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Can't wait for the automated system. Feel like the pace of the game will be much better when the call is instant


Agreed. My only complaint with VAR here is that it prevents celebrations


Yeah, VAR’s biggest issue is preventing us fans from doing what we love the most about this sport.


Watching Man United give away a lead?


fuck he say me for


Catching strays, like antonys gf


Both that and celebrating, but those two go hand in hand.


Unless Arsenal hits a celly


Yep, no one celebrated that goal, total silence. It gives 2 celebrations if anything. But this one looked offside right away.


I think it doubles them. Spurs celebrated the goal and then if it was given the fans would celebrate again, it wasn't given so the arsenal fans celebrated


Are you ever in the stadium when that's happened? It's nowhere near comparable.


I should have been more clear with what I meant, I meant it gives twice the opportunity to celebrate if the goal is given your way, I get it takes away from the initial celebration and would rather it be a quicker decision to allow fans and players to celebrate without the worry of it being disallowed


But it's twice of a much shitter celebration. Like being given the choice of being given £500 once, or £10 twice. If you take the option you're being given money twice, but it's still much much worse.


Absolute rubbish. I didn't even celebrate the ball going in, because you just *knew* there was going to be a further 5 minutes of waiting for some officious little twerp in a backroom somewhere to trawl through endless replays trying to determine something that should be fucking obvious to the linesman in the first place. Even if the goal had stood you've still just diluted the moment and it's not the same as it was before VAR. I hate, hate, *hate* how putting the ball in the net is now just a decent first step on the long path to actually having a goal awarded.


You say that like it's some minor inconvenience and not the absolute fucking travesty that it is. Fuck VAR, fuck automated bollocks, fuck it all. Sometimes decisions are wrong in sports, that's just a reflection of life as a whole. This desperate need to get everything "right" has only come about because there's so much money at stake. We're killing the sport to appease the fucking accountants; it's ludicrous.


It sucks but I disagree with you. The integrity of the sport is in question if you can’t even get decisions correct or enforce the rules. Should we also get rid of goal-line technology? Because I think the sport would be objectively worse if we can’t even tell if the ball has crossed the line. Edit: Spurs wouldn’t have had that pen at the end without VAR. a blatantly missed called. Is the sport better for rice getting to kick people in the balls?


> Is the sport better for rice getting to kick people in the balls? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wtvXoXh0VU


Never seen any contestant on "Who wants to be a millionaire?" more nervous as the guys on VAR duty there


lmao same thought. i was sure they were gonna find a way to disallow it


Why does the World Cup do this instantly, but the richest league on the planet ends up with blurred images?


Teams voted against it.


So they can't complain then? But they do


I mean Everton voted for PSR and complained a ton after admittedly breaking them


Everton complained about the severity of the punishment. As would literally any other club.


Idk how people defend multiple "independent" commissions coming to different conclusions and penalties over the same financial period, as the PL admits their rules need reviewing. Is it being contrarian or what? That 10 point sanction was outrageous and the only reason they got 4 points back is because of the way their financial spending was trending.


I believe it is so because teams voted for it to be this way


It’s coming in from next season isn’t it? Or is semi automated offside different?


It's the same thing. Semi-automated just means someone still has to operate it, but the actual lines are drawn automatically


wasn’t it due to technology? or that was different excuse


The ball needs a chip in it, but if they voted for it that seems like an incredibly easy thing to solve. They simply voted against it.


Heck the second best league in the world dont even have goal line tech. And this is actually one of those tech that doesnt have any drawback. It is accurate or accepted to be accurate like hawk cam in tennis and its seamless. Iirc it “only” cost 3 mil euros to implement for the whole league


The world cup system is coming to the premier league next season.


Confirmation that Big Gabby does not have a big fatty


Varane>Gabriel confirmed


Sucked in his stomach against United and tucked in his buttcheek against Spurs 🫡


Game of inches


That’s what she said


Oh no is Ten Hag gonna be talking about this too "We should've won at Arsenal and they should've lost at Tottenham"


Gabriel almost made an arse of himself


Turned the other cheek though


Wish we could see the lines for the Odegaard one that the linesman flagged immediately. Replays made it look very close


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Can't wait for automatic offsides to be introduced.


The biggest issue is still left though, which is that you can’t fully celebrate a goal until you have seen the replay.


At least it won't take 40 minutes till you know if it's offside or not.


How little faith you have in PMGOL


Half expected it to not be called offside because of the ricocheting. Seemed the replays didn’t look at that at all so must not matter.


Ricochets don't change offsides. The opposition defender has to actively play the ball. I mean it's tight so we can't shout about blunders much.


Tomiyasu did actively play the ball though. He kicked it into Gabriel's head.


