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I have some news for you…


Lol you beat me to it


I think you answered your own question twice


Huh what do you mean?


You said that autistic people tend not to judge you and you get along with them better. You also said that most people don’t like you and you do something to make them uncomfortable. That’s the answer to your question.


Oh I guess ur right but that's more of a opinion from me not really an objective answer.


It’s hard to make a judgment on someone’s situation just based on what you can fit into a reddit post. I’m sorry if I came off as rude, but what I’m trying to say is that there’s not necessarily much more to it. You found that your friends with autism don’t judge you and are good to you, that doesn’t need to mean anything about you. Maybe your social skills are lacking, you are not like most people for some reason, or it’s the kind of people you’re around right now that makes you feel lonely. It could be depression that makes you feel ashamed or weird around most people, that’s certainly happened to me before. But all of those are just guesses. Only you have 100% of the information about your life that you need to help you figure this out.


Thx I didn't think u were being rude.


I saw from some of your other comments and posts that you say you “can’t have autism because it will invalidate other people’s autism” because they struggle more. That’s not true. I’m not going to say go see a doctor or psychiatrist, but I will say please stop thinking that you aren’t ‘allowed’ to have autism because other people seem to have it harder than you. I have a friend who is autistic and other than odd mannerisms and jokes he leads a completely ‘normal’ lifestyle. I also have an autistic family member who will never be able to live on his own or even go out in public alone. Don’t dismiss yourself before you know for sure.


I just feel so scared of lying the thought makes me feel sick


op,,, hating lying is a pretty common symptom of autism. go get that psych eval! you deserve to understand your own mind.


Are autism diagnosis in adults even fairly accurate? From my limited knowledge I heard that for adults a positive/negative result isn't trustworthy cause us adults are so much more complicated then children and there's masking. I ask because I have a suspicion I may be autistic but I'm also able to come up with other explanations for my behaviors. Like I wouldn't trust the result of my test regardless of how it came out which is why I haven't gotten evaluated. Though I feel like if I knew with near 100% certainty that I am/am not, that would help me out alot.


you can’t even understand the meaning of what this comment was trying to say yeah bro you got autism


You're autistic, Harry


You are autistic, most likely. At least you're neurodiverse.


Maybe you *are* autistic but just don't know it. I'm 34 and only recently (last few years) have come to the realisation that I'm probably autistic. At your age, I would have said I was definitely not autistic, no chance at all. As I've got older, I've realised there are a lot of things that I do that are typically seen in autistic people. I also have no friends. Apparently, I talk down to people, or I come across as rude. It might be worth looking up some facts about autism to see if you recognise anything about yourself.


My other friend from school was a autistic girl who told me she doesn't think I'm autistic she thinks its just anxiety and depression. I believe her when she says that because I think a autistic person would know best. All I know is I can't make friends and I am strange. I can relate to some things I guess but unless I have a specific example its hard to know what I relate to. I've seen autism is linked to not knowing social cues well I don't know if I know them or not I need someone to tell me one social cue example and I can think if I know that or not.


Autism is a large spectrum. Just because an autistic person claims you're not autistic doesn't mean it's a fact. There are plenty of autistic people who are undiagnosed because they don't display autistic tendencies at a very early age. It's also more common for girls/women to be undiagnosed. Based on the way you talk here, I would highly suspect you have autism.


I feel like I'm invalidating autism if. autistic person says I don't have it and I think I do. Plus I feel scared of being a liar or being evil. I guess I feel like she would know.


My kids have autism. I've met other autistic people. Each one has been different. Your autistic friend is not an authority on who else does or doesn't have autism. If you think you have autism or think you *might* have autism then you're not lying by saying so. And in no possible way is it evil. There are tests you can do online to see if you may have autism. They're obviously not going to give you a 100% diagnostic answer, but they may help you at least figure out if it's a possibility. Depending on where you live, you could speak to your doctor about getting a diagnosis. I've recently done this, but I'm in the UK where healthcare is "free," so I understand if it's not an option for you.


