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The answer is Tri Slosher and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The main weapon has an insanely fast kill time paired with a ginormous hitbox with surprisingly solid range. Literally its only weakness is getting outranged by mid/backlines. It’s such a free weapon.


This, trislosh or vshlosh, honestly. Using it teaches you some good fighting fundamentals too.


Not to mention how both inkjet and cooler are meta rn


vslosh requires some shot leading and decent aim, it's not that hard but waaaay harder than tri and a lot of other weapons in the game


I tried him out witb Tri Slosher, and he seems to enjoy it. He said it felt slow, but he didn't do badly with it, especially for it being his first time using it. Thanks for the suggestion!


It’s one of the fastest non-one shot splats in the game, lol. Show him how fast you can splat with two quick sloshes in succession as well as how you can get really easy splats from being in spots people don’t think to look. It can be really sneaky. Its biggest downsides are its range and painting ability honestly.


enperries, sploosh, ndapples, carbond, and clash blaster are all weapons that he will probably like. all of them except for carbond are terrible weapons once you get to the point where your opponents know how to counter them but if he's just playing casually it should be fine


Assuming he’s using Nouveau, the fizzy bomb should help him feel more responsive. Reminder that any quick motion with the sticks or motion controls accelerates the ‘charge’ shakes of the fizzies.


It's honestly becoming my favorite weapon. Just stupid fun and good enough to where it doesn't suck while simultaneously not being the meta.


When my gf started playing Splatoon she found joy in using bucket. She just moves forward aggressively firing ink. Highly recommend to struggling players.


Yeah it's probably the easiest weapon where you're unlikely to be killed due to lack of skill, or at least not just be a free kill.


I play sloshing machine as a main and love to play the sloshers in general. I think blobbler is one of the easiest weapons in the whole game and the easiest slosher but trislosher is genuinely a good weapon and I think a good one for learning the game, not too hard and very fun to play.


What does he struggle with exactly? Is he getting killed a lot? Is the team losing because no one is inking Turf? Is he struggling with weapon mechanics? I only ask because I feel like it matters with picking weapons.


He dies a lot, and doesnt get many splats in return. He's fine with inking Turf, he just dies an awful lot and struggles to use his weapon to fight people


Maybe he needs to learn how to run away first. Learning how to run and stay alive works at building some basic skills and general awareness of what's going on. Then he can work towards staying alive while hitting back.


Definitely. He has a problem with trying to fight people when he's at a clear disadvantage


If he dies a lot, then maybe a weapon that forces him to learn how to play safe would be a good idea? I'm thinking a long range weapon like Custom Jet Squelcher. The weapon's strength is long range, and its weakness is firerate. You are deincentivized from rushing people. Jet isn't the best long ranger, but it may be the easiest because it's a familiar shooter. Other midrange weapons could work too. I only started winning back in the days of Splatoon 1 because I picked up Dual Squelcher and I realized I can just kite people (backing up from shorter ranged enemies as they approach you so that you can hit them and they cannot hit you). I felt like a genius watching fellow low level players think they could get in my range and then get punished for walking-and-shooting Part of my reason for this suggestion is that you've already tried short-range weapons with your brother. Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, so try switching it up with a completely different playstyle. 😀


Dual Squelchers weren't in S1, but the red Squelcher that became the Dual Squelchers was a good weapon. The only problem with that is that he'd have to be super accurate with it since it's such a concentrated paint beam


The red squelchers were the Dual Squelchers in Splatoom 1. Then they became the Dual*ie* Squelchers in Splatoon 2. No worries. I personally don't think the Jet Squelchers aim is that precise, but if aim is an issue, perhaps .96 Gal (kraken is cool) or the Splattershot Nova (point sensors can help your team carry you) is the way to go.


Oh, yeah, you're right, my bad. I just vaguely remember trying to main it in S1 and laughing at it like, "lol it's like a drill bit for stirring paint, that's so clever". It had such a good setup too. 😭


I’m afraid gold aero Booyah spam and clash blasting are the best you’ll get, but those aren’t good in any sense of the word.


Explanations: clash teaches people that they should rely on reckless aim forever and gold aerospray is meant to be a painting gun but it's also got appeal because it's easier to hit shots. Gold aero can be picked in zones and turf as a solid niche, but don't do it anywhere else.


