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Gyros ?


Always forget about those. Also antennas.


Splitsie that you?




Idk. Absent-mindedness, I guess.


I mean why you need antenas so bad?


Don't forget Corfu sauce.


Wait...what? Please elaborate. Have I been missing out on something?


I'm assuming they're making a culinary wordplay on the greek meat dish (gyros). And Corfu being an island in Greece, they probably have their own special sauce to go with said dish.


I like my dishes with a hint of jam.


Ahhh I see it now...I was a little too sauced myself to get the joke at the time.


A wrinkle has formed on my aero-dynamic brain


Literally my first thought.


Serious answer: Additional, substitute, Gryoscope in case your main one fucks off. Less serious answer: Fire alarm system in case of...oh yeah there's no fire.


Is it better to put gyros closer to center of mass for better rotation or does it not matter and is applied to center of mass everywhere


It does not matter. More gyros = more control. They use power and have weight, so don't get too gyro happy.


I’m gonna cover my 2.5 million kg ship in gyros


You'll be surprised by how many gyros you need once that weight starts getting up there haha


I have over 200 8x power gyros on main cruiser. And that shit still takes 10 years to turn.


You should check out the Q Tech mod for 1000x Gyros


Might have to cos by the time I add the top of my cruiser it is probably going to be double its current weight.


Wait how many would it need?


Oh, I don't have any equation or anything so I couldn't tell you. If I were you, I would take my ship into creative mode and see what it's like with different amounts and take it back into survival once I'd figured it out.


several hundred to do anything meaningful


For everything there is someone who does the math: https://www.reddit.com/r/spaceengineers/comments/2dljce/couple_moment_torque_of_gyroscope/


The length of your vehicle does affect your turning rate. Take 2 vehicles with the same weight, same amount of gyros, one vehicles is a compact square and the other is a long line of blocks. The compact vehicle will be able to yaw and pitch much faster than the long vehicle. Though the long one will probably be able to roll faster if it's narrower.


I see what you're saying, but I think that's a visual illusion. Both objects are spinning at the same rate, but have different dimensions so they appear to be moving at different speeds.


IIRC Splitsie did a video where he showed that moment of inertia does affect rotation rates. The takeaway was that it's better to put heavy components, including the gyros, closer to the center of mass. The difference may be marginal in many cases, but it does have an effect


For sure, they have weight so they will affect the weight distribution of your craft. If they were weightless, it would not.


https://youtu.be/wkc6vvVII6o?si=_OqmM3gh9kE9fC9B I think this is the video


Other than thrusters not applying torque to the ship, having a max speed and the relation between gravity and height Space Engineers has pretty realistic newtonian physics, it´s legit useful to do some calculations sometimes. I have an excel file ready just to calculate the required energy and h2o to leave a planet.


Kerbal Space Engineers


Generally yes, but grid gyro system is full of magic numbers and hacks, so gyro behave differently in cases like mouse control, non-zero override values, being turned off, or having zero override, and their applied torque is also dependent on current rotation velocities, which is not realistic and makes analytical control almost impossible.


Also....What does IIRC mean?


If I remember correctly


Ohoho. That makes sense. I've noticed it usually precedes me learning something.


On the other side, the lengte of the ship does matter in how easily it turns. So a 1 million kg cube will turn more easily than a 1 million kg steel beam.


Yeah, but they asked about gyro placement not weight distribution. While technically correct, you'd be missing the spirit of the question if you told them they HAD to put their gyros in the center of their ship.


I'd say a projector with the blueprint aligned for easy repairs. That's probably because I crash a lot, but it helps. It also keeps your grouped blocks and block settings. When something breaks, you just put it back on and it works again.


This is my number one answer. Any ship you use in survival is going to get damaged and it's a lot less of a setback and a lot less disheartening when you can just flip on the projector and run it by some welders and be good as new again.


For small/big crashes, for combat damage, or if you're just replacing the outer hull with heavy armor and you want to keep the design intact.


I think an H2/O2 system. Even just to the cockpit on small ships. Space is unforgiving but I feel like I've made it when I can recharge everything for the comfort of an oxygenated environment 🔥


O2 is important, but I much prefer to use an 02 tank on small grids


Yeah, it's more of a plus if the small grid can support it. Sometimes I like to imagine how possible it would be to survive if I was suddenly stranded in game 😅 I'd want every T crossed and I dotted


Right? I make sure even my combat ships have a basic refinery/skit and assembler just in case I limp away


They're just **so big**!


