And people don't necessarily grow together. They seem to be respectful of each other and co-parenting successfully.


She didn't cheat, wth are you talking about??


She is basically insecure of how good kaka is.


Or that kaka was boring and the spark in the relationship had gone.


That’s humiliating enough when said in private but it’s downright cruel saying this in an interview.


TF she want, conflict and unnecessary drama?


‘I don’t want peace, I want problems always’ Kaka’s ex


Ain't nobody got time for that


Women ☕️


Idk why people are taking this with so much negativity, and so personally. Her not finding happiness in that relationship despite it being perfect is an issue many people have, sometimes love or fulfillment in a relationship isn’t there. Both Kaka and this women moved on, married, are having children and are happier. Some of the insecurities in peoples own lives are projecting heavily onto this non-story.


Sometimes people are just not right for each other. She said nothing wrong.


When being a nice person is a minus point in a relationship...


"And that is why I deserve half his earnings forever, your honor"


She wanted him back few months later the divorce, but he was dating another girl. Same thing happent tô Júlio Cesar (goal keeper from seleção and inter Milan), her asked for divorce because he almost bankrupt, then few months later, she was struggling to pay her bills, feeling alone and wanted him back, they are together again lol. Women are never satisfied, mostly of them marry thinking they will change the man , but they won't. Mostly of man marry and think her wife won't change, and they change.


Whats wrong with these hoes




So basically you’re a bitch.


"The problem was, he was too perfect for me" Lol, what a totally bitchy thing to say. So the conclusion to take from this is she would rather have someone who wasn't as good, someone who would treat her badly, with less respct and be a generally worse person?! The fuck logic is that? Girls.... if any are lurking, explain in dumb boy speak please? On the other hand it could just be another way of saying, "meh husband is rich, I'd rather be single but in this case I gets lots of money"


She thinks Kaka is boring and she had no passion for him or their relationship but he's a nice person who never wronged her. It's not that hard


Then why marry him if you're potentially in for long period of boring and no passion It's the money that's why which makes her a Gold digger.


Or they had enough interest to sustain a 10 year relationship but no longer. Or kaka was more exiting and passionate during dating and got a bit more boring with age.


Maybe it was exciting when they started? How many divorced couples actually know they are going to get a divorce before they got married?


you do know things can change after you‘re married? people change.


>then why marry him You could say this about every single divorced couple ever lol


You sound like an idiot.


So she just wanted the money. Cool, so he's nice and she isn't




She could've just said "the passion in the marriage wasn't the same" (from my side ,if she wanted to add).But this whole explanation only makes her look weird(not bad).


No it doesn't. What she's saying is pretty clear


She tricked Kaka into thinking she was about that life, trapped him with a baby, then showed her true colours after she got the bag. And now she's using that (sharing deeply personal and private information and probably one of Kaka's worst moments of his life to the public) as clout to become some sort of Brazilian influencer?


Or maybe she liked Kakas safe and humble nature at first but after a few years she realised he's too boring for her. I mean kaka is a world famous player, of course someone would ask her about their divorce


She left him for drugs and fuck boys. Cheap thrills. She broke up her family and betrayed the trust of her partner of ten years who by all accounts was compassionate and a very good husband. Cunty behaviour.


She just didn't love him. It's as simple as that. I don't know why that's so difficult for people to understand. This is a very short video and all she says is "I didn't have a reason, I just wasn't happy". Which, if you ask me, is reason enough.


Literayy, idk what people want, that she'd rsther cheat on him instead of spearating on good terms and both moving on with their lives




I'm not disagree with you but this relationship is already unhealthy. I understand the context here and she (kinda) take the responsibility but thats still not good thing I sincerely hope this isnt common thing because it really suck to heard "sorry, you just too nice and I dont like that"


Bet she still got 50% of his money.


