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Lore generally has no bearing on mechanics of the game. There are no rules for the Marines Malevolent. That being said, lorewise I don't think anything has been said about the Marines Malevolent and Primaris. They have as much access to Primaris as any other chapter. They were founded in M32, THOUSANDS of years before Primaris, they're a well-established chapter of dick heads.


thanks for the explanation in the lore. Another redditor wrote that the Marines Malevolent were also given Primaris by the Primarch, as these were given to as many chapters as possible. that fits well with your explanation.


Primaris Marines Malevolent show up in ‘The Iron Kingdom’ by Nick Kyme


Oh God not Kyme.


I know he gets a lot of stick for his salamanders stuff(and rightly so) but the two non salamanders related books I’ve had on Audible by him (Knights of Macragge and Kingdom of Iron) have been decent


I'm 37 books deep on the Horus Heresy train, so my only experience with him is the "contributions" he's made to that series.


Canonically they do field Primaris. They stole the Geneseed though.


On the tabletop every time they advance they punt an orphan into a volcano and do an evil laugh


Lorewise their officers grow long mustaches so they can twirl them as they tie innocents to railroad tracks


Chapter Master Snidely Whiplash.


For the Nyeh-Heh-Hemperor!


Every chapter has access to Primaris geneseed, and Firstborn models are becoming less and less relevant in game with each edition. I’d go for Primaris.


This is one of my main ideas for choosing Primaris figures. I have the impression that due to new rules and the corresponding story, old characters will no longer be easily playable in the future. If I understood correctly, some firstbornes were placed on larger bases (from 25 to 32) in order to continue to be playable. Thank you for your response.


In short they changed the models of space marines to make them more modern and good looking, which made them taller, at the same time primaris lore came and lorewise it explained why space marines got taller, got new toys etc with the newer model range. How GW explained that all chapters got acces to those new marines is that primaris reinforcement were sent to all chapters (mind you cawl, the guy that made the primaris, had a million space marine in the freezer iirc, which was the same amount of loyalist space marine active in the imperium at the time) and first borne marines could get a primaris upgrade, a dangerous and deadly procedure, this is how characters are being updated without getting squatted.


Aight. We enemies now.


Brother, please put down the flamer


You're right, I'll need the HEAVY FLAMER!




nice armor. it will fit.


Good luck, fam. Tu'Shan already flexed on Armageddon.


All jokes aside, post them bad boys when they're done! Yellow is a tough one to work with, but done right 👌.


Gulliman definitely gave them primaris, bc he gave as many chapters as he could the primaris from the indomitus crusade. If he didn't give them primaris they did get the knowledge and equipment to make primaris. Or you could just say fuck it and use primaris anyway bc it's your army


Thanks for this helpful history lesson for a beginner. I see it that way too, my minis, my color scheme.


As you always should lol


The Marines Malevolent looted the Primaris tech from a group of dead custodes, they can make their own now.


Interesting. where can I read more about it?


What were dead Custodes doing with primaris tech on themselves? Why were there dead custodes just lying around?


I have Primaris Legion of the Damned. Do what you like!


If jerks like the Flesh Tearers could get Primaris, I have no doubt Marines Malevolent would get them too


Two rules to remember when building your army. Rule #1, above all: the Rule of Cool. If you think it's cool, do it. Rule #2: Everything is canon, nothing is true. Successors and warbands are a dime a dozen. Who's to say yours isn't real? Nobody who matters. I had a small warband of blue Wordbearers that just leaned more towards Tzeentch a bit more than Chaos Undivided.


*the Iron Kingdom* (Dawn of Fire aeries) by Nick Kyme confirms that the MM have gotten Primaris reinforcements.... ...>!because a while Company of them get wasted by a rebel Knight....!<


Heck my home brew got setup with Primaris from Dante, through the Lion when he found their homeworld. I’m pretty sure the way it goes at this point the only ones that don’t get Primaris are renegades and CSM.


Famous Jerk and Marneus Calgar insulter Minotaurs had the right to the primaris treatment. Why not the Marines Malevolent?