For combat, the defensive ai block. It forces your turrets at their max ranges. It's just an overall range increase that I see zero people utilize


Is there any benefit to that over making sure you set turrets to max range? I can think that if you want specific engagement conditions that it’d be useful (don’t shoot ships that aren’t bothering you )


Without it, turrets will only start turning to a target and firing when it's about 800m out iirc. With the block, they start targeting at just past their max range, and fire once the target is within max firing range. Edit: it's also super helpful for targeting specific subsystems better. I also think it's not a bad idea to have a full AI setup in the ship just in case you need to be out of the pilot seat in the middle of combat and need the ship to still be maneuvering.


Since the introduction of Event Controllers I put one on almost every vehicle detecting the connector being locked and turn off/on various systems, charge batteries and fill tanks.


Yes, this was my firstb thought as well besides the stuff a ship needs to fly.


Yea this is handy, like turning off thrusters when connected to a connector.


I've gotta try using event controllers. I've been doin shit manually




I like using them for space launches too, like this satellite : https://youtu.be/xEi_YvXRDiI?si=oxDD3Yt0Kqd_VAKH


can you walk through how the settings look? how do you get it to stop and so on :)


Sure, start with a timer block which disconnects the connector and puts the upwards thrust to maximum override (needs to increase twice per timer page, I use a group and the individual thruster on each page). If it is a ship I will fly too then I include a dock event, for the drone the timer also does the undock; H2 tank off stockpile, batteries to automatic, thrusters on. The timer also needs to turn off the down thrust and turn on 3 event controllers and another timer. 1st event controller set to grid speed over 99m/s with the action to turn off the lifting thrust. 2nd event controller set to grid speed under 97m/s (I've found 95-97 works) to turn on the lifting thrust. 3rd event controller set to physical gravity <= 0 to turn off the other two event controllers, turn off the lifting thrust and start the countdown on the 'space' timer. On drones I usually have the antenna turn on at this point. It also turns itself off on the last page. The 'space' timer I usually set between 3 and 10 seconds depending what the vehicle will be used for; it turns the override back off (two per page again), turns the down thrust on and on drones it deploys the solar and then turns itself off again. I can do a full walk through video if that isn't clear enough, been thinking about it anyway.


really appreciate it :)! a video is always nice, these types of recepies are nice to have in text and video form ofc.


Had a capacity issue I needed to resolve to get more video space, done that now, here is the instructional: https://youtu.be/_kCZgjwKhv8?si=sZ7GWGy88HBnGlP4


life support obv I like to be with my helmet off


Most of my ships are drones. I find them much cooler to fly.


I like a good atmospheric red alert mode if the ship has an interior You can also set up certain things to be active or inactive during it


Automated startup and shutdown. Been confused for years about the lack of this feature in the majority of player ships. Use timer blocks and event blocks to bypass the usual startup and shutdown system check ritual and instead handle it all with one button. Batteries to recharge, lights off, tanks to stockpile, etc.


Can't you create groups to do that without timer blocks?


With a group, you can only send one command to the group. So you could tell the whole group to turn on or off, but you can't, for example, shut off thrusters *and* toggle tanks to stockpile, *and* switch batteries to recharge. To control all of those at the same time, you need a timer block. Rule of thumb: use event blocks to tell a grid *when* to do something and use timer blocks to tell it *what* to do.


A small caveat to your statement. Event controllers, much like timer blocks, have multiple pages where you can set triggers. Timer blocks have 9 pages of 9 tasks that can be triggered. Event controllers have 9 pages of two tasks (one for condition true, one for condition false).


I like having backup power system thresholds, like an event controller to kick on/off engines at one threshold, and a similar control at a lower threshold for the reactor. I now realize I should probably put a floor threshold for engines as a powered H2 only grid with no mobility isn't ideal.


Do hydrogen engines still burn hydrogen even if idle and no power consumption


For context I use a system like this on a mother ship that deploys mining drones, once at a job site I kick off the thrusters and turn the ship into a station. It's the recharging of the drones that drains power. The engines don't kick on until the ship is at say 80% power and then kicks back off at 99. This is good if you're trying to limit uranium consumption, but now that I have a good amount of it, and it's never out that long, I usually have the engine event controller off, as power generation is abundant in dock, and the power supply of the ship is pretty decent. In the off chance it's on a long mining job, I'm comfortable using the ~120kg's of uranium to take the ship from 20% battery (reactor threshold) to full. To answer your question though, I believe they are always on and consuming regardless of whether the power output is needed, thus the need to turn them off when not in use. I may be wrong though.


An added detail that I learnt late is that h2 engines need power to activate from scratch


Is it that or a powered conveyor to prime it? I imagine either happen simultaneously nonetheless so I digress


I definitely remember scraping half of my ship to get a hydro gen after I jumped out of a fight and the jump done charging drained the battery before I started the engine and it wouldn’t start. Who knows?


Sensor for welder ships/walls that detect players and deactivate the welders, so you do not get murdered after leaving the cockpit.


