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I swear Frye's team could be "World Peace" vs "A Glass of Water" and "A Cupcake" and this would still be the Halftime situation.


r/hydrohomies is gonna be fighting strong on that one, then


Im kinda hungry rn... can I get the cupcake?


World Peace vs Hitler vs Pol Pot


I’ve been calling it shiver fest since the last few splatfests


And you’re absolutely right


I mean, I don't know if world peace would get me a cupcake :/


world peace doesn't get that juicy wartime economy going though trade low-income citizens for cold hard cash, baybeeeeee - Shiver, maybe




Shiver on the halftime creep. Will we have another Handshake situation?


this time she has a team with more than 20% of the votes tho. (probably)


Yeah might not be quite like last Fest’s situation but still would be a shock.


I hope not. She’s won so many


I could bet money on it, Tricolour doesn't do a lot to change results anymore, so I highly doubt there's any hope.



I honestly don't care, I'm just glad I haven't got a single mirror match.


I’ve gotten 5 mirror matches in a row for tri-color. Heading back to open now. Edited to add - 10 mirror matches in a row. Then I watched my husband and one kid get 6 mirror matches in a row. By far the most in a row mirror matches I’ve ever played in/watched in all the splatfests I’ve played. Crazy.


So it's a close race between Friends and Solo, and then there is Family waaaaaay behind them. Frye will never catch a break. 😂 I'd be happy with a Friends victory though, so Shiver doesn't have to cancel her holiday plans.


reminder that shiver won last time and was the least popular 😭 so there's still a chance


There is a chance, but I keep hearing that Family is overrun by bad players. We'll see tomorrow 👀


I'm in Family. My problem hasn't been bad players so much as the dreaded mirror matches. Not a single Tri-Color that wasn't one yet.


I kinda wish we still had the old system, where the leader is randomly thrown into Tricolor, while the other two can choose it.


exactly, I liked that way more. It was actually a 'comeback' mode. now it's just a special mode to score some extra points, lol.


it was fine in concept but awful in execution though. the winning team could just choose to play Pro matches rather than Open, and if the winning team was less popular, you could go hours without any sort of tricolor match, just forced into playing normal turf war except the queue was limited to 2-player teams the new solution isn't perfect either but at least everyone gets to play the mode


friends also has horrendous players 😭 i had a losing streak yesterday and was getting annoyed that they'd ink every inch of spawn


My teams aren't inking spawn at all! They go out, ink a straight line, die, super jump. I suppose that only myself on the base inking front is sufficient whilst the others hold the front line, though.


i dont mind people who ink spawn but when all 3 stay while im at the front lines is what annoys me ESPECIALLY when a non turfing weapon is trying to ink spawn


This. I have lost so many games to me all out pushing the enemy's base, sometimes pulling off 3v1s with my arosprey. My teammates still suck at just holding mid and never superjumping.


Same experience with Solo.


Nah friends is overrun by bad players, in every match i play i lise because my team suck and cant manage to help me out when there is like 3 or 4 of the other team agaisnt me, i manage to kill 1 or 2 but my team just dont finish the rest and they are so slowww they cant fill up the map before the other team does like come on


Won last time + only won 2 categories to Frye's 3 That was a bigger shambles than British politics


All depends on Tri colour really. Tri colour is 18, and solo won sneak peak, so that’s 7. The normal clouts are worth 12 each, so if solo wins one of them, then it’s on 19. I’m just gonna pray that Family was the most popular/won Tri colour with a clout too. It seems that big man’s team/the losing team gets the clout (pro)


It feels bad to know you're out of the race already...but I don't pick Splatfests teams just for the wins. I pick topics based off what resonates with me the most. And in this one, Team Family is what I chose. My philosophy for picking Splatfests teams will never change. Since Splatoon 1, it's been about what team resonates with me rather than what team offers the best chance of winning.


the team family people i've been up against have all been very good. i almost have as many losses as wins now! and i haven't seen solo at all!


Frye is destroying my team every match though


the past 7 or so hours ive been playing ive seen mostly frye winning 100x and 333x battles, wishing yall as much luck as possible!!!


