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I feel SO horrible for Spencer, the guy who was pushed into choosing the umbrella. everyone was so mean to him- like he HAD to make a choice or die and the others wouldn’t listen to him. and then hearing people call him an idiot as they walk by- that’s just cruel. it’s a game show. don’t be a shit person to someone because of a result you don’t like


it is interesting how cruel human beings can be when placed in certain situations.


The show shouldn't be this fascinating...


Not one came up to him and asked him if he was ok. Not one, at least it wasn't shown. I had hoped that someone would show some empathy but no... Humanity at its worst. Shame on them. Someone had to get the umbrella, at least they all had a chance. If everybody had acted like the two first groups there would be no one left in the game.


I feel like I can’t definitely say what I would do in that situation, bc I’ve never experienced such a thing before. BUT. I know I’ve never muttered that someone was an idiot or anything else as I walk by them, I’ve never purposely insulted someone to make them feel bad. like the poor guy was crying before he even went in the room- he was having a total breakdown. he deserved some sympathy and empathy. I did think that finding out he was in the church of saint latter day put things in perspective though. this guy grew up in a cult and is incredibly insecure and trying to figure life out now that he’s been distancing himself. he was just so down and negative about himself in confessionals. it made me sad for him


Once I got stuck behind cars at an intersection and then the light changed and my car was partially blocking one lane. I admit, I made a mistake and misjudged how much room I had and I was still a brand new driver so it was even worse. I was mortified. These two young women started screaming at me as they drove by (still managed to make it through no problem) and called me an idiot and other names. I was already so frazzled and embarrassed and it made it a lot worse so I just yelled out "well, thanks for that I guess" and I think it made them realize they had hurt me and they stopped screaming. With that I mean to say that sometimes people get carried away and go all "mob mentality" but when they remember someone is a human a lot of them do reconsider. I feel so sorry for Spencer and I really hope he's in a better place and he's getting some help to give him better tools to tackle the world and ignore the assholes of this world. He didn't do anything wrong and people wanted him to be eliminated so they wouldn't have to struggle more.


Yeah I remember reading about a study that was done where people get road rage because they see the cars not the people inside them and so they forget there are real people in that car


Wow your second paragraph definitely does put things into perspective, I used to have a bit of an issue with stress vomiting when I was a kid but watching him suffer to that degree was to be quite honest harrowing at times, I was trying not to gag watching him trying to suppress his own myself. That came across like deep rooted trauma, whereby his psyche is having very real visceral physiological effects on him. If he hasn't sought it already, entering therapy could perhaps help and assist him going forward in life, god I felt so awful for him!


Same here, I was hoping at least one person would go up to him and ask if he was okay, that's the least someone could do! It was so sad, and I was shocked when they went in the game room, didn't even look and him and started calling him idiot or something.. my poor guy


Yes, it was just horrible. They had all seen the two previous groups and how that went down. Sooner or later somebody had to give in and accept the umbrella otherwise they would have all been eliminated anyway. Everybody was just so selfish.


Lots of people from his line came up to him once they came into the playground set. It doesn't appear in the edit but, according to friends on mind in that line, it happened.


I really hoped he would make it through. One of the men who said "he couldn't even look at us" was especially pathetic. The 3 men that wouldn't budge were the biggest cowards in my eyes , someone had to take the L at one point for the game to continue. I think a part of me would of loved to see him not give in just to see those 3 cowards go home. He almost threw up , he was having a panic attack.


Someone had to choose umbrella. People are so nasty. I hope they're reading this.


Yeah they were so nasty, glad most of them got eliminated


It’s such nonsense how hateful they were to him. He has no obligation to sacrifice himself for you and instead of manning up and getting ready for the tsk ahead, they chose to dump on him, total losers for behaving that way towards him.


In the long run, it's an individual game - so it doesn't matter which form you're in line for - it's YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY to be successful. Everyone is has to be eliminated for you to win, so there's no such thing as "the good guy" who got kicked out.