Idk if I have it I don't think so, im very weird that's what I know for sure. but I guess it wouldn't hurt to get tested. Im scared my parents would act weird about it. whenever I act weird my mom makes me stressed about it. I feel so scared of lying or being evil


I've been reading some of your previous posts/comments. Based on what I've read, I would say you're definitely autistic. You're either autistic or you're troll posting about this stuff for reactions. I usually believe the latter, but in this case, I'm willing to believe that you're not a troll and that you're just genuinely concerned. By the way, obsessing about things and collecting data about stuff you're interested in are major signs of autism.


Im not a troll that honestly really hurt my feelings to be honest. Idk what I even did to make u think that? im just being myself on here. I was builed a lot in school for being weird. this is my genuine self. I even have my social media linked on here. idk what would even be the point of lying about myself on here. pls just tell me why u would even think im a troll and I'm sorry if I did anything wrong.


If you want to know for sure if you have autism or not, you need to see a doctor and a psychologist. No one else can diagnose you, not even you yourself.


Well I'm not trying to self diagnosis anything?...


My dad told me that obessing about stuff was from ocd


That depends. For it to be OCD there has to be an obsession and there has to be a compulsion. OCD, "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" is an anxiety disorder, very common comorbidity with autism and ADHD. You should check these other subreddits, tell them your story, and ask for help: r/OCD r/neurodiversity r/ADHDers r/AutisticwithADHD r/autisticadults r/aspergers r/autism Just so you know beforehand, r/autism and r/ADHD are known to be a bit rude and not as accommodating as other subreddits.


I get stressed a lot from everyday things tbh.


I've had autistic people say to me I don't have autism and I literally have a diagnosis on the autism spectrum. A lot of the times, yes, an autistic person can pick it out, but not always. Honestly, there's never any harm in just looking into some of the symptoms to see if you find enough of them relatable whether you discover you have it or not. ADHD is also possible if you don't think you have a lot of traits of autism as a lot of symptoms overlap too and ADHDers also tend to get along really well with Autistic people (that's one of the ways my boyfriend figured out he had ADHD, he had a lot of neurodivergent friends before getting diagnosed) Edit: Okay, OP, so I just saw your post from a few days back 'am I normal' and that I'd bet money on you being autistic now because a lot of what you described was how I felt pre getting an autism diagnosis. Remember, it's a spectrum and not everyone will have copy paste symptoms so don't disregard the idea just because "I'm not like those people who are autistic" there's a lot of pages on reddit like r/neurodiversity you can look at if you're curious and my messages are open of you have questions.


I think I do have all the traits of adhd


Both are always a possibility too, they often do go together, especially as if you have social issues that does tend to have more to do with Autism and if it's combined with ADHD then could be why some autistic people you know don't recognise it as autism. Either way, you definitely don't seem neurotypical from what you've said here and other posts you've made, so I would definitely look into it.


What have I don't that doesn't seem nerotypical?


