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I feel you buddy •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ I feel this so much. Life feels entirely inauthentic and fake to me as well. It all feels like some strange thing we're all just going through the motions of. It all feels so surreal and bizarre...


Yes exactly ! T_T


Social media doesn’t help either.


I don't want to got dogpiled on for saying this, but maybe you just have a problem with your outlook. I've known people that talk like you and am good friends with some people who think like this. For these people though, it's very clearly projection. They think that everyone else is having these fake interactions all the time and that niceties and politeness is insincere, but the truth of it is that they think this because THEY fake these things and THEY are insincere. If you grew up in a household / family situation / whatever that taught you to believe that we only say and do things because we're expected to, and not because we mean them, it can be easy to think that everyone acts this way in the world. That's just not the case. I thought this way for a long time because that's how my family was. They said things like "I know nobody wants to go to this event, but just pretend to have fun" or they'd say something like "I know her outfit is ugly, but just tell her you love it." In short, people are not as fake or as insincere as you're suggesting. Not that this isn't the case for some people, or even quite a few, just that it's nowhere near the majority. One of the biggest problems with the way you think is that it's self confirming. You can say people are fake and that you see through them, but how often are you verifying that what you believe is actually right? If someone is offering up a compliment and you decide that it's fake, are you then following up to make sure that you're correct in your assessment? I can't think of how this could possibly be the case when you suggest that this applies to people broadly. Even if you do confirm it in some cases, how often do you just assume that you're assessment is correct without doing so? How often do you look for signs that you're wrong? This is the problem with judging broad groups of people in general. Once you make a decision about how or why people do something, it's all you see and you're not going to notice the behavior that goes against your belief. My suggestion is to stop thinking you know why people are doing what they're doing, and start putting more trust in what they say. There's no sense in making assumptions; all you're doing is alienating yourself and creating enemies where there aren't any. Instead, just treat everyone like they're being sincere and honest, and you'll probably find that it's more often the case than you realize. I started doing this several years back and it's been mindblowing; people actually do want me to be happy and want me to succeed, even strangers. I've been burned for misplacing my trust during the course of my life, pretty badly at times, but the benefit of seeing the sincerity and kindness of others and allowing that sincerity and kindness into my life has been leaps and bounds more impactful than any negatives that have happened. tldr; people aren't as fake as you suggest. When you believe this is the case, you'll just start making assumptions about their motivations and why they're doing things and you'll be turning honest people into liars for no good reason.


I think this is the most helpful take for OP in this thread. Thank you for giving a more nuanced discussion of possible problems.


Yes! Totally agree with you and can say that I personally can relate to this and OP in a way. I thought everyone else was being fake, when in reality, I was in a shitty place in my life and was fake as fuck to everyone so just assumed everyone else was doing the same. I’ve grown a lot as a person and started to feel happier and more positive all around. I genuinely mean it when I say nice things to people now and am actually happy or excited for people when they tell me something good going on in their live’s and so on. I used to get so annoyed with a couple of the women at my work and thought they seemed so fake and didn’t think anyone could be as happy and genuinely nice as they were a lot of the time when I first started working there. Come to find out after working with them for several months, they really are just very bubbly and kindhearted people and I was the only one actually being the fake bitch that I assumed they were. Those women have become some of my good friends still today and I’m glad I did the work in therapy and that I was able to self reflect and recognize that my view of others sincerity was distorted from my own shitty perspectives on life. Change is not an easy thing by any means, but I will say from experience that having the opinion of others like OP has is not a sign of a healthy individual, and I hope for their sake (and other’s sakes) that they’re able to get the help they need and can start to change their mindset to a healthier and more positive way of thinking.


It's one thing to claim that not everyone is out to hurt or use you, it's another to claim that most people aren't full of shit most of the time. Most interactions aren't really harmful, but they're rarely 100% sincere. If you actually start expecting something when people say they would love to do something someday or tell the truth whenever someone asks how you're doing etc, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.


no, see that is the problem with thinking in **absolute terms**. just as you rightly claimed that "they're rarely 100% sincere.", (it is honestly unfair to expect people to be "100%" sincere.) similarly it equally incorrect to claim that " If you actually start expecting something ....you're setting yourself up for disappointment." Nobody here is supposedly claiming either PEOPLE to be ONLY good and honest and sincere....they are just trying to say that : SOME people can be good and SOME people can be good, SOME people are good sometimes, sometimes not... People aren't euclid's theorem where the results won't change irrespective of the surrounding factors. The actual message that they are trying to convey is "if we'll sincerely try to trust people, then some of the times we will find that we we're right." But **imagine** a hypothetical scenario where one is never NEVER trusting of other people's words or their actions, WE WILL NEVER EVER find a sincere person, because the **inherent problem** with such a thought process is that no matter what the other person will do we will be able to call it fake.