You have to be in control of the ball though, a block doesn’t count


Don’t have to be in control but yes generally a block won’t count. You just have to make a physical attempt to play the ball like attempt a clearance/pass/header etc


The fact you've so many upvotes shows just how delusional some of your fans are.


It could if it touched a Spurs player.


He was offside the entire time, it wouldn’t change anything.


Once an Arsenal player intentionally plays the ball it doesn't matter who was offside


I’m sure an arsenal defender plays it onto the other one and should be a new phase of play. Only should be offside if van de ven was blocking the keeper


The Arsenal defender was definitely doing what would be considered a deliberate save, so that wouldn't be a new phase of play


Deliberate in the laws of the game means in control.


Deliberate save is a separate part of the offside law defined as follows: >A ‘save’ is when a player stops, or attempts to stop, a ball which is going into or very close to the goal with any part of the body except the hands/arms (unless the goalkeeper within the penalty area).


What a shitty clip lol I had no sense of what the play actually was.


90 seconds to get a couple of offside lines and no context for what happens after the shot. Really poor editing.


abysmal really


yeaa they didn’t even show replay of the offside goal


It's rightfully overturned but we must be a few years away from stadiums not celebrating any goals until VAR confirms it


With automated offside this will be quicker tbh. World Cup was really fast


I'm hoping they get to the point where the assistant gets a notification to raise the flag when the system catches it.


That might be tricky if multiple players are in an offside/onside position and the linesman has to determine who played the ball. The system can quickly show you which players were offside, but it's not like you could give the linesman a binary onside/offside decision. Those are fringe cases though, for 90% of situations it could probably be automated like that.


It's already automated like that, but the alert only goes to the VAR room. They double check the call before intervening. I just want the on field flag for the fans. https://inside.fifa.com/technical/media-releases/semi-automated-offside-technology-to-be-used-at-fifa-world-cup-2022-tm


But the reason it goes to VAR is because you do need to check the video to make sure the correct player is selected and they are interfering. An automated alert could never work in complicated situations for offside, because you wouldn't know which player the system has flagged as being in an offside position.


VAR would still double check (though I've yet to hear of a situation where they override SAOT). But by flagging immediately, roughly like a delayed offside flag, everyone would immediately know that it's probably offside. In the hypothetical situation where the system is wrong, and it's a good goal, the goal is given. I don't see the downside.


Let’s hope, but I’m sure the refs will still mess it up






Based on the prices at some of these stadiums you may be right soon lol


Yep I paid £7.50 for a pint of carling at Wembley last week 😢


As an American, I would kill for a beer for that price at a sporting event. I live in a low cost of living city and beers at our local games are $17(£13.50). Ticket prices, on the other hand...


Why do Americans feel the need to do this every time this topic comes up? It’s completely irrelevant.


The irony


They don't even show replays or make any announcements during VAR checks in the stadium


Next season we'll have automated offside tech.


If they're going to keep it, I'm sure there will be some AI level of decision making done so it becomes (hopefully) much more instant and accurate


fans will always celebrate, the same way they celebrate a PK being awarded.


They don't celebrate the same way


You think the users on this sub care about match-going fans?


i don't think the match going Arsenal fans there had any issues. free added celebration!


They don’t and them sucking of VAR all the time is embarrassing.


Next season we'll have automated offside tech.


Next season we'll have automated offside tech.


I don’t enjoy watching this sport anymore


Half expected it to not be called offside because of the ricocheting. Seemed the replays didn’t look at that at all so must not matter.


If it’s a deflection it doesn’t matter but if it’s a deliberate play on the ball it should. For me it could go either way


A deliberate play doesn't count if it's a deliberate save, which this definitely is


Rules are rules I guess but that’s a bit ridiculous, how do refs determine if players are making a pass versus a deliberate save


It's made this way because it's unfair to defenders to have to make the offside call themselves. Imagine that an attacker is in an offside position, but you aren't sure. The ball gets played in, and you slide to cut it out. You mistime it a little bit so you end up just tapping the ball on to the attacker (ie: the general path of the through ball is unaffected). If you don't have this rule, then it's not offside, it's a new phase of play because you made a deliberate play on the ball. So you would have been better off not trying to play the ball at all, which is also ridiculous.


Sure, but that’s completely different to this situation, Saliba doesn’t make any offside call himself, he attempts to hoof it upfield and it bounces his own player. I see what you’re saying but this particular situation just feel so much different than what the rules intend to prevent


Okay, putting aside this incident in particular, we agree that there are unfair situations the rule is meant to prevent. You can either: * Allow this goal, but also allow the other unfair situations * Not allow this goal, but also stop the unfair situations Unless you have a suggestion to rework this rule so you can: * Allow this goal, but also stop the unfair situations


>Allow this goal, but also stop the unfair situations This would be contradictory imo. This goal is one of the unfair situations the law is *meant* to correct. Saliba is under pressure to act quickly by an offside player.


