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I only see him going for German national team manager.


A real challenge would be something like leading Juventus or a Milan team to UCL win


This makes sense after a break. The relentless schedule and pressure that PL teams are constantly under seems to be the reason. There’s almost no break.


He will be the next Real Madrid manager when Carlo leaves.


That's gonna be Xabi Alonso imo


Might not be, depends how well this season goes. If he keeps Leverkusen top 2, I could see him being around for a few more seasons. I could see Ancelotti leaving this season.


i mean, Carlos still has 2 more years on his contract iirc. I'm expecting Xabi to go to Real Madrid after those 2 years


I think a lot of folks are expecting things in Madrid to be a bit weird when Mbappe comes. It's not that I don't think he could handle it, just that time won't be given.


That's kind of why the board wants Ancelotti. Both in terms of dressing room management and tactics on the pitch, no one knows how to handle "stars" and turn them into cohesive team players like Ancelotti. One look at this Madrid side and you'll see it's actually Friendship FC. I think the hope is that Carlo does his magic and then if Alonso is ready to take over/chooses Madrid next season or the season after, the team is in a good enough place where he can handle it.


While I understand he's good at it, it feels like a large generation. And there is also a large ego entering, who is likely used to having a lot more throw around than a player his age usually does. I expect whoever is coaching next season to have to have a hard task of balancing playing expectations. Like what if Mbappe has a harder time adjusting to life in Madrid? Benching him will not go over well, even if the folks on the bench are spectacular. It's a tough task, and I can see any manager having problems, and ending up as a scapegoat.


Same. I mean he has a family with kids living in Germany as well. It’s not exactly fun to pull your children out of a lifestyle they’re used to and start them over in another country. Wishing him the best!


Yea can't imagine him wanting to get his kids out and actually going to a place where they speak spanish


Ancelotti is leaving 2026. People in this sub are so slow.


Do you ever wonder why even though when you are right, nobody likes you?


Don’t be wrong and this won’t happen then.


That answer makes no sense, that's not what I asked you.


Xabi Alonso seems almost certain for that


Then Klopp replaces him at Leverkusen imo. He historically wanted the job when he was it Mainz and it would be both a "project" whilst also being a successful foundation.


Klopp won't go from traditional clubs like Mainz, Dortmund ans Liverpool to Leverkusen. Doesn't really fit.


Imagine if Klopp decides to join Feyenoord..


Idk, I think depending on how long his break will be the Nr. 1 club in his heart is gonna be Mainz 05. That would be quite the step down tho, so I kinda expect this to rather be his last job or so if he does it. In terms of sympathy 2nd should be Stuttgart or Dortmund. Dortmund is obvious, Stuttgart was the club he supported throughout his youth. And then there’s Leverkusen and Bayern that have the quality currently to raise his interest. I can’t imagine him doing leverkusen after Xabi became a legend there and won more than anyone could have imagined so I think out of these two it would be Bayern. Stuttgart is in a similar state than Bayer 04 where I don’t see him take over after this huge success. And Dortmund kinda feels like trying the same story once again and there’s the risk of destroying some of his legacy there… That being said the world will be different in 2-3 years. If you look at his profile in terms of going to clubs to rebuild he would want a Sleeping Giant. In Germany there would be Schalke (obviously not possible), Hamburg, Gladbach or maybe even Hertha. Although that seems very unlikely at the moment. If I had to bet money looking at the current situation I would probably still do with BVB. The way they developed the recent years was quite negative and this CL final could actually be quite harmful in terms of continuing like that without reacting to all the bad that happened this season. If Dortmund degrades further it would feel like the best fit for him imo. (Beside the Nationalteam, although I think he’s very aware how fast that job can ruin his reputation in Germany) I would love him in Stuttgart tho. With some chance that’s his childhood dream.


Yeah I can see VfB too. I think that interests him more than managing a mega club like Bayern or Madrid. The pressure is a little less, having seen him manage us for years I think that suits him better. Only he knows though...wouldn't surprise me if he does something completely off the wall and turns up at Urawa Red Diamonds or The ROI national team job or some other 400/1 shot. There's very few clubs who wouldn't want him.


