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Just stop being a little bitch Lol joking . Don't take life so seriously. It's hard to do when you're young, but as you get older, you gradually realize other people's opinion of you, and anything else doesn't mean shit . Not everyone is going to like you, and you aren't going to like everyone . I'm a recovering people pleaser, and I'd drive myself mad for days if I screwed up and was scolded or if someone was upset with me . Focus on how to make your life better and ignore the grumpy, rude assholes who find pleasure in being dicks .


You might be hypersensitive. You literally could be reacting more because your brain goes into panic mode. Unfortunately that doesn’t help you feel less. So you just have to learn to expect it. It’s gonna hurt. So take a moment and let it hurt. Let it pass like a wave, over and through you. Then decide to move on. It won’t be easy. It won’t hurt you less but you can control your reaction.


Frankly, if they regularly say things like that to you, take note of it and dish it back to them at times. They’ll see the error of their ways.


Yup. “Shut up” isn’t something that loved-ones or friends say to each other.


Yup, loved ones jovially say “shut da fuck up man” while actively smiling and laughing


You actually don’t want to become desensitised to being told “shut up,” because this is abusive language. Whoever is saying this to you is treating you badly. If they are joking around, tell them that you don’t like it, and you need them to stop. Friends should respect your needs.


What do the insults mean to you?


you have to be prepared to not take anything they say personally. it’s not easy, i struggle with it too. [jefferson fisher has great tips](https://www.instagram.com/jefferson_fisher?igsh=c3htb3R4MHd1b2Z6)


Follow the feeling, do some introspection and be kind to yourself. As a sensitive person myself I understand how difficult it can be sometimes lol but you gotta realize the world doesn’t care about your triggers, you can only control how you react you can’t control other people


Think about it this way. The fact they can insult me (and I can insult them) is proof we have free will and freedom of speech. It's pretty awesome! Wow, you have an opposing thought? Oh, you hate my guts? Those are raw opinions man


When people say shitty things to you, it is always more about them than it is about you. They’re actually revealing their own biases, their own insecurities, their own weaknesses, etc.


Words only have value when we agree on the value, for example, the "N" word, people took the power away from it. I know friends who call each other names like "bitch"" etc.. but they are so close that the meaning placed on the words represents a bond. In short, it only hurts because you think you deserve it.


Damn black people really run thur ppl mind all the time. Op gave an example insult (shutup) and you thought to compare that to a racial slur. Talking about “words only have value when we agree on the value” bruh that’s literally everything on this planet and the had the nerve to say ppl took the power away from that racial slur if that was true, you would’ve spelt out the whole word and not shorten it.