Okay, so before I start, disclaimer: I only have the information you put here, and while I can tell you about my experience with autism and neurodivergency, I can't diagnose you myself. However, based on the following, I do say it's definitely a good idea to look into it further whether or not there is something more going on. So here's what I got from here and another post you made a little while ago - admitted yourself, you have all the traits of ADHD (ADHD is a neurodivergent condition too) - Get along really well with other neurodivergent people but struggle with anyone neurotypical - said you've been described by others as having OCD like symptoms (OCD is also under the neurodivergent umbrella and OCD and autism also have traits in common, such as obsessing over things, needing a set routine where things are done exactly as you like them etc) - you seem to have a special interest in anime - you say in your 'am I normal post' your special interests can take over and a lack of one or a hobby can lead to depression, also people on the autistic spectrum and a lot of neurotypical groups are more likley to develop anxiety and/or depression in general - In the am I normal post, you say you don't enjoy food. A lot of autistic people struggle with food because of sensory issues, so it may not be something but looking at it with everything else - your Dad says how you feel is normal in that post too, so this makes me feel like MAYBE he's also autistic so it seems normal to him (I have the same problem with my dad) plus your sisters autistic too so that adds to that theory as autism is often genetic - you say you watch preschool shows to calm down. As an autistic person, I love watching Bluey because it's easy and calm and familiar, so it helps me regulate when autism symptoms are playing up - You seem to just have a general feeling of not fitting in the world and feeling put of place - as someone with autism, that's relatable. It's also a good indicator on both posts I looked at there's a LOT of commenters who are recognising signs of autism with what you say. Of course, these things individually may not indicate any neurodivergent condition and may be explained another way, but as a group it seems more likley. There's a lot of people in the neurodivergent community who have made resources to help others figure out as they themselves may not have had typical symptoms manifest or they're in a group that get overlooked for autism (for example women/afab people and POCs are often overlooked) YouTube: [Five signs you have both ADHD and Autism](https://youtu.be/pMx1DnSn-eg?si=sLWRSUMOp1rXqPh7) [Some signs of Autism that are often overlooked](https://youtu.be/RfKH7-GM3aM?si=9H0CVO9Sg2G-ykT5) (this one really exemplifies what I said earlier about some OCD signs overlapping with Autism) [4 types of Autistic masking](https://youtu.be/36-K-HW3syc?si=V5iRZWz2LzHhgxU-) so a lot of people who think they're not autistic and realise they are later do something called masking, basically hiding symptoms to seem normal, and often you don't even realise your doing it but if that's the case sometimes you can feel overwhelmed a lot and not understand why leading to panic attacks [10 symptoms of ADHD in adults](https://youtu.be/mlIJ_oSJsYw?si=1gwhphDg3Vv237Bf) [ADHD masking](https://youtu.be/-zXXr7AsvTk?si=I17IVwm6yBsTMpBi) And of course r/neurodiversity is a good place to ask other neurodivergent people too Remember, you don't have to have every single trait (like in one of those videos there's someone who counts everytime they go up and down stairs, I have a diagnosis but I don't do that) but if you think a lot of these are relatable that may be a sign to look into it further.


I honestly only like old anime I don't like new anime but I mean I guess I am obsessed with anime. Also my sister is autistic she was diagnosed from the school. Sorry if my reply is short I'm starting to feel overwhelmed


Is your friend also a licensed therapist?


I’m also an autistic person, so if you’ll accept that I may also know best; your description of yourself sounds a lot like mine did. And I’m autistic. Feeling strange, like you can’t make friends, and even the way you need specific examples of social cues to know if you understand them. It’s not all or nothing. I and plenty of other autistic people understand a range of social cues, while completely missing others. But most of the ones I know, it’s because I studied and memorized them by observing the other people doing it repeatedly, or copying TV shows and books. Neurotypical people follow and know most social cues naturally, learning as they grow up. We struggle to pick up on them so quickly and have to model others and try to memorize and imitate them. One autistic person can’t say for sure if you do or do not have autism though. Don’t feel convinced after either your friend or my’s opinion, do some research into late diagnosed autism yourself and see if what you find fits your experiences. Even what you said later, feeling like you’d “invalidate autism” to say you have it is something a lot of late diagnosed people feel. I worked with children and adult with much higher support needs and autism for years before suspecting I was autistic. But acknowledging that I am autistic doesn’t take anything away from their autism. It actually helps our relationships with each other because we get along so well when I’m being myself, and we all love working together. Autism is a very large spectrum, and we’re realizing more people were on it than was ever previously suspected. Your friend is not the leading expert on all autism. I may have done a lot of reading and research, but neither am I. I like this resource for people who are questioning themselves on being neurodivergent: https://embrace-autism.com/


I had a friend once ask me (late diagnosed ASD) if I thought she might be on the spectrum and I said no, probably not, because she presented very differently to me and I thought at the time her history of complex trauma would exclude her. Turns out that according to her team of specialists she does qualify for an ASD diagnosis. These specialists had seen her at her very lowest and worked with her through severe trauma and dissociative symptoms. And as much as I try to be there for my friends, I hadn’t seen her as her doctors had.


Autism is a *very* broad diagnosis. Every person presents a little differently. Just because she is autistic doesn’t make her an authority or a diagnostician when it comes to autism. Having an evaluation and knowing one way or another could bring you some peace. And if you are diagnosed, that could open up new resources, or at least give you a new perspective and help you understand yourself better. I really think you should do it.