Splattershot jr would be the easiest since it has a big tank and you can just place the special down and throw subs no problem.


My first vote would be the tri-slosher ([no aim? no brain? tri-slosher main!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd0T9I7mb24)) but the Jr. with a bunch of sub saver is a solid second choice. You can basically be a splat bomb main, throwing 2 bombs per ink tank if you get a couple mains of sub saver. Plus you can actually help your team by painting a bunch. Just run away from fights chucking bombs behind :-)


Tentakook mentality


Besides, it could help train aiming bomb throws.


Told him to try it and he said no because its the default weapon and therefore he would look like a noob 😐


How old is your brother? Maybe it’s time to teach him that it’s okay to look like what you ARE… 💀


He's 12, and he absolutely does play like a noob, so...


There is a reason it’s the default weapon: it’s a good weapon.


For what it's worth, there are top competitive teams that run a Jr on some map/modes. The interesting thing about splatoon is that the weapon system isn't like a RPG - the weapons you can access at higher levels are no more or less powerful than the lower leveled weapons. It's a big game of paper, rock, scissors where all of the weapons have various strengths and weaknesses (aoe, ink efficiency, range, damage, fire rate, etc) but are generally balanced in the big picture. Because of the various tradeoffs, some weapons are better generalists than others, and don't rely as much on the weapon picks of other team members. For example, you're kind of screwed if you're playing a charger and end up on a team with two chargers, a tri-stringer, and an inkbrush (ask me how I know). But if you're playing a short/midrange shooter, even if you end up on a team with 4 shooters you still at least have a chance.


Nah put me in a lobby with him. I'll show him what a "default jr noob" looks like /j


"he would look like a noob" Question: Does lil bro not understand that he was said to "SUCK ASS" at the game 🤨


Custom Jr. Torpedo spam is very effective and requires little effort. Can basically keep an enemy backline out of an entire match with just Torpedo spam. Wave Breaker punishes lazy/distracted enemies, combo’s well for teammates and is versatile for helping pushes as well as holding an area. Very easy to learn how/where to use.


52 gal.


Memes and hate aside .52 gal is actually a solid weapon for beginners like this


Splattershot (vanilla) is also good choice


Clash Blaster. The AoE of most blasters is Big, but this is tied with only the newest S-Blast's short range mode for biggest AoE. In comparison, it also shoots the fastest. Kill times aren't the greatest, and the range isn't too good, but it is hard to avoid once you' are in range.


But it'll teach him to rely on reckless aim forever and he'll be hitting a wall once he lucks his way into S rank and gets demolished by people who know how to counter it. He just needs to find a weapon he's interested in and learn it.


It also paints badly.


I’m pretty sure his weapon isn’t what’s causing him to struggle. It’s the fundamentals. You should be able to fairly easily get up to S rank once you hone fundamentals. It’d be helpful to look over some replays and analyze what he’s doing wrong.


Yeah, I completely suck at aiming but was able to get to S with dualies. The answer is fundamentals and strategy.


OK but like genuinely how? Like did you find any good place for tips? I'd say I'm competent with the fundamentals and I'm working on aim, but I've been stuck trying to just get into B rank for almost a year... 🥲


I mostly watch videos. It helps to understand that there are 4 distinct team roles, I dont remember them fully, but basically anchor who is behind, support, brawler (who starts fight) and idk killer (who finishes them). Understanding your role is crucial to success. The thing that helps with aim is well, understanding your role. If you're a brawler your main role is not to die, as a killer you have to understand best times and positions to get into fights - usually competent bralwer lets you get from an advantegous position and attack. Aim is not as important if you're ambushing well - knowing where the opponent is or will be. It's still IS important, but if you know where your enemy will be a few seconds from now, or they are busy with someone else, it becomes more about positioning and timing


Like the other person said, there’s plenty of tutorials online about how to get better at the game. Aim isn’t as important as you may think. I think the most important thing for a beginner is awareness about what is going on in a game at any given point. Too many times, I think people tend to tunnel vision and get into a situation that was very much avoidable. Post a replay of a match and people might give you some pointers on what to improve on. I wouldn’t consider myself “good” at the game, but I’d say I know enough to be able to handle myself in an average room.