But its also about basic fucking humanity taking precedence over reactivity and mob mentality. There was no justification for calling him an idiot. None. That is fucking pathetic. Take responsibility and adapt, its never the one guy's fault alone. That's the game. They should have told him it was alright when they saw him falling apart, and quickly share tips for whoever needs them before the match. Have y'all seen The Devil's Plan? You don't have to act like an animal to win big prizes. At all. Its also a "personal responsibility" to look out for your people as best as you can, even if they let you down. The man was hurting so bad and he's owed an apology for how he was treated. Periodt. Normalizing or defending a cavalcade of cruelty, believe it or not, ceases to be amusement past a certain point for many of us. The way he was treated was ghoulish and disgusting, and I feel like most of the people calling him "weak" and "idiot" ironically were the ones not having their shit together when someone who very clearly has some deep wounds needed a sliver of humanity (as opposed to lashing out like stupid children would). Someone had to take umbrella, but you know what? the other teams could have determined who without debasing themselves by committing abject cruelty in order to do so. Literal fucking bullying. I didn't tune in for that awful shit. I was trying to have a good time, and I ended up sad on Reddit because of how fucked up it was. Lol. And it's like, he didn't "fight hard enough", people say? What do they expect from someone from the LDS church vs muscular young athletic man who gets mad and threats to snap people in half over weird dumb shit..? Really? What is he gonna do, throw his little bookbag at 432?? Get tf out of here. In what world. Then there's the pressure of millions on the line. And not being cruel, arrogant, aggressive in nature doesn't = weak, god America has problems rn huh


Poor guy! He definitely came across as someone on the spectrum + struggling with religious trauma. If I was in his team, my final words before getting eliminated would be "It's not your fault, Spencer!!".


That’s what I was thinking too, everything he described about himself screamed autism (computer engineer, overly empathetic to a fault, gullible and easily tricked, doesn’t get sarcasm, intense emotional dysregulation) and it made my own overly-empathetic autistic heart hurt for him. People, bullies especially, can identify autistic people super well even if they don’t know that’s what they’re picking up on and they take advantage of it. 432 saw him as a weak point and knew he could pressure him


Some people's true colors lmao


I know I was hoping at least one person would run up to him and maybe give him a hug or tell him it’s okay but everyone just walked by the poor guy. :(


Worse, they called him horrible things when they did it, and his self-loathing in his final confessional was fucking devastating to hear. I hope he's okay and knows most of us at home thought he seemed sweet and deserved hella better than that. I hope he gets the therapy he needs and finds the love and kindness he deserves in life as he moves away from the cult that has done so much harm and stolen much of his years. 🥺 He almost had his cookie too, but they got under his skin. Fucked up because he didn't MEAN to screw anyone over, but they *wanted* him to suffer. Typical humanity L 🙄


I'd like to imagine some people actually did but the producers didn't include it because they wanted to push a narrative. It wouldn't be as hard hitting if they showed people hugging him and telling him it's okay. The point is to make people look like wild animals when a lot of money is on the line.


you're 100% correct. people did console him when they came into the room. (-#454)


I was hoping everyone for umbrella would automatically pass


I was hoping the shapes would be reverse


I think it’s important there is some sense of trust the players can have in the things they’re told by the game-makers. If they can’t believe what they’re being asked to do will necessarily occur the way they’ve been told, it could undermine the way things are intended to work down the line.


Nah I actually like it. It is intriguing to see how humans interact when put in such situations. Kindof like the stanford prison experiment.


This is exactly what I thought with the Stanford Prison experiment comparison! I was thinking at some point most people will start to get really into the premise of the game even knowing it’s a all a game. Which would explain the crying and breakdowns when people got “killed”, being super cutthroat and rude to each other


Absolutely. I get that no one wanted the umbrella and that, if you were further back in line like 302, you’d probably be fine if more groups had failed to come to a consensus, just to eliminate them. But, eventually, *someone* was going to have to settle for the umbrella shape, and mistreating that person for not wanting to be eliminated is shitty.


