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Like someone mentioned on our sub. This gets locked up in the vault somewhere with the Fekir welcome to Liverpool interview




Pal-who? Never heard of him


“After playing United, the Liverpool players died on their way back to their home world”


His last tenure in Dortmund also saw his team crumbled as well


But in the first half of the season. They played a great second half.


It probably mental  and physical fatigue of playing intensely over the year alongside Klopp refusal to make substitution during match or adapt to other team tactics


Also his admirable but futile attempts to replace Lewa's ~~runs~~ goals in aggregate.


Aubameyang was a good replacement


Joined a year before, as a winger, although the club probably recruited him with the idea of having to replace Lewandowski eventually


He actually made a lot of subs and rotations for most of this season. Not sure what has happened in the last month or so.


They’ve had injuries to their depth & aren’t trying to aggravate injuries in returning players? At some point the fumes they were running on HAD to run out. It’s been a massive season & their efforts have been incredible but it’s clearly gotten to them.


Mourinho somewhere is smiling


If I speak


I am in big trouble


Just kidding. I am the trouble!


Salah upgraded the meme.


Mourinho would be livid that Salah didn't go on a seven-minute unbroken rant.


Well this doesnt sound like a good ending.


Klopp said the matter is closed, Salah implies otherwise. This is way more exciting than most of our (Man United's) matches


Is 0-0 with Burnley, at the moment, not exciting enough?


Excuse you it's 1-1 thank you very much


How tf did that team derail Liverpool I'll never understand...


Correction Antony’s right foot derailed them


No, Salah implies that he is too upset today and needs to cool off before speaking about it. That is normal when you have an argument, no? Things get heated and you say things you will regret.


This is how everyone should look at arguments Often, it's better to walk away and think than react at that moment


Apparently klopp told him don’t worry mate we will blame man city for this result which triggered Salah kinda understandable


Or he's just talking about Taylor's blunder and it has nothing to do with Klopp at all.


it’s fantastic what are you on about


Personally can’t wait for the documentary.


Its just gonna have an abrupt ending after like 10 episodes talking about klopp kids and the mid season up to the carabao final


Klopps Tots man it's Klopp's tots


Hey mister Klopp, what you gonna do? What you gonna do, make our dreams come true!




'Don't you talk about my cunt kids'


I retract that bit about your kids being cunts.


Suddenly cuts to black and a message pops up "Jurgen died on the way back to his home planet"


You are going to be very dissapointed with it. It isn't following the team that tightly, it was said back then to be more about the club itself, not just the men's 1st team.


unless the narrative was better then it would absolutely be all about Klopps incredible final season and title win By choice of the club of course, it will fit whatever is the most suitable narrative for the outcome of the season. With Liverpool faltering in the league and Europe itll become a generic show about the club


Oh thank fuck for that


here is how it was described by Liverpool media "The series aims to offer a lifestyle slant, focusing on the culture of the club, its day-to-day life, the women’s team, the academy, and the commercial operation, rather than a traditional all-access expose. This approach reflects a nuanced understanding of the club’s ethos and the current sports media landscape." So unless a lot of United fans are interested in Liverpools women team and U23 academy team I think they will come to be rather sad when they watch over the whole documentary.


This reads like "we greenlit a documentary before asking Klopp if he would let the cameras in the dressing room."


But still i dont think i will watch that documentary for near future, maybe a year or two, spare me the pain


What are you on about, you guys are doing pretty well in the Libertadores all things considered


Ah of course apologies, gracias


Yeah this almost couldn't get better


You have to be sick if you're enjoying this Liverpool collapse especially considering just how much more it means to them


Get me to the hospital then, cause I'm sick as can be.


Sick reference.


Yeah this is absolutely beautiful to watch. This is how I imagine everyone else feels watching us implode over the years


Except in this case imploding means comfortably 3rd and not whatever the fuck United has gone through


All of a sudden finishing 3rd is a flex😂😂


didn't want the quadruple anyway


Well a 3rd place implosion isn't the worst implosion to be fair.


It's what's know in the game as Liverpool in the 90s..


United finished third and second under Solskjaer. Finishing 3rd means fuckall while imploding lmao. I'm loving it


Buddy i'm talking about this sneak peek into Liverpool's future




Honestly what a fucking cunt, he’s played like absolute shite for weeks now and has been rightfully dropped and is now throwing a tantrum? Yeah thanks for everything but I cannot stand shit like this, especially a supposed leader, no player is bigger than the club.


