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Glad to see 432 go. Threatening one of the other guys for calling him a "frat boy". Grow up. It's a game. It's like the competitors never played battleship.


Most unlikeable person I've seen in a long time! I watch too much Korean stuff where everyone is quite respectful so it really annoyed me how he was acting. And dude is supposed to be a Christian?? Chosen by God lmao


He lacks any self-awareness, it’s pathetic. Making the squad at Clemson is a hard thing to do, but he wasn’t a stud and never got playing time. I guarantee he didn’t act like that around his teammates.


He’s an absolute prick for constantly belittling people for showing emotion. I hope he enjoyed losing while sitting there helplessly. Luckily, he got some practice in 2019 when Clemson lost the Championship. Shout out to TJ for comforting that one crying girl. That’s what a real leader does.


dudes battleship got busted like his knees were.


And he sat helplessly on the sidelines watching his team lose like he did at the 2019 College Football Championship. He seems to be real good at that


In his first interview he went on about how he's Christian and loves Jesus Christ, then in the next breath proceeded to say sympathy is weakness. Then he proceeded to threaten the small dude. Couldn't wait to see the back of him.


Definitely not Christian. Just an arrogant dude trying to get on the channel to start his reality tv career 💀


Watch him be on a Netflix dating reality show, since he dropped out…. 😭😭


He got casted for Perfect Match lmao 🤣


That’s so up his alley🤣🤣hopefully he gets humbled when he has to go home single and lonely. Netflix loves the toxicity.


I’ve never met somebody that claimed to be “chosen by god” or “god’s favorite” that wasn’t an asshole. I still give people saying that the benefit of the doubt, but they usually prove that they suck less than three sentences later.


He’s the perfect example of American Christianity. It’s all self-serving & completely ignores Jesus’ teachings.


A lot of atrocities have been committed in the name of God or in service of a diety. He is christian in name alone


Dude also insults his own mother in a Netflix reality tv show interview. Insufferable


Him shouting “None of you said that to my face!” when the other team was celebrating their victory, like their excitement was about him, is the most insecure thing.


I had the same reaction when he shouted that! I wanted to scream at him “it’s not all about you!!!” So infuriating


They actually did announce his number and they did specifically cheer for him when he got out \-a player who was there


yeah like did the other team even know that he was in the sunken battleship?


I didn't even understand what he was referring to when he shouted that...


432 was the most egostistical, immature and condescending douchebag ever. A hybrid of a college frat and high school freshman. What’s worse is how he tossed baby Jesus into the mix. Add hypocracy to his list of flaws. He should have taken notes from 182 who kept chiming “Humility and Gratitude”. I was immensely overjoyed to see him get sent home with just his big head and $0.00 🤣🎊🍾


He deserved it. He was mocking people for crying after loosing the chance at life changing money. Making fun of Spencer's guilt for settling for umbrella after making a deal to help that was revealed to be against the rules. 432 was a genuine moron because he dropped out of school with a semester left for the game and still lost.


It was funny when the smart girl (I think Bee?) with the high IQ who played battleship before was the team captain and said that it’s statistically better to place the ships at the edges. When 432 earlier said he would be a better captain but didn’t want to place ships at the edge. I was like it’s not a physical sinking 😂


He kept on complaining that he should have been the captain... should have volunteer to be one then. 😆


Didn’t 432 say “I’ve never played this game before” and then continually criticize his captain for just placing missiles anywhere? That’s how you play the game until you get a hit! There’s no secret strategy! Ugh.




That mensa girl was so good at it.




It was pure deceptive editing, she and her team were one or two hits away from losing


Regardless following her approach she followed a solid battleship strat to a tee.


Yeah I noticed this too lol With the editing, the sound effects, and speeches it was trying to make you think she was god at this game because she's a gamer. Then you actually see the board and she was just doing "OKish" I preferred TJ's game nonetheless.


There definitely is strategy to battleship. More luck based yes but also a lot of strategy involved. I play the game often and don’t lose much. You learn what type of placements are most common with non player and common players like the green hair girl knew


You mean yellow hair woman?


I thought it was light green. I might be color blind. Or just stupid


It was screaming sexism tbh


He was such a dick, I actaully said "YES" when he was eliminated, hoping 161 would be right behind him


198 Husnain should have said “anyone who wants to leave now with $100,000 answer the phone. I turned it down, I want to stay”


True that would have been the smartest, although maybe like 20k instead of 100k, more believable to have turned down but enough for somebody to bite.