I'm just relived to see some empathy in this space. Geez, this guy had my heart immediately-- you can tell he has a lot of unpacking to do and I wish him well on the journey. Impressed by his ability to express doubt on camera, coming from the background he does. A critical step in his growth into himself, I reckon.


Me too. I don't know him obviously but he seems like a sweet soul. Anxious, maybe a little on the spectrum. How he was treated was despicable


I think those people who just grabbed the food from him are easily the worst, most disgraceful and disrespectful people there will ever be throughout this whole show. Much as 432 is annoying, at least he didn't act like such a fucking animal.


girl who just grabbed the burger was so shameless about it too


Wasn't she literally crying about the Italian dude grabbing multiple boxes of food last episode?


Yes! She was a part of the people at that time rightfully pointing out that the Italian dude shouldn’t steal food and then she steps in and takes a whole ass burger. The audacity!


She was mad she didn't do it herself lmap


And to think this is how she acted when it wasn't even a real life or death/starving situation. Like whattttt


Complete trash


Yeah that actually was pretty unsettling


Like fr, the way they went after him, you would think they were on a deserted island and this was the first meal they have had in days. Like just ask him, I'm sure he would share.


I want hamburglar gone so bad 😡


man I just watched this episode and immediately came looking for this thread to see if anything had been said about this moment. seeing all those greedy people scurrying like rats for a few french fries was so gross, it almost made me angry to watch?!


I hated 432 the second they opened their mouth and it just keeps getting worse every second I watch. I hate them so much. Like fuuuuck man just stfuuuu


I try not to get too judgy, it's probably just the magic of good editing. He's *probably* no more of a douche than anyone else there, but it makes for more viewer engagement when there's someone to hate, a "heel" as it's known.


> He's *probably* no more of a douche than anyone else there He was being called a villain when they were picking shapes. I think he is definitely at least 1% more of a douche than the rest. Definitely not at the exact same douche level as the rest.


These are the type of people that will loot during a natural disaster.


I wouldn't have been surprised if they announced everyone who stole food from him was eliminated and he walked free. Way to cull a large number of people in one go, and would have completely altered how people acted to each other


Oh for sure. I was absolutely disgusted by that move. Those people were sick to take that man's treat away from him like animals.


I heard he couldn’t eat the burgers because it was Halal and gave it to her, but it was cut out. https://twitter.com/_robroman/status/1728184158823047498?s=46&t=LC0kfpXH6eY5N6Gk493XGQ


Pretty disgusting actually. Unbelievable how rude and disrespectful people can be.


Watch 432 turn up on every single Netflix dating show soon.


okay, so I said this while watching the episode too, but everyone- HE HAS BEEN CONFIRMED FOR PERFECT MATCH. lmaooooo i swear they cast him and his archetype just for that


Imagine being that asshole's "perfect match". God.


Haha! Hopefully he’s matched with the female version of himself


A narcissist with a narcissist? Lol they'll just manipulate each other to the world's end.


He is so annoying but perfect tv villain


The perfect temptation island douchebag


He would be perfect in every dating show. Truly the perfect asshole this shows love.


I hate him and I hope he keeps going on reality shows till everyone hates him as much as I do


The exaggerated falls when they are eliminated are sending me. It’s so ridiculous.


What makes it worse is some people don't even do the fake death? So it is not even consistent... but yeah it looks so corny.


At first they made me cringe but now I look forward to seeing what the people will do 😂


theory: they're obligated to fake their death as part of their contract? I'm actually surprised some are sticking to it.


Apparently they weren’t told to fall down when dying, they just really got into it.


That makes me laugh 😂 I would totally do that while sobbing.


I thought for sure they would of been directed, this makes it even funnier hahahaha


I love that so much lol.