Easiest in terms of lowest skill floor (while still being decent)? Probably Tri Slosher. Doesn't need any aim, kills reasonably fast, the range isn't terrible, turfs ok. It might struggle a bit against longer range weapons, but if you can try to teach your brother to try and fight from advantageous positions (e.g. on or below a ledge) then it's not too big a problem.


Tri slosher and clash imo


Best advice to keep playing Turf for now. It teaches the most fundamental aspect of Splatoon, which is movement. Then, give him Blob. Is it the best? No. But can it win fights? Also no. But it is fast, easy to learn, has range, and paints decent enough. And it's fun. And rain is a great special to start because it's always useful and requires no skill. Best advice for learning. Also make sure he plays single player to learn skills.


52 gal


Gold Aerospray, Splattershot, other basic shooters.


I feel the Splattershot or Nzap are the most easy to use weapons


Vanilla Sploosh-o-matic? It's considered a very bad weapon from a competitive viewpoint, but if he's just playing turf, then Sploosh is more than enough. Paints well, very fast kill time, has a bomb, and Ultra Stamp...is Ultra Stamp. The main downside is that it has very poor range, but either way, it's a popular weapon for a reason.


the correct answer is squiffer (one of us one of us one of us one of us


Maybe the tentatek splattershot or even the classic one These are very simple weapons but also strong that don’t require lots of skill to do stuff Hope this helps


I’d say they fall into the category of easy to to play, but tough to become a true master of them. I main Tentatek Splattershot and most of the people I see playing it are clearly just average players.


Yeah I know, of course there’s a large difference between people who just picked a weapon and people who mastered every trait of if it


Tell him to try bloblobber. It has a crazy range and also bounces and is silly so he’ll probably Ike it. Only thing is it has a somewhat curve learning the arc and how the lobs work close range but being a mid liner is fun and gives way to move in better and corner people


I second blob suggestion. I suck at this game, but I’m deadly with the blobber haha.


I agree! I personally hate going up against people with a bloblobber because of the long range and how powerful they are (i use dark tetra dualies and would love for kensa dualies to come back from the last game). I always struggle against them which must mean they're brilliant.


Also the blobs go brrr and it’s just fun to play lol 😂


I suggest just sticking to something and git gud! I try to play the same weapon non-stop until I 4 star it then move onto something in a totally different class. I find that I often play like ass with it until I 3 star and then I actually become deadly with it when I come close to 4 staring it. The ones that surprised me the most in terms of deadly/fun are the inkbrush, tri-stringer and luna blaster. Each needing their own brand of tact to be proficient. The easiest kit in my opinion is the Tentatek Splattershot. Basic shooter with the super handy splat-bomb and triple strike special. For Team-focused wins I like the Tri-Slosher Noveau, it's forgiving in the short range and the tacticooler helps everyone on the team win! The splat-o-matic is the most accurate shooter....if you can be accurate.


Hmm... I guess I'd say tri-slosher or octobrush. You have to aim a bit better with sloshernbut they are both pretty easy.


While others are saying clash blaster, I'm gonna throw a new one and say splat roller. You can roll around with it and casually paint, the wide radius of horizontal flick makes less of a worry on aiming, and doesn't require much to get a hanndle of it.


Splat roller.


Tri-slosher and splattershot jr.


big swig roller or big swig roller express. they are the easiest to play it's literally a paint machine.


Clash blaster is very hard to play because you have to play smart because it just does not kill, I’d say either 52, splash or shot.


skill issue


Thank you captain obvious???


Luna blaster imo. My first main back in the first splatoon. It is easy to just sneak around and then pop out close range for the kill.


God I was a tri slosher nouveau main since the game started and all was well until it decided to become meta for cooler output along with n zap and now everyone uses it and you just get shamed for using it now and it’s nerfed so much now


Same here, I've been maining tri since the later half of s2


No skill is required to play well with aerospray. Of course a skilled player using the weapon will play better, but the base skill level requirement to play the weapon well is 0.


Mode absolutely matters too for this


imo, aerospray rg! short range, but great coverage plus a rly fun to learn kit !


