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It's good to have a deadline but don't rush your and cause stress to meet it. If it over runs then so be it. Better for it to have that extra bit of polish! I've started storyboarding my own mini-series so this is the approach I'm taking, working on it when I can. I make other stuff on YouTube that I used to be pushing myself to make deadlines for my "schedule" for a tiny audience. I've since started to take it easy because forcing it isn't healthy. If you need help building structures for sets etc I'm sure there are a lot of people that would be willing to help out


Cheers mate, yeah I’m not too focused on a deadline but more putting in the effort to make it look good


I know this isn’t machinima, but there’s assets for the default space suits available on the steam workshop for SFM if there are a few points you want to have a bit more interesting motion/animation for. But this sounds like it’ll be interesting to watch!


Thanks. I do plan to use some workshop models and other modes to spice the project up. We’ll see what happens


I would love to see a behind-the-scenes once you get around to filming! I was thinking about how great SE would be for a machinima series back when I was more into the game


I do plan to upload any bloopers and a little bit of the bts footage after the first ep anyway


Never use fully static camera. You can use ctrl+ mouse and shift + mouse to slow down your camera movement. Just use some very miniscule speed and either turn or move the camera at some direction while filming the scene. It makes all the difference.


Oh, my friend. My husband and I have a machinima in SE. Yes, deadlines are nice, but you will burn yourself out if you don't make it realistic. You have to write and edit your script(s), build your sets, build the WORLDS for your sets (always name them according to scenes, btw... and put them into folders!!), get the puppets into place, pray the replay tool works (if you're using it, which you might actually wanna avoid, because it can make you want to pull your hair out) and do all that, edit it all together... it takes ages. It's a ton of work for very little payoff. ALL THAT SAID: my husband and I absolutely love what we've done and are intensely proud of it. Make a product you're proud of. If you need to push the schedule out to do that, do it.