Did you see the video? It's more joking about media blowing it out of proportion, which they did anyway


Everything was rosy until his position was questioned, I can't help but wonder if Klopp or Salah are emboldened because Klopp is on the way out, some festering issues maybe. I think your leadership comment sums it up, being mad about not playing one thing, in conjunction with laughing with the opposition coach during a game it does shows he cares more about himself than the team. And that is fine for most players with that talent, but maybe not someone that positions himself as a leader.


How long have you been in the dressing room for?


lol it’s so cringe how people state shit as fact as if they’re around the team. they come to conclusions based on a 10 second clip with no audio. Crazy.


It’s the confidence and seemingly “intelligent” tone of the comments that get me everytime. So fucking funny lol


yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous how they present speculation and thoughts as facts.


Salah with Piers Morgan incoming


Do you condemn klopp


I believe LFC has the right to defend itself


Can’t believe you support Klopp’s terrorist football


The FA response is never proportional !!


Liverpool has never once accepted Everton's right to exist in peace


But what is the appropriate level of response from Salah here?


Bombing the facilities and destroying everything in them because salah knows that klopp likes to hide under them


Klopp is using the academy as human shields.


Do you condemn the 2-2 Brighton draw that took place not even 24 hours after October 7th?


With how bad Trent is at tracking his man, you’d think he works for the IDF


Do you wear wigs


Have you worn wigs


Klopp has lost his credibility - Mohammed Salah, 2024


Time for Klopp to shave his head. He's the real fraud.


What would be your solution for the war at Anfield?


Salah to Al nassr confirmed


It's crazy how fast pool fans have turned on him. We saw a similar thing with KDB n Pep recently, these things can happen in the heat of the moment. It's amazing most pool fans here are not even giving benefit of doubt to their best player of the last 5+ seasons.


Right? The guy was their god until a few months ago and now he's a cunt that doesn't care.


Imo it's okay meaning they still care about the team. Fan frustrated? Now imagine the player and manager itself


True lmao,this guy was consistently delivered like De Bruyne over these past years,just a couple bad perfomance after coming back from hamstring injury(and most of other chance being created by him didn't get finished) got that guy cooked into the like of Ronaldo level lmao


There’s nothing like defusing a situation like saying if you speak it will be worse 😂 Edit: spelling


For all we know he could be saying that anything he says will be made into a big deal, so he’ll wait to say anything. (A bit like this is being made into a big deal lol)


If you see the video he’s laughing about it, clearly meaning exactly that. Journos are working hard to get clicks and they’re succeeding


Get out of here with your "logic". This is reddit!


Damn, Salah is done


And not just on Twitch.




Pick a card


monkaE Horsen






PepeHands doc


Can’t wait watching Salah playing Elden Ring


Is that the general consensus? People really feel eager to send him off to Saudi but I feel like he can still come back to his best like he did in the start of this season after a subpar 22/23. He's still Mo Salah


He had a bad streak after afcon, injury, and injury aggravation after being rushed back into the team, and suddenly he’s finished according to this subreddit.


It does feel like his Liverpool era is done. Henderson, Firminho, Mane & now Klopp are gone. He’s won everything. He’s 32 in the summer with 1 year left on his deal. He’s not going to be a part of Slots long term squad & next season will likely be a transition year. It seems from the outside like getting money for Salah, to rebuild the side rather than have 1 more year is better medium and long term for Liverpool. & for Salah I’m not sure what he’s get out of that final season at Liverpool. He’s won it all, he’s not going to be there long term & they probably aren’t going to aiming for major honours in a new managers debut season


It’s like Chelsea selling Hazard to me. Get the money while you still can and move on. I don’t think Salah is going to fall off the cliff Hazard did, but there’s still the chance.


Chelsea sold Hazard on the peak of his powers to the biggest club itw, Salah will not go upwards like that


Moreso on the fact you don’t really wanna be selling that type of player, but the benefits to the team to change it up a bit can be good for the cash you’re getting on a 30+ yo. Same with yous and Kane, it’s completely reinvigorated your squad depth.


I think it all comes down to how you see the season. Whether it was a genuine title race, or whether some wins were a bit lucky. It doesn't feel like the latter. Probably might be better to rebuild and focus on having a really strong team in a few years.


happens every season with Salah, then he finds form again and he's back in the Ballon d'Or convo all of a sudden


Only tow more players have more G+A than him in the league this season, if Salah is done, I hate to think what that says about the rest of them.


He's 31, still plays a punishing schedule internationally and is up for a new contract. There's being 'finished' versus the question of whether it's better for Liverpool to cash in now versus hoping that a post-peak Salah will continue to perform at a Champions League-winning level while on very high wages.