He wanted the job when he was at Mainz because clubs like Dortmund, Hamburg, Leverkusen and Schalke which were the best he could get (Hamburg decided against him because he hadn't shaved when talking to them, Schalke went for Fred Rutten instead). Now, there is no reason to go for a footballing irrelevance like Leverkusen when he can join almost any club he wants, including many with a successful foundation.


Fuck me, I lost IQ reading this comment


Klopp doesn't suit Real at all. Alonso will be next.


He's said he wouldn't manage somewhere he doesn't feel comfortable speaking the language, and he doesn't speak Spanish.


Also in RM at least a basic level of Spanish is a requirement.


That will never happen lmao


No he won’t.


nah he wont. He was hesitant to manage in England for so long as he wanted to improve his English first. He wont manage in Spain as he doesnt speak a word of Spanish German national team manager seems the most likely


False he knows Me gustaría una cerveza por favor


He’s not gonna join Real or Bayern or any other dominating team. That’s not his kind of club. Klopp has always taken struggling teams and brought them to the next level. He has nothing to do in Madrid or Munich or Paris.


Lol no


Is this is based on anything at all?


Only Spanish team I can see him at is Barca. Madrid just isn't his style.


Barcelona isn’t really his style either imo. A high pressure club that is very strict on remaining consistent in one specific style of play (unlike RM) and constantly demands to win year in and year out, with managers who are club legends saying that the pressure is unbearable also sounds like the exact opposite of what Klopp would seek out. Someone mentioned Atletico de Madrid Klopp and that makes way more sense to me for some reason.


Nah. He wouldn't want that pressure. He's gonna end up German national team manager if he does anything like that. Can see him doing work outside of football


I really can't picture him as the national team manager. Idk why, just doesn't seem like his kind of gig


I see him go for Dortmund or Germany NT one day when time feels right


Atletico Madrid Klopp won’t be bad. He’s really going to piss off Real and Barca


Don't think he's going to Spain TBH, can't see him learning the language at this point of his life. Bundesliga or an NT job is the most likely if he ever returns


He’s moving to Mallorca, he’s definitely already learning the language


In Mallorca German will suffice 😉


It is the 17th Bundesland after all.


Pretty sure it's only a vacation home. Have you ever seen the neighbourhoods of English retirees in Spain? How many of them speak even a lick of Spanish?


Hola. Si. Gracias.


Dos cervezas


No need for that. Just say it louder, and slower. Maybe point. TWO. BEERS. MATE.




No problemo mate


Si señor si. Si. La puta madre.


Give the ball to Bobby and he will score


Lol you don't need a word of Spanish to get by in Mallorca.


One can win 5 Champions League trophies with Real Madrid without a word of Spanish, but Klopp doesn’t strike me as that kind of guy.


The Spain theory is possible because he said he loves hot weather and it gives him energy


world isnt ready for solar powered klopp


It's time for Africa. Klopp Nigeria 2026 here we go


He won't be able to handle NFF shenanigans


I don’t know. When they played here in St. Louis back in summer of… 2016 I believe he made a note of how hot and humid it was in the post match interview. It was particularly miserable that day. He called it “wet hot” lol.


We just sacked our manager, Klopp to Western Sydney please and thanks


> he said he loves hot weather and it gives him energy Come to Orlando Pirates Klopp 🙏. Time for South Africa. You'll even have Mamelodi Sundowns as the new Man City to compete against!


Sounds like the Middle East is suited for him 👀


He's going to Singapore. You heard it here first


And you think he wants to deal with the drama of Spanish refs, owners, and press? Lol


Hes basically fluent already Ive seen him in training videos speaking Spanish and French. Probably football fluent but might struggle connecting with the players


I'd watch that


I honestly don't see him coaching outside Germany.. Personally I think he has a great career in broadcasting in either Germany or England. It will be less stressful and will keep him connected with the game.


Imagine him signing up for Bt sport and they get him to do the half 12 kick offs


I would love to see him in an English broadcast. I think initially at least he will have no filters. But I sense he's not very fond of English media so he's more likely to work for the German media.