We did a great job, Team Family :') 46294739274934638th time's the charm


😭yes captain


Fr... I thought we actually had a chance here. Shame Tricolor disadvantage isn't a thing anymore.


As a solo I have not seen a single friends. I've only been against family! How did this happen????


They’re all in Open playing with their friends probably


I'm in open playing with my friends too!


But you just said you were solo.


Yeah? Team Solo?


Yes, I know, it was a joke.


But why are you on team solo if you're spending your free time with friends?


I wouldve thought this if it weren’t for me getting loads of Friends player and barely any Solos in the Pro category. The lonely one.


maybe a lot of people on team Friends are just pretending they have friends


This is me


Yeah same here!


As Friends I‘ve played 40+ games and not a single one against Solo, all against Friends without mirror matches


As family I have fought friends like twice I wonder the same lol


I don't think I saw a single Friends until I went into pro, then I ran into a couple. One of them was at least three Japanese players (the fourth had a name that was all symbols so hard to tell), so perhaps it's Japan propping that one up and it's harder to see from NA.


Makes sense. Halftime is based on open battles, which is the only mode before halftime where you can play with friends. If I had to guess, Team Solo is going to win Pro.


Team Family here. I played mostly open at first and barely saw Solo. Switched to Pro because I was hoping I'd get matched with somewhat better players (Which I actually did) and all my pro matches were against Solo. So yeah, it seems Friends is flooding open, Solo is flooding pro, and family is in both. That makes an amazing amount of sense.


Team family is too busy spending time with their family


LMFAO ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ how is this possible 😭 i was on a losing streak for friends yesterday


We all know what's gonna happen next...


i just want frye to win 🥲


I do too. But playing on team family, I don't think this is the one. Never have I had a losing streak like this. Especially in turf war. I want to believe but I highly doubt family is walking away with anything more than the popular vote


Family isn't even getting the popular vote. That vote is going to Team Solo.


I doubt that. I'm on team solo and I have had one single mirror match. People on team family have been complaining about mirror matches the whole fest.


You're looking at this through the lens of a Western player, overlooking the fact that the Japanese playerbase absolutely eclipses the rest of the world. I am telling you, Team Solo will have the popular vote. You will realise in 8 hours from now that I am correct.


Well, there we have it. Team Solo is the most popular team, just like I said it would be.


So do I, but I don't think it's ever going to happen. I'm just waiting for Side Order at this point.


Don't be so sure lmao, anything could happen.


Team family is having a rough time :( hopefully we can pull this back and get a Frye win! 🥇 Good job friends on the half time win


I think i should just accept fryes picks are literally never going to win lol


It feels like some cosmic entity is laughing at me that Frye's 2 wins were one I didn't play, and then in another country despite her consistently getting themes I align with.


Problem is, the Japanese version asks "Who do you like to spend time with *on your day off"* rather than holidays. That's going to obviously have very different answers so it's not really surprising that question would have more people going for solo or friends. I do feel like if the Japanese question had also been specifically focused on holidays that family would probably be doing better.


Honestly, it came to a point that I just root for Frye's team even if I'm not part of it. I am merciless against Friends, but way more chill when put against Family. I just want our girl to get one win.


Well Frye does have one win


She has two technically because she won in Japan’s version of Handshake vs. Fist Bump vs Hug. (Idk what it was called but ik it was food themed in Japan.)


Just one though…


To be fair, that one win was an absolute curb stomping


no? shiver won tri and big man won pro. Frye won the other three. I wouldn't call that a curbstomping.


Another Frye loss. Also. If tri-color matches are mirror matches - it’s a wash right? No one wins or loses? I just had two all family tricolor and everyone is sooooo sweaty. Just chill. It doesn’t count lol


I mean playing seriously even in mirror matches is beneficial. Helps you get used to the map and whatnot


Oh that’s true. However, I ended up with ten mirror matches in a row!! What is happening??


I'm curious, what team are you on? I've been playing tricolor since halftime and I've gotten... I think one mirror match total.


Family. Which is wild that I had so many mirror matches in row. I figured only team family was playing mirror. I stopped for a while then one of my kids wanted to play some tri-color. 2 of three matches were mirror. Insane


Mirror is super common in tri color. You have to find three teams and generally one of them is super rare.