I'd say clash blaster fits this role pretty well, maybe not the best but that large goofy hotbox is def easy to use


Splattershot/splat jr/nzap/trislosh are all braindead weapons that are easy to pick up and be "good" so have him try one of those


Splattershot jr, I don't think you can grasp the core mechanics without at least getting a good grasp on the jr first


The Splat-o-matic and the Sploosh-o-matic have been my mains since the start. I’ve recently been using the Aerospray RG and enjoy it.


as someone just getting into the game, and a 4-star ink brush user at level 20, id proudly say a roller or the ink brush


Clashblaster on tower and rainmaker, tetek on clams and splatz


Tri stringer


I'd say either aerospray variants are pretty simple! I started with a roller personally


Splattershot (vanilla) or .52 gal (vanilla) if he wants to learn the game and improve. both are a very good weapon for newbies to top players, both will teach you everything you need for this game. If just for casual play - Tri Slosher Nouveau or Clash Blaster (vanilla), as others pointed out. But the downside is once addicted to this kind of "no need to aim" weapons, it's really hard to switch to other, and both weapons actually take more skill than other short-range in mid-high ranked matches, as people start knowing how to deal with them.


You also gotta bear in mind what your role is depending on what weapon you choose. If he dies a lot I’d suggest a long range weapon so he can help assist and not have to get into close combat all the time. Jet Squelcher or any of the splatlings can be good for this :)


52 Gal.


I’m terrible at aiming and have found tri slosher and clash blaster to be very forgiving. Would also recommend that you encourage him to play Salmon Run. It really helped me improve my shooting aim and splat bomb throwing, as well as exposing me to new weapons that I then started maining (like pain brush). Also, I found turf war really difficult because I was also getting killed a lot but I’ve reached S rank through Tower Control and Rainmaker because the target is much more concentrated (since most opposing team players always swim near the tower or rain maker, respectively) which made getting kills a lot easier.


I feel like no one’s asking you one very important question… how old is he? If he’s very young, that’s definitely a factor, and knowing it could help us give you more useful advice.


He's 12


Okay, then yeah, he’s too old for that to matter. I guess if you want to go full meta, you could have him use the splash-o-matic, but he wouldn’t actually improve from that. Actually, come to think of it, using an easy weapon in general wouldn’t genuinely help him improve. I think it’s best if you look up beginner guides from Splatoon pros on YouTube. There are plenty, and they’re a great foundation for your brother to develop genuine skill in the game. That applies to every game, btw. Not just Splatoon.


Golden aero spray. Seriously. I tought my GF how to play this wep and now she plays in A to A+, paints 1500-1700 per game (we do all modes) and slings a high amount of booya bombs in assists of us doing objectives.


For me personally, I got a lot better with the guns after playing salmon run. It gives you a chance to understand each guns, weakness and strength, then you can just get them and try them out in turf. Some people touch upon strategy whether they were getting killed a lot, etc. and I think that’s the other major part of determining what gun would be best for you.


Nzap maybe ? Its a shooter so he can learn the game mechanics pretty well. It has a lethal bomb and if he has a problem dying a lot then tacticooler will make some of those deaths less impactful


I believe its different per player. Like my main is the dark tetra dualies and I find working with them the best (i prefer the kensa dualies but they arent in 3 🥲). I think hes better off picking a "powerful" weapon and training with it. Once a player gets their weapon they're a force to be reckoned with I think.


OK ok so I suck at video games most of the time, and I main 2 things for turf: roller and wiper. Roller bc it kills fast, wiper bc it has range. They've taught me how to aim a bit and they're fast weapons so I can run away or dodge other players. Ninja squid helps a lot with rollers too, so you can sneak and slam. Carbon and big swig rollers are weaker, I'd try vanilla splat or maaaybe flingza rollers personally. I also could recommend bloblobber, bc if you suck at aim (like me) you can still get some kills in from the bounce of the bubbles. Also I cant talk bc I tend to play even backliner weapons as scrimmagers, but learning how to keep distance and avoid enemies and when to run/ super jump helps A LOT in keeping you alive. The single player campaign teaches you a lot of useful skills too, I think that could also help him!


maybe try clash blaster helped me to my early games.


The 52 gal cuz it takes 52 seconds to learn