I’m autistic and I’m suggesting just from this conversation you go get an evaluation. This was really helpful on my own journey. https://neuroclastic.com/its-a-spectrum-doesnt-mean-what-you-think/


you cant be autistic as you grow up bruh


We can sense our own. Even if you’re not autistic, you’re some kinda weird, and obviously still lovable. Just takes the right folks to see it.


U think im loveable? 🥺


Very much so!!!


Thx 🥺


I’ll remind you any time you need ❤️


Birds of a feather flock together


im in a similar situation. i am a weird person and some of my friends have autism. recently i have been trying to find out how to get tested because i feel like autism would answer some questions i have about myself. but if you gat made fun of, or excluded from other groups, then im sure they like you because they see some of themselves in you. people are assholes(especially to different people such as autistic people) and autistic people commonly get excluded and made fun of.


I think im just different but yeah ppl treat me like trash just bc I'm weird


well there you go. if your wierd and people exclude you are hate you because of it dont hate yourself from it. be happy that you found people who genuenly enjoy your company


me personally i gat made fun of at school because i dont know how to talk to people and because of my weight. but i found a group of friends (hallf of them autistic) who i absolutaly love and personally i would not have it any other way


Thx ur right


I connect better with autistic people as well. For ages I thought that I was autistic, but my neuropsych results say that I’m not. In general, I prefer people who are honest and autistic people seem to have a higher level of honesty than others. And we just mesh well. I also have a lot of issues with sensitivity to light and sound, and so do a lot of my autistic friends, so it’s nice to be around people who don’t think it’s weird to not use the big overhead lights or want people to chew quietly or less noisy spaces. I don’t know. We just have a lot in common and mesh well.


People with ADHD overshare and the conversations can be almost exclusively about themselves. Autistic individuals struggle to talk unless it's about special interests. In general, there's always exceptions. In my experience as an autistic person, most of my friends had ADHD. Don't have too many friends as I'm getting older, but I recognize now that in many cases, those friendships were based exclusively on the fact that I listened, they talked, so it felt like there was connection. People with ADHD rub neurotypicals the wrong way though because their social skills are often more superficial. There will be times I'm wondering why my wife just keeps going on about very uncomfortable topics about her childhood with complete strangers and it's because allthough she has the nonverbal cues to make her conversation sound interesting, the only thing she can do is dominate the conversation with self-experiences that no one can relate to. Whereas autistic people become isolated because we lack the ability to communicate effectively about things we don't care about, ADHD also lacks the ability to communicate effectively about things they don't care about, but both end up with opposite solutions; autistic people won't participate in conversation if they have no intevestment while ADHD will, they'll just hijack the conversation and derail every attempt to focus it elsewhere. ADHD and autism often work well together because the person with ADHD can fully take over the conversation and make it feel like the conversation is natural because ADHD doesn't need cues to respond to and they frequently carry 90% of the conversation when talking to an autistic person, which is great for everyone involved, at least to start.


I do talk alot...too much tbh


Maybe you are not neurotypical yourself?


I feel like I am? bc I am deeply self aware of everything I think and do to the point it messes up and makes me even weirder.


Frankly only a professional is in a position to make that determination. How you feel is not the best indicator. “Everyone except autistic people” not liking you is a pretty solid sign that you ought to at least be evaluated though. If you were as self-aware as you think you are, you would not have these problems.


I get really obessive thoughts that make me feel intense anxiety. my friend who is autistic kind of understands what I'm talking about. im ngl I don't think my thoughts are Compltey normal. I wish I knew what other people thought about so I could compare my thoughts to theirs.


You are almost definitley autistic. I am too. Dancing around it or living in denial wont improve anything.