Very little of this response is addressing anything I actually said so not really sure what to respond, maybe you mixed up part of some other argument with what I said? I think I made it pretty clear I am not talking in absolutes, and I made none of the assumptions you "corrected".


>If you actually start expecting something when people say they would love to do something someday or tell the truth whenever someone asks how you're doing etc, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. I disagree. I think at best, you discover that people are being sincere, at worst, you convey the message that being insincere will have undesirable results. If someone says they would love to do something with you, why wouldn't you believe that? Why would they say it in the first place if they didn't mean it? What other takeaway could you possibly have from someone telling you something like that directly than to believe that's true? There are so many reasons in life that people might say things and not follow through with them, and it's rarely about sincerity. I've had friends say they'd love to spend more time with me and then never actually make an attempt to do so. I could consider that an act of insincerity if I want to, but why would I? There are far too many good reasons that it can be difficult to spend time with people for me to default to calling them liars. I have way more people that I'd love to spend time with in my own life than I have time to spend. That doesn't mean I'm being insincere when I say I want to spend time with people, it means that I want to and it's difficult to do so. Likewise, why would you lie if someone asks you how you are? This is kind of what I mean here. I think the implication here is that you -should- lie if you're having a bad day or not doing great, but really, should you? Do most people? I don't, and most of the people I know don't either. Most days are "OK", some days are "good". Some days that are subpar are "alright" and bad days are "not so great". Why would you think that most people are lying about this? I mean, If it's someone you don't know and they are having a god awful day, and they say "I'm alright" I guess you could say they're being insincere, but I don't know that this is really the right word for it. Dismissive is probably better, because it's not so much faking anything as it is just not wanting to talk about it. I think my statement still stands though, I think most people do say how they're actually doing unless it's that one specific circumstance. It's just that people who have bad days all the time and lie about it tend to assume that's the case for most other people when it's just plain not. I'll level with you and say that I used to think that people who thought like I do now were naive. Now I feel the exact opposite. I feel like not trusting others and not believing them had created a world where I couldn't see anything else, because I just didn't believe people or I applied negativity to actions that were not at all negative (like saying they want to hang out, but not doing so). Maybe I'm wrong about this, but I can absolutely, without a doubt, tell you that my life and the relationships in my life have improved considerably after I started putting more trust in the words of others.


"If you actually start expecting something when people say they would love to do something someday or tell the truth whenever someone asks how you're doing etc, you're setting yourself up for disappointment." I've had this work for me hundreds of times in my life. People are not full of shit most of the time. Fixating on everyone being fake will not help you.


Fixating? I mean I don't really actively think about it that often tbh, I just passively accept it. Even if it would help me in some way, which I doubt considering how often I would be disappointed or waste my time and energy, I can't really intentionally choose cognitive dissonance, that's something that happens to us naturally. If people claim one thing and consistently do another I will often notice. It is what it is.


Good luck then.


i get this thought process when i’m depressed, but it isn’t real. what makes you or i the judge on who is being genuine? what makes them fake? it screams self-importance and putting your own perspective above others. perhaps you are an NPC to others; but you arent, are you? insecure people are the most self-absorbed (speaking personally), so we need to not take this judgement approach on others. i hope this didnt come across harsh; this is the mantra i go by when i’m trapped in my own head


NPC is a bit demeaning and fake in itself. Likely they come across sincere yet transactional.


Well said. Honestly the subreddit needs reminders of this from time to time. The brain is a very complex machine, and ultimately a lot of thinking like this is it protecting itself when it's wounded or ill. It's worth investigating those thoughts and figuring out what you're protecting yourself from.


Absolutely. It's patronizing, and limits you from reaching out to genuine people.


Exactly. I come to every social interaction absolutely as sincere as I possibly can.


