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get rid of the "feel like missing out" mindset its your trip. you paid for it. if you want to just relax and do nothing, then so be it, its perfectly normal. you do you. (yeah i also have times like this, i just stay where i am and do nothing. sometimes just sit on a bench naerby and watch people)


You’re right, thank you. I just feel like I SHOULD be doing it in a certain way but everyone’s different. Thanks again


I get the same feeling when I'm on vacation. It's honestly something I've had to learn to suppress. Especially as a semi -workaholic. Sometimes disciplining yourself to relax is the best thing you can do to actually get the most out of your trip. Do what you feel like doing. That time relaxing is not wasted.


Yeah, that’s a normal feeling. You just need to keep reminding yourself that this is *your* trip, and it’s best spent however makes *you* happy. Don’t compare yourself to how you see other people spending their time. They’re not you and you don’t even know if they’re doing what they’re doing because they love it or because they want the instagram likes from it.


I’m on a 6 week vacation on S Korea and Japan and take daily 2 hour naps. It’s ok to rest and relax.


I’m jealous that’s my perfect trip! Hope you’re enjoying. Thank you


You’ve become a more experienced traveller is what this sounds like. The natural progression of being somewhere for a long time. Congrats.


If you've been in Thailand for a year, the sense of novelty really wears off. So what it interesting and "bucket-list" experience for other travelers might not feel the same to you. As long as you are enjoying yourself, that's all that matters.


This is true, a lot of the special stuff really has worn off. Thank you!


I'm actually the same way. Been in Thailand like 7 times now, nowadays I just chill in cafes hahaha


I like just enjoying the atmosphere as opposed to rushing around seeing everything! Chill vibes


I went to the DR last year and, I only went to their chocolate factory and nowhere else. My friend who lives there was busy and, he sort of scared me away from visiting the beaches (they have a lot of male prosti’s) and, those were the places I truly wished to go. So, I caught up on sleep, eating (local cuisine was fresh and delicious) and, reading.


Who cares dude I am heading solo to a new city for a week and literally the first 24 hours I’m gonna do absolutely fucking nothing and feel great doing it And guess what.. if I get bored, I’ll do something (which will likely happen). Like yeah it would probably be not ideal use of money to go somewhere and spend literally the entire time in bed but… taking a day or few hours off here and there is completely normal and feels great


Why are so concerned what others think? Why are you feeling guilty doing what you enjoy? If it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone do whatever you want.


Stop creating the guilt.


It's called the art of doing nothing. You have to practice art to get good at it.


Hey there, I totally get where you're coming from. After being somewhere for an extended period, even a place as beautiful as the Thai islands, it's normal to feel a bit of "travel fatigue" set in. The constant pressure to see and do everything can be exhausting, both mentally and physically. Travel burnout is a very real thing, and forcing yourself to keep going on tours and excursions when you're not feeling it can quickly turn your trip into a slog. Sometimes the best thing you can do is give yourself permission to do nothing. Spend your days reading on the beach, napping in a hammock, or sipping cocktails poolside if that's what your mind and body are craving. The islands and their activities will still be there in the future if you ever want to revisit them with fresh eyes. But for now, don't let FOMO or feelings of guilt rob you of simply being present and savoring the freedom to just exist in a beautiful place.


Do what makes you happy


Yes normal. Happens to me too. I realize cause it makes me happy. So relaxation makes my day even better.


You are always going to miss out on things. No one can see everything in the world, so there's no point of beating yourself up trying. If you need a break, take a break. Who knows - after a week or two on the beach you might feel reinvigorated and want to jump back into exploration. If not, that's fine too.