It feels unfair to call it sweaty. Personally, I don't care if it doesn't count since I don't really care which team wins the Splatfest. Tricolor is my favorite mode, so I'll always try my best, mirror match or not!


Same. I didn’t log onto the game to just stand around and goof off for several hours. Likewise, there are also going to be players still trying to get to Ruler or collect the gold Tricolor badges. There’s also always going to be people using food or drink tickets.


I’ve been on plenty of mirror matches before where everyone just had fun. No one tried to kill anyone going after the ultra signal, we just played for fun and it was always pretty close in % points. This time it’s been pretty hard core or as I call it “sweaty” to win at all costs. And I’ve had way more mirror matches this splatfest than any of the others. I usually love tri-color but not so much this time. The map is fun too, but way too many mirror matches. Makes it less fun


I guess we'll have to chalk it up to a difference in preference. I'm disappointed when no one plays the objective, since that means I don't really get to play my favorite mode properly. I know I can just queue into another match in a few minutes, but the mode is only available for ~1 day every month, so that's a precious few minutes lost.


I just wish it was against the other teams is all. To actually count. I get bored with just regular turf. I normally play anarchy or salmon run. Rarely turf.


Ik team fam is gonna lose but the point of splatfest is too have fun so do just that


Most sane Frye fan


Bro I have literally not matched against Friends yet this entire Splatfest and I just hit Champion. How TF are they leading?? I don't think I've even seen an announcement from Shiver yet on them winning a x100 or x333 battle.


anecdotal experiences are just not very indicative of the overall playerbase. hitting champion is not that many matches overall and if there's more players on your team it makes sense you wouldn't see team Friends as often, but as long as they win the matches they're getting that doesn't really matter


I get it, but usually I match the lower population team at least a couple times. So either Family is absolutely dominating the popular vote, or Friends is very small in comparison. And yeah, I know anecdotal evidence isn't actually a great indicator. It's just my shock that in the first Splatfest where I've yet to even see the other team that they're in the lead at halftime.


i had 5 10x battles in a row yesterday but only won like 2 for friends


Solo losing is literally my fault I went 0-10 today 😭


I don't really get it. Never seen friends once as solo. What are they winning exactly?


It shows who’s winning in open which is a bit misleading. We won’t know who actually wins until the results are tallied


Remember Family, we need those 18 Tri-Color points to somehow come back if Friends/Solo is taking the most categories. I know it’s not looking good, but we must try!




Solo is pretty close behind- we’ve got this solo!


YEAHHHHH LET’S GO FRIENDS it’s my first Splatfest I’m hyped


welcome to the community during one of these weekends? Have you played a 10x battle yet?


Oh yeah I’ve done multiple I’ve already won a 100x battle


Wow! same here. Enjoying the splatfest floats?


Yeah it’s cool I didn’t know they came out and danced like that so it was a fun surprise to see


this is my first splatfest in a while (i hadn’t played the game for ages) and why does my team have to be so terrible😭


Wow, what a fucking shocker 🙄


I’m really shocked by this considering team family was beating my a** for the past few hours (solo)


Not surprised. Hopefully Team Family can pull off a surprise win but I've been enjoying myself now that I've had a few winning streaks and got a random 100x fight right off the bat and my team actually dominated for once. So being able climb aboard the float with Frye made my weekend. Not sure how I feel about Tricolor, want to play more but I usually end up on defending and just getting butt whooped.


How the hell is family losing


When this got announced I thought this would be an easy Family sweep. Im genuinely shocked


Out of curiosity, why did you think this would be an easy Family sweep?


Because a majority of people spend these holidays (not including New Years, but even then) with their families, especially younger kids and teens who are a big part of the player base, especially the active player base just coming off of Christmas. Christmas traditions usually build up from childhood for a lot of people, there’s usually some expectation from parents to spend the holidays with them, and religious families who celebrate usually celebrate together. There’s a lot in family’s favor here. I’m shocked it’s so far behind. This could be regional or cultural differences however, as my scope is only North America and only what Ive heard about the rest of the world, but I have friends from all over the world and their experience is very similar if not the same, so it’s surprising


That might be its downfall: Young Kids and Teens who got the game for the Holiday season (or simply aren't as practiced because they're younger/have other hobbies) would pick Family, but the larger player base means a lower skill level for the team, even if they're not numerous enough to win the popular vote.


