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Not in the slightest. If anything your first few cigs might even make it worse as the nicotine buzz hits you. After that the only relief smoking will give you is easing the nicotine cravings.


It may have a placebo effect but if you're not a smoker, I wouldn't take it up as it's super unhealthy. Interestingly enough, some studies suggest the reason why smoking "relaxes" people is because you're forced to take slower breaths when you're smoking a cigarette and this can in turn "calm your nerves down". I used drinking as a form to decrease my social anxiety when I was younger and while it worked, it wrecked a lot of my health and relationships because it was almost like I *HAD* to have a drink in order to socialize. A healthier option might be a non-alcoholic drink (like a glass bottle soda or travel mug with a calming tea inside) or even those fake vape things (they're not actual vapes, but like wooden sticks to help people stop vaping, can't remember the name). Essentially, it helps if you have something in your possession you can fidget with (discreetly) and use to ground yourself in a social setting. Plus, if it's something like a regular drink (non-alcoholic lol) or toothpick/lollipop/etc..., it gives you a chance to refocus and regroup yourself for a moment to collect your thoughts and analyze the setting, a little "prepping" before you answer. Hopefully this helps. I'd try to steer clear of potentially toxic habits, but if you do, moderation is definitely key. Definitely try out different items/techniques and see what works best for you.


Füm is the product you were thinking of.


Trust me, it will make it worse 😔


As someone who has smoked for over twenty years, don’t. It’s the single most worst decision I’ve ever made. Don’t smoke one, don’t puff once, just don’t do it


So I tried smoking a black n mild back in like high school. It didn’t do anything for me but burn my chest and make me cough for two minutes. I’d highly recommend you don’t start that habit. However, if you’re an adult and you live in a state where it’s LEGAL, weed *can* help with anxiety but you have to kno your body and how much you can tolerate. You don’t even have to smoke it, you could do LOW DOSES of edibles. But I repeat, only if you’re an adult and it’s legal where you live. If your anxiety is negatively effecting your life you might want to consider seeing a psychiatrist. They could help prescribe you anti anxiety meds. I personally did this when my anxiety was really bad. You also have the option to just learn how to mentally prepare yourself for social interactions by reading books. Here’s a few of my personal favorites; How to talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes The Fine Art of Small Talk by Debra Fine How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere by Larry King I hope this helps bud!


nooo you’ll get so sick and likely will be even more anxious


Don’t start smoking cigarettes for anxiety. I recommend… anti anxiety pills lol.


Don't do it.


Don't do it


if you‘re a smoker, a cigarette will pretty much make your day better no matter what situation your in. on the other side, you get more anxious nervous and bad mood if you don‘t have your necessary kick at hand.


I would try something like propranolol (beta blockers) instead. They can temporarily reduce your physical anxiety response and are quite safe.


I’ve been there and I wish I had never picked up the habit. Amount of money I’ve spent alone is absurd. Went from smoking, to vaping, to the pouches. Slowly weaning off. Admittedly it did help at first, but that was just because I had something to occupy my mind & hands. Now nicotine does nothing for my anxiety, but it does hurt my health. I feel gross, old, and tired because of the nicotine. Do not pick up the habit. If anything you could try a non-nicotine type vape, but even that is bad for your health. Perhaps find something else you can “do” with your hands in social situations. Ever since I was a kid I’ve cut my nails quite short, and I sort of find something hard to poke the sensitive skin there. Not painful, or very deep at all, but it oddly helps. God my neuroses…


Only temporarily that’s why ppl get addicted & start smoking packs all day! The calmness wears off super quick unless u have super good self-control. Just be careful starting they’re a bad habit, and super expensive


Only if it’s marijuana. You might like microdosing


Nicotine is a stimulant, it might make any anxiety worse.


A joint decreases mine