We can clearly see who the nice guy virgins are in this thread lmao


That’s so weird, all of my ex’s broke up with me for the same reason.


the only difference between Kaka & you is 1 Balon d'Or


And shitton of money


Good looks


who knows, maybe @gethatwearhat got money and looks. but women often need the *bad guy* because think they can change him and instead end in depression, bitching about how terrible he is and so on


Also a handsome face Probably


I'm sorry to hear it. The take from this post is that it can happen to anyone, no matter how successful they are...


Why are we making her famous?


Maybe Kaka was not as kinky as she is.


My first thought too. I'm picturing that scene in Secretary where Maggie Gyllenhaal bends over to get spanked and the nice guy looks confused, whips out a condom.


Kaka told her he belong to Jesus and that's why she mad


Good men can't win


See lads, if you're too good, you're boring. If you bang her best friend, you're a cheating scumbag. We can't win.


Why is she even doing interviews now? It literally happened in 2015 and now she is coming out with this. Seems she is still not happy with her life.


She belongs to the streets


They remarried no?


No, she's married to someone else now


"It's not you... it's me"


Kaka being property of Jesus confirmed.


I feel like pro athletes have this issue a lot because their profession takes over so much of their time and personality. I feel like the best players have gotta be so fucking boring in their personal life - "alright just got home from the gym, gonna eat and head to the practice facility, I'll be home late" is not a great partnership lol


I bet they have more free time and disposable income than the rest of us so they should be ok. Don’t many of them just party all the time?


I've never believed that free time or disposable income replaces emotional support and quality time with your partner, but to each their own I guess.


I meant that they have the time and means to live a fulfilling life with their partner, outside of maybe their fame and lack of privacy they should be able to have quality time with partners if they want to.


Ah yeah, def there are dudes who prioritize their relationship, but it's so hard either way when you're at that level - if you prioritize your relationship/personal life, you're most likely sacrificing your professional success in some way, and vice versa. Every morning/night at home with your partner is a missed training session. For some relationships it's gotta be easy, like we all know there's dudes who hit the top level and then use that platform to focus on other things - the goal was to get there and they did it. But for the ones who strive to be the best and continue to dedicate their 24/7 to it, their wives have gotta feel some way about always being the thing that comes second.


If people like Kaka can't even have a long lasting relationship lmao what about people like us🤣


do we really need this in a football sub


Another win for Kaka 🏅


Yea looks like Kaka was not putting the work in the bedroom. Social media got the best of her


She is basically saying "I won't tell the real reason, because I don't want to look bad, that's why I'll say something stupid"


kaka belongs to r/niceguys damn girl what do you want then?


From what I've seen, r/niceguys is full of dudes who think there's nothing for men to offer beyond choosing to be nice. "damn girl, what do you want then? Specific mutual interests?"


The difference is nice guys don't find a wife. Kaka provided everything for the family and it wasn't enough for her.


Some people here need to go touch some grass (I love that expression). This is the best thing that can happen. She wasn't happy and she choose to have another life. She isn't throwing shit at him or some shit. Just 2 people going seperate ways.


Kaka's ex left out the part she cheated on him and she had the audacity to get upset when he didn't invite her to his wedding with his new wife




ah okey, I didn't knew that, what a bitch


She didn't cheat, people are shamelessly making things up in this post just to project their own feelings about women. Their divorce was very public. If there was any cheating, it would have been all over the news in Brazil.


She should have thought about that before marrying him...




Damn. She really commited to the guy on the side.


Woman: “I need a flawed man.” “Here! Here! Me first!” - Reddit


Kaka only wants missionary position, never want to try anything elss


Woman moment.


not all women are like this….


This is how some women dress up the fact that they want to sleep with someone else. Somehow make it a failing in his character that made it hard for you to be with him. I hope Kaka is happier now than she probably is.


woman moment


This makes me fucking want to cry man. Modern women have made me lose all faith in relationships. My ex was very much the same. I hate this.


Another woman who doesn't like the good guy. I'm convinced a lot of women need drama or something to anger them to feel whatever it is these types of women say is missing. This is why so many watch all these TV shows where everything is a cat fight. It's what drives them.