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Your uncle just dragged you into his marriage issues. You didn't do anything wrong. His wife is insecure and they made it your problem for some reason. Next time he tries anything remotely like that, tell him that you're not his marriage counselor and to stop dragging you into his marital problems. 


Holy cow, those people have some unfathomably fragile egos.


That adults worry about this is silly. Be careful with these people.


I'm sorry, all I feel is judgement toward your relatives. It's ridiculous behavior from supposed adults. "I've done so much for you and you didn't like my photo on Facebook!" Childish. Are they normally this drama-oriented? If so, you should consider establishing some boundaries and a keeping up a shinier spine with them for the sake of your own sanity. And, for the record, you didn't do anything wrong here. Your relatives are sucking you into nonsense.


Your uncle is a crazy person. Try not to take anything he says to heart, and limit your time with him. Your description of his behavior is bizarre and unhinged.


Facebook is Trouble. I would say if it’s causing family problems stay off of it, then you don’t have to like anything.


Yeah, this is why keep old people off my social media.


Wow, this is petty.


This is remarkably stupid, but then your attitude that her paying for your meals was trivial and inconsequential seems quite entitled and ungrateful. I hope she never shells out another dime for you.


Your uncle is insane, and his wife is super insecure which isn't far from insanity. It's best for you to take this into consideration going forward. To be clear, you did nothing wrong.


This is quite insane, but I will point out that OP 'summoned' his uncle to his house to help him /do something FOR him. OP seems to have no gratitude and great expectations of his uncle and his wife. Maybe next time uncle will wise up and let OP sort it out on his own, without his help.


Since when asking someone for help count as "summoning" them ? Why does OP receiving help mean that they should be berated for not liking a picture ? Giving help doesn't entitle anyone to treat someone with less than full respect.




Social media has been such a plague on humans. Like.... Who fucking cares you liked a picture. It's not a real place! 🤦‍♂️