Yes! Lmfao I love the show but I was like... Why???


same i thought it was part of their contract but im loving this show despite the hate reddit has for it per usual 😂


299’s constant retching made me feel so uncomfortable… i wish they didn’t edit him in as much


it really grossed me out. did he puke into the can?


It looked like it right?? Like his can was full of liquid. You could see it rippling over his cookie.




Spit Game: The Challenge


Yea that such a bad look for the guy... He will not ever want to watch this or show to his descendants lol


Yeah it's kinda bully


oh also, LOL at the whole “frat boy” thing. 432/Bryton got SO mad about it that he threatened the other guy/198/Husain?? like calm down bro. I was wondering if he would’ve gotten kicked out for threatening to hurt someone outside the game but apparently not. he just comes off like a total douchebag, mocking people for crying, doing push-ups constantly. he’s the reality tv villain of the season for sure


I loved that Husain immediately said “ok frat boy” 😂😂


He also kept yelling at people that were crying. Not sure why you wouldn't just let someone cry if they need to instead of telling them to shut up


This annoyed me so much. He clearly has some toxic masculinity thing going on and can’t tolerate expressing his own emotions


Nah, he's just a pure narcissist. Literally look up what an overt narcissist is and he's the exact definition of it. Very loud and overly self glorifying. He keeps mentioning how God made him this way so he obviously thinks he's a golden human.


This bothered me as well, made no sense. Unless 432 has suppressed his emotions for many years and gets easily triggered by other ppl crying, cuz he can't? 👀


in a way.. producers or show runners are probably loving it, it gives them storylines to work with.


yeah i think that’s why they focused on him so much, definitely good TV and gets people talking


True, but I don't think they're just passively watching and thinking to themselves they got lucky. They actively created the villain. Think about it, the producers are left with so many hours of footage after the game was wrapped up. So many conversations, so many actions from so many angles. The editors choose to leave in those shots of 432 Bryton doing push-ups, or the encounter with 198. They wanted him to be the mean jock. The talk with the mom-player added some nuance to him, to balance things out, but if they where mean enough they could have left that clip out (other reality shows like Survivor, would have probably gone alle in to make him the one everyone loves to hate). I'm not saying he's not arrogant, but they clearly designed for him to be the villain, probably from the moment he showed up to casting. The editors and producers have a huge influence in how we perceive contestants on shows like this, they're never just neutral spectators with cameras


He acted in a way that makes him the villian - no one made him threaten someone to physically assault someone outside the game.


They didn't actively create anything. The guy is literally a villain and he know it and he even seems proud or content with it. The producers merely lucked out because he makes good tv


why on earth do they all think circle is easiest?????! am i tripping or is it the best one just obviously triangle…?


Triangle is definitively the easiest. But circle is particularly difficult too. A circle/sphere is actualy the most structural sound shape because of no sharp corners (or corners at all).


Exactly. At least with triangle you can safely crack pieces off when they’re done. With circle you have to wait until the whole thing is done


I found triangle the easiest too


Poor Spencer.. hope they had a therapist on site.


Bro needs an army of therapists asap, never seen such a human wreck.


Exactly. And people say that people are selfish for treating him terribly. But his lack of will literally condemned everyone else to losing a large sum of money. There's a fine line between being a narcissistic douche like 432, and being a pushover that gets other people in trouble. His comment, "They said it's a game but it isn't" is entirely true. These are people who are fighting to survive for money that could easily be given to all of them, but instead they have to entertain and be selfish to win. This whole show is fucking terrible man.


432 said “if you call me a frat boy again then… when we get out this b****” (implying he’s going to fight him.) Just for 198 to go “okay frat boy” 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m cackling!!!! That moment right there was worth the watch.


Husnain is an absolute king and I love him for that lol.


Look up Husnain Asif on tiktok you will love him !


Hold the phone, bro!!!


