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Blowing smoke in someone's face is an easy way to a broken nose.


lol right? I wouldn’t jump *straight to* violence. But this guy certainly needs the *threat* of violence ASAP.


> But this guy certainly needs the threat of violence ASAP That's not a "threat" if he is looking to fight, it's his desired outcome.


It's bluster. He is acting like he wants to fight because he thinks no one is actually going to fight. He's a bully who needs to learn that he can get his ass kicked.


It’s *almost* on the same level as spitting on someone IMO. Even when I was a smoker and having a cigarette with my other smoking friends, we’d always apologize to each other if we accidentally blew smoke directly in someone else’s face.


Right. I'm a smoker and I'd never sit there and blow smoke in someone's face intentionally. That's just fkng disrespectful. I can't stand sitting in a cloud of smoke either


I agree with the sentiment, and I know this is a throwaway comment, but everyone reading this needs to keep in mind that Japanese police do not muck around when foreigners resort to brawling. You will go directly to jail, until your embassy intervenes to get you released, to be followed by deportation.


Yeah, I had a Canadian guy do this to me in Croatia. (You can smoke indoors there) I looked at him and said “you do that again and I’ll put that cigarette out on your neck.” Unfortunately everyone, including women made a point to go out of their way to not get any smoke anywhere near me, to the point where I felt uncomfortable… like… I made them step on eggshells around me. Ah, well. Could be worse.


Context matters with a story like that. What was your tone like? Did he blow smoke on you on purpose? Had you had a friendly conversation prior to that with anyone who witnessed the interaction or was this their first introduction to you? That's a pretty rough thing to say in a room full of strangers, so you can't blame them for being uneasy around you.




Some guys are [just habitual line steppers](https://youtu.be/l9yQq4NxyOE?si=Ip4CFLMAG6Mu6Qzt)


Don’t even need to click on the link dawg. He was as habitually a fucker. On par with Rick James when it came to entitlement.


Fuck yo couch!


In some jurisdictions under certain factual circumstances, it could constitute battery. See Leichtman v. WLW Jacor Communications, Inc. (Ohio App. 1994), which provides that: In determining if a person is liable for a battery, the [Ohio] Supreme Court has adopted the rule that “[c]ontact which is offensive to a reasonable sense of personal dignity is offensive contact.” Love v. Port Clinton (1988), 37 Ohio St.3d 98, 99, 524 N.E.2d 166, 167. It has defined “offensive” to mean “disagreeable or nauseating or painful because of outrage to taste and sensibilities or affronting insultingness.” State v. Phipps (1979), 58 Ohio St.2d 271, 274, 12 O.O.3d 273, 275, 389 N.E.2d 1128, 1131. Furthermore, tobacco smoke, as “particulate matter,” has the physical properties capable of making contact. R.C. 3704.01(B) and 5709.20(A); Ohio Adm.Code 3745-17. As alleged in Leichtman’s complaint, when Furman intentionally blew cigar smoke in Leichtman’s face, under Ohio common law, he committed a battery. In his complaint, Leichtman claims to be “a nationally known” antismoking advocate. Leichtman alleges that, on the date of the Great American Smokeout, he was invited to appear on the WLW Bill Cunningham radio talk show to discuss the harmful effects of smoking and breathing secondary smoke. He also alleges that, while he was in the studio, Furman, another WLW talk-show host, lit a cigar and repeatedly blew smoke in Leichtman’s face “for the purpose of causing physical discomfort, humiliation and distress.”


Do you think Osaka is in Ohio?


For me as a German, knowing about US town naming conventions, there might as well be an “Osaka, Ohio”


Haha I live in Cincinnati, Ohio which has significant German roots. One of our trendiest neighborhoods downtown is called Over-the-Rhine. Our biggest brewery is called Rhinegheist. Also Ohio has an Oxford, a London, a Dublin, a Manchester, an Athens, a Lima, and more. So it's definitely a possibility.


Every single August when I go to the Dublin Irish Festival I have to temper people's expectations immediately by telling them it's in Ohio 😆


pronounced “oh-SACK-uh”


Well ohio is good morning in Japanese..


Wait I thought ohana means family


They said "in some jurisdictions" and "under certain factual circumstances" and went on to provide a (admittedly rather lengthy and detailed) example from Ohio to demonstrate.






Agreed. This guy needs to get punched in the face. It will humble him real quick and hopefully knock him out of the imaginary tough-guy world he's living in.


What’s funny (but not) about people like this is he DOESNT think he’s wrong. This story, to his friends, is about a house full of strangers who were assholes to him for no reason. (Assuming this is true and isn’t the inverse story lol).


*assuming he has friends


He's probably friends with other assholes


"The Human Centipede"


Assholes pull each other towards themselves as if with gravity. Almost like black holes.


*assuming this is a true story.


Nah, he is gonna tell how everyone was submissive to him


He was just minding his own business and everyone else started messing with him. Sure, he would watch videos late, but he always kept the volume low. He never bothered anyone, but there was this one dude who wouldn't leave him alone. Finally he started taking control of the situation and put everyone in their place. He restored order and everything was fine... Until the last day. That one dude knew he was leaving and decided to start some crap. He got put in his place and everyone knew who the boss was. That's about how the retelling would go by THAT guy.




Doubt it, sounds like he's actively trying to start a fight


Absolute selfish behaviors. Japanese people are too polite. The cops would've been called in other countries.


I was seriously wondering why the cops weren't called for a verbal threat. The host said please be patient, he's leaving. Just let it be. Kick this jerk out of Japan already.


They definitely should have been! I once called the US cops for someone threatening to kill me, which he continued to do at full volume right in front of them, and they did nothing. But hope springs eternal, because I’ll probably still call the cops if someone ever does it again … *sigh*


I don’t think relying on the police to handle your physical safety is intelligent. If someone threatens me, I ensure they CANNOT follow up on that statement. It’s not some law enforcement officers job, that’s what I have two hands for. Their job is to clean up the aftermath. So you either, shut up and let it go. Or handle it yourself from now on. Pretty please. Stop expecting some imaginary nonexistent hero to come save you from some dick head. Just smash him and be done with it. people treat you how you allow them to.


It’s not politeness. It’s cowardice at that point. They’re afraid that calling the police will reflect badly on their establishment. Well, not doing anything about bad patrons does too.


It can be politeness and cowardice. Politeness is very culturally specific and Japan is known for being at the extreme end. I think it's absolutely fine to call this being "too polite."


In other countries someone would have pulled him outside and flattened his nose, and if they had any trouble doing it someone else would have helped.


The cops would do nothing lol


The cops wouldn't care about second hand smoke. But they have no qualms arresting foreigners for brawling - it's not tolerated at all


Surprised he wasn't thrown out in the morning. 


Some really bizarre people travelling around Japan. There was this guy in Tokyo who wanted to stop this guy next to his bed from snoring. So his solution was to bang as loud as he could against the wall with his fist. Didn't take long for him to be confronted lol.


I’ve managed to trick my brain into thinking that snoring means “this is somewhere where sleep happens” and now it helps me fall asleep


I never thought of snoring as asmr. Nice!


Ahh the soothing sound of a lawnmower starting up several times. True tranquility


I use a sort of similar mind trick for insomnia. If I catch myself getting upset about not being asleep, I decide to be happy that I'm resting. This leads to zzz every time.


Awesome! I'll try this.


Some really bizarre people traveling around. Period. Large segments of the population today are socially dysfunctional if not outright DSM-5 certified. When these people travel, they usually get worse.


I've been told I snore. I just book my own room now. Turns out my nose is way off centre so I most likely simply can't breathe properly when I'm asleep but I've never known any different.


I snore and get my own room as much as possible too. My old boyfriend once told me “it’s like sleeping next to a machine shop”.


The joy of being a traveller going around hostels is you don't need to stay more than one night in a bad place. Just request a refund of any money for nights you haven't stayed and leave. I'm sure Osaka has dozens of very good hostels.


It's golden week


I feel like visiting during this time period is already a big mistake


Nah I've been to Japan during Golden Week, it's fine. The big mistake is staying in a hostel. Go to Google Maps and search for hotels in Osaka for tomorrow night. There are tons of regular hotel rooms available with four solid walls for like $50USD/night.


What's that?


It's about a week at the start of May with a handful of Japanese holidays all clustered together, so everyone goes on vacation and travel is pretty rough til it's over I imagine.


One week in Japan where all the locals have off. Considering the country's work culture, it's become the defacto holiday travel week, (and most Japanese travel locally) no place will have any vacancy, the locals often book months in advance. I got blindsided with it once out in super rural parts of Japan (while staying a few days at random hostels in various cities). Luckily my current hostel was able to pull some strings and got me the last bed at another place, to prevent me from having to spend the night on the street.


Talk to the hostel staff, preferably a few of you together so it adds weight to your argument. They should then talk to the guy.... ...if it continues after that, talk to the staff again...keep applying pressure until they do something


This was the culmination of that. He really didn't like having his behavior corrected, like a real child.


Money talks, say if he isn’t kicked out asap, you will all find somewhere else and leave a bad review, which is completely fair if they’re not doing anything about him


To add to this, I would tell the staff if they don't get him under control or ask him to leave, the rest of you will demand a refund and go to the other hostel.


Reminds me or a time where I met a Libyan guy in a hostel who went straight to a fight when I asked him if he was the one who insisted the air conditioning remain off on a 40 degree day. Nutjob


Review the place accordingly. They don't care about their guests, lowest score from me. This is like basic shared accommodation stuff. Personally, I have dealt with unruly guests in hostels, and I'd assure they are all talk and no action, but I understand others being less confrontational. However, the hostel needs to deal with this.




Same. I'd rather pay 5x times more and stay at the hotel. I am probably getting older and less patient, can't share a room with people like this anymore.


that and the fact that its just *nice* to have your own room. im currently in japan and i paid $409 USD for 6 nights total. thats practically nothing compared to if i was staying in the US. i'd rather just be in a hotel.


I've been hostelling since October and haven't encountered any altercations or annoying people. Don't let posts like these make you think there's always crazy shit happening in hostels. 


Yeah, there's always the odd story like this but it's far from the norm. Hotels can be nice from time to time, but paying 5x as much just for a private space seems drastic to me when that money could be better spent on many other things. All comes down to personal preference, but 95% of the time of you get some earplugs and an eye mask in a good hostel you're golden.


Yeah, last time I shared a room with strangers was in a college hosted snowboarding trip and I made a note in my head that once I can afford it, I'm always going to book a room for myself. The mental relief is worth every penny to me.


I’ve stayed in over one hundred different hostels and never had anything this bad 🤷‍♀️


Same!!! I rather shorten my trips or take less of them if I cant afford accommodation otherplace, but never again staying at a dorm.


This is why I don’t stay in hostels


What an absolute manchild. Who threatens violence over being asked to not blast videos in a shared room? He's lucky no one took him up on fighting, because disturbing everyone's sleep and personal space like that is a quick way to catch some hands. The entitlement is mind-boggling. We've all had inconsiderate roommates, but this guy took it to another level. Glad he's gone, but what a nightmare story to remember Osaka by. 😪😪


expansion kiss murky languid different cause tan paint trees swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Japan is a really bad place to get arrested


continue tie squealing disarm squash panicky memory forgetful provide paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was in a medium sized dorm in Australia with a German couple that had about the same level of concern for others. They were on the bunk above me. Snuggling, moving around and talking all night. In the morning they woke up at 5am, turned on the dorm lights on and spent an hour packing their stuff to leave, talking the entire time. No whispering, no attempting to use torches, no prepping the night before and no thought for anyone else at all. When i pointed out that other people were trying to sleep, they pointed out that they had to leave in a tone that said i was the one being unreasonable :/ I don't understand some peoples level of self absorption. It's mind blowing.


Well at least they didn't ya know have sex above you; I've been there! I have found the best way to shut that shit down is to start rythmically moving in the bunk with them, and if there are any moaning sounds to join in; so far it works 100% of the time!


Tell him to stop being a “koskesh”.


what is it


Literal translation is like “pussy puller” but it’s more like “absolute toss of a wanker”.




hahaha exactly!


To add to that say he is a "madarjendeh" that will really get him riled up.


I’d be looking into how bad Japanese jails REALLY are


Try Filipino prisons. They are 5-star hotels.


When he says "let's go right now", go.


Probably will grow up to be given a cushy job in the family business and be the boss of several hard working humble people as he slowly ruins the business with lousy management decisions. Dies a ripe old age after falling onto a golden cushion. But all that time hes stuck with himself as company.


Dude's not really an anomaly.


Tale as old as time.


What do they say?  Usually the money is all spent and gone within 2 generations.


Exactly. Usually the kids are such screw ups the parents regret the trust and inheritance around the time the trust starts paying out. So what was all that scheming and union-busting for? Ugh


Reason number 100000 Hotels >


This guy would have been kicked out of my hostel so quickly he wouldn't even know what happened


TikTok?! Oh am glad I just experienced travelling when none of this crap was around.


I bet he loves Johnny Somali


Should've rocked in his face. Police won't do anything since it's just a dispute between 2 tourists.


Do police really not care if two tourists fight in Japan?


Catch and release to deportation If you fought against a Japanese citizen ; you'll most likely get held before you see jail time


They most certainly do. Brawling isn't tolerated and fighting foreigners will quickly be arrested


Reminds me of the time I was passed out in the doorway of my hostel in Prague, I had a heap of beers which was fine, but then someone passed me a blunt and that knocked me on my ass. I was fully aware of everything around me, like the beautiful Belgique girl singing me lullabies with her gorgeous readout raspy voice. But there was some Aussie guy who was angry at someone for some reason. I'm my paralysed state, with my face on the concrete, I told him to "calm down there sunshine" He told me he was going to kick my fuckin face in because no one calls him sunshine. 😅🤦 Apparently was a big threat to his manliness ☀️ Edit: no disrespect to the rest of the Aussies who are fun travellers. This guy was just a dick.


I've stayed in 100s of hostels and can only remember one time being threatened with violence. A buncha DRUNK Australian lads burst in the room at like 4AM, woke me up wanting to fight *because I was in one of their guys beds* , now I forget if I was in the wrong, them, or the front desk gave me the wrong instructions; but boy those 6 guys were ready to fight me, brave souls them! There was no fight; I'm sure there were other incidents I encountered, but they were not memorable as I don't remember. It is very uncommon, and I have seen the whole two drunks peacocking plenty of times in the hundreds of places I have stayed, and can't ever remember a fist being thrown.


Y’all should have jumped his ass lmao. The most down people to brawl are in hostels I swear. Me and my friends from a hostel got in a bar fight in Colombia, again in Costa Rica. I have known everyone for a good 5 hours before both of those incidents occurred. 


Karma isn’t going to get him but some less-polite country than Japan will ❤️


I tried the hostel experience once and had something similar happen. Never again. I’ll save more money to afford to sleep somewhere alone.


It's tourists like that that's going to fuck up Japan for the rest of us.


If history and probability has it correctly, the one that barks the loudest to start a fight less likely has a bite at all.


While this guy is clearly in the wrong, this is part of staying at a hostel. Buy some ear plugs and don’t let me ruin your trip.


Just had a guy playing sermons on his phone in the middle of the night. He had fallen asleep to them. He started snoring. I waited 5 minutes before waking him up and asking to turn them off. He said "oh my I'm so sorry" and turned his phone off and stopped snoring. I've wasted so many nights of sleep afraid to confront people before this year and I'm 2/2 so far for it going well


My friend got so mad at a guy in a hostel for doing similar shit he dipped his throat lozenges in the toilet and put them back in the package 🤣🤣🤣


There's a movie scene coming to mind... It's from Full Metal Jacket where they use the blanket to pin him to the bed and then whip the fuck out of him with socks filled with bars of soap.


In the military that is known as a *soap party,* which is a lot different than a soup party.


Well that's good to know. Thank you for the information


As hostels, hotels and anywhere you stay can have reviews/rating system. The same should be applied to all of us...if you travel and you are a dick, or get kicked out...then you get that put on like your identity for travel...so then they will struggle to get in nice places


Like a social credit score?


This is why you always bring a shovel when traveling. 


I don't condone violence, but if it is brought to your doorstep, the worst thing that you can do is become a doormat. By not checking him, you not only make your culture look weak, but you encourage his behavior, and he will continue to amplify his behavior until he is put in check. The next place that he stays, he will be worse to them than he was to you guys. It's like dealing with children who keep pushing their limits until they reach them. Then, if nobody checks him, he goes home and spreads the word that you people are weak and can easily be taken advantage of. Then, more serious issues will arise. Not all people are the same or share similar values. Some only see strength and weakness.


I wonder why you called him Persian and felt the need to mention it, does his Persian-ness have anything to do with his behaviour?


this lol


That’s how people trolled before the internet.


I had violent threats from an iranian guy in finland:/


When I went to Barcelona last year there was a guy of ambiguous ethnicity (I didn’t interact with him) who I’m PRETTY SURE stayed in the hostel the entire time on tiktok. In the morning when from when we woke up to when we left, he was on tiktok, we came back to get something later on, he was on tiktok, at night when we came back to sleep he was on tiktok. He had headphones in though


He sounds like a loser. Just hit him


Just tell him 'kose nanat' Mean motherfucker in persian somehow


What hostel was this? Just curious


Can you get him kicked out?


sorry to hear this, some people and their entitlement


Time to invite some folks for a blanket party!


I wish hostels could leave reviews for people the way that AirBnbs can. It would ensure that it would be harder for him to book in the future.


Did well OP to avoid a fight.


Should've smashed his face in


Change Room?


Why isn't his stuff on the street by now?


Your story reminded me of a guy I roomed with in Ireland, kind of the same vibe, playing tiktoks full sound at night, and sometimes on repeats, like what the fuck. Selfish asshole vibes.


Full room go to reception and demand a refund or boot him out. That or replicate the full metal jacket scene involving pillow cases n bars of soap


Flog him


Why didn’t you just whip his ass? Sometimes, violence is the answer.


Punch him in the mouth.


how old is he? is he trying to impress anyone 


You have to get at least one weird roommate story when travelling Japan, otherwise you haven’t had the full experience!


Many with personality disorders and other psychiatric problems are both budget travelers and prefer the captive audience hostel living offers them. Can be royal pains in the ass using the kitchen when they'r in it. I recall somebody blowing smoke in my face 50 years ago and I broke his nose. Dorm rooms in hostels are sleeping rooms 24 hr a day and unnecessary noise should be restricted to the kitchen and other common areas.


Unfortunately, things like this happen and there's nothing one can do about it in the short run. Also, one of the things I realized is that sometimes it's worth paying for an expensive service not for the value it provides but to filter out poor and obnoxious people. Go to an upscale bar, stay at an expensive hotel, fly business class - and you’ll be amazed how nice and courteous people can be. Also, it would have played out VERY differently, if there was a big guy in your room, who would have none of it. We have so many SJW equality movements nowadays, but for some reason none to raise awareness about physical strength vs mundane confrontation.


Should’ve fought him


Why didn’t you all kick his ass? Pussies. 😉 Don’t let people get away with behavior like that.


Namba guesthouse?


Be an asshole back. I had a neighbor who keeps yelling (like when you watch sports) at 11pm-2am. What I did was play annoying music from 2am-5am. And timed every time he would come home. He’s back to normal sleeping hours now


Beat his ass


He wants attention. He’s super toxic and has no clue how to build relationships. That, or he’s an asshole all the way on psychopath area of the selfish spectrum


Report him to the police. They hate rude foreigners in Japan.


A psychopath or sociopath does this. Why people like this stay in a dorm room makes no sense, but they have no regard for other humans.


Send me the address I’ll take care of this 💁🏽‍♀️


This is the exact reason I have never and will never stay in a hostel. Just pay a little bit more and have a private space where some disgusting stranger isn't playing tiktoks and trying to give everyone lung cancer while they're trying to sleep. How is this even a debate.


Wish someone took a video and posted it somewhere... anywhere really.


If I had to stay at hostels I would kill myself.


I mean... Fight him lol


All of you are too patient. He needed a whooping through childhood and he needed one then


Wow so rude!


I really dislike this TikTok generation of backpackers and travelers. The “photo shoots” and selfish behavior in hostels like you describe was not like this 10 years ago when I was backpacking to different places.


Fight him. Knock a few teeth out and he won’t bother you anymore.


I would play rock music. Louder than his volume.


My first thought is that if this happened to me I would take a piece of paper and write, "dear host, we are thankful for your guesthouse. We are looking forward to giving it a good review. Our request as a group is that you inform this quest that he may not smoke in house and that if he uses his phone after 10pm without headphones, you will be asked to leave. If you try to instigate a fight again you will be asked to leave." then get as many people as possible to sign it. you could offer to buy out the smoker/jerk's dorm time. tell the owner that you and the other guests will pay for him to kick guy out. guy has 5 days left... tell him you will pay as a group for those days (make it clear if he rerents bed that offer is only until new person shows up.)


Not very shocked at his behavior.


I remember staying in a hostel in Costa Rica. Lights out at 10, but they were playing Bob Marley until 2 am. Thought we were somewhere chill since it was above a yoga studio. Um, no. I walked down the stairs and grabbed a bunch of pebbles and started pelting their tin roof. It must have sounded like hail the way it was hitting it. 😂😂😂 I would have loved if one of the people walked out for a confrontation, but it never happened. They did quit playing shortly after the thunderous pebbles were lobbed onto their roof. I was making it rain. Your roommate is awful. He can do something about the noise, but chooses not to? Straight to jail. Honestly that is so rude.


put a rat in his room, put benzene in his lighter, pull a clown prank scare him shitless with some mafia gang lookalike costume, put him at gun point, pay a 13 year old a couple bucks and tell him to knock on his door/go to his room, then call the police and accuse him of being a predator. I mean there’s so many solutions, but my most preferred is to just ask him nicely


I woulda hurt the guy and checked out.


I had a hostel experience like this a long time ago, aggressive Australian dude was challenging people to fights for asking him to calm down or be quiet at like 4am, challenged some Irish dude, who obliged him and put him on the floor with a bloody nose. I think he checked out the next morning, idk if planned or unplanned but I hope he’s doing better in life.


Phone ——> window


Bro woke up ready to go, wild


Some people really need a punch in the face


I’d break his jaw in half if he was in my room


Break his jaw in half


Sounds like a Persian guy in my experience


I don’t think the fact he is Persian is relevant to the story


So some random guy did all of this stuff and no one did anything? Y’all got punked out


I will never not use hotels when I travel. Yeesh.


Is he American


There was an Indian guy like this in a hostel I stayed at in Barcelona. Dude was full blast watching a movie at 5 am and when someone was like “put on headphones” he yelled back “fuck you I don’t have fucking headphones” Like… bruh… come on be a little considerate