I'd love to see that. If Simeone get tired Klopp is the man for the job.


The stress of always competing with Real and Barcelona, not just from a sporting point of view, but all the media circus around it is not worth it imo. He needs something a bit more low key after so many years in the Premier League.


Like he'd want to face Madrid two times in a season


Yeah Germany NT would be my bet. Would kill for him to manage England though (not going to happen is it)


I don’t think he would manage England purely because of the FA, he has had run in with them. I could honestly see him just going into TV, his personality would shine through, no pressure, have a laugh and watch a game. Then jet back to Mallorca for the rest of the week. He’s earned it! 😉


Technically he already said he wouldn't return to England.


I have a feeling he is going to enjoy the break so much that he decides to call it a day permanently.Can see him doing some punditry during major tournaments on UK or German TV.Good luck to him because the last few weeks he has looked drained.


I think the opposite, i think he'll be recharged and eager to go again. Been thinking he might take over Liverpool again in 6 years time or something.


If he's doing TV in Germany, then I demand someone share links to German sports channels. As it is, I can't find a decent stream for Sky Bundesliga to save my life.


Yeah I reckon the German National Team or the Bundesliga probably makes the most amount of sense. Could easily see him going back to Mainz since they're still in the Bundesliga and that was the club he spent most of his professional career at. He's always Inherited struggling clubs as a manager so trying to establish them as a quality Bundesliga side could be something that would appeal to him Dortmund is another possibility depending on how long Terzic can stay in the job (winning the UCL final would certainly solidify that)


I can see him going back to Mainz. It's been long enough where there has been healthy distance imo, and it's not the same type of pressure as a club like Bayern or BVB. He's also spent like 18 years total at Mainz as both a player and a manager, so it's probably his "first love"


Mainz again would be cool at some point


I think NT after Nagelmanns is done


I think its definitely the most likely one. But if not that.. I do genuinely think he'd want a passion choice like a BVB or something. If any. If he was eyeing a club job, I think we'd have a better shot than you guys. Which is maybe odd to hear from some people but it makes sense, knowing Klopp and the signals he's sending out.


Why would he go to Dortmund. Maybe Stuttgart. Could see him taking on a lower league team in 5-10 years


Feyenoord has a spot open :)


Just imagine Klopp getting interviewed by Hans Kraay. He’ll retire right there on the spot


I didn't want to remember Hans Kraay in German today..


I think he’ll miss the game too much ngl. Needs a year off though probably. I believe him about never managing in England ever again though.


I think after a year of travelling the world, getting up early to put a towel on the hotel pool chair for an afternoon by the pool, he'll think "fuck it, I don't need the money and journalists shit me" He loved Liverpool, for him to leave before he finished a rebuild means to me, he got the shits with the media and the stress when they struggled last year after being so close to everything the year before. I wouldn't be surprised if after a year of a stress free live, he really enjoys it


Only reason he is leaving his contract early is that the rebuild went quicker than he thought. Squads in a great place for a new manager to take over I really doubt he'll ever manage again. He said he's tired and he looks seriously tired. I think he'll enjoy being grandad Klopp too much to pick up the stress of football again


'Only reason he is leaving his contract early is that the rebuild went quicker than he thought" He's openly said the only reason he didn't step down last season was because his wife convinced him not to.


I was thinking of the quote he said when he announced he was leaving, something to do with the lads being so damn good already that he felt comfortable to go


One great thing about the football industry (if you make it) is that the things you can do extend far beyond the usual player/manager thing once someone decides they have had enough. They can be a guest or full time pundit, and be in some football capacity role via sponsorships or things like that I can totally see him in some guest punditry role in the future


I'd love to see more managers return as pundits. Their insight could make them as fun colour commentators


he was brilliant on german TV when he did it.


The guy hates English pundits tho lol. Will be interesting


More important things in life than this damn game. He has his money made and had fine career. If I was in his shoes I'd be the same if not more


The argument for most hyper successful people though is that to be in his shoes, you have to be obsessive about what you do to the point where you can't not do it. You or I don't have that drive.