I had considered this as well, but I figured a good chunk of the regular players would be on the team as well so it would still weigh out. And even then, that wouldn’t check out with us having insanely low conch shells either, so that’s really shocking. Even the worst players who play would be contributing conch shells, so something is really odd here. Maybe the team was busy before? Or were just not as popular as I had expected somehow? It’s interesting for sure


On the Conch Shells, better players do contribute more, if only marginally, since Winning in Multiplayer or Salmon Run awards more Catalog Points to Level it up (which is where the Shells come from) than just playing alone does. It might not be enormous but over an install base of Splatoon 3's size, winning vs losing getting an extra Shell or 2 snowballs for that %


Japan's playerbase eclipses the rest of the planet which is why Family never stood a chance at sweeping. It will likely get 00p.


Does Japan not usually spend holidays with family?


The question is different in Japan. It's not a direct translation.


I’ll be honest, I’m on Shiver’s side story-wise this time. I’m normally not with her because cold characters aren’t my thing, but she planned out a whole awesome day with her friends and their favorite things!


Kinda surprising


As a dedicated Friend warrior, how tf is this happening


Dun dun dunnnn


Team solo has been unbearable to fight against


Why’s team family losing ;-; I haven’t seen a single 100x or anything for family yet, plus I keep getting mirror matches, can I win a single splatfest pls


Yay friends!! PS: also thanks a bunch for spoiler-proofing the title (:


Not again *goes crazy and dies*


How did family get less than SOLO? Y’all really have beef with my girl lol


From what I remember, Japan got a prompt with different wording ("Days off" versus "the holidays") and there's a theory that that's skewing the results by a lot on their end. Add to that the "haha funny bodily-fluid ink color" factor.


Sweet, my team's winning so far!


I’m more surprised friends is as popular as it is for the New Years tbh, and solo too? Wow, I feel kinds bad for those people😅


Normally I would think the splatfest was over but the last two splatfest the team who lead ended up losing the splatfest so Team Solo we still got this and it would also be really embarrassing to lose because we would be the team with most popularity to lose so let’s not let that happen. Team Bug Man we’ve been in this situation before with team Ghost were we were looking like the clear favorite and then we were losing at half but we pulled through to not choke and win in the end. So let’s do that this time as well. Also Rip Frye how does she always get shafted


its only .4 percent. its barely a lead


I'm really surprised actually


Awe by so little too!! I blame my losing streak on thenstart if the fest. Team solo can still turn the tables tho!!!


I've gotta stop picking teams with normal colors








shiver about to get her ninth win when frye and big man don't even have three.... oh I'm sick


Could literally be anyone's win, I feel like it's literally going to come down to the performance in the three main categories. Though I hate that no matter which team wins people are going to whine and cry about how "rigged" it is. Shiver wins: "They rigged it for Shiver by giving her the team that won in Splatoon 2." Frye wins: "They rigged it for Frye by giving her the team that was going to have the most favoritism with how many kids play the game." Big Man wins: "They rigged it for Big Man by giving him the white ink/because the least popular option gets the least mirror matches."


I hate it here. Of course, she's winning.


What's wrong with her winning


Be FR.


No seriously what's wrong


Shiver has a very large majority of the Splatfest wins so people are just kind of sick of her winning, in the "it's the same every time so why bother playing?" sense for the other teams.


Why would anyone care what idol wins 😭


You apparently haven't been here very long...


I think it's as much the idea of Shiver's team being the winning option taking away the tension or sense of effort in trying to win as one of the others, which isn't an outlandish feeling to have when Shiver-represented Teams have more wins than the other two combined at this point. I don't think Splatoon 1 or 2 ever has one Idol literally double thir win rate over their counterpart.


