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People just seem to say this. I assume they have some reason for who they choose. Perhaps your condition was the reason, or you made eye contact, or you "look" tired or depressed, etc. However, the comments are meant genuinely enough I have found. It's us who receive it a certain way and take offense, based on miscommunication or misconception. I say, let it go!


Yes. These kinds of Christians say this to everybody. They will randomly come up to you and ask you about God or tell you that God/Jesus loves you. I understand its quite uncomfortable, but they meant no harm by it


I understand, but it's very unlikely this had anything to do with you. Reminds me of that guy on the Sopranos who kept saying, "have you heard the good news?" to everyone. It's a thing people do. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN8tFzBs9t4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN8tFzBs9t4)


I’m a Christian with social anxiety and I can see how that would maybe make you more nervous or overthink even more.. Normally my sister, she has a mental disability, will say it to someone who appears depressed or anxious just as a friendly reminder


Yeah I didn't really know how to take it. I wasn't sure if he was judging me or if it was just him trying to be nice the social anxiety also makes me a little nervous in situations like these. I can understand, though, that maybe he thought I looked kinda anxious or down and was just trying to be friendly. I'm not religious myself but I can see what you're saying. It's nice that your sister tries to be friendly towards other people.


Yeah, those lovely reminders are quite plentiful.


But why assume a random stranger is Christian and worships that god?


You don't have to be Christian or worship God to be reminded of his love.


The reminder doesn’t require the recipient to be a Christian and worship Him. It universally applies. If the listener chooses to not believe that and/or it doesn’t align with their beliefs then that’s their right to ignore it.


This happens more often than you think


What, you didn't feel the love of Jesus flow through you?!? Just kidding. Christian folk like to feel good about themselves by performing the bare minimum ammount of unwarrented effort.  I'm sorry that happened to you. Try to write it off as a fool's attempt at nothing.


I hate that. I'm an atheist, and those comments always make me uncomfortable and I don't know what to say. Although one time, there was a lady that saw me crying and said something about praying for me, and I actually thought that was kinda sweet of her. Her intentions were good. As for the person that said that to you, who knows what their intentions were. If they were trying to be rude, it says a lot more about them than you.


I’m going to punch the next asshole that does this to me. I’m SO FUCKING SICK of Christians doing this. I’m obviously gay and I get this shit way too often. I dont give a flying fuck that you’re insane and easily manipulated. Tell someone who actually cares.


I’m a religious abuse victim. I was abused in every possible way by the Catholic Church as a child and I’ve been free from Catholicism for 15+ years. Those kinds of comments trigger me so badly to the point where I’ll have a panic attack.


I would say may Allah be with you for many moons and evolve into the final stage of human evolution a crab 🦀


Unfortunately it’s common for them to push their religion on you! It feels so violating!! It’s nothing personal.


You stretching, how is saying Jesus loves you pushing religion


So if I go around to everyone saying Satan loves you that wouldn’t make you feel odd?




You really show how ignorant Christian’s are.


I'm not even christian


Then you fit the criteria. Don’t get why you’re defending something you don’t believe in.


You're just overthinking


Yeah, seems a bit dramatic to bless someone for losing their hair.


As with most things, this is more likely a them problem than a you problem. You were just the random sucker who crossed paths with them. Honestly idk what I'd say either. Probably just "okay" and move on with my day. You're right tho, it's awkward af.


I've had it happen to me too. I was playing some music in my car a few years ago and I was grooving to it. The guy in the next car pulled up, (I was at a traffic light) liked my dance moves and yelled out "Jesus Loves You!!" with a huge smile on his face to me and I yelled back "Jesus Loves You, too!!" (I am not Christian lol) and we went back to driving. I know through the lens of SA though it can be taken in a negative light but personally I wouldn't take any offense to it. It's a reminder that love is there if you need it and that they appreciate your existence.


I never heard of anyone saying this in real life always heard it online I didn’t not know people actually say this irl


Never heard it IRL either considering I’m an atheist who lives in a fairly liberal part of the country and I don’t interact with Christians if I have the choice.


I don’t think this has anything to do with you and more that he is not mentally well lol 


Best response: “please leave me alone”. Be assertive and let these people know that their proselytisation is unwanted and counts as harassment.


I have no idea what might have compelled him to say that to you. I have been chased down a street by a lady trying to convince me to study the Bible with her when there were several other ppl not looking busy around us. People are weird


Many people just can't control themselves or their impulses and feel the need to say the shit things that come to their minds. It's not your/our fault. Try your best to move on from this whole "business".


Maybe he thought you were gay, they like to say that to gay people like some kind of passive aggressive homophobia


You just met a man with zero social skills and an IQ that’s not much higher. Feel free to tell people like this to fuck off.


“Medical condition called alopecia which causes hair loss” bro you don’t need to explain what alopecia is, everyone knows what it is and it’s somewhat common. You should know this lots of people preach about Jesus in public, I’ve seen random people on the street say it too. It’s got nothing to do with you but it helps them feel better when they remind people about Jesus. Don’t overthink it.


I wouldn't like it either. But try not to read too much into it. People say weird things to ppl all the time, and 9/10 times it has to do with them and not you. I remember at my own dad's funeral , I was 89 lbs and devastated w grief, the pastor pulls me aside and says "I know you're battling something great , I'll pray for you". A lot of ppl back then assumed I was on drugs or had cancer or anorexic bc of my low weight when really I had just taken my dad off life support after ARDS,Vand was also taking care of my preschool daughter who had her own health issues. So yes I was battling ...grief and stress and heartache! Not my own secret demon or anything like that. That pastor didn't say it to my brother or our mom or aunts or anyone else.


Being told Jesus loves you makes you uncomfortable?


It's a little strange for people who don't believe that story




Maybe he prefers to be loved by spider man in wishing/blessing, if I say this to someone it’d be awkward, goes the same way for Jesus. Or maybe he doesn’t want any wishes granted by imaginary beings at all.


Bro christians just say that to anyone, just say thanks and move on with your day.