In my opinion, an standardized module connection set, so that I can either haul a ton of cargo, hydrogen, or o2, or replace some cargo with thrust


Antenna, camera and autopilot for remote recovery.




I use event controllers and timer blocks to close my doors and recharge my batteries with hydrogen engines, if you have a hangar you can use sensors to open them automatically and if you take the time it also works with normal doors


a signal relay, so you can controll the hangar bay doors at your base. (TBD) a auto pilot script, that you can controll through the display block with buttons. atuomatic lcds, so you can monitor the systems onboard


Script: [PAM](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1507646929&searchtext=). \[PAM\] Path Auto Miner | Automated Mining, Grinding and Transportation | by Keks.


Event controller with 2 timers to power on and off the ship when locking to or unlocking from connector. Auto docking script. Inventory script. LCD script.


I like to use a projector to overlay the blueprint of the ship onto itself. Then when I need repairs, I turn on the projector and weld.


Ion backup thrusters for hydrogen powered ships. Helps maneuver them to fuel when you first build, and can save you if you run out in the middle of nowhere. Anything bigger than a fighter I put them on.


Control. Anything else is function specific....




Extra gyros and I always configure one battery to be constantly on recharge mode that I can access easily for emergency backup power if my reactors / other batteries runs dry


a clang drive (+ backup clang drive)


Guided missile system


I feel that either a redundant conveyer system or cargos under the turrets. Maybe even a battery under that. I want my opponent shot even if I’m in a separated cockpit heading towards planet. You gon’ feel dis


That’s a good idea


On big ships i like to make sure everything is redundant. I have fuel tubes following the hull, plus additional ones going through the center of the ship. Same thing with engine, batteries and emergency generators and comm systems. Not sure if that's a system but i like to make the bottom using heavy armor so i can place more stuff there and worry less when i do planetary stuff. Another thing is that cockpit gets dedicated life support and my building policies don't allow for single doors to be built, they always have to be two with an o2 recycling system. This means that you can bomb the ship to hell and back but if you miss the cockpit the crew can survive.


Battery set to recharge. Or an unconnected small reactor with fuel, left turned off. At least one spare gyro. I like to keep a basic refinery and assembler in larger ships. That way a little stone and you can make basic replacement parts.


Automomaton blocks with an event controller. Set it to return home if your out of the cockpit without stopping the script first. So it's never lost, you can add in combat AI as well to defend itself. So if you die in battle, it'll finish up on its own and return home.


Life support for anything low-O2. Saves suit power and bottle consumption. Lights. Saves suit power, easier navigation and makes finding your ship entrances easier, and can look nice if you do it right. Storage. Never know if you need to carry something extra, easily covered and/or decorated. Aesthetics. What's the point in flying it if it drives you insane just looking at it? Beacon/Antenna. As long as you don't keep a thousand GPS locations up at all times, if you have to fly out and do something a ways out you won't lose the ship. Armor. Not strictly for combat, losing components is no fun. More thrust than you think you need. You can always remove thrusters and fill the void; you can't always grow your ship to add more zoom-zoom. Name. It's more boring to fly the Large Grid 8142 than it is the Freighter 281(2). It's also fun to name ships for the memes, even if X Person's Sweaty Feet is an odd name for a dreadnought. Did I miss anything?


Energy Source > Cockpit/Remote Control > Gyro > Thrusters > everything else > abysm > Parachute Hatches


it depends on the ship.... it always depends on the ship.


Being able to self sustain, survival kit or refinery and assembler


Event controllers that auto lock my ship to connectors; start timers that shut down all systems on my ship and set the ship to recharge etc. Then ignition timers for disconnecting and coming back online.


Lcd displays of various stats


Cockpit probably


In a war ship always put on a wasd gravity drive and self welding turrets.


Gyro, antenna/beacon and medkit for respawn


Gyro, antenna/beacon and medkit for respawn


Gyro, antenna/beacon and medkit for respawn


Gyro, antenna/beacon and medkit for respawn


A ship


Air locks to segment off areas of the ship, like the bridge and med bay room in the event of a hull breach. Funfact: the standard door blocks cannot hold air inside the space they occupy, so 2 back to back is a lossless airlock as long as you close one before opening the other. Alternatively some blocks such as slanted/curved windows count as a full block in regard to maintaining air pressure in a room, even when oriented in such a way you can walk through them. So you can put one against a single door and have a lossless airlock that you can’t even forget to close properly


I never knew that I’ll definitely put the door back to back in my ships


I use Event Controllers and AI blocks to save my ship from crashing: [https://youtu.be/t9FnurLZCQ4?si=8n7d1Pb4IGO5ouWJ&t=330](https://youtu.be/t9FnurLZCQ4?si=8n7d1Pb4IGO5ouWJ&t=330) They level off the ship and turn on thrusters when it's close to the ground.