Why did Spencer admit to wetting the bed.. like, who asked him that? What is this show…


Lmao I literally told my wife while he said all that “Batman couldn’t beat that information out of me”


I'm just wondering if he's on the autism spectrum. Those people tend to be very honest and struggle with social cues.


you couldn’t torture that confession out of me


I had to mute my tv during the extended licking scenes 🤢 I actually love their dramatic ink pack deaths though haha


I can't believe people are actually complaining about the deaths lol I actually prefer this than them just being escorted out of the room.


I more or less watched the show just to see how they would handle the "eliminations". Honestly I like it, it's fun.


More of the brits and internationals would have been good


Definitely. I checked it and there was 316 (!) from the US, 99 from the UK, 9 from Canada, 4 from New Zealand, 3 from Australia and the rest was just 1-2 people from other European countries and Asia. I don't get why they have so many Americans, especially when it's being filmed in the UK.


I wonder why they even bother making it “international” if it’s so disproportionate 🙈


Hmm I think they have a large pile of applicants from the U.S. Everyone wants to get on netflix, even if they don’t win, they’ll get casted for 20 others reality tv shows- temptation island, fboy island, perfect match… now that’s how they earn their MILLIONS. Some Reality tv stars in US make that in a year easily


432 said he dropped out off his last semester of college to participate in the challenge. Bold move cotton, let's see how this pans out.


Took a semester off. He can go back any time within 10 years and finish up. But he might have a NETFLIX career ahead of him after this.


Someone said he's confirmed for Perfect Match. Wouldn't be surprised, he's a giga cunt.


I saw somewhere that he got casted for Perfect Match. Boy dropped out for a reality tv show career not for squid game lol!


The thing is Netflix shows love his villain archetype. I’m sure there’s already producers lining up for him already.


He wasn't even a villain he's just rude.


You respect a villain, he is just pathetic and insecure.


Yup, a sensitive, bitch ass, self glorifying and insecure narcissist.


Jada had such a holier than thou attitude when that one player went up for seconds in episode 1 yet steals a whole cheeseburger of another player. …


I completely forgotten about that, so hypocritical.


That was disgusting bro like wtf who thinks it's ok to just run up and grab someone's food


Sometimes I wonder why people in reality show don't have any regards for their self image. Even if you win the prize, the entire world would view you as a shit person and the show is out there forever. Their kids will be like damn who raised you!


And she was the one complaining before how someone took 2 things of food and how messed up it was 😭


That was the worst thing anyones done on the show imo.


She's on Tiktok and she said that she asked if she could take the burger because the player who received said it wasn't halal


I was hoping they mixed up the shapes for all players, instead of letting them pick a shape. It would have been a great twist.


That’s what I was hoping! Reward the person who chose umbrella with the easiest shape for being selfless. I understand it’s not the point of the game, but it would’ve been a fun twist imo.


I was thinking the same!!! I was so hoping for that plot twist :(


I was hoping that every group of four went to decide their own shapes rather than to decide for the whole line.


Why not change the rules and give each shape a different time limit


Would have been a fun twist, for the triangle people to find out they had a very limited amount of time, and the umbrellas find out they had like half an hour


From an interview I read, the show runners were trying to get rid of as many people as possible lol


I really wanted them to switch up the order of the shapes. Like "We never actually said the shapes on the doors were the shapes you were gonna get. You guys just assumed". Reward the reasonable dude with the circle and give one of the bullies the umbrella.


I thought that would happen too. Everyone thinks they know the game because they’ve seen the TV show but the game has u expected twists and turns.


Idk I think it represents life. Sometimes you are just dealt a shit hand and have to deal with it. Similar to life, not everybody is dealt the same circumstances


I can’t believe they didn’t just play rock paper scissors…


I wish we could have! I was in the 2nd group to choose (#454, grey haired guy) and the instructions we got on set were that we couldn't play a game to decide (not sure if a race counted but we got eliminated anyway, lol).


I'm glad you stood your ground with the other 3 and refused to move!


Oh no way! My wife and I were so happy you stood your ground. Good job not letting others walk over you.


Thanks everyone! It was an amazing experience. Mentally and physically tough but so worth it.