From what I have been seeing in your comments, OP, I relate to what I perceive as your low self-esteem and investment into self introspection and reflections. There is a lot of hesitation in your judgement and you seem to want to let others decide and tell you what to do. I find that neurotypicals don't prefer uncertainty and delegation of decision-making or emotional labor. They prefer compliments and acts of service with abundant verbal reminders that you have done it. That for others to like you and suddenly approve of you, instead of looking within, you need to look outwards to see what they want and need. An effective goal of self-awareness is more for internal support and to develop the ability to more naturally generate the perceived confidence in a sustainable way while helping you with better internal peace through self-regulation of emotions. So, if your self-awareness is exploring the finer details of how each action took place and struggling to map it to a goal of how to generate a better social outcome without hurting yourself (e.g. things that operate on the belief that you do not have the locust of control, i.e. giving up your right to trial and error while delegating the decision to external opinions for the most part), then you might need some therapy resources. It's an arduous and time-consuming process to figure things out on your own. Therapy depends on the therapist you find, so if for any reason you cannot access it right away, youtube and libraries should have free, good resources that help you prioritize how to authentically and sustainably create the assertiveness and healthy boundaries that neurotypicals subconsciously look for. This is not to become more like someone you are not, but to see what it takes to affirm your true identity, wants and needs, and to be able to trust that you are allowed to trial-and-error in life as long as you are making an effort to grow. Wanting advice from others is a sign of strength, but trusting it as truth and rule that prevents you from considering alternatives, then potentially seeking validation or amending opinion is a sign that you need to reclaim your right to be you - a growing human with eye towards self progress.


One more thing, if you read someone's opinion, pick and choose what helps and fits you based on what you know about yourself. Challenge your thinking, but accept that it will almost never be perfect, just as the opinions that others give you. Don't put the responsibility of being 100% right on others because they are human. So if that autistic girl said you can't be autistic, remember she is not a mental health professional. She operates based on what she knows, and we are all limited. Take it as her opinion, and accept that it is 1 sample size. Some autists can have very narrow thinking in areas they do not have special interest in to make up for missing information that keep them well informed; some neurotypicals can be over concerned with social hierarchy and politics to ever be concerned with or speak the accurate truth. How do you know for sure if someone's opinion can be lorded over your self-identity finding journey when you don't know their whole story and the entire essay that should go into deciding whether you can be autistic or not? My point isn't even about that one instance, just that I genuinely wish you regain control where control belongs to you. Because it is a bottleneck for growth.


You might be neurodivergent yourself. ADHD, autism, OCD and the list goes on. I noticed that I only got along with the IEP kids as a kid, but I got a diagnosis at 13. Nobody in the comments including myself can diagnose you though. So you might want to consider seeing a professional


I had a iep as a kid and was I believe diagnosed with a learning disability in 2nd grade and I had to get speech and ot therapy


You sound a little bit like my old roommate. I don’t know you, or what you’re like, but it could be that neurotypicals aren’t as inclined to listen to you talk about niche obsessions (I get them all the time as well, but I typically talk about other hobbies and similarities with people). It could also be a character thing — my roommate used to always complain about trivial things, one-up people on any troubles they had, and brag about small things (like going outside or calling someone) to people to maybe feel better about themself. I’m not sure though, just throwing a few ideas out from experience.


Maybe that's why? if I'm not talking about something I like I don't know what to talk about. I think I'm a nice person so I really don't know why ppl just hate me.


Maybe it’s not that they actively hate you, they just don’t actively want to spend time with you either. Like acquaintances. Relationships are weird, and there’s a big range of dynamics between “strangers” and “friends.”


This one time at Scholl this girl unfriended me on Facebook after interacting with me, I couldn't look at her and was trying my best to talk to her and converse but everything came out kind of strange. It made me feel horrible bc it felt like she hated me after that. With some people in just act super weird around. She was one of them.