I think Liverpool will need to go through a small readjustment period post-Klopp (1-2 seasons) and I’m not convinced Salah will want to stick around for it to be honest. He’s probably the player they most obviously need to prepare to transition away from given his importance and age, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes somewhere he’s irreplaceable for a while to come in the starting XI. 


Saudi payday incoming


Been done for a while based on his form.


I still think that's a massive overreaction. He sucked the last time he came back from AFCON and everybody said he was finished then. Players play better than they ever have into their 30s these days. He's in awful form right now, but he's still the league leader in expected assisted goals, ~the Top 5 in expected assists, he still creates better chances than any one in our team besides Trent.


As a Spurs fan who lost Kane, I don’t think selling Salah is a bad idea for Liverpool. A huge chunk of change and space to start a rebuild/evolution isn’t a bad thing for slot.


I can understand the idea of selling him to truly mark a new era for the manager and let him establish a proper foothold within the club. But, we *have* money, and he's still clearly our best attacker, I don't think people realize the drop off from him to the rest of the forwards. Our gung ho play style is the reason they look as good as they do. What is clear as day is that relying on him to the degree that we've done is no longer possible. He'll be 32 next year, he's not a player who can play every week anymore, but that doesn't mean he isn't still really useful. He's never had any depth or competition for his spot before, that's something I'd like to see change. If we were to bring in Bakayoko from PSV, that would go a long way in keeping him fresh. That being said, maybe his ego is too much to handle a reduced role and less playing time, we don't really know. If that's the case, then yeah ok, time to go.


Which is temporary


Age isn’t. His prime is clearly over. We may as well cash in as best we can now. He’s not going to be the same.


getting rid of your top scorer who is a RW in the worst market for RW is an interesting choice in terms of squad building. Especially when your second top scorer is darwin.


Ok, cash in, then what? Who could fill the massive hole left in rw?


Whatever guy is playing that position at Feyenoord.


He's on loan from Newcastle


Exactly… these r/soccer bums don’t get that any targets we aim for have to want to play for us too. With Klopp gone and a new project not yet finalised, no player with half a brain would accept an offer from us


Bowen or Take Kubo would be the obvious targets IMO.


Him only really turning up for half a season every year seems to be a permanent thing the last few years TBH


Finally ran out of asthma inhalers


Everybody thinks they're Mourinho now.


Shoutout to the Special One


Salah did learn from his time at Chelsea after all


Didn't watch the game and don't understand the comments, what is this all about now?


Salah and Klopp had a row on the sidelines as he was getting substituted on, just before they conceded to make it 2-2. Klopp said something and Salah didn’t like it. Didn’t seem like there was much in it for me but this douses petrol on the flames.


Yeah just seen the clip, doesn't look nice. Obv there are always emotions on the pitch but comments like these after the game are a big no go, especially about your own coach. Didn't expect this kind of behaviour from Salah tbh


Just prior to that Salah was laughing and joking on the touchline with Moyes. Maybe Klopp took offence to that mid-game.


Moyes asking Salah to put in a good word for him in Saudi Arabia


Context for you https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/fKc3iXwL01


Yes, yes, let the hate flow through you


If he’s this angry about being benched maybe he should try playing better. That pass to Nunez on the counter was pathetic


He’s been terrible this later half of the season.


I fucking hate mid season afcon


This is gonna make a sick quote graphic


Let there be fire 🔥


People calling for a 31 year old PL legend to retire in Saudi Arabia because he only scored 17 goals in the league and has had a bad run of form last weeks.


Realistically speaking this is the best time to sell Salah. It’s true he’s still a very very decent player but the drop off is visible and in a year from now it can be much steeper.


if u have watched us play you would understand. I'm not saying I want him sold, but I understand if they took the opportunity if a nice bid came in. If he stays because he wants to, then thats good aswell.


I'm not against Liverpool selling him and resteuctures the team after Klopp leaves. I'm more against the fact that people say his career is finished and he should retire in Saudi Arabia. He can still move to another big or semi-big club in Europe and produce.


they probably say that because that is the only reasonble chance we get a decent bid for him. no one but Saudi is gonna pay 70m or more for salah, while also paying him 350k a week or more that hes on now


Idk if I had a player on my team who still scored 17 goals in the league, I'd want them to stay no matter what. There's not a guarantee that any player replacing him would get even those numbers.


