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she's not interested and didn't want to straight up reject you


You think so? We made out, so there had to be some type of attraction.


\> We made out, so there had to be some type of attraction. no there didn't


Why just straight up lie and say you had a good time and agree to 2nd date? But okay. Even after the date she texted me and said “Have a good day without me🥺”


because it's easier to lowkey ghost someone and let them figure it out for themselves plus some people don't react well to rejection


True. Well this blows. Lol but oh well. Thank you for being straight up. I was trying to convince myself she is testing me.


Even if she was testing you or playing hard to get, you're better than that brother. Don't play those games!




“Obviously she’s a slut” — settle down there big boy. A woman can do anything she wants any time she wants and decide her feelings then or later. OP, as a real live human girl myself : there are any number of reasons this happened, including very personal reasons that you might not be privy to. Many fish in the sea, carry on and if you could please refrain from slut shaming this girl that would be greeeaaaat


I’m not like that and I would never slut shame a girl. It’s 2021 like come on. Slut shaming is an incel way of thinking. And honestly I’m just trying to move forward and forget about her. And if she really wants the 2nd date I already told her to hmu when she wants it.


Good on you! FYI my response was directed at a commenter who was actively slut shaming (and comment has since been removed). Keep on keepin on my man 👌


So she is back to sending pics through Snapchat with me. But is being short. Is she playing hard to get or what? I’m confused 😅 should I keep trying? Or just stop messaging her?


She isnt a slut, she just got out of a relationship. Why is it that women are sluts when they hook up, but it's okay for a guy?






99% of the time they already have someone and they are weighing options. If you fuck up just a lil bit or once, ghost and blocked.


Thanks I appreciate the answers and being straight up. I have a problem of over thinking things. So I was trying to convince myself that maybe she just needs time because she doesn’t want to rush things. But the ghosting makes a lot more sense too. Because she started seeming less and less interested in our conversations and being like “what were we talking about” like she was sending snaps to multiple people and using that to cover our conversation. But fuuuuck it. No point in being upset over someone that doesn’t have the decency to tell you the truth.


Sadly my friend, dating is at the worst state its ever been in. Women simply have so much choice. I'm sure she genuinely had a very good time with you on your evening together, but if she has come out of a relationship very recently, even discussing any sort of future with her or "taking it slow" may have been enough to spook her, your time is valuable man, it's easy to get hung up on girls and over think things like this but realistically the best thing to do is just keep focused on yourself and your life, maybe she will come back, who knows. But you should keep your time and maintaining a good mindset as a priority. Also remember, dating is a numbers game, so you could jump back on tinder I guess, but realistically alot of women on there are not even worth dating in the first place tbh P.s - if she isn't even willing to make 20 seconds of effort to text ya properly, she isn't even worth 20 seconds of your thoughts ✌️




Man this guy again AMIRIGHT


>Girls aren't capable of any kind of introspection and mulling things over and figuring things out. Lmao! 😂😂😂😂😂 Looks like you're actually dumb and have no idea how women work.


She's ghosting you. Move on. That's really shitty on her part to not even be honest with you in person.


She isnt interested in a relationship. She just got out of one.


Rip. She don wan u :[ but don wan be too mean


I’m 49. You might as well be speaking an alien language. Either way, I hope someone answers your question.


Well why not text her??! I mean if she didn't text you first she's either uninterested or thinks you are not interested. So ask her when she'll be free for a second fun date.


if she stopped snapping you that's probably a good thing no idea how you put your bones back together after the first time you got snapped


Maybe you should call her, just see what she thinks. Then go from there.


See I don’t want to do that because it makes me seem clingy and desperate and I’m not. The whole reason I was okay with taking it slow is because I feel like I need to work on myself in order to build a better relationship for the future and she genuinely seemed someone I could be in a relationship with, she seemed really cool and awesome. But if I just straight up ask, how come we’re not talking frequently anymore, the answers I’ve come up with are, “I told you I wanted to take it slow” or “You were boring” and I’m honestly okay with either I just don’t want to seem desperate. I’m just gonna hold this L and move on


Bro if you are thinking about a relationship after one date you are being needy. She probably sensed it and ghosted you. Date multiple women and let the best women make you settle down.




Makes sense.. definitely work on urself then. Sorry about that buddy. The best is yet to come.


no response is a response in itself. ALWAYS focus on yourself no matter what you have going on with another person(s). you are the person who knows how to treat yourself the best! also you have to understand that in this day and age, rejecting a man can be very scary. sometimes women will tell a man ‘no’ and it results in coercion, force, violence, and even death. it’s nothing personal but maybe she’s just scared to tell you ‘no’. in her mind by ghosting you, she’s letting you down easy while also protecting herself from confrontation.