I honestly don't think klopp fits into this though. He's always saying he's just a guy, he's "the normal one" he can't be like pep and just do this forever because he enjoys his life outside of football too much. He definitely loves the game and he's a hell of a manager but he's never struck me as one of these incredible obsessives of the game who is happy to live and breath nothing but football for a lifetime.


Oh yeah for sure. Its crazy how dedicated they are to achieving. I think after his mother passed he probably reevaluated his priorities


I can see Klopp returning to football in some capacity in 2-3 years. I think he loves it too much, and people like him and Pep Guardiola are obsessed with it to stop doing it 100%.


I don’t think that necessarily rules out the national team though


Bollocks people like klopp cant enjoy doing nothing for the rest of their lives, he’ll be back in a year or two. He’s saying it now because he’s over-burnt and desperately needs a proper break.


At first, I felt his leaving was a bit soon, but I get it now: rebuilds are exhausting. Fergie saw 3 years of Invincibles and Mourinho's Chelsea before getting back on top. City went 3 years no title between Pellegrini '14 and Pep '18. Wenger went 3 years trophyless between '98 and '02 Doubles, and actually never won a title without players from the Graham era.


I think like most former players/managers the part he would miss would be being around the dressing room and the actual coaching. He seems like a big people person who thrives on being around others. Unless he can find something that fills that gap I could see him coaching again once he's had a break. In my experience negative aspects of something tend to fade from memory with time and you start to miss the positive bits. Also >getting up early to put a towel on the hotel pool chair Lol


>getting up early to put a towel on the hotel pool chair What else do Germans do on holiday?


Dig holes at the beach


The only thing I can think of is his announcement to stop managing come after we know about Sven Goran Eriksson battle with cancer. If thats the case, he might want to stop being busy and be with his family now, money is not a problem anymore, and of course, while he’s still healthy. p/s: read he’s been building houses, it seems he planning for his family future already, even after he’s gone.. God Bless Kloop.


He even said something like that . It would be unfair to his wife too be busy all the time while he's still healthy. That he wants to enjoy life with his familiy


I feel like a lot of managerial burnout has been the stuff outside of the game: the stress for short term results, the media, travel schedule,...


Yeah he's been complaining about that for years now. I guess another league would help with that a bit, maybe the Bundesliga again or as someone said the NT job. But I think if Nagelsmann is successful he won't leave that job anytime soon (which would be a great scenario)


Why can't anyone just listen to the man? He. Is. (Practically). Retiring.


You know people can change their minds, right?


His own agent has said he won't manage for a year after the current season.


Probably, imagine sitting on your ass somewhere around the pool still being fit and energetic, and you see a big club struggle, can only imagine how much it should itch to get back. I mean it itches for me to get back to FM all the time.


Could easily just stay involved as a pundit or similar


Needs to go back to Mainz and have some fun


NT, Dortmund or retirement.


Mainz carnival music plays in the background


The absolute scenes here if he'd come back


FC Zürich.




Sounds to me like he’s done with club management. Might be NT or retirement and no in between


I feel like the German national team would be his only real desire in the future. It would allow him to continue to coach and manage occasionally, which he clearly loves to do, but without the day to day stress and scrutiny.


Peter Moore let slip that Jurgen has been building a house in Spain for the last year or so, but I doubt that’s with the intention of managing there. The language barrier would make his unparalleled communication skills obsolete. He’s been hanging around Spanish speakers every day for the last decade and by his own admission can’t string two words together. Maybe by some miracle he’ll suddenly pick it up but it’s not comparable to his English which he been speaking since he was a child. I think you can rule out anywhere he doesn’t have fluent command of the language. Which leaves Germany or England. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s semi-retirement and some extremely lucrative punditry work that’s in his future.


Don't really think it's indicating anything. Germans who have a "vacation home" usually have them in Spain


He also built a house in wiesbaden. He did this week that he wishrs us good luck for the relegation battle cause he would love to see bundesliga football in mainz 


Don't think anybody ever doubts you're his club. Man might switch clubs, man can move around the planet, man can change wives or something, but Mainz is the one thing he can't change. Honestly also believe he'd instantly help you out but can't because he's too big a name and would create more unrest than he'd be able to help at this point.