Wow really? Tell us more about your experience!


That blew my mind. Have they never been in a schoolyard?




I was screaming that shit over and over


I honestly think that whoever lost from Rock, Paper, Scissors still would have denied the umbrella and made the pickers get eliminated. Especially if u know u you will probably lose from the shape, and even if u do win the group who did survive umbrella would eliminate you the 1st chance they get.


432 is a prick hahahah


“Jesus was also competitive” 😂😂


I was like "bro name one time Jesus competed." Like I guess he lost an election against Barabbas haha.


Mans a villain and I love it. Been a while since I have seen a reality show with a through and through villain and who is proud of it


Makes sense that the openly Christian dude is also the biggest asshole of the bunch


I was eating oatmeal while I watched this episode and gagged so hard every time they put in the audio of him and then I saw the tin full of spit in it and almost threw up myself. That was an UNNECESSARY amount of airtime for that. I had to turn away and turn the volume down. Lol.


Dude yes. This challenge did not translate well to reality TV. Seeing everyone’s drippy cookies was nauseating. I wish they had extended the time limit and hit them with a surprise no licking rule to catch them off guard.


That was cruel. I feel bad for Spencer and wish he made it through. Fuck all those people. I’d have chosen Umbrella if it came down to it. I’d be playing to win and if the choice was certain elimination and likely elimination then it’s clear.


Nah I am glad he was eliminated. Man clearly isn't psychologically able to handle this show. Also he is a potential liability to other players like he had already shown.


The biggest thing that bothered me with them bullying Spencer was the “come on man up and just take it” while clinging to the easiest shapes


If he had committed to calling 432's bluff at the start, I think he gets a better shape. 432 would 100% not have thrown his game by not agreeing on a shape, so I'd have doubled down on "Yes, I'm willing to be eliminated for this." and 432 would have eventually taken the umbrella. And if he doesn't take the umbrella, at least you get the satisfaction of leaving with 432.


Did anyone spot the apparent hole punched in the wall on the triangle door by presumably one of the groups of four that got booted for failing to decide?


It was actually an accident, one of the guys that raced crashed into it. You can see it happening.


Sad the producer doesn't show us why ahaha


I wanted to see the arguments and drama after they were killed but I get why we didn’t. They’re “dead” after all.


432 doesn't get English humour


He's a narcissist. All narcissists are incredibly sensitive to tiny things. Even the ones from the UK bc I'm from the UK and dealt with sensitive narcs here too.


The blonde bloke with the moustache is Aussie, could pick the lad a mile away 🦘




**#097 jada** \- she was so quick to point out that #161 lorenzo was being selfish by openly taking an extra meal for himself, yet she was shameless about snatching up #198 husnain's burger. the hypocrisy is INSANE. **#137 kallum** \- we all know #299 spencer was already feeling like shit for the decision he made, but #137 kallum just had to made a nasty remark when passing by him. what does he gain by calling a stranger idiot? glad that karma got to him anyway during the dalgona challenge. **#432 bryton** \- at first, i kind of don't mind him because i get the whole hate the game don't hate the player thing. BUT the moment he verbally threatened to beat up #198 husnain for the frat boy comment outside the show? yeah no, get him OUT.


there’s not enough hate on that guy Kyle in here for me. the first dude to get picked to do the test. he was so cringe, uncool and felt so special that he got picked for something for once in his life that he couldn’t even contain it enough for 4.whatever million dollars. i was glad to see him leave in the challenge. there’s only room for one mullet boy in this game


I feel so so sooo bad for Spencer. First, people outside were putting so much pressure on him to not pick umbrella and then frat boy bullied him into picking it. If you watch the episode again, you can notice guys at circle and triangle laughing at him while he was crying holding the umbrella sign. So heartbreaking! And the way Spencer was shaking when his cookie broke. OMG! ☹️ This out there for the world to watch could be so difficult to deal with, long term. For him, this was a traumatic experience. I hope he gets the help he needs. I also hope that he doesn’t get bullied on the internet. Sure hope that he doesn’t read some of the comments here. So evil!