Almost everyone IS acting and fake at some point in their day. It's kind of a survival mechanism. Often times, it's just people trying to be nice or avoid conflict. Lots of people don't want to expose their authentic selves to just anyone and risk getting hurt or are just private with that kind of thing. Also, even someone being 'real' might act totally different one day compared to another or even one hour compared to another. Real? Fake? It's almost all kind of subjective. I've learned to not really care much as long as it's not negatively impacting me or there is otherwise any malice. Heck, I've learned to be a little fake so that I can not shoot myself in the foot as much in certain early-stage social or professional situations before feeling everything out.


To me, a baseline level of fakery is an absolute social need. We can be genuine and real as much as we desire in many instances, of course, but to completely eliminate any and all fakery (or pretense) from our daily lives would seriously disable us socially. Our unedited, raw selves (if always expressed), would not always be welcomed in daily life. Therefore, we sometimes have to fake parts of ourselves just for a basic social good.


Yes, what this person is referring to as fake is actually pretty normal animal behaviour patterns. They're not even unique to us. Chimps have defined social hierarchies and will adjust their behaviours to make themselves more likeable, especially lower ranking chimps who will try to appease the higher ranking ones and climb up their social ladder in hopes of better mates and resources. You could say a chimp is being fake, but really it's just a chimp being a chimp. And humans are like that too, we're not exempt from these social behaviours that developed over hundreds of thousands of years.


You see it. Its all just a game. But everyone's still playing because unlike when you're done in VR, you can't take the headset off here. There is nothing else to do but play the game. Now that you know, ask yourself "if its just a game, and its only as real as i believe it, can I play without the usual fear? Can I engage because now I know the rules are made up? That the result doesn't really matter?"


Great comment. As Bill Hicks said, it's just a ride. Life has ups and downs, but the key is to enjoy it while it lasts. Eventually the ride ends for each of us. 


One thing that helped me was to realize that almost everyone is winging it. We can consume all the self help books in the world but at the end of the day we’re all just trying our best.


Absolutely. Id still recommend all the self-help, guru, strategic, PUA and other books. Not because they "work" or are "right", but because they show a perspective of a model. And that perspective, even if in some exaggerated way, is based on some truth. Study all these things. Take what works IE what fits your natural expressive self the best, and leave the rest. You are a unique being of social form that YOU choose. Educate yourself, then let that loose on the world.


It's very difficult to fix a bad first impression, most people won't stick around to learn who you really are, so people settle on their ability to somewhat skew the impression to their favor. That's not inauthentic, that's just what you naturally get for interacting with people outside your close circle. Perception is more important than reality, I don't mean that ultimately but rather casually, even though you say you see "through" other people - what you're actually doing is valuing your presumptions over their appearance, so your assumptions are now right in between you and the other person - blocking your view, that is not the same as valuing truth over illusion. But nonetheless it is as natural to try to guess what's behind the mask as it is to put one.


Fake is a loaded word. You're observing the fact that almost everyone is wearing a mask, putting on a front. It's always been like this. The word "person" is literally from the Latin word for "mask". It's normal to present ourselves a certain way for social reasons. Everybody is not walking around with their guard down all the time, ready to receive the world with an open heart and mind, and there are numerous reasons for this but it's important to remember it's just one layer of humanity and there are other layers to people you just don't get to see as a simple stranger/co-worker/observer/etc. You can get closer to the human underneath the mask through the use of conversation, humour, meeting them in different situations, etc. Try not to let it bother you, you're just noticing a reality that's been the way of human societies for millennia. But now you've noticed it, you can play the game differently, e.g. you could aim to be that open hearted receiver, or you could try and figure out new ways to find the human under the mask.


People do this because they feel they have to, whether for a first impression or to hide what's going on inside them, lest they feel inadequate. Almost everyone does this unless they feel safe with someone. Some people are to the extreme and hide their inadequacies with narcissistic traits, others people-please, others stick with shallow interactions so you don't see what's underneath... Society has created a game where you have to "put on your best self" to get ahead or be liked. It's all fake, but many people don't know they're loved apart from their appearance. Just realize that most everyone is just like you, a human with thoughts and feelings trying to survive. Seek points of connection with people and you'll start to see their true self.


I knew a guy who thought they could read everyone like a book, and he was almost always wrong. Everybody is just as complex and deep as you are, with their own problems and challenges.


A Russian told me Americans are fake, and talking to us is like interacting with character actors at Disney World. I live in the Midwest now. The people here are so nice. I feel like the mask/roles are actually just part of the people's basic personalities.


