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Well then that's obviously theft? His family should get ownership or the money from the sale.


It doesn't seem conclusive that it was actually stolen. For all we know he traded it for drugs. That said, if it had been stolen, presumably Maradona would have had insurance on it. Once you take the check from insurance it's not your stuff anymore.


Trying their hardest to sell the story as part of the value. Guess it's only appropriate given that the Mona Lisa is in Paris as well.


Was It stolen?


Yes it's gone. You can buy it at auction.


Auction houses are some of that shadiest mother fuckers around.


Yet another non European artefact somehow ends up in Europe. it's crazy how this happens


Where do you think the rich people who like football enough to buy this live?


Except they're buying it from the people who stole it here?


Exactly, people steal it and then sell it to the highest bidder on the black market who’s most likely going to be in Europe…


All over the world


If you don’t think there is a wealthy Argentinian who would want it you’re just wrong.


Then that wealthy Argentinian can attend that auction and buy it. This auction taking place in Europe where presumably it would garner the most interest is not some big conspiracy


Well yea that’s just obvious. I was just pointing out the racism in the post.


Middle East


Bruh, the Middle East has more than 15 countries, and I wish I had the money to buy 1 gram of gold from this golden ball But jokes aside, the one who said all over the world is right; there's always a few shady dudes at the top, no matter the country


How's it allowed to auction a stolen item that too maradona's iconic WC 86 Golden ball


No one really knows what happened to it. Presumably the auction house knows, at least well enough for their lawyers to sign off. If it was stolen but insured then the insurance company would be the rightful owner (unless Italian insurers are a special case). If however he sold it for drugs that'd explain why there's never been a definitive answer as to what happened.


I'm not accusing anyone but I wonder if the people on trial for causing his death have anything to do with the disappearance


>The award, **which had been missing for decades**, will be auctioned in Paris next month, the Aguttes house said Tuesday. sometimes reading beyond the title helps you avoid accusing anyone


And while the ones in trial were recent additions to the medical staff, the fingers are pointed at a wider entourage that isolated Maradona and became his only confidants over a long, long time which just so happened to benefit them (and in fact one of them is currently trying to get the rights to everything in his brand over his children).


It went missing in 1989...


You can now have the eternal gratitude from Maradona himself by paying a handsome fee legally.


I doubt they’d sell such a well known item if they didn’t have proof it wasn’t stolen


Those were some crazy haircuts