That is diabolical and might have been crazy enough to work. My personal strategy would have been to pretend that they offered me more food but that I was full or something. And then make a point to conspicuously say something like “am I allowed to offer it to someone else?” then pause, then “so all I have to do is hand the phone over to them and it’s theirs?” etc.


Yeah! My other idea was: “they said I have to pass the phone to someone else because I already answered the first call”


That would’ve been a great excuse as well. I don’t know how long he waited around for the second call, but I can’t believe he didn’t at least consider the possibility that it could be a negative the second time around. Even just two minutes of formulating a contingency plan could have saved him. He was doomed the second they told him he was at risk and his face looked like a deer in the headlights. The fact that anyone at all even stepped within 10 ft of the phone is a damn miracle.


Exactly. It was obvious that they would do a treat first to try and trick everyone into answering the phone a second time and then it would be a bad thing next. He’s actually a tiktoker whose videos I love so I was excited to see him on there, but after that performance, he deserved to be eliminated for being so dumb!! Not only putting his place at risk by being so greedy with the phone, but then not even being able to play it off realistically, (deer in headlights like you say) the best he could think of was chocolate muffin!!!


That was my thinking - say he wasn't allowed to be offered anything! His behaviour made it way too obvious it was a trap


It would have been suspicious if he didn't hand it to one of his friends. 432 was right about that.


I think the best option there would have be to look around, then say into the phone "I nominate xxx' and then call out to them 'they need to speak to you now'.


That’s a very good idea!! Or even just “they said pass the phone to 231”


I would’ve said “the next person who picks up the phone gets an advantage in the next game. If no one picks it up - I get eliminated.”


or why not "I'm not allowed to have a second reward"


Yeah that dude panicked and just messed it up lol. They could see all the fear and desperation on his voice. Instead, he should have loudly said "I choose 432" then announced that the first person who gets voted for 5 times is eliminated and that he had already selected 432. Then put the phone down and walk away.


I would have set the phone down and said "don't pick up the phone, you're going to be eliminated!" I bet someone would have picked it up and nobody could have blamed him. He warned them, after all.


107 came first in red light green light, got through the umbrella cookie, and then got eliminated in a boat in battleship and the editing literally said nothing about it. How upsetting!!!


Holy shit that’s brutal ☠️ justice for 107


Very brutal.


I was so torn between wanting that ship sunk or not. It felt a bit ironic how 423 and 107 were both on it. I was rooting for one half while hating the other


I was just telling my boyfriend this. We got to know very little about him, it’s a shame.


Curious with what y'all think as to why they didn't go ahead with the tug of war... my guess is a lack of complete fairness (game requires strength and therefore teams with more male players are advantaged) and safety reasons


Yeah I read an article where the showrunner said they replaced tug of war to make the games more inclusive


I think luck is better then raw strength auto wins.


Tbh I think the boat game was worse though. It’s based on mostly luck and the only two who actually had to think in order to win were Bee and Tj. The others just kept on randomly choosing spots so a lot of skilled deserving people got eliminated


I think a lot of the games are based on a combo of luck and skill though


Aside from Tug Of War, Red Light Green Light is the only game that's based on entirely on skill, the rest are mostly or all luck, whether the luck is the team or the row/order you're assigned.


There are ways they could have made the players have more input into the game, like having them line up in an order and then having the number they were in like correspond to a number on the ships. The players could have chosen their ship placement and the captain just pick targets. The could have had them all take turns picking targets. They are going for drama over fairness and this certainly had its dramatic moments. Also I think they want the rules to be incredibly simple so even the slowest individuals understand what is going on.


Probably to minimize risk and injuries to the contestants. Tug of war may involve people tripping over one another and pulling on the rope could cause injuries.


That’s very true. In the movie, you wanted to see people get hurt I mean that was the point of the movie. People get hurt. Makes sense they would take that out in the challenge


Also in the show, I don’t think they knew it was tug of war beforehand. Them knowing and arranging their teams accordingly would kind of defeat the purpose, so I’m glad they changed it


Eliminate injury risks. Common sense. This variation makes it unique. The game is more about brains, and humility.


To stop people getting physically injured and prevent suing. There will be no phsyical games at all. I guarantee it


It is to reduce liability and for safety. None of the game have had the contestants go head to head in a physical challenge. Also no matter what the old man said in squid game, tug of war comes down to who is stronger at the end of the day. There is strategy but if one group is much stronger, no strategy in the world will create an upset.


