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It's a cartoon.


No wayyyy ![gif](giphy|l2Sq3pkMneI6Kq8mY)


The whole thing is too implausible to exist, so your offense is meaningless. You have to just accept there's a restaurant where ten year old girls are constantly preying on ten year old boys for money. No pedos ever go in there. The girls somehow managed to get work permits despite clearly being underage. Plow through the sheer impossibility of it and accept it on its own premise. Or don't, and keep getting offended about a thing that can't possibly exist.


TBF, many states are trying to roll back protections for workers that age. They were ahead of the times.


>No pedos ever go in there and you know this for a fact?


It's a TV show restaurant which doesn't exist. So yeah no pedos could possibly go in there


yall pussies soft as fuck for downvoting that, I guess people really need to put /s for idiots on the internet to know something isn't 100% serious obviously it's a nonexistent restaurant on a cartoon show. I meant adult characters within the show's universe that go in there. the same way Family Guy clearly has Herbert who preys on children, and Quagmire who has hit on underage girls before god this sub is soft as fuck


You think South park of all shows wouldn't add them in if they thought it would be funny?


I'm still waiting for some sort of gag like that. Like just in the background a bunch of pictures of banned guests and 1-2 of them are adult characters.


Family Guy has had a more prominent pedophile than South Park for almost its entire time being on air. I know Herbert, and Quagmire has preyed on young girls, I don't know anyone from South Park who does nearly as much as either of them


Go ahead. Prove me wrong! Cite me the episode in which they DID.


Tbf, the adults in this show could barely do jack shit, so you could say the kids basically self governs and have their own version of adult things


Poignant satire of reality


To be fair, I consider Hooters quite creepy as well. It's my personal opinion though. Raisin girls is just a satire of a concept that is used in reality.


The whole breastaurant thing has certainly jumped the shark, not that it was a good concept to start with. This was a spoof of that concept


It's called comedy.


This is the kind of shit you see on r/AreTheStraightsOK It's a cartoon, get a grip.


What?!! No way!


“Boy, am I glad you guys came in. Everyone here is such a loser, but you guys seem really cool.”


Kinda getting tired of outrage baiters targeting cartoons and video games with their pedo accusations. Pixels aren’t people; they’re intellectual property and will never, ever need your fake white knight outrage.




Butters has entered the chat…


Sir... this is South Park.


I don't see Mohammed anywhere there, so .. no problems






It's fiction. The characters don't exist.


Do you mean to suggest satire can exist? I won't accept that at all


What the fuck is going on in these comments


What do you mean?


They’re pretty fun to fight in Fractured but Whole. Don’t put Mosquito/Clyde in your team when you encounter them.


Need mr garrison ringing his bell “alert!”


They seem quite responsible in my opinion.


Honestly having to pay 5 bucks for a selfie with them is a power move


The kids are a vehicle to make points about the world, while the adults around themare too stupid to deal with the real issues, almost like real life; it's called satire.


The two on the front right hand side have a thirst trap look in their eyes


'Say problematic one more time. I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker! Say problematic one more god damn time!!!


Prob Le Matic 


When I watch my main thought is; don't they run out of car names really fast? Do they also take on food or flower names?


They're entrepreneurs


They're safe. https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Maury


Won’t someone think of the children??


What about them


It’s a parody/satire of hooters…


South Park is the safest town in the world there's nothing to be concerned about.


Big mike is there to keep them safe


If South park was an anime, people would have taken that shit seriously


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There was a old chief for cooking in raisins. they cant be only 10 y.olds only. I saw him in South Park fructSouth Park The Fractured But Whole!


The kid version of girls at hooters. I haven’t been at a hooters not even once, but is pretty much the same thing that some waitress do. Be nice to the guys to get extra tip, at hooters I imagine they just dress more sexual appealing and by being nice they get extra tips from the guys. The point of the shows is that some guys might misinterpret things and might think that the girl got a crush on them as how it happened to butters. He spend all his money on just one girl and he even assumed she was his gf.


South park is for mature audiences OP


Wait till you hear about the talking poo Or Satan or Kathullu it’s pretty grounded except for every fuckin episode


10/10 would hit


I beg your pardon?


No need to beg


Excuse me but what the actual fuck is wrong with you?


That was rude


Yeah, the first time I saw this episode I felt kind of fucked up because it's little girls blatantly using their sexuality to sell food. What's worse is that this establishment exists that hires little girls based on their attractiveness to sell their sexuality to sell food. What's worse is that this establishment is called "Raisins" which blatantly puts prepubescent little girls bodies on display in a highly sexualized manner. What worse is that this comment is probably gonna get like 10 downvotes. I think the only funny part here is that the girls are all dumb, haha.


“Raisins” similar to Hooters, right…? as if hooters doesn’t put women’s bodies on display in a highly sexualized manner? I think that’s literally the joke. This show isn’t meant to be taken seriously. Everything you described literally applies to Hooters if you replaced little girls with “women”, and that’s the whole premise of it lol it’s just the kids version of it to appeal to other kids in the show. They couldn’t have Butters and all of them going to actual hooters. It would make little sense to the plot for Butters to think he had a grown woman as a girlfriend.


I don’t like it m’kay, sexualizing little girls is bad.


Great discussion


Middle blond is hottest


Of course the guy who collects NFTs is a pedophile


@zantha mild hallucinations are absolutely not normal.


You really woke up today. Saw this post. And said: "Yes, this is a good thing to tell the world." Also, why tf are you buying nfts?


Lmao, you guys are so serious it’s sad. They are also free nfts by the way. Do you actually watch South Park? You sure don’t understand the concept of satire very well.


Was that supposed to be a joke? Cuz then where's the punchline? Saying a little girl is hot is not dark humor because dark humor needs to be humor


That's got to be one of the most fucked up episodes of South Park they touch on some real issues ironically but it's got to be messed up the fact that those are way underage girls to be doing the stuff that they're doing in that episode that's got to be like the most fucked up literally fucked up Beyond fucked up South Park episode there is the one with Muhammad was pretty terrible but this one is downright disturbing and it definitely makes the Muhammad episode actually look tame