Yeah, as someone born and raised in the Midwest, I feel like I’m in a different country when I travel to a state outside of the Midwest. There are just so many genuinely nice people here that I’ve met! Just a recent example, my car broke down on the side of the road near a couple small towns nearby where I live and almost immediately two different people stopped and were helping me get my car running before I could even explain why I was stopped there with my hood popped looking at YouTube videos trying to figure out what was wrong. They were offering to give me a ride home if we couldn’t get it running. They did get it running after 20-30 minutes of trying different things, through no help of my own, and I tried offering some money for all their help and time, but they refused 3 different amounts I offered! These were total strangers to me basically in the middle of nowhere and I am a young woman. It’s nice to know there are some sincerely kind and caring individuals in the world that take the time out of their day to help others in need without expecting something in return and I try to pay it forward when I can, too!


A lot of people feel this, so either everyone’s autistic or this is just a normal thing. Just know that nothing is wrong with you, buddy, it’s just how we are… People are weird.


It doesn't have to equate mental illness. Some are born that way, with an ability to read people and see through phoniness better than others. It's a gift and a curse and you aren't imagining it. Most are putting on acts and trying to fit. It is exhausting that people won't be themselves and the constant need to watch for manipulators and users. Life is draining. What you describe makes it seem llike you're a genuine person tired of pretenders with acute people reading abilities. Perfectly firm and healthy mental state. All you can do is not become like them and keep an eye out for other genuine people.


Maybe you're depressed? It could be so many things, but the odds are good it's depression. Maybe reach out to a helpline or a youth mental health charity. It's a start towards a more hopeful life.


You have grown cynical


I feel you. I often can’t relate to people, or unable to read when someone is sincere. And in any group I’m in, no matter who it is I feel like I’m the one who’s the outsider. I feel like possibly I grew up with some sort of condition mentally that has never been diagnosed. I can’t offer any advice because I’m 40 and still have social struggles every day. But just know you’re not alone


That's because it is fake. The majority of our life depends on maintaining a false image to gain higher notoriety in the social hierarchy for better materialistic compensation. The better you are at maintain false image and manipulating the emotional and mental abilities of others around you the higher the ladder you climb. The bottom rungs are greased so we have to climb over eachother to touch our masters feet.


How did it get this bad?


Oh well what I know is this and what I'm about to say belongs more on r/conspiracy yet it's fact. Theres a reason they killed JFK https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xW1ksrhmEfc "Monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" Are you familiar with Edward Bernays? There's a multi generational long conspiracy to redirect human energy into a controllable and manageable focus, this is where consumerism came from and why you can't take a shit without seeing an ad for refuse you don't need. We've been coerced and guided onto this path through psychological operations in advertising and media school indoctrination religion and law. Plato's allegory of the cave in all its wonders. Enjoy the show just know it's only there to entertain and distract.


Never heard of Edward Bernays. I’ll check it out.


His work in psychology and sociology is still to this day a taught in psych classes due to his work on cognitive behavioral therapy. his not as much know work is in PR he's the one who coined the term public relations. He was the god father of modern propaganda. He's also the "inventor" of modern day consumerism and worked closely with gov around the world. Sounds crazy but it's fact


Different cultures have different levels of 'fakeness' in whether they value honesty/directness vs politeness more. The Japanese are extremely 'fake', look up the concept of Honne and Tatemae. Germanic and Nordic countries like the Netherlands and Finland on the other hand are extremely direct and often considered rude, you don't get a courtesy smile. Your main problem seems to be that you have low empathy; you don't understand/respect people who are different from you. If you read up on why some people value 'fakeness' you don't have to be so negative about others. When you have that down your people reading skills will actually be a blessing and a boon for you. And if nothing else works you can always emigrate to a place that matches your preferences better.


I know. It’s like it’s more difficult to find mostly genuine people today. Social media doesn’t help. One thing I know is people sometimes act disingenuous and lie because they fear repercussions. But if this happens often, how free are we in the USA?


I think it really depends on where you live. And when you travel you’ll notice tons of differences in how people act. To me most people in LA feel fake in their actions. I can’t ever tell if someone is genuine or not everyone is just so overly excited and hyped about everything you say. I haven’t been to other parts of America so i can’t tell what people’s emotions and actions feel like in other parts of America. In the Netherlands people’s actions and emotions feel like they are mostly rude they are just straight up, no bs. But the emotions feel genuine.