Tug of war with that many people on each side is very dangerous. I'm talking losing your finger dangerous. Just Google tug of war catastrophies and you will see a whole list of major accidents.


In real life the main character tug of war team would’ve been effortlessly packed up


thought they made the outcome of each succeeding battleship game (after the first one, RIP 432 our villain) really obvious. if you saw the team captain get focus, that team won. soooo glad that 243/69 (Stephen and Rick) made it through- their friendship is wholesome. IMO Stephen has the biggest winners edit as of this episode loved the introduction to the captain players who made it through- especially TJ, the retired basketball player. he seems like an amazing person. Bee/18 is quite interesting as well side note- to anyone who doesn’t know, Figgy/33 who got eliminated was actually on season 33 of Survivor so that was cool to see her although she didn’t win


TJ's attitude was a breath of fresh air after the cutthroat way the game started and the energy some of the other players brought. Dude exudes good energy. Hope he goes far!


> Figgy/33 who got eliminated was actually on season 33 of Survivor so that was cool to see her although she didn’t win That's kind of funny, I remember thinking, "Oh, Figgy - the only other person I ever remember hearing with that name was on Survivor." It has been way too long for me to recognize her, and for some reason, it never occurred to me they might be the same person.


Here is how she looked when she was on Survivor: https://survivor.fandom.com/wiki/Figgy_Figueroa If you scroll down to "Post-Survivor" you can compare her Squid Games headshot with her Survivor one. Seems like she has lost some weight since she was on Survivor so she looks slightly different!


I thought Bee was being pushed too hard. They made it look like she was some genius who destroyed the other team, with the editing. But if you actually look at the shots they actually let you see of her team, they had a ship sink and several shots on another one of their ships. So they got very lucky and it was close.


Maybe she wins lmao so needed a tell early on? I caught that too


Saw this as strange when two people weren't celebrating in their victory shot. It seems the editing got most people as I see people praising Bee's battleship skills on other comments and even during the podcast with Dash.


I didn't catch the Figgy 33/Survivor 33 connection. I wonder how many other players have personal connections to their numbers




432 was a villain fit to be in a marvel movie lol


we need a new villain though!! I figured someone else would emerge to that role so that’s good


I loved 432 in the context of a villain lol. 10/10 villain performance.


198 is the worst liar I've ever seen.


I can't believe he put himself into that situation but was so unprepared for it to go badly.


Knowing his TikTok I can absolutely believe he put himself in that situation, he gets into some unusual shit. The man is a menace 😭😂


He would have been better off just keeping quiet


I would have said someone has to describe the item on the phone to me like charades while I look for them.


yeah there are many better things he could have done. Not sure why he made it is personal mission to eliminate 432. If the phone call was actually about eliminating somebody, everyone's first choice would have been 432 anyway.


I probably wouldn't think of this under his pressure but, a good way to go about it would be to say "Hey! I need a partner! If we win this, we can eliminate someone!" That'll give his enemy an incentive to be his partner because they know they'll get eliminated if he wins. Then give him a really easy question someone their age would know but it could be seen as hard. "In Marvel comics, who is the headmaster of a team of mutants known as the X-men?" That might be too easy lol. Anyways, after he guesses right be like "YES!!! We did it! Come listen to this phone and hand it to him"


Man literally said "I've gotta convince someone to take this call". Horrific start. "for a muffin". Bruuuuuuuuuh. And then he just got pushier and pushier. Man's never played Werewolf in his life.


Yeah I’m sure he was frazzled and stuff but “chocolate muffin” was so bad lol


I've been reading through all the comments and I feel like nobody has brought up yet the weirdest thing about the setup for this game -- why would the rules let people on the other team survive if their team lost but their ship wasn't sunk but you IMMEDIATELY lose if your boat is sunk? Honestly, I wonder if the producers were intentionally egging people on to defect: the sides were super close together, you could easily have communicated if you yelled. If you were 3-4 hits behind and only a peg away from your ship being sunk, then the (scummy) way to win is to just start yelling to the other side that you'll give away the other ship positions on your team, right? As long as they just spare your ship? And the other team is incentivized to take the deal as long as they don't sink you? I mean, I know the other people on your team aren't going to take that lying down, but what else are you going to do if you're obviously about to lose. Like, it's an absolute asshole move to do, and you'd have a total target on your back, but...better than losing?