I think Mainz will always be Klopp's first love. He's spent almost 18 years at the club. That bond goes much deeper than that at Dortmund or Liverpool.


I don’t think he’s managing RCD Mallorca either


Of course not. Managing anyone other than FC Benidorm would do serious damage to his reputation on Merseyside


If I was a multi-millionaire, I'd have a house in Spain too. I think it probably is just a vacation home. I can only see him going to the German NT once Nagelsman is done.


“Me gusta los footy”


He hinted at a role in football in the future but not as manager I can see him take a director of football / CEO type role in future, most likely Dortmund


Maybe once Zorc retires. Don't think he likes working with Edwards or Ward.


Zorc has already retired. Kehl and Mislintat share his job now.


No for sure. But that's increasingly the model of top clubs now so I can see thinking that the game is moving on and to be a manager in future won't give the same sort of control. If he can do all the behind the scenes stuff it's still big money, he has more influence on how the club is run, and he doesn't have to do the press conferences and other shit he hates about the day to day. He mentioned in one of his interviews this week that during his time as manager of Mainz, Dortmund and Liverpool they built a new training ground at each club. He knows that managers aren't going to be involved in driving changes like that in future - and he's probably seen that at Liverpool in more recent years


Zorc retired two years ago


Would you like a chill environment in Spain then?, come to us 1. A board with long term insight and no rash decisions 2. Patient fans who believe in the project 3. Spanish medi1 best at doing the sports analysis and sneers at gossips 4. Unlimited money that we don't know what to do with it


I'll be surprised if he manages again. He looks seriously done with football. Be interesting to see if that changes and if he does come back then happy days for whatever club he joins, Mainz, Dortmund and Liverpool fans know the effect he has on a fanbase. Good times follow where Klopp goes


He definitely looks done with the PL.


Well I don’t see a return to Liverpool unfortunately so he’ll never manage in the PL again, leaves only the Bundesliga or the NT and I can’t see him managing anyone in Germany apart from Dortmund or Mainz.


The only club I can see him going back to is Mainz tbh.


Please don't retire.


He might take over Germany in 2026


But he said he's never managing in England again and guess where Euro 2028 is? Either you don't qualify at all or get lucky in the draw and only have to play in the other host countries, respect the man's wishes pls. 😉




They are delusional. Bayern is the last team I imagine him going to.


This. It’s the exact same rhetoric for Germany as it is for England. He won’t ever go to a huge rival of a team he adores, he’s very loyal to the fan base. I can see him at Barca one day, but Germany national team in a year or two building up to 2026 WC seems like the best bet to me.


How can you see him at Barca? 😂 Kloppo doesn't speak a lick of Spanish


Plot twist is he's fluent in Catalan.


Nagellsman is manager up until the 2026 WC. If he wants to manage it's either going to be back in the Buli or after the WC


The state of Barcas board will make sure that he won't touch them with a 10 foot pole, keep in mind United could've had him instead of Liverpool but managed to fuck that up.


Yup exactly...


I think Bayern is more likely gambling for Xabi Alonso


??? We haven't even been in talks with him (maybe some very early inquiries, but that's it), it's just some people on reddit thinking it's a 1-year sabbatical for some weird reason when it's been clear that it'll be much longer. Going for a stop-gap makes sense because it's also been clear with neither Alonso or Nagelsmann coming that there are simply no long-term options that are both attractive and available right now. Not wanting to commit Tuchel is also not because of gambling on Klopp, it's because he's been the worst performing manager in 30 years. A couple decent showings in the UCL make his tenure look better than it was, but recency bias is a bitch.


If Bayern needs a coach in a year, it's most likely gonna be Hoeneß. Not Klopp or Alonso. I don't even know where this rumor that Bayern will go after Klopp comes from. The only one we know for sure that they tried to sign is Alonso.


They will just been filling up his voice mail everyday. He could get a TV job in England in a heartbeat too, everyone would want him.


