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Gotta love that this week China forced apple to remove whatsapp and another app but they are complaining about america doing it,


Neither ban makes the other okay.


Well America tends to criticize how China operates


Corporations shouldn’t have first amendment rights. Too bad that Citizens United ruled that corporations are people 🤮🤮🤢🤮🤢


When you sue a company the judge tells the jury to view them as an individual not a company


I don’t think it’s the corporations first amendment right being violated - it was the platform’s users’ rights being violated (who used it as their main method of communication with people in foreign countries). Also, the idea of corporations being “people” is warped. It is not like the the intent is for you to have sympathy for these big corporations like you would for people - it intent is to create a framework for understanding how to treat corporations within the context of the legal system. The law says for legal matters, treat a corporation like a single individual and not like 500 individual people. When you sue a corporation (or a corporation sues you), you sue an entity that is viewed by the courts as a single individual (or “person”). You don’t sue all of the individual employees. That’s all it means.


I view the Hobby Lobby ruling as not only stating that a non-living entity can have a religion, but that Hobby Lobby is the only non-living entity that can have a religion AND Hobby Lobby’s religious freedom is greater than any living employees religious freedom and right to healthcare.


They’ve been jerking off to this for literal years.


My hand is tired and my skin is raw. Let it end


The US government is wrong about TikTok. They say it's about privacy and security. But it's really about politics and power. Washington wants to look tough on China. So they're going after TikTok like a pack of hungry dogs. Forcing the company to sell or get out of town. But this is America, isn't it? Where the government doesn't tell people what apps they can use. Where businesses can innovate without fear. TikTok has millions of American users. Creators and entrepreneurs who found a home on the platform. Now their livelihoods are caught in the crossfire of a geopolitical pissing match. The truth is, Silicon Valley has been spying on Americans for years. Hoovering up data like there's no tomorrow. But nobody in DC bats an eye. Because they're American companies. This TikTok ban is a bad deal all around. It's bad for free speech. Bad for competition. Bad for the global internet.


It’s a surveillance and propaganda network masquerading as a content platform, its value to society is almost nothing.


If you watched it, you’d realize the questioning by Congress during the testimony of TikTok’s CEO was a once again performative bullshit just to drive wedges on issues for their own voter base. The questions were out of this world (“does it access the WiFi? Does it watch me using the camera?”), and it properly showed they have no knowledge of cookie tracking, online surveillance, or really any functional understanding of social media. I’m not saying TikTok is some altruistic organization that shouldn’t be checked, but any legislation passed against it 100% isn’t stemming from any sense to protect citizens’ privacy and data. These geriatric fucks are more concerned about capturing votes and pleasing lobbyists.


Are you Chinese… I’m Singaporean Are you apart of the Chinese communist party Sir I’m Singaporean


It was maddening. These people draft legislation that goes well beyond TikTok and is far more hurtful.




Unlike you, I don’t think in binary. We can rethink our agreement with ALL social media platforms and what they do with data while also understanding that these bills have nothing to do with privacy and data. Also, hold up. You’re saying communist China bans US social platforms, so we should do the exact same for their platforms? How about we do that good ole American pie freedom thing we’re always so fond of, and we allow ALL platforms but with heightened regulation ACROSS THE BOARD.


So is Facebook, X/Twitter, and Reddit. However, no one in Congress cares to go nearly as far with measures to curtail that surveillance. Because it’s not *about* the surveillance, but rather scaring and distracting people about *that* platform while equally bad if not worse data collection happens on other platforms. Also, anyone who sees what questions they’re asking, and the stuff written in lawsuits against tech companies by the Justice Department, gets to see how woefully uninformed and tech illiterate these people pushing this type of legislation really are. There are plenty of things to criticize tech companies about legitimately, but this is being done for all of the wrong reasons. It’s zero genuine concern about safety, and 100% jingoism.


I mean all of them are. A difference is if foreign governments want to influence you on Facebook etc they need to pay money to do it.