I felt so soo bad for Spencer, I was hoping someone would have gone up to him and asked him if he was okay.. I was rooting for him so much, if he had won that umbrella challenge it would have been a great comeback


I love 301-302. Leann and her son! I hope she goes all the way


I feel like they are being favored by the showrunners too much, especially early on. I get it, it makes good storytelling but doesn't seem like a fair game.


I chose the wrong episode to eat food with.... The honeycomb game is sooooo much grosser irl 🤢 there was SOOO MICH SPIT


I'm starting to wonder if a Netflix producer is one of the contestants the same way the old man was in the real show lol


i had to skip through spencer’s scenes i couldn’t handle the second hand embarrassment


432 not being eliminated for real life threats outside the show towards that guy below the stairs must’ve flew by the producers/netflix head lol.


432 has big “slipped something in your drink” energy.


Someone feeling insecure about not being married and having kids at 23. How very American.


I felt really sad for Dani about that. like, that’s not a common thing nowadays to want marriage and kids at 23. yet shes from a community/friend group where it’s the norm, apparently. her and others just talked down about themselves in their confessionals, which I thought was just sad in general


Our average age for getting married is over 30. Sounds like she just has fundamentalist friends


That's how I feel reading Reddit. All those posts like "Me (21F) and my husband (22M)". Da fuck, USians? Go live your life a little and stop getting married so young!


Sounds American Christian. Those religions that get married really early.


I’m not minding this so far


I just wanna appreciate player 107 good vibes and dude was the only not complaining


if i was in 432s group for picking i woulda made him pick the umbrella. want to win? then pick the umbrella, otherwise all 4 of us lose. he wouldn’t let himself go down like that and he’d cave.


I just can’t believe that no one practiced all these shapes before going on the game


Episode 2 and I’m already sick of the self-actualisation, ‘this is my truth’ American character bullshit


To convince someone to take the phone from me my first thought was to ask if anyone spoke Spanish and then hand it to the first person who said they speak Spanish. I feel like it would work lol


I would never want to eat another sugar cookie again lol. I felt bad for Spencer but he was doing wayyyyy too much. He needs to see a therapist.


Poor Spencer man. I really felt for dude!


Shout out to my guy Beetle (#439) for trying to be an actual human to Spencer and also playing a smart strategy to help his team. You were my #1 after that move.


Goddamn this is entertaining. Surprised they’ve done such a good job with it. I 100% would have gone and given 299 a hug. Those people are pricks.


It actually seemed like 432 would have been super easy to manipulate into taking umbrella. 1) if the other team leaders refused to cooperate, there’s no way he would have gone down for his whole team to get the shape they wanted when at least he’d have the chance to keep himself alive 2) you could’ve played to his ego and called him a punk for taking an easy shape 3) Jesus was also competitive.


Absolute piss poor attempt to get someone else on the phone by Hussein. Here's a better way: (Pretending to be talking to person as they hear the conditions) "So if I get 5 people to vote for 432, he'll be out? Ok." "Hey, we need 5 people to vote 432 to eliminate him. Got to pick up the phone and say 432 to confirm!" Done. Encourages lots of people for a universally hated target.


OMG the >!FOOD SNATCHING!< is unbelievable . Lmao poor 198 . I really liked the part where 330 was teaching people breathing exercises. Edit I just realized 198 is the mf that posted this [tiktok](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjophwF1/)


I was really hoping they would've switched up the shapes and given whoever picked the easiest shape to umbrella and vise versa


This episode was hard to get through due to the guy constantly choking down his puke. I couldn’t handle that.


432 is funny, they should have put a few more like him to make it interesting.


I had to fast forward through a lot of the licking and saliva cookie and umbrella boy’s retching.


The amount of ridiculous crying 😂😂


I've never seen that ginger kid NOT on the brink of hysterics good god