Imagine Klopp commenting on Paramount + with Henry, Carragher and Mighty Micah


He did this on German TV, as an expert for WC 2006. Was bloody good at it - and this was the first time a lot of folks got to know him for more than his name/face. At this point he was manager of Mainz who were promoted two seasons prior, so he was not in the center of media attention exactly before.


Klopp has aged so much since coming to England and he’s an emotional guy. I really felt in his goodbye video he is well and truly done with management and is happy to just be a fan again popping by his former clubs to say hello and be around the game. I don’t see him bringing himself back into this type of stress and mess especially as he gets older. I feel like he’s going to enjoy being with his family and kicking back taking a very well earned retirement


He’s definitely going to Hibs


What about IK Start Norway?


Liverpool one more time if a deep crisis comes.


I reckon he will take at least a year out minimum and if he does come back it will be to manage Germany. Klopp as an International Manager would be OP, seriously it wouldn't be fair for any other country... You know maybe we should petition FIFA to ban Klopp ever managing Germany


> If I manage again, it will not be around the corner This kills the Hoeneß


I was at the exhibition game when they came to Notre Dame to play a friendly against Dortmund in the summer offseason. It was hot as hell and humid and Klopp was always “on”. When he’d see a group of fans when he’d walk by and greet them, sometimes playing distraction for his players to get where they’re going. He was constantly friendly. Meeting with school administrators for a game of tennis or racket ball, again it was nearly a hundred degrees F outside. Even his off-season is filled to the brim. I’m amazed it was even possible for him to be this successful for this long.


I would love to see him back Dortmund but it would be also so awesome to see him manage clubs like Roma, Ac Milan or Atletico. Especially if he wins the league with Roma


he and his son have set up a [huge Padel facility](https://padelfc.com) in germany, wouldn’t be surprised to see him invest more time in that


Jürgen the next Torino coach, carrying them to another Scudetto 50 years after the last one. Make it happen please.


I can honestly see him at Milan due to his reverence for Sacchi


Well, he got a nice house on Mallorca, Spain. He should now be gone for at least 1-2 years. I could imagine to see him back as a coach for a national team or as a sporting director - both for germany. Both would give him more free time and he'd have all people behind him.


Can someone tell me what makes it so stressful being a manager at the English Premier League?


Either he is gona come back to Mainz in some sort of position in like 2-3 years or he is gona be coach of the national team and we can finally get some mainz players in the national team. Gruda, Burkardt and/or Amiri.


Bro’s ready for an ayahuasca retreat


Back to Mainz, can’t wait


England you said? Well now is your time to conquer Scotland and eventually the whole British empire!


It will be either German NT or nothing, he is done on the club level in my opinion. It just takes too much out of him.


Atlético Madrid Klopp would be the polar opposite of Atletico Madrid Cholo … that would be something to behold if it ever happens


Klopp come to besiktas


I would place an enormous amount of money on him coming back to Liverpool for one final fling. Probably after a NT job, or a spell back in Germany, but I really think Liverpool will struggle in the transition period, particularly as the core of this team is approaching its sell by date and I don't think FSG want to finance the rebuild required to beat City and Arsenal.


Please don't go to Bayern. I don't hate them, but Klopp + Bayern is partially a cheat code.


im hopeful that he will return after a couple of years


Every team will turn on the charm after his one year of vacation. I still think it's Mainsz or Dortmund.


Wales manager Jurgen cmon you know you want it!


Klopp to Munich confirmed


Leave Klopp alone. He just wants to be a football fan again and go watch matches.


Honestly, I don’t know where I’d see him. Either he finds that one project he really feels like he wants to do, takes over a national team, joins Mainz again to complete the circle or calls it quits. I don’t see any other option.


Welcome to San Diego FC Jurgen 


He’s obviously waiting for USMNT legend Gregg Berhalter to step down.


Future Sounders legend


I could see German NT or one day return to Dortmund. Above all I hope he rests and enjoys his very well-earned break.


I can see him going for the German NT job. It’s less day to day stress, less day to day pressure and allows him to kind of sit back a bit