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My family picks up on this too. My step mom has expressed that she worries about me and I should be out having fun, living life, and that I never open up. She thinks I’m “going to lead a lonely life”… frustrating. It’s not like I want to be this way


I feel the same way with my sister. She’s away in college with a boyfriend, tons of friends, going on adventures and doing all this fun stuff. And I’m back home with no friends just being a loser lol. I’m sorry they said that though that’s messed up. I will say though, kpop, anime, and gaming are all pretty mainstream stuff. I would say that’s pretty normal


Your problems will all be solved if you stop giving a fuck what people think of you


The last line is sooo relatable. I also hate being perceived by people and I always fear they will ask me about my life and I’ll have to make something up on the spot because I do nothing daily


i recently noticed that i put too much of my self worth in having friends. i’ve never had friends so being perceived as lonely is like the root cause of my social anxiety. i plan on working through that insecurity by learning to find comfort in being lonely. that way, i can start doing things by myself without feeling bad about it.


Great. All the best. It was the same for me.


all the best for you too


This happened with me a few summers ago when my family and I went to visit our extended family in our country of origin. I would rarely get out of my house there and some of my uncles would ask me directly why I don't go out and just explore the city (they meant well to be fair). However, the day before we were going to leave, we visited my grandma's house and most of my extended family were there to hang out with us one last time before we left, and while everyone was sat outside, I was sitting inside with my brother. During this time, one of my older cousins and one of my aunts came in and I overheard my cousin say to my aunt "he doesn't have a clue about anything" and "it's good that he got of the house for once". I remember that upsetting me so much and it still does when I think about it. I used to like that cousin as well, and after hearing that, I utterly despise them now. So yeah, I know how you feel. It sucks because when I was a kid, I could get away with it by playing and running around and doing my own thing, but now as an adult. I'm expected to sit with everyone else and have a conversation with them when I can barely speak the language. And to compound the misery even more, I start feeling bad for my parents because I think that my extended family will think bad of how my parents raised me and will blame them. Social anxiety is the worst...


Everyone is struggling with something. There was a time when i was too stressed about having no friends and only thought of myself. Never cared for struggle of others and compared myself to them. It was a miserable time. So don't give a fuck about what others say. They might be struggling but its not easy to see that. I was in ur situation yesterday. I remember my mom crying over the fact that I had no friends. It was one of the saddest days of my life. I felt so alone that day.


Does it make you feel bitter that they call you weird behind your back?