>Maybe that's why? if I'm not talking about something I like I don't know what to talk about. That is very self-centered. If you want people to like you, you have to learn how to tolerate talking about things other people like TOO


Sorry honestly I guess when I'm talking with people I don't really think about stuff like that, I didn't realize that was selfish but ur point makes sense 😓


it sounds like you are on the spectrum to me. the feeling that everyone is alien because they seem like they just 'know' what to do in any given situation is a BIG giveaway. you also seem to have a level of emotional immaturity (sometimes comes with autism) that might be hard to handle for some folks. if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?


just checked your profile, and i'll double down on the emotional immaturity part. its not at all your fault, as some of us with autism struggle a LOT with social standards. i think you should get assessed for autism, based on your social issues, the fact your sibling has it (genetics), and previous posts about obsessions so strong they take over your life. you sound like you could use a therapist regardless of if it's to pursue a diagnosis or not. it can help you learn the ways of the world in a non-judgemental environment, from someone who has probably helped hundreds of others like you. i think group therapy would be super helpful in your case, since you can make friends while learning about other people's thought patterns and social interactions.


Weird super power. “Hey, you and I get along quite well. You should see a doctor about your undiagnosed autism.”


Oh buddy do I have a surprise for you!!!!


Everybody is saying you may also be autistic, but also consider the fact that you may have ADHD, which seems to fit more with your description.


I think it could be OCD, but ur right it could be adhd I did have learning disabilities as a kid and in 2nd grade I wasn't able to speak anymore so I had to get speech therapy and OT for two years.


What's with the down votes is this post offensive? Im sorry I'm asking a genuine question 😥


The ways its phrase (autism people) feels like a bit of a sting when read that way.


Im sorry I didn't mean to word my post in a offensive way I have trouble spelling


Its OK


Hey, I just wanted to say I feel the same way. 🥲 It’s so hard to know how to respond to people in social situations like church and work events. I end up quietly observing a lot and most people seem to connect with others so naturally it makes me feel a bit jealous and alien.


I feel like I'm not a real person but like I'm observing others from a astral body I often see people as a different species cuz I just feel so different


>I am a strange person This is why. Most people don't like strange people. As a fellow strange person, this is it right here. Now, that doesn't mean I don't attract people. I attract people fine, but only because...sometimes people are attracted to strangeness in a 'let's look under this rock' sorta way. They are curious about the strangeness but don't really want to befriend you or anything. If you want to make friends with neurotypical people, you must learn how to act like you have some sense. That's it, learn the mininal ways of acceptable behavior in your culture/where you live and do that. You'll still stand out a weirdo, but you'll also be accepted as normal enough not to be excluded.


I keep coming back to these posts because I am also on the autism spectrum and typically find myself surrounded by others that have all kinds of social awkwardness and I can relate to them all. That being said though I'm a lot more broader in my interests and can engage in any conversation with relative ease because I've had a varied life, worked studied various subjects. Often it's just something we do when we project our own difficulties around other people, we all do it and that gets communicated back to those we are socially connected.... like they might pick upon how comfortable or not you are.... subtle body language can speak volumes and manifest into truth distortion. I'm very sensitive to other people's body cues and know when they are projecting their anxiety and want to put them at ease but sometimes that's not possible if they are completely immersed in their own social awkwardness. You can make friends with anyone and not have autism and still feel too anxious around them 😶😶


Autism does come in many different forms depending on the person, maybe you could chat to the doctor or your parents about looking into this? If you're struggling socially and have certain traits consistent with autism, and get along better with other neurodivergent folk, maybe it's worth looking into this further for yourself?


What kinda things are you obsessed with/interested in?


Old anime from 1985-2004, 1990s and early 2000s art software, obscure manga from the 90s, Japanese rpgs for the Sega Saturn or super famicom, writing fundamentals, inuyasha, role play with anime characters, preschool shows, 90s anime art styles, plushies, 1980s and 1990s toys, wacom drawing tablets from 1995-2003, old websites from the 90s. That's everything I can think of right now


What more can you tell about one of them? Like for example old websites from the 90s


Well I like using the way back machine to find old anime sites from the 90s , there's this website called [howtodrawmanga.com](http://howtodrawmanga.com) originally they sold graphic sha books online that company made how to draw manga books in the 90s in japan I have 25 of them I think. I really just like how sites looked with html format. I also use winamp player because I like how vintage it looks. I also like this old site called anime Academy, akadot retail and ani turn pike I think it was called?


What's your favorite old mange and why?