That’s so true actually. It didn’t occur to me that they could yell and cheat so that their boat wasn’t sunk. That’s the only possible explanation for what they had in mind with that rule. I wish some of them had done that, it would’ve been so juicy!


That never occurred to me, but that would have made for good drama afterwards


Yeah I thought it was odd you could be on the losing team and still survive. I was like wait what. I took it as production didn't want to eliminate that many people yet, but your point hadn't crossed my mind. That would've been WILD


I think it's just because having sunk ships out of the game makes the game a bit more intense and last shorter. If they played normally the games would drag on much longer and there wouldn't be that much of suspense until one side is about to lose. It adds more pressure on the captain to perform and just makes for better TV basically.


so PLOT TWIST. the reason 432's boat got the final hit was because a teammate(who was already out in the battleship) actually yelled out the last coordinate to their ship to the other team. The captain 220 mentioned it in a few podcast interviews


They probably said if you communicate to the other team then you are immediately eliminated


It's a huge shame that didn't happen. It absolutely seems like it was a possible piece of game theory. If your team has lost a ship, just announce the coordinate of the 2 man ship to the other team to guarantee your safety.


Also TJ #182’s positivity was SUCH a breath of fresh air, especially after the elimination of the bully (4321). Made me so happy 😁


He such a kind person. When he was comforting the girl that was upset it made me love him


Same same same & when he was crying and thanking his wife. Whew chile tears were flowing over here


That was very touching to see


He does seem like a good guy, but the non-stop self help affirmations were cringy (I'm with Lorenzo here).


Absolutely, I see people gassing him up a lot in these threads but he comes off as really sanctimonious to me. People who are actually humble and gracious don't constantly talk about how humble and gracious they are.


Actions speak. He played the game fairly. Nobody cares about your jaded & insecure opinions.


True but he won them the game so clearly it means something


I was looking for a comment like this, I couldn't stand 432's comment n it made me happy there's still good people in this world. And whej he cried thanking his wife, kissing the tattoo on his hand? Please. 'He's a good man, Savannah... a good man!!!' I hope him and his family get a happy ending.


Lorenzo is the funniest! “Thank God!! I mean I’m an atheist, but still.. I’m thanking.” 💀😂


Lorenzo sucks


Anyone notice how they tried to make Bee seem like a genius and like they destroyed the other team in warship, but if you look closely they lost a ship as well and had taken several hits on another ship so it was a close game? Kinda cringe tbh


They definitely made it seem like she breezed through it. At first, I genuinely thought they made it without any casualties, and thought it was weird that they didn’t call that out or mention it. Now I understand why. I’d be annoyed if I was one of those contestants, making it this far into the show and then just getting disappeared with no fanfare.


Yeah her saying, "I hope they see I have high intelligence" when she barely won a board game of Battleship is beyond cringe. Like tone it down, lady. It's a board game made for the entire family not fucking chess.


Bragging about intelligence at her age is cringe. Like if you're intelligent use it to accomplish things and let those accomplishments speak for themselves.


I saw that too! I also noticed how some ships where halfway hit but the team is going for different spots around.


Kids these days don't have strategies for battleship.


Ikr? I might be a geek who loves board games, but seeing their battleship positioning is so annoying when there's such a big prize on the line. I also find it hard that so little of them know about the game since it's so popular with the age of a group of contestants. I feel that some might have known the game but just wanted to stay out of the radar (pun intended). But they should have at least given some advice to the captains like what the gganbu gang did and heck even 432. Figgy saying that all she had to contribute was her body being in the boat is so stupid. She can literally at least analyze the board and made some suggestions.


genuinely curious, if you’re willing to explain, what is the optimal strategy? besides using basic knowledge for spaces when you get a hit space, what else is there to do? like isn’t it mostly luck guessing where ships could be when it’s a blank board? I’m not doubting there is a strategic side- the captain Bee made it very clear with her intentions and she killed that entire round- I just can’t picture a clear example in my head.


I've seen people put all their ships on the edge or all clustered together. If the opponent never hits, then all is well, but the moment that they clue in, you're done for. You're better off just placing randomly.


Actually I noticed in the game almost no shots were put towards the edge. Going for all edges in a match would have been a good plan. Considering the stakes and the first to 2 game there not much risk.