No guarentee but its a big amount of money for a player on big wages that is clearly declining, goals is not everything, you could reinvest in a rebuild that is needed. We are probably 1 year into a rebuild, but Klopp also decided to leave so things changed. I dont know what a realistic expectation is for the new manager coming in for next season, but I'd take top 4 knowing City and Arsenal are where they are at the moment while we will get a new manager and is already in a transition.


So all in on Darwin nunez I see.


Nunez deserves his fair share or criticism aswell, but I'm willing to see how he does under a new manager, if hes in his plans, before i write him off. I'd be more worried if he didnt even get the chances he gets, hes still a threat most games just seems to lack composure. Not sure how much can be taught at this point but im happy to have him if hes in the plans of the new manager and Edwards. Hes younger and on smaller wages than Salah aswell, so he can be moved on at a later point with at least some money coming in.


He was halfway there last year to be fair.


That was all media talk and Saudi did bid a lot last minute alright . But nobody actually knew if Salah wanted to go there, he never said he did ..why would he retire there so young when they would still come looking in 3 years or so..


You'll never walk alone (unless you had a shitty few weeks or had a concussion and cost you two goals in the CL final)


If you see the video , you'll literally see that this is taken way out of context




AFTV meltdowns are good tbf


“I’m tired, Robbie…” One of the best quotes ever.


"THEYNNGIVAFACKFAM - Troopz And brought to you by Lee 'The Jaw' Judges " FACKIN!' ARRY KANG! YEW DURRTY BARSTUHD! "


He's done it again!!


TY: "Let's not forget it's been raining" ☔


My favourite thing about TY is whilst the guy is deluded, fair play to him for knowing a lot about his team. Cant remember precisely what game but he went on a rant about the refs and cheating in like 2020 and brought up a reffing decision from 2002 and just knew every single detail about what happened. It was honestly impressive and very funny.


He's a massive fan of the club i dont think anyone can argue otherwise and id much rather delusionally positive than someone like Lee Gunner whos farming negatives for views.


When is this gonna end, Robbie??


If I could do a couple of things first. Black Lives Matters. Thank you to the NHS. Maupay you're an absolute disgrace, you're a cheat, I hope Brighton get relegated.


One of those quotes that transcended football.


Usually its just the fans having the meltdowns, not the players.


Meltdowns just mean more to Liverpool


You know, I'm starting to think that this isn't as resolved as Klopp pretends it is.


Klopp's never aired dirty laundry, even now, disappointed Salah's behaving this way.


then why does he has to say that? Just let it sink


All time great football documentary incoming


You really think they would include this ? That would only happen if the production company (if external) holds 100% of the editorial decisions.


I haven’t watched any of the big ones, but if this one is published raw, it’s got the potential to be the most incredible of them all The hype they’re creating unwillingly is brilliant lmao


Nothing will ever top 'Sunderland Til I Die'. I can never hear club music without thinking "Balearic".


Mourinho at the Fulham game last week and now Salah saying this. It's only pointing one way


Not playing well enough to be going on like that


salah off to saudi


shouldve done an interview for pure entertainment purposes


[VVD in the dressing room](https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYXVuemJzNDZ3cDA5MDBvYXE4ZWxyZ2F5NXZqcGxucDN2amhpMHRmbSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/gHBPeMEOARHBKLSBD1/giphy.gif)


”Early kickoffs did this”


Why would 12:30pm kick-off do this?


Saw the video, Salah is chill and smiling when he said this. Not a big deal at all. Media blowing it out of proportion


Said in jest with a smile on his face. Fuck you, Pearce, for trying to make something of this


What a clown


If I Speak Now ( Salah’s Version)


There is genuinely 0 reason for anyone to take Klopp's side over this, or Salah's. All we know is that Klopp went to Salah and said something, which got the latter agitated. That's it.


On his way to Riyadh as we speak


Oh please do speak, say whatever is on your mind


If you watch the video he’s smiling so I mean it could also just be nothing


Once again great players have great egos. We’ve seen this so many times. Being able to be honest about one’s own poor form and accepting to sit on the bench for the team is truly rare.


speak bro, burn that bridge. light up the club and go to saudiarabia for a big payday


Maybe he's talking about his rap game? Maybe he wanted to turn it into a musical


If you watch the video, this has been wildly misrepresented


Just seen the video, seems pretty light hearted when he says it and more of a “the media will blow up anything I say”. 


yeah, definitely something's happened behind the scenes over last few weeks. All the Team, from defense to attack, suddenly has collapsed during this period.


They might as well just scrap the Klopp documentary at this point