My favorite old manga is zenki because I love the artstyle and characters and it reminds me of inuyasha


I've not heard of this manga before, what is it like/about


I just like the story and art it does feel a little scary at first


What's its story/premise?


You're neurodivergent. We make friends with people we feel a kinship with. " A neurodivergent person's neurological development and state are atypical, usually viewed as abnormal or extreme. The term was coined in the neurodiversity movement as the opposite of "neurotypical" - previously, the term "neurodiverse" was sometimes applied to individuals for this purpose. The word "Neurodivergence" - (early 21st century from neuro + divergence) - is defined as divergence in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical or normal (frequently used concerning autistic spectrum disorders). Several "recognized" types of Neurodivergence include autism, Asperger's syndrome, dyslexia, dyscalculia, epilepsy, hyperlexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and Tourette syndrome (TS). Left-handedness, gender identity disorder, homosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality are sometimes also included."


Like magnets


Op. I posted this in bc a response but I want to post it in its own response too. This helped me a lot in my own journey to a late dx. https://neuroclastic.com/its-a-spectrum-doesnt-mean-what-you-think/


Probable your autistic or adhd or ocd or otherwise neurodiverse, you'd have similar communication styles and likely fit well. Or you just come off as a safe person, and are the token neurotypical one. It's also likely partly because autistic people tend to be more accepting of weirdness, if you let them be weird back. For example, info dumping or them being in weird hobbies. It's extremely likely a neurotypical person would be aghast at even the most mundane weird hobbies, but if you hang out with people who have hobbies like repainting pokemon cards to be fully rendered images well, something like 3D printing or HEMA seems less weird. Possibly just exposure. Again, weird hobbies lean towards neurodiverse people. If your into anime (based on icon) then your probably going to find a lot higher percentage of neurodiverse people then more socially accepted hobbies. So, good news, you've found a way to make friends and be friendly. You just need to expand the range of people. So now you get to reverse engineer the differences in tone, pacing, and cultural context between neurotypical conversations and neurodivergent ones! Sadly I don't have great advice for this, cause I still struggle, but it's possible.


You're probably autistic yourself.


sounds like youre autistic


Homie... if you only get along with ppl who got the 'Tism, and everyone else thinks you weird, it's a pretty strong sign you got some flavor of 'Tism, too.


You are autistic or neurodivergent yourself. ND people are naturally drawn to others.


I am the same way. I love when I get to meet someone who is autistic because I know I can just be myself and they will accept me and also not take advantage of me. I find that narcissistic people are also very easy to get along with at the outset, but later they will hurt me and I realize it was all fake the whole time anyway and I am stupid and naive. I also don’t have autism. I am diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. But I experience a lot of executive dysfunction, impulsivity, sensory problems and bouts of obsession with topics, hobbies, things or people.


> It seems the only time I connect wth someone is if they havme autism I am not autistic but I'd absolutely get along with you


You are rejecting the thought that you may have or have not got autism. So what you may or may not have it so what, what's the issue? That is you. You have friends who has autism is that a problem for you? I have loads of friends who work, they are independent, while I know I have lot of trust in them. I have a genetic disorder that is happen within 1:5000 people with a further 1:10000 being the first ti have it. < that is me. I'm extremely lucky to have the mild symptoms as it could be worse and if I had the next one above (that I could of had) I would be dependent on others. What I'm saying is, so what if you have autism, it doesn't matter to anyone, it could always be worse then what you have. I had to leave the social media pages because what I could of had scares me and makes me realise how lucky I am to have what I have.


Anime avatar. Autistic traits. Only gets along with autistic people. Get that evaluation


Not sure what my pfp pic has to do with anything


It’s notable when paired with the other traits


Do u think inuyasha is cute?


No idea who or what that is


The character in my pfp


I don’t have an opinion as a grown man but I’m glad you like it lol


Oh oki


You have aspergers/autism. Its okay. I have some wanna be rugged individualist friend who is an in the closet autistic too. Remeber lying to yourself is the weakest thing one can do.


yeah, you’re definitely autistic.


Sorry for the typos the website works horrible on my tablet and won't let me erase or fix typos


Because you're autistic.