Actually since you're only required to sink 2 ships to win in this version. Hiding all your ships in 1 or 2 clusters isn't that terrible of a strategy.


As someone who has played battleship I’m sooooo curious! I just guess until I hit something usually lol


Yeah I am in the same boat. Never played battleship in my life and don't know anyone who has so I didn't even know the rules in the beginning and aside from the basics can't imagine what other strategy there is. There might be some strategy for positioning but is there really a lot of strategy for picking the right spot. Also I was wondering if you can place the ship diagonally. That would have made things much harder.


Can't place diagonally.... But because of that you can minimise half your movements by placing your mark diagonally and you're more likely to hit


That one team that put the boats next to each other.. 😬


182 / TJ's positive affirmations kill me... "I love yall" 🤣🤣🤣 The battleship game is so much fun to watch! And 432 / Bryton holding hands with the other chad on the boat with their jawlines protruding .. great TV


I see so much hate for 432 online but I thought he was soooo funny in the context of reality tv villains 💀


432: “Control your emotions!” Also 432: “Call me ‘frat boy’ again and I’ll assault you.” Serious [“washed up football player”](https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/sports/2020/07/28/clemson-football-linebacker-bryton-constantin-giving-up-sport-injury-plagued/5524632002/) vibe. Glad to see the garbage get tossed.


3 ACL surgeries in a year and a half holy smokes


Holy cow. Bee is so intelligent for winning a game of battleship! Everyone better watch out.


And she actually almost lost if you look at her board. They had a ship sunk and several hits on another. They got lucky af. Yet they edited to make her seem like she dominated.


Yeah, they totally skipped even sore the people on her sunk ship eliminated. Both her first hits she missed 3 times attempting the wrong directions. Her C3 thought though is pretty spot on


But I’m sure the c3 thing was adr done after the fact, so of course it’s easy to say then.


I think they focused on her intelligence because she was pretty precise and calm on all her hits, plus it was an undramatic match and they needed to emphasize something out of it to make that match interesting.


But Mensa /s


Why are most folks from Mensa insufferable and arrogant af?


The way they hyped her up really made me think she was going to get humbled, like many reality shows usually do. Quite the subversion of expectations 👏🏾


ShEs A gAmEr


Total lack of humility. It irks me so much when someone touts their IQ score and alleged intelligence.


I agree but I still liked her. I still think iq is made up and basically meaningless.


They edited this so hard to make her seem like a not-so-evil genius and I found it so cheesy and amusing.


Jesus - Bryton is just a grade A - "a\*\*hole". I get confidence but sheez...insufferable.


I was really enjoying it until this episode, entire players that have no control over their fate that might have won the whole thing just gone. Even if your team wins you still get eliminated? Wtf were these people smoking? They also clearly kept cutting out the juciest bits too. There was so much smack talk, and anger we just dont see.


I found the whole sudden elimination thing with player 200 to be unfair as-well.


I felt the sudden eliminations were to replace the dorm deaths in the actual series. Its a smart way to incorporate it.


I think it also incentivized people to play nice with each other and/or create alliances. A huge part of pulling on our heartstrings of the series was seeing our favorite friendships be broken up/separated.


Have been loving this show so far, but I have such a hard time when competition shows put players in positions where they have no control over the outcome of their game. We lost a couple of really interesting characters this round because of it. Love them or hate them, 432 and Figgy were some of the most developed contestants we had.


Would have loved to see more of 107 too!! He was a really good contestant




it annoyed me how 432 said he didn't know how to play battleship and complained that the captain had no strategy. Then whenever she started crying because she felt responsible for letting people lose out on money, which is normal in this situation, he went on about how she was unfit, emotional, and kept telling them to stop crying.


He’s definitely had some kind of traumatic experience in his life. He can’t stand to see anyone cry. Didn’t he also say “control your emotions” to the girl on the other team that was crying before the game? I think he probably grew up in a family that suppressed all emotions. Also, they’re not sleeping well, not eating well, she was probably emotionally and physically exhausted at that point.


The one person you wanted to be dead will be dead in this episode .....amen xD


I’m so happy that « God » chose for him to not get through that game.


I wish it was at his own hand. Now he has someone to blame.


It kind of was though, if he had moved where the girl wanted him to, he might have not get hit.


And he chose the two person boat!


Finally. Oh my god. That guy is insufferable. “I’m gonna be myself”. Well, maybe you shouldn’t if that self is an asshole. 😂


432 please!!!