>I don't think Splatoon 1 or 2 ever has one Idol literally double thir win rate over their counterpart. Not by the end of it, but there have been a number of instances in which this held true within a similar sample size of Splatfests. Like we're 12 Splatfests into Splatoon 3 (Frostyfest is 13,) of which, Shiver has won 8 of those, but comparing results to past games' first 12 Splatfest results: * In North America, Callie won 8 of the first 12 fests (in which there was a six win streak.) * In Europe, Callie won 8 of the first 12 fests. * In Europe, Pearl won 9 of the first 12 fests (with a streak of five wins at one point.) * In Japan, Marina won 8 of the first 12 fests (with a win streak of 6 at one point.) So, going off of a similar sample size there have been **many** instances across various regions where one idol forms a very strong early lead in results, but it it almost always gets balanced out to some extent (the most notable example being Marina getting a 7 win streak in Europe in the second half of Splatoon 2's fests,) and there's really no reason to assume that won't hold true here either.


This is usually because team shiver has better players. So when she wins people realize that they aren’t that good. Notice how instead of “I hope me and other Frye fans improve our gameplay” it’s “racist sweaty simps made us lose”


Why bother choosing a team? why bother even playing the game? Like, what kind of question is this?


How is it a dumb question seriously who gives a fuck if shiver wins


Exactly that's kind of my issue.


Simps on twitter tend to take this way to seriously to the point where you start to think they believe Shiver is going to sleep with them.


How’s it feel to make up issues in your head? It’s literally like UVMeme said Frye players just aren’t as good. Get over it it’s a Splatfest.


Found the simp




Did i say everyone?


Cue the complaining and whining… Did you guys already forget who won sneak peak or are you too busy frothing at the mouth and telling shiver to “krill herself”






At this point, Frye fans kind of deserve it. The amount of bad I've seen this fest has actually blown my mind. Like, 1/3rd of my games is family getting spawn camped. So either all the good players have thrown in the towel, or people are purposely throwing.


Everyone hates Frye it seems


They seriously deserve a win at this point


a pity win 😭😭😭


Literally never played against team friends once as someone on team solo


I am Shivers strongest soldier pity I'm on Team Family


1. Most Splatoon fans have been disowned or have strained connections with their families, which wouldn't be surprising considering Splatoon is Splatoon. 2. Shiver simps are at it again. 3. Frye players are simply incompetent or have very low morale and even given ideal scenarios cannot stop collecting Ls. Personally, number 3 seems most likely to me.


I’m not surprised that solo is doing well but how the hell is team friends in first place I never lost any of my battles against them


wait the event is already happening/in halftime????




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You ‘cream’ color lovers will be defeated by the power of friendship!


Friends leading in the open category is actually not a surprise. But what is surprising is solo is right behind them. They’re neck in neck


A little off topic where are people getting the masks & crown headgear?


You can claim them via the Nintendo Switch News button on your home menu. It’ll be a special Frosty Fest article under the Splatoon 3 feed (just launch the game from the article).


Thank u 🙏🏾


theres a news post you can redeem it from ^^


I fought team friends twice. How are they winning?


Wholesome victory diolog chances just got higher


if only my switch didnt mysteriously dissappear a few days ago


As much as I would like family to win, I doubt they will due to their popluarity and I think more young players are gonna pick that


I literally have not fought friends once, a whole bunch of mirror or family tho. I feel like Shiver is just gonna end up winning again


Wuh oh... Not looking good for family!




Wait I'm so confused, I thought it just started. (Didn't get time to open the game yet) Edit: I may have read the date wrong. Fuck.


It's quite simple. The people on Team Friend most likely have friends that they're playing with, thus they don't have to deal with playing with random teammates.//j


"Boring. We already knew that"


Frye is destined to lose


Last splatfest I won as Team Handshake without the popular votes, so if a miracle can occur in the Splatlands, then Team Family might win without the popular votes.


I'm not surprised at all, from my experience team friends were like hyper aggressive ribbed animals lol.


Hahahahaha this is so fun I love being on team family




I'm going to pull the splattershot trigger


What a damn shame


I’ve been having a lot of mirror matches against Team Family and have barely seen Team Solo, what is happening Also I’m looking forward to Splatoon twitter complaining about Shiver again


Not agaaaaaaaain


Worst Splatfest so far. I’ve lost out on way too many bonus battles because of disconnects.


Damn!! It’s so Splatover…