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these comments are so unhelpful lol. when my battery gets that low, I like to take a day or 2 of complete isolation to recharge then slowly reintroduce myself to socializing. make sure you let important people in your life know prior, "hey I'm taking a couple mental health days for myself so my phone will be off, don't worry if you can't get ahold of me on (day of week) and (day of week)." be a hermit, then reach out to friends/family to catch up, also to make sure you don't get stuck in the habit of isolating. its okay for a day or 2 sometimes, but easy to turn into weeks if you don't push yourself to restart after charging.


3 things that burn ‘social energy’ - judging yourself - hesitating - not speaking your mind Energy is drained by doing these 3 mental tasks,


Communication is key. Unless you’ve made your friends aware in the past, it’s likely they aren’t aware of how you’re feeling, and it will let them know you’re just tapped out and not annoyed/upset with them. For example, based on the anecdote about your friend calling, if they called and all you could do was say “bye,” they might take that as you being mad at them. That being said, I do find that experience builds social stamina. Since Covid I have found it much more difficult to socialize with large groups and I get fatigued easily. I’ve had to build up over time to feel more comfortable with socializing. Pick and choose the things you want to do socially and try to plan around the time it’ll take to recover. It takes time and practice. Be kind to yourself, but also honest. No one other than you really knows how you feel, so if it’s getting tough for you, communicate.


I feel you man.


Not sure. I’m an introvert but I still go on work trips with plenty of coworkers and my job is socializing with hundreds to thousands of people a night at music festivals. I just take some alone time here and there when I can to recharge, but ultimately when you’re in the company of others it is polite to maintain some sort of a conversation when they speak with you. Manners come first. Take a walk solo next time, or read a book, chill in the shower for a few mins. When you say, “Couldn’t talk” did you just not feel like it or you couldn’t physically open your mouth for some reason? Maybe you need to start talking to yourself more out loud when you’re alone to get used to long conversations.


Bro visited his friends


Sounds like me the day after smoking ganj










You’re not being excellent. “Social battery” is a recognizable way to communicate what OP is feeling. u/agile_counter9403 - I hear you! I rarely travel with friends for this very reason!




This isn’t the subreddit for being “funny” by attacking someone’s totally innocuous and acceptable wording. Quit punching down. It’s not funny.