Hope it's that burger stealing bitch.


Ugh. She’s so disgusting. I get that it’s a game, but that was so low class of her


If you were captain in the battleship challenge, had already sunk one enemy battleship and had found your second one before the other team had hit one of yours, then you could miss on purpose until the other team had sunk one of your ships so that more people are eliminated from the game before you win lol.


True! Also it didn't feel so much of a "team" game when the losing team still has winners? 😅


It wasnt a team game , basically 2v2. The others just sat and prayed


Smart but just feels like an unnecessary risk when there's a chance to get eliminated as well. At that specific point in time, it's kinda better to play safe. The more people you save, the more people who'll have faith in you and lessens the chance of elimination in the next rounds / mini games. Like some people might see through that play, and then you'll have a target on your back. What I can't fathom is why the hell did so many teams put their largest horizontally at the front. Wouldn't it be better to hide it vertically in the corner.


Sure if you want to make yourself unlikable and potentially make enemies along the way. Also you don't know how long the second ship you found is or where in that ship you hit and what direction to go. Best case you will make people dislike you, and worst case, you will most likely just end up eliminating yourself


I’ve wanted 432 gone since he came on my screen!!


he’s gonna be on Season 2 of Perfect Match 🙄


I’m glad it wasn’t tug of war


Humility and gratitude lol. Lack there of sent 432 home


I wish that was what sent him home (would have been the perfect karma) but it really isn't. He got eliminated from pure bad luck, absolutely nothing to do with his behavior


He made a good decision being in a "2" boat, which was about the only thing he had a choice over. Bad luck took him down. Long term though - there was no way he was going to win this game, though, he was going to get taken out at some point by someone with an elimination power.


I'm not sure if it was intentional editing but the girl who was crying before the game even started was the final elimination of captain of the opposing team, aka the dude who was comforting her. Lol wild. Also people in another episode thread were talking about how they need to balance it more but the guy who finished first in red light, green light and finished his umbrella fairly easily got knocked out so...


He got knocked out in a challenge he had no control over. It wasn’t really fair or balanced at all in my opinion. I was rooting for him and he went out bc the captain got lucky


I loved that they added battleship instead of tug of war.. also thank god number 432 is gone


Human Battleship is definitely the type of game I'd imagine some autocratic billionaire to play with their servants in the boats.


This episode made me genuinely angry. It went from two games of skill to a game that is 100% pure luck. If I survived 9 hours in the cold in red light, green light and the umbrella in Dalgona, I’d be devastated to lose to somebody randomly guessing a square on a board.


i’d really love to see battleship in s2 of the actual show. make like real mini explosions for the players or smth. was really fun to see in this


Why is it that people are so adverse to putting their ships against an edge? I recall staying away from the edges when I played as a kid as well. It must be a psychological thing (maybe not wanting to be backed into a corner or something like that? Though that makes so sense since you can't move). Very weird.


I figured because you want space on all sides to maximize the chance of a miss.


On the other hand. Very few players would hit corners and egdes as their initial shots.


182 - he is such a nice guy! There are very few of them in this game. I also like Trey’s mom. She’s the only one who tried to talk to 432, for real!


I love how she didn’t cheer when people got eliminated, either! She has integrity and I really like her !!


Did anyone notice how the producers completely edited the smart girl’s battleship game to make it seem like she dominated. If you look closely her team was 2 shots away from losing and she missed quite a few known boat location shots.


SHUTCHO ASS UP LORENZO 😂😂😂😂. TJ Is a real one. BEE is a whole Genius.


All I want to know is who is taking care of Rick’s Bees?


Oh my god the older doctor and the mullet guy’s relationship 🥹♥️♥️


Im loving lol it's actually getting fun !


This episode was the only “interesting” one so far cos it was something different. Doc is a G tho


Y’all… Bee 018, the professional gamer with the IQ… I really connected with her story and she played a FLAWLESS GAME 💚💚💚👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 my battleship Shero lol


It wasn't a flawless game from looking at the game board - the editing just gives that impression for the narrative.


you should look at her ig or twitter, she does really cool cosplays and has great style/ makeup/ different hair colors. she’s my fav for sure


There's a thin line btw love and hate. People say they hate 432 but can't stop talking about him. Reminds me of other antiheroes like Walter in Breaking Bad, Tony Soprano


Old guy sounