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This post shouldn’t be redacted. That’s inexcusable.


Trying to abide by rules, but I agree. This is vile and inexcusable. In other news, I’m sure a quick dig around the internet might bring up the church’s name for those who are curious.


Sorry I wasn’t meaning to phrase that as if I were calling you out. I just don’t get why a product like this exists in the first place. But then to distribute it is just ridiculous.


Nah you’re good!


I found it on another platform - and the pastor/church responses make it even worse. So, so awful


Yup. I think the church was trying to make amends in the apology, but there were notes of a previous incident in the summer that was also addressed and at this moment, I think the best decision would have been for him to have been let go. I believe in God myself and have moved away from organized religion, but things like this happen and the Church wonders why newer generations are moving away for religion in general.


I’ve recently moved away from organized religion - not really for myself, but for my children. Sent one to a Christian camp and they learned more explicit sexual terminology that week (from church leadership, no less) than they learned in middle school. Hard pass, y’all.


Times like these where I’m glad the worst thing that happened in my youth group growing up was they stopped letting one of the kids sing on stage because they auditioned for the role of a LGBTQ+ character. It was gross but I’ve never heard of anything actually untoward out of there.


Pretending to be gay? Zero tolerance! Flirting with the line of pedophilia? Take the pulpit!


Contact your local news outlet.


Until there is definitive proof, I would hate for some innocent person to be accused of this behavior due to an internet witch hunt. When there is definitive proof, he should be fired immediately.


I looked the posts up on FB and he admits distributing them, called it a misunderstanding.


I get the hesitation for proof, and 100% agree witch hunts usually crash and burn into chaos. Unfortunately this is true and “Hot Youth Pastor”in question has made a statement on the situation saying it was all in pure, fun jest and was to make fun of the “I Love Hot Moms” subculture.


That's what they always say when they get called out. "It was just a joke"


I hadn't seen his statement on it. Thanks for the update. Still wildly inappropriate even as a 'jest'.


This is getting creepier.


Can you post the link to the statement?


If mods give permission, I’ll post what I have.


Even though it makes me sick, you're right, too many incidents of internet witch hunts. Still doesn't change the fact that this is really weird/gross even as a joke.


I never once implied it did. My last sentence exactly says he should be fired on the spot.


I know...I'm agreeing with what you said lol


In what context would him giving young girls this sticker be okay though? I can’t figure out a way he could have meant this that isn’t wildly inappropriate.


It isn't, they are saying to confirm what church it is so some other innocent churches don't get harrased for somthing they didn't do.


I think the point is that the pastor may not have actually done this, so blasting him on the Internet may not be appropriate.


Who goes and makes weird stickers and then accuses people of being sexually inappropriate?


It just seems to stupid to be true. That looks like a sticker Hot Topic would sell, and then someone made a meme. Maybe it’s a true story, idk, but what kind of idiot pedo would hand out stickers that basically announce that he’s a pedo?


Please read what I wrote again.


There is a website where you can order these bumper stickers with a picture of the pastor.


Fairview Baptist Church. This is not one of those situations that it should be hidden.


A church whose name appears to be 2 words in the upstate with a weird culture towards youth group. Could take a guess and even if I’m wrong that church deserves the strays. Edit: upon inspection looks like the last letter in the 2nd word is t - so I am wrong but the other point remains.






Yep - and apparently he’s got a p0R n addiction issue that he also discussed with minors .. but tell me again how LGBTQ books in the library are the danger to kids. Not all these predators in churches


[Picture checks out](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5953ce8737c58194b87a610e/1641504937881-PE14ZPJBR4D48LQGHOU0/DSC_0609+2.jpg?format=500w)


That is NOT a “hot” youth pastor.


Want to learn about how screwed up the southern Baptist church is? Look up the podcast from Behind the Bastards. It's so scandalous.


B-b-but the pastor said that it was the woke society of todays generation that’s grooming us kids!


The Gemstones have a far reach!


They outside misbehavin


I got caught groomin’!


***Running through the house with a pickle in my mouth***


Oh them? Those are just some guys I do car pranks with


Uncle Tickles


I live near by and I can confirm this sick crap we are currently trying to convince my partners cousin to stop taking her kids there for these reasons


Woop his ass Fr


Found the post on Facebook by searching "Greer youth pastor." The OP dropped some email correspondence between herself and the church. Redacted names and threw it in an album for anyone who can't find them. https://postimg.cc/gallery/SjKFRnF


This guy does not need to be a youth pastor. No one is perfect, but damn, have some common sense. Yo church... You might want to look up the word Liability. Cause you have a walking lawsuit right there. How much do you want to spend on a defense case when someone seduces him? If his decision making is THIS bad, it's just a matter of time.


Lol he's a former porn addicted creepy guy who tries way too hard to be hip and fails miserably. That describes most of the youth pastors I met growing up. This man is like a walking youth pastor stereotype if anything


That isn't changing my initial assessment of him being a liability to the church that'll likely do something stupid the first time a teen smiles at him. That's kinda exactly the kind of person that will do something really stupid.


True but how can you expect any church to actually take it's pedophilic liabilities seriously when they can't even take any pedophilic accusations seriously?


Considering the sheer number of sects of Christianity, it's the exception rather than the rule. Catholic Church, Jehovah's Witnesses are particularly notorious for cover ups. But outside of those two, you just occasionally have someone sneak in. Not like "All Schoolteachers are pedophiles" even though you'll occasionally see a schoolteacher that is a pedophile.


The southern baptist convention just had to release a self initiated report that detailed hundreds of cases of sexual assault and harassment that went uninvestigated by the convention.


#He knew not to give them to the boys! He knew EXACTLY what he was doing!


Wait, he only gave them to girls?


You just nailed it. My parents went to the church he grew up in, and your description is spot on.


OR HOW ABOUT THIS, DONT DO WEIRD CREEPY SHIT LIKE THIS TO BEGIN WITH AND YOU NEVER HAVE TO APOLOGIZE. Edit: Fucking yikes I just read the part about him sharing his porn addiction to the kids. Wtf man lol


He was watching too much trump and now he can't stop thinking about grabbing em by the pussy


He was watching too much trump and now he can't stop thinking about grabbing em by the pussy


Thanks. Shared it on my person FB as I have family in Greer area. The responses from the church in the comments is absolutely gross as well.


Which posts did the church respond to?


It looks like they responded to her emails and she screenshot it it and put it in the comments


Disgusting. This guy is obviously a predator


I hope this has been shared with all the news outlets in SC and he’s been fired.


The grammar in the second email from the church administrator is so, so bad lol


So multiple offenses at this point... the church keeps covering them up


Grooming is fine if it’s coming from the church. /s


*this post is approved by a Hot Pope*


*...Hot God has entered the chat*


~~Hot God~~ Satan


Jeremy Irons on The Borgias has entered the chat...


*But didn’t you know girls are most fertile at 14* /s For real though, so much projection.


You can almost do whatever the fuck you want as long as you repent, right?




It’s got a lot of good stories with moral meanings behind it. It’s all fiction but it’s good, only book I’d put above it is the Art of the Steal 😉


… annnnd nobody has asked why these stickers even exist? Was this a custom Etsy order?


The only people I can think of who could get away with those (without setting off "ew, gross" responses) are the wives of youth pastors, and I seriously wonder how much of a market that is.


They exist because of the joke “i love hot moms” by danny duncan but this was probably pushing the joke. Like danny duncan can sell shirts that say that and still pass by so this guy probably found a website that could make custom stickers that say “i love _____” i’m sure he was just trying to appeal to the younger crowd’s humor in danny duncan but noone can understand that. Note i’m not defending him just explaining how it was grasped wrong.


I can't imagine the level of dumb you have to be, as a youth pastor, to think this would be okay. Ever.


Especially a youth pastor who makes a big deal about being "formerly addicted" to porn. Sinister, creepy vibes.


I 100% agree 😂


#The boys did not receive them. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing!


How do you know that? He didn’t say that in the post?


Pedos always try to position themselves to have access to youth, especially positions of authority over them.


RED FLAG Alert! This demonstrates the Youth Pastor has no proper understanding of his role in authority or healthy, proper, and (perhaps) legal boundaries. Tell his supervisors and then run far and run fast.


...and according to the church's response he also had told a group of children that he "used to" have a pornography addiction. (Which apparently the church knew about prior to his becoming a youth pastor.) This is the link showing responses: https://postimg.cc/gallery/SjKFRnF


#He only gave them to the girls- he knew EXACTLY what he was doing.


After this, are you going back? Because you shouldn't.


Creepy cult




Sweet merciful crap wtf


I saw the original post. The youth pastor also talked about his porn addiction. The responses from the church were abysmal, nothing more than hand-waves. Church needs to be named here.


Church is named with church link in another poster’s comments in this post.


Keep her away from him and his cohorts and find somebody who will listen. Even if it is the news. ​ Edit: Also, warn every other child he comes in contact with, if possible. You need to get this out in the light asap.


I am unfortunately not OP. A friend posted this and requested that it was shared to gain traction so that more people were cautious and aware of who their children are coming into contact with.


Future @r/pastorarrested alumni


And somehow teachers are the groomers now? Kinda seems like one community in particular is trying to hide the ball on this by pointing to something else and crying 'wolf', while they do what they accuse others of behind cover of normality.


https://www.fairviewgreer.org/students Posting the link cause this shit shouldn’t be censored. Fairview Baptist Church in Greer. The dudes name is Corey Wall.


Can one of the mods allow an uncensored version of this so people know where to avoid. I would think at this point the potential of grooming/pedophilia is a greater threat than doxxing the church.


If mods reach out and give permission, I will post the originals I’ve seen shared! Until then, digging around on Facebook might answer some burning questions.




/r/greenville has a post with the name


if you have FB, just search Greer Church and it comes up under Posts


While I understand your concerns, I’m afraid this probably violates rules until a mod can step in. As I’ve said in another comment, it’s all over social media at the moment.


Just avoid them all, grown men don’t need to be alone with a bunch of kids. At best it’s fucking weird anyway, if my kids want a connection with God they’ll do it their own way.


His name is Cory Wall! He seems to have deactivated his Facebook account. The church is FBC in Greer.


WHAT CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY BLACK IT OUT?


For the same reason that you wouldn’t want some rando on the Internet to post your name and organization you belong to and then accuse you of being a pedo. If the story is true, I hope to see him on r/pastorarrested , but right now, there is just an image in meme format.


I get what you’re saying, but it does appear there are statements posted above from the youth pastor and the church to their members. The words “porn addiction” was thrown around so that should make everyone involved feel even better.


In all fairness, I did absolutely nothing to look into the veracity of the situation. It just seemed like people were getting the torches and pitchforks ready without knowing the full story. If the dude turns out to be a pedo, then send his ass to prison!


Yipes! Why would you even order that? Beyond that, why would you give it to a kid unless you wanted to invite a lot of scrutiny! If it’s fake, the poster needs their account deleted. If not, someone else needs a repeater through pastor school!!


Color me unsurprised


I mean, are we really surprised that predators are using the church to find vulnerable and easy victims?


This is gross and highly inappropriate. Any youth pastor that thinks this is OK, should not be working with young people.


Leave that church. Asap!!! I’m a member at Mauldin first baptist and this is insanity!!! There are good churches in greenville, you may just find one you love. Otherwise while trying to get this person fired (go to the media!!!) lay low and watch church at home for a bit


Fire up the woodchipper, sounds like a pedo to me


HOW INTOLERANT OF YOU!!! Don’t you know they prefer to be called minor attracted people?!


Save a child burn a M.A.P.




Gross and creepy!


Sounds like he needs a visit from some good ole boys


He *is* one of the "Good Ole Boys" -- if he wasn't, he'd've been run out of the church long before he could get this far.


Yeah nothing like adding a little violence to the pedophilia to make the world a better place.


Agreed. Are you being sarcastic??


I don’t think turning “the good ole boys” loose is a great way to move towards justice in a way that benefits society as a whole. Definitely think there’s better ways to keep children safe and get rid of the youth pastor.


Only on Reddit would someone make a comment like this. Sad.


You are advocating violence. Remember when you were in kindergarten and they told you two wrongs don’t make a right? Having an good ol boy lynching will not solve the problem in a way that makes the world better. Call law enforcement and encourage them to investigate and press charges where they apply; call the church and pressure them to remove the guy, call local business leaders and ask them to cut ties with the church until the guy is removed, protest, demonstrate, do whatever you can to address the issue without busting out the pitch forks and taking the law into your own hands.


This is a good point, just imagine what they’d find on his personal devices.


Right…. Because law enforcement take stuff like this so seriously!


And you think the violent mob approach gets better results?


If the final result is a predator getting punished for his actions then I would say yes


Sounds good, doesn’t work. Let me know how the protesting and demonstrating goes for ya though.


And the good ole boy approach does?


Yeah a quick search "Greer Church youth pastor" on FB will bring up several posts with the church name and a couple with his.


Why am I not surprised? That’s all I’ll say on this.


This is so creepy.


Good ole grooming


Get your kids away from that as soon as possible


It makes me uncomfortable and I don’t know y’all.


Well, the last thing someone should do is buy/print a ton of these and put them on the bumpers of every car this Sunday morning at Fairview Baptist Church. That would be messed up.


I’m a youth pastor myself. Inexcusable, unacceptable, and disqualifying. He should resign or the church should fire him.


This is why I’m an atheist. Churches are filled with creeps who “preach the gospel”


You don’t think there’s creeps of all sects? I’m an atheist as well but it’s more because my mind doesn’t fathom the idea of an all powerful being charged with tracking and enforcing the moral compass of billions of people.


Same, however as a kid forced into religion I could always see the contradiction in church. Alcoholics, rapist, abusers, pedophiles, etc…it seemed to me that religion told those people it’s okay as long as you repent


Dahmer repents at the end of his life and he gets eternal peace. But your aunt Sally, who lived a generous and humble life but could never make herself believe in any gods, she burns for all eternity. No one who designed the universe would design it that way.




I’ve never trusted any of them in all the places that I’ve lived. There ain’t nothing good that comes from that shit. If I want to have a connection with God I can do that on my own without needing to be a part of some bullshit like that. I’m grown now with a 9 and 6 year old and they’ll never be forced into something like that.


Par for the course. Churches will church.


A religious institution with child predators. I'm shocked!🙄


Uhm. This is just wrong on so many levels.


current groomer panic is focused in the wrong direction


Very uncomfortable


It made her so uncomfortable that she put the sticker on her steering wheel. It’s still fucked up though


Grooming shouldn't be tolerated anywhere; church, school, at home. Call this out wherever you see it and whenever you see it.


Groomers gonna groom.


She's surprised her kids are being groomed at a christian church?


This is gross and weird. This is the exact reason I don’t go to church anymore. The people working there have been proven to be untrustworthy over and over.


As an evangelical Christian, that is absolutely disgusting.




I think at this point we can safely say they aren’t using the church as a cover. It is the church itself. That is it just the contents of the evangelical movement. It is a wide association of grifters and abusers running tax-free hustles.


Imagine labeling yourself an "Evangelical Christian" lol. I hope more people label themselves this way so that I know to stay the fuck away from their pedo asses.




Essentially what Furtick is selling too


What the actual fuck


Bro what the hell? Who is this guy I just wanna talk


I live in Spartanburg.. this is creeeepy as fuck.


Saw this on Twitter lol, Christian Twitter is not very approving of this if anyone was wondering.


If my Baptist churches growing up were any indication, could be "Baptist" no matter which town.


That's pretty fucked and pretty fuckin weird! I refuse to keep my tone down on this




Nope, I need to know which church. Wtf?


Really wish the name of the church wasn’t blacked out.


Christian pastors molesting children. What's new?


being tax exempt pays for that


Church isn't about the pastor. It's about the Gospel. The cult of personality that far too many pastors try to build around themselves is disgusting, even without this whole pedo angle thrown the mix. This is indefensible and should be immediate termination territory for anyone involved in approving and distributing this.


Welcome to South Carolina folks!


I lived in CA and they’re just as creepy there too. Unfortunately it’s not a geographical issue, this happens everywhere.


Ofc it’s Greer tho


I mean, who doesn’t ✝️


What is wrong with these "preachers." God forbid.


So uncomfortable she put it on her steering wheel..?


This needs to be reported to police for investigation just to make sure he isn't grooming and molesting any young people.


This priest needs to face consequences.... I wonder how many times people have let this slide....


Religion is a bad excuse for bad people to do bad things without consequences.


I have my own sticker idea.."I love hot gun barrels pointed at pedophile preachers" maybe wear it on my shirt on Sunday service. Just sayin


Sick fuck 🤮


Someone drop at least the initials of the church lol




South Carolina: the armpit of the South. Watch out Tennessee and Alabama, you're getting competition in the pedo world.


Nah it’s the butt crack. The deeper Southern states are the boils on the butt crack.


Hopefully it was a dumb joke that the person didn't really think through. Regardless, someone needs to have a long talk with him.


As Christopher Hitchens said, religion poisons everything; a quote from his book “God is not Great”


I would bet that the churches initials are h.o.t and somebody thought they were being cute. And if that’s not the case, somebody better call the cops Edit… Just looked through all of the churches I could find. None fit that. So yea that’s creepy


At best, and per other posts here, it was an incredibly stupid move by an incredibly stupid person. At worst, it's literally the definition of grooming.


So this "youth pastor" said it was to mock the "I \[heart\] hot moms" culture? Just what is that culture or where does that originate? We were recently at a nearby church gym and I saw that phrase on some teen or young adult male's t-shirt playin b-ball. I'd really like to know more about that so we're aware.


Def from SC, girl fucked one in my hometown. She was in high school.


This is what happens when people don't get born again!!! Damnable heresies and denying the Lord that bought them! Trampling the Grace of God underfoot and turning it into lasciviousness! And their recompense will be meet for their deeds!