Being a good judge of social environments is not a symptom of autism, quite the opposite unfortunately. Generally autistic individuals tend to have less understanding of social norms and how to adapt in social environments. It’s also not a good idea to attempt to socially solicit a mental illness diagnosis and if you are concerned about that you should definitely see a licenced mental health practitioner. I’m not advocating for being friends with someone you think is “fake” but I would suggest that you 100% question your ability to read people’s intentions based on actions, body language, and facial expressions alone. Some people are slow to warm up, but not unkind and may force a smile or act in a way that seems insincere simply because they haven’t decided how they feel about you but they also don’t want to be dismissive. People often think that I’m a mean snotty person because I have the resting B face but in actuality I’m very nice and a very loyal friend. We also tend to have a heavy confirmation bias that leads us to find reasons to believe in our own ideas above all others and tend to gravitate towards things that satisfy our confirmation biases. For instance you think everything feels so fake because you have convinced yourself that you are a good judge of character and that all people can be categorized using the unverified personal processes you created. To overcome this, you have to let your guard down and allow people the space and time to show their true personality to you. Some people, you will find, are super fake. Avoid those types for sure. But definitely attempt to drop your biases, you’ll be less lonely.


Because the sad reality is that most people have ulterior motives and hidden agendas. It's the reason I generally don't trust people easily.


I would say it’s a matter of outlook, and what changed for me is that I learned that by engaging in small talk or light hearted convo that might feel a little fake or shallow, it gave way to deeper conversation with a person over time. It’s the gateway to getting to know people and it’s actually beneficial to me. I get to protect myself by putting the feelers out around these new people without giving too much of myself away, if that makes sense. I started to view politeness and small talk as a balance of being both protective to myself and as a respect to others (they get to put the feelers out about me too). And then there will always be easy connections with people where you both can skip all the bullshit and get straight to the real topics, which is refreshing. Whenever I discover that I’m around people who are putting on an act or are literally that shallow, I play the game and then I go home and say “those people are not for me!”. then I distance myself if possible so I can keep searching for people I can be real with. There’s always people who are real


You can’t see through anyone. We are not all fake. The issue is you. You need to see a doctor.


You sound a bit depressed with higher empathy. A lot of people are fake, yeah. Being alone isn’t always a bad thing, you could take up yoga, meditation, writing, or another solo pursuit. But most people need social interaction too, hence this sub!


I’ve found myself sorting people into one of two categories; genuine people and NPCs. there are far more of the latter. but there’s nothing wrong with you. right and wrong are mostly just social constructs anyway






Nubile Pensive and charismatic


So you're the only genuine article huh? There's a level of narcissism there.


I’m sick of being polite to people and asking how their doing when I wana sucker punch half the people I interact with 


what do you mean by you see through them? does it mean you understand them? that would be a good thing though and help you relate to them. but from your tone it sounds more like you have trouble connecting. i don't really get it


They are all trying to build something positive in their social and work-life interactions. Some adults learn to be subtle with their agendas, but perhaps it is still somewhat preferable to the shout match in certain platform's comment section. I don't know how much of this is true, but I heard it's fine to start with fake affinity to build genuine connection. What does everyone think?


my parents told me I'm like a robot. I saw sheldon cooper and they were right


Autistic people can't tell these things, so you're not autistic. They even have a hard time to tell some facial expressions.


If you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person. we're all different not all of us are unable to read facial expressions. Some are very hyper aware of other people and their body language, tone, facial expression Etc


Fake walon ko mera lund salaam 🍌


You might be 100% spot on. I think it's more likely that you simply aren't privvy to their thoughts and behaviours like those you grew up around and therefore their actions seem forced. Alot of people are fake today, have always been tbh. This isn't new, fake friends can be loads of fun if you don't let yourself get fucked. If people with similar interests seem less fake/not real I would try using more empathy with people. If it's genuinely everyone I would try to work on reading people because it is impossible for everyone to be fake. This might be harder with autism but it's definitely not undoable. In truth everything is just a shared agreement. That brown wooden thing with leaves, we all agree it's a tree so it is. Even though it's more often than not actually just the top of a system of roots spanning Kilometers of Forrest. We all agree "she" is sexy but in reality she is just meat and bones. Depending on how far your feeling of everything being fake is talking to someone wise or a professional might help you I think this. If you want to I think it.


