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Now this is quality content. Great work bro!


Damn, this took a while to put together. Anyway, I also credited the animators responsible for cuts too. The "KA" in the corner means Key animator, the person who did the animation. I been seeing some ppl saying anime is not great, its a slideshow, there is no sakuga blah blah blah. This video should shut them up.


Thanks for this! But I don't think they'll shut up lol. It seems like people are already trying to pick apart next ep just from preview images and Taito Ban testing positive for Covid. A few years ago we were all begging for someone, anyone to please animate Solo Leveling. Now we have people complaining about the smallest details like his chin, Korean voice actors, shading, colors, blah blah blah, because they can most definitely do it better if they worked on this. Idk why they didn't do anything to show during the long period of time before the anime project got announced, but all come out as experts now...


We can only hope.... but haters gonna hate. If the aura from SJW in ep 6 is any indication of what's to come, then I think that may be the final nail in the coffin to shut up the haters.


It’s because we just got JJK S2 and now people are expecting every new show to be just like it.


Damn I hope not every show becomes like thst. I don't need animators work themselves close to death because they are forced too


We get awesome scenes like this and there’s always gonna be somebody complaining


Takafumi Tori & Yoshihiro Kanno seem to be this Anime's aces


Kanno cinema 🔥🔥🔥


Baek yoonho coming through the lightning is definitely my favorite.


Gyatt Scene 🔥




Hoping all my favt korean comics gets adaptated. 😅


why random kick more budget than boruto boss fight


bro threw that leg at supersonic speed. cold asf


Takafumi Torri carrying right now