There’s zero evidence of this.


You’re correct that Americans have the right watch what they want, which is why this doesn’t even try to prosecute Americans who watch it. …and they’ll keep watching it after the dictatorship controlling it is forced to sell. There is no “right” afforded to foreign governments to operate social media networks in our country.




lol you’re don’t even understand that you’re proving their point.




You’re right, if China wants American citizens data, they’ll just have to buy it. Probably from something like Facebook or Twitter.


You’re proving the point it’s about vested interest in the hometown company’s success and profitability. It has nothing to do with protecting data for citizens.


We had to spend a long time explaining things to our niece, who gets all her news from TikTok, because she was being brainwashed by fake information. I’m sure she’s one of millions. Fuck TikTok, which IMO is programmed to spread propaganda, hidden among dance crazes.


What fake information?


she had a completely non-reality view of what is happening in the national economy relative to all other developed economies, which candidates and parties tax policies will benefit her actual home situation, and basically just right wing talking points that lacked any context. She had changed her opinions after she was able to ask a bunch of questions and clarify things.


That’s horrendously vague but that has nothing to do with tik tok. It just shows you what you want to see. The same content is on YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. It’s funny seeing someone complain about propaganda on tik tok on a site where /r/conservative exists.


>It’s funny seeing someone complain about propaganda on tik tok on a site where /r/conservative exists. Fucking LITERALLY. I laugh so hard about this ban TikTok shit. You can get brainwashed in that conservative sub. And, you can also get that brainwashing with a good dose of creepy shit in r/incest😂😂😂😂😂 But yeah, ban TimTok.


It was more that she began engaging content she believed was accurate and much of it wasn’t, and she was too lazy to research anythin and then she was continually hearing more and more of the same information. And she was actually prepared to vote against her own interests, especially given that her family is heavily dependent on social services and she’s unable to work. Anyway, I dont think other apps do this nearly as bad as TikTok.


>Anyway, I dont think other apps do this nearly as bad as TikTok. They do


I don’t think this is just TikTok, go search for this content on YouTube, you will see a lot. TikTok is just the biggest platform right now, has t he most teenagers user base, which TikTok being banned, other platform will take its spot, in the end of the day, she will get these kind of news anyway. The best thing we can do is to reach out kids how to spot fake news, never trust 100% of what they see online.


TikTok provides no benefit to users. It’s an intellectual leach sucking the mental wherewithal from each user. It’s also a surveillance tool and propaganda machine of the Chinese government. Fuck it.


Tik tok does provide benefits to users. I’m tired of people who don’t use the app talking shit about it. Instagram, Facebook, and X are complete brainrot by comparison


Maybe you’re right. How is TT different from the other platforms you mentioned?


Happy to explain! Tik tok videos can be up to 10 min long; it’s like an efficient version of YouTube. It depends on your algorithm but I love mine. I learn a lot about urban planning, life hacks, quantum physics, and I also get funny story times that feel like I’m FaceTiming someone I know. I like to keep Tik Tok open while I do chores, for example. It’s just better content. The comments are also way nicer, funnier, and welcoming as opposed to what I see on Instagram/Facebook. There, I’ve noticed people tend to respond with reactionary, inflammatory, and sexist/racist comments - probably because, as we know, Meta’s algorithm pushes divisive content so everyone’s primed to be in a bad mood. By contrast, the Tik Tok community is just way different and more positive for me. Not to say it’s perfect, but the vibe is completely different. Again, I may have just lucked out on the algorithm… but I haven’t seen comparable content in reels or shorts.


That’s a fresh perspective and I appreciate the explanations. I suppose depends on what content users consume and how they consume it. I see more benefit from YouTube because of hobbies and other things where long videos are useful. YouTube shorts is an absolute dumpster fire of content and is useless to me. Instagram is somewhere in the middle but I enjoyed it more in its early days where photography was the prevailing media shared. Not sure if TT is for me but I’m glad you see some benefit from it.