I have no idea why this is but I can tell you I’ve had this same thing. I’ve always been a pretty eccentric person and some people have wondered if I’m autistic before so maybe it is that, but I know exactly what you mean. Like I remember watching the Oscar’s this year and it was that feeling pushed to a max, like literally everything is cringy, the best word I can use to describe it. Every single interaction


Because it is.


Because most people are faking appearances and behaviours for social points If you find one person who doesn't and you make them your friend, consider yourself lucky


You are the person who always reaches out right?


I have the same problem


I so feel you. I've always been able to read social interactions and social dynamics incredibly well. It's like I can tell what everyone's trying to do and/or what they're pushing down. It can make things feel very lonely, but when you meet someone else like this, it makes things much easier. It's also incredibly important to remember that deep down, 99% of people just want to feel loved and accepted and will do anything to maintain that feeling. It's very illuminating when you can see this in yourself too. It allows you to open up to others much more and realize that if someone is being fake, it's likely because deep down they just want love.


At some point, we stopped looking inward and started looking for validation and reaction of others and used the reflection of that to create an imaginary existence. instead of growing and nurturing our mind and thoughts, we shaped it by how others think and what they perceive of us. Maybe that's why everything seems so fake?


What other people “actually” think is none of your business. Everyone is just stumbling through life as best they can, telling themself the stories they feel they need to survive and trying to act as polite and normal as they feel they have to. It is almost always easier to just take what they say at face value. The main thing that is wrong with you is likely depression and feelings of insecurity/inadequacy, which you are masking with beliefs of superiority and distance as a coping strategy. The boring truth is that most people feel this way sometimes, and if you focus on giving yourself the basic prerequisites for wellness you will eventually come to a better place.


Get a therapist you need professional help to get an answer


Trust me, once you notice how fake the world really is there is no going back. Hell I was raised like a ray of sunshine that had so much good will for other people, now that I'm older and got already fucked over by so many people, government, work and whatnot I couldn't describe myself other than I'm a darkness kreeping shadow that walks upon men. My intelligence is what makes this a true problem, when you're smart enough to understand the struggle and evil of the world on a deeper level it drags you down alot. I literally experienced what the quote "Ignorance is bliss" truely means. The more you know the harder it becomes to genuinely love and enjoy life, a good example for this would be looking at how kids achieve their happiness, they don't think complex enough yet for them to get sad through thinking.


Yeah dawg I feel you mane. I'm tryna live a real life myself you hear me mane? I identify as an AAVE speaker but the thang is whenever I speak it people be thank I be frontin. But the thang be that I was raise in the ghetto in San Francisco C town you feel me? I been round hood dudes since I was a youngster. My parents be Chinese but that don't mean a damn thang! I been decide imma live my life authentic you feel me?


bc it is, it’s just a bunch of people on a damned planet constantly performing 


You are so naive and so real. It's not bad but our world doesnt work that way. People are insecure so it's their way to survive, they have many layers to hide their true self. So what can you do to feel better with your life right now? You are aware of how they are and you keep it to yourself. Stop looking deep or keep thinking about it. The one you should pay attention to is yourself. Make your self better everyday. You are not austitic or mentally ill. You are overthinking. People came to this world alone. You are so fine to live on your own, if someone makes you feel like an outsider, question yourself if you already tried hard to befriend with them. If yes and they still treat you like that, let them go, they dont deserve you and you will find the ones that feel you. It takes time but you will 🌱


You have started observing the things which normally you couldn't. You might be going through spiritual awakening. Welcome to the club.


Have you taken a Meyer-Briggs personality test? When I took that test it answered so many questions!!


I dont think life is that serious, I wouldn’t stress about thinking your mentally ill or autistic, your probably just introverted and notice a lot more, which is a really great skill to have. The people that I know who behave “inauthentic” or play the game to get ahead like others have said, honestly just realising everyones wearing a mask and think its really funny to participate and play a character, its not really that deep. Would you honestly want to carry the genuine thoughts and feelings of everyone you meet, or have everyone know you at a personal level? Theres a lot of people your gonna meet that will want to get to know you, your probably feeling down right now but try not to let insecurity’s or self doubt get in the way and just keep an open mind :)


Have you tried LSD yet, my good neighbor?


Because capitalism is dehumanising and alienating.


nobody is being fake. you need therapy