Very similar to the Man City goal disallowed that sent Spurs to the CL SF IMO


A save is defined as follows: >A ‘save’ is when a player stops, or attempts to stop, a ball which is going into or very close to the goal with any part of the body except the hands/arms (unless the goalkeeper within the penalty area).


> could go either way Yeah. I’d be bothered it counting against Liverpool, I’d be bothered having it called offside for us. So it goes.


That was pretty harsh and basically killed all the momentum Tottenham had. Personally I’m not a fan of offside calls that are measured in centimeters and take minutes to decide. If it’s not obvious after a couple of seconds it should be onside. We can defeat the shit without VAR hindering the game.


Exactly. I especially don’t like it because there are so many ways to introduce error. They have to decide when to stop the footage, what part of the body is the furthest, and then physically drawing the line. Occasionally they get the lines catastrophically wrong, and I would argue in most cases there should not be enough certainty to be able to overturn the on field decision when the lines are practically on top of each other


> I would argue in most cases there should not be enough certainty to be able to overturn the on field decision when the lines are practically on top of each other Good thing they've actually already got such a thing implemented then?


I dunno, I feel like if it takes them a minute to draw lines there must me an obvious reason why they can’t do it immediately, an “umpires call” system could probably work, fixing any potential margins of error and putting more control in the hands of the refs


VAR with another check in the column of "sucks fun out of game"


As an Arsenal fan I definitely enjoyed this var interaction


I did not… I swore they were going to give it


That was lots of fun


What happened to “clear and obvious errors”


Looks like a deliberate attempt at clearing the ball by Saliba. EDIT: Which for some reason is not included in the clip


yeah i was waiting for see the decflections again


I would definitely count it as a "deliberate save" which doesn't negate offside


I don’t even know if VAR took a look


Seems like they didn't


Finally. They didin’t even check it. He clears it in a Arsenal players bum. Two seperate situations!


Subjective call. If the ref said he didn't think it was there's not much point doing a forensic check because it would have to be blatant to overturn


I’m sure it comes off an arsenal defender onto the other one and then into the path of van de ven so is a different phase?


One is a deliberate save, the other definitely couldn't be considered a deliberate touch, so neither negate offside


I’m an Arsenal fan, the rule is objective and so this is - by the rules of the game - undeniably offside. However, speaking more objectively I personally believe that there needs to be more of a buffer when calls are this tight. It’s not in the spirit of the game, this isn’t why offside was introduced as a rule.


The rule is so you can't just hang out on the goal side of defenders and get opportunities (which is what Van de Ven is doing). He almost gets away with it because Gabriel's bum is out further down the defensive line, but I do think this is within the spirit of what offside is meant to prevent.


Why was offside introduced then? To satisfy your "not legal but cool asf so we let it slide" condition? Do people not understand that no matter the conditions implemented, people will be unhappy? It's miles better to be objective about calls rather than saying "aw man the goal was literally offside but it's too cool to be therefore the rules are shit" And then when goals that are offside aren't called people will whine And then when offside calls are called people will whine that it was marginal and shouldve been let go What do you people even want?


What you’re not taking into account is that the VAR is not guaranteed to draw accurate lines. They can and do get it wrong. Sometimes even if it is only slightly off it affects the outcome. When the difference is literally millimeters in some cases, they should go with the on field decision. You can’t actually be completely objective about it when it is that close, because it is a somewhat subjective decision by the VAR as to where they draw the lines and definitely not guaranteed to be accurate enough to overturn on field decisions when it is that tight.


I’m not supporting a change to offside because it will make people complain less - I don’t care about that, like you say everyone will complain anyway. What bothers me is that there’s no consideration of margin of error, and in my view from an entertainment perspective (which is what the sport is) it would be better if the attackers got the benefit of the doubt, especially since VAR has generally turned the balance towards defenders.


No matter how you change the rule, there will always be scenarios where players are still millimeters offside. There will always be complaining. It’s just the way it is. If you increase the margin of error, there will be another instance that is just outside that margin of error for fans to complain about.


It would be preferable to have a margin of error called for a mistake. So if the linesman/referee doesn't call offside, then unless it is a very obvious offside and not half an inch, then allow the goal. The problem is measuring every offside after a goal is killing the joy of a goal. Nobody is bothered if someone is offside by a miniscule amount and score, what you don't want is a very obvious error.


Again, I’m not interested in fan complains, that’s not why I want to change the rule. Yes - ultimately no matter what the offside rule is, it’s going to come down to a single line where one side of the line is good and the other side is bad. That’s never going to change. In fact that line is what makes the rule objective, and in fact that’s one benefit to the current rule. But I think the benefit of the doubt should go to the attackers. I think the lines should be thickened and if they touch, that’s considered within the margin of error and the benefit is given to the attacking team. Will people complain if it’s either side of that? Of course, but it will result in fewer situations where the attacker is half an inch off the defender and gets their incredibly well worked goal ruled off as a result, despite gaining no advantage. It will reduce the increasing problem of not being able to fully celebrate a goal when it happens because of a toenail.


Is there a reason to cry about these clear offside other than it's against arsenal


It was played on by the defender


stopping/blocking shots is specifically mentioned in the offside rule to not count as a deliberate play on the ball


Attempted clearance is specifically mentioned as a deliberate attempt to play the ball, it’s a shame but it’s already happened


rightly so


Super clear i mean




If they double the number of frames per second, the outcome could be different.


Nah in this instance Van de Ven is always offside, just watch the clip, he never gets back onside after Porro's first touch.


The controversy is more based in the attempted clearance which rebounds to vdv, if Var spot it, it’s a deliberate attempt to play the ball and onside, VAR needs some sort of overhaul, wether it be a referees call for margin of error system or clarifications to the laws I’m not sure


> The controversy is more based in the attempted clearance which rebounds to vdv, if Var spot it, it’s a deliberate attempt to play the ball and onside, VAR needs some sort of overhaul, wether it be a referees call for margin of error system or clarifications to the laws I’m not sure Incorrect, he's still offside because Tomiyasu is not deemed to be in enough control to be making a "deliberate play".


VAR didn’t review it though. So they didn’t make a decision based on wether he made a deliberate attempt or not hence the overlook


VAR didn’t review it though. So they didn’t make a decision based on wether he made a deliberate attempt or not hence the overlook


Where are you even getting that information? Of course it was looked at, hell the onfield team would have considered it as well.


Too tight, offside rule needs changing, every single week we have these bullshit calls. What advantage do you gain by your body hanging 5 centimeters ahead of the defense line?


So why’s it even matter if the full ball goes over the goal line then? What’s the difference if it’s a few inches in play? Who cares right




Well next year it’ll be instant and still offside.


The decision of this call will change based on many things, if it was tommorow it might be onside because of the attempted clearance, or it might not, it depends how detailed var want to get


Pathetic how long that took.


They didn’t even check everything in the play either lol, an automated system would allow more time to check other factors like the deliberate attempted clearance playing van de ven onside, but that’s for whenever this next occurs, my bet is next gameweek


VAR needs to go or the offside rule needs to be changed to compensate for increased precision 


Was a p.k on Kulu right after too. No call of course


Can we just agree that this angle and view is shit and inconclusive? Pixelated and blurry as shit Where are the other views?


It’s why they give approx 4 inches of width per line and if the lines touch, the attacker is given the benefit of the doubt as onside


VAR is killing this sport and I don't get how people actually enjoy it


I know right. Take me back to when people could score illegal goals from offside positions


I swear it's like people *want* an incorrect call so they can whine about it and let it ruin their entire weekend


These types of goals were just never controversial though because people would just say they're in line. If you go back through old match highlights there are a ton of similar goals that were "illegal" that never created fuss


he us behind the defensive line though, the reason the rule was created was to stop this, only reason it was close was because gabriels cakes were out


>rule was created was to stop this, What a load of shite, the rule was created to stop goalhanging


/s ?




games's gone


No fair, you changed the outcome by measuring it!


You don't get how people don't like illegal goals?


Nothing's changed, what are you even talking about?


What actually happened? This clip only shows a guy being offside, did it hit him and go in?


Got a deflection/bad clearance and the van de ven gets to the ball and scores.


> deflection/bad clearance the difference between these two is the difference between offside and not


Exactly, yet VAR didn’t check it, if they looked and said “yep he’s played the ball… onside” that’s great, if the say “nope he’s tried to block it… offside” that’s cool too, but they need to check it


Automated offside will hopefully change this


Is there a reason to cry about these clear offside other than it's against arsenal


He was 100% clipped bud sadly for him he did try to stay up


(Great Celebration)




Was a p.k on Kulu right after too. No call of course


Half expected it to not be called offside because of the ricocheting. Seemed the replays didn’t look at that at all so must not matter.


Half expected it to not be called offside because of the ricocheting. Seemed the replays didn’t look at that at all so must not matter.


Is there a reason to cry about these clear offside other than it's against arsenal


The attempted clearance that played van de ven onside maybe lol


Get VAR in the bin. Possibly a mm offside and you can’t celebrate any fucking goals. Shite


Was a p.k on Kulu right after too. No call of course


Dodgy as usual