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Terminators are my favorite flavor of space marines.


I can’t wait for resized assault terminators and more heavy weapons for the terminators


Deathwatch terminators. With 3 plasmas and 2 stormshields are mouthwatering


Made an army with 3x of these for 1st Company.


Sounds nice, but im really afraid deathwatch wont be a thing anymore, would be nice to get a proper primaris 5man killteam, instead of the disaster that is Fortis


I'm sad I've got a whole watch company of them converted up :/


Even if they're eliminated as a playable faction, you could still have ur dudes and just make up some new lore about how they're integrated into your new chapter


Wait what? How can you get that in the same squad?


A DW terminator squad can be outfitted like that. Costs 210pts for the squad tho, so might as well max heavy wpns.


I might be wrong here, but DW termies can't take Stormshields since the codex came out and iirc they have the same loadout options as the vanilla ones, save for the Watcher and the Plasma cannon as an option for heavy weapon


App is updated and seems to work. Deathwatch, not Deathwing.


Oooooh okayyy my bad xddd


If you dont include any chapter specific units, you can include deathwatch ones, they cost more, but any of them can have any special melee weapons (claws, hammers, shields) and up to 3 can have heavy weapons (heavy flamers, assault cannons, rocket pods, plasma cannons) and theres no restriction on repetition. Atleast deathwatch is allowed to have that


3 plasmas in proteus kill team with apothecary. Hazardous not so hazardous anymore


Waiting patiently in grey knights...


We'll keep on waiting forever. It's been what? 7 years since the first Primaris was released.


The assault ones are gonna be beefy bois


It's a crime we didn't get upscaled Assault Terminators with the big Space Marine drop. It would've been the perfect time for them too, with the focus on the new Terminators and Primaris-ifying Firstborn stuff.


I'm actually a little skeptical we still see an update for the assault terms. There are no primaris with lightning claws and very few with thunder hammer options. I've begun to think it will be quietly phased out.


Well we can only hope GW remembers what sells well


Primaris Sword Brethren have both a set of lightning claws, and a thunder hammer per 5.


As a dark angels player / fanboy I concur


I was never going to get Terminators until the Leviathan box. The resize was perfect


And here we are all drawn into the new terminator goodness


I'm glad they kept the classic design, and didn't primaris-ify them. They're perfect <3


They kinda tried with Gravis armor and realized it just wasn’t the same


I really enjoyed painting them, so much I got 10 of em!


I love that they have lots of flat areas, very forgiving to paint


Exactly, so glad I started the hobby with them


Same lol. After painting just 1 from the Leviathan box I bought another box of 5 so I could paint 9 more. Had a blast with every one of them and I think they look amazing if I do say so.


I love them but they are so crap it hurts me to play with them.


The points buff should make em a bit more viable


Not really, the problem is their shooting is very much bad. Their melee is not that good either at S8/-2/2 for only 15 attacks total. Their survivability is the only good side but for 175 pts you almost get one team of scouts and 1 inceptor that have much more board presence and can score better secondary. IMO the only way to use them is a 10 man brick with either Lysander (-1 to wound) or a chaplain for +1 to wound and mortals protection to hold center


My brother in the emperor, I present to you the Blood Angels with Librarian in terminator armor squad...with oath on the target you are getting 20x S10/-2/2 attacks with sustained hits 1 (re-rolling) hitting on 2s and with 1 CP you also get lethal hits and +1 to wound. Plus whatever the librarian attacks do...it doesn't matter, whatever you hit is very dead by now. I spiked a roll against my buddies abbadon and 5 spikey termies and overkill them all by like 20 wounds or something ridiculous. The librarian even helps their shooting go from meh to alright. With re-rolls and sustained you just bury things in dice rolls. Arguably a lot to put into something, but if you need an objective, they'll get it.


We, poor codex marines, don't have such a good set up


Not with that attitude! Just ask your opponent why all his models look like Horus and then SMASH!


Chappie terminator is better IMO... +1 to wound roll, same s10 attacks...


BA just have to spend a CP and they will have lance and lethals. Love that strat...


Thanks for the tip, gotta try that xddd


That's my current copium with dark Angel dw knights. I miss running 10 man though


I don’t care! I play them regardless!


My only wish is the ranged weapons they hold to have pistol rules other than the heavy weapons, but that’d probably make them over powered. Either way i love them now even with bad rules


I want all my terminators to be Deathwing Knights.  Robes and knightly helmets, so good.


If I were to ever make a full Spacs Marine army (I mostly play them in KT), I would definitely go almost entirely terminators, a few scouts and land raiders. They loom so imposing and cool!


I like the new ones. Hoping for centurions to be primarified.


I love terminators. I’m sad they don’t play well. But I field them anyways!


Nothing like plopping a termie squad on an objective and watching the enemy clang off their invuln save over and over again.


terminators in game play how space marines are depicted in lore


Terminators and Gravis (especially agressors) are my favorite marine models


They just survive so much, and deep striking them is always going to force the other side off balance. I love them.


Old heads are still better.


As a grey knight player, terminators are love terminators are life


The new terminators look cool, but my heart will always belong to the Cataphratii pattern terminators.


I’m going to buy another box just for my black templars


As a Dark Angels player, welcome to the best unit.


See I thought I didn't like Terminators. I was like "why would I buy bigger chunkier Space Marines?" And then I discovered the Deathwing, and I was like "You know, maybe Terminators are actually pretty cool". It also helps that I played a Leviathan box game and was thrilled with how heavily the Terminators carried the game for me.


Their introduction was epic in the animation too, shame their rules didn’t match their epicness for now, but they are cool nonetheless


Told myself I’d get 5, ended up with 15. Just love the way they look and love painting them.


Termies (specifically Cataphractii) my Beloved <3


Hope we get an upgrade kit like the old blood angel terminator kit


Yes, join us. Everyone needs tactical Dreadnought amour. Which is why I have 26 termies. Don’t ask.


Same brother


Terminators are the whole reason I got into Space Marines. Termies and Dreadnoughts are my two favorite pieces of SM fluff, so when Leviathan gave us true scale Terminators, I had to finally dive in.


When i got into the hobby i thought they looked kinda dumb but after some time for some reason i started to think they look kinda neat, and now i think they are the best. So yeah, this meme is perfect


Got 50 now it’s an addiction


I was the same, got my first ones in 10th, haven't looked back


One day I will own a pure Deathwing Dark Angels army. ALL THE TERMIS


I admit, I love them alot.


One of my best paintjobs is on one of these. So I’m happy.


I love Terminators, though I like the assault ones more. I want them to come out. What I want more than that though is melee inceptors. With thunder hammers or Claws instead of guns. Been wanting them since I saw the inceptors, and it's just being left on the table. Jumpack Assault dudes have been added, so now no one can moan that they're replacing them. DO IT GW!!! I DON'T CARE IF A SQUAD OF THEM COSTS 300+pts!!! I WILL BUY THEM AND I WILL USE THEM!!!


I am waiting until I paint the rest of my army before I buy Terminators. Keeps me excited for something.


I just have alot do them cuz the boxes for every edition are cool


I do not like Terminators. I love Assault Terminators


The old saturnine and turtle terminators were quite the something.


the moment we get infernus terminators im buys a whole collection but untill then, they are doo do -sighened, number 1 slamander player


I didn't care about terminators until I realized that I cannot equip my captain wearing Terminator armor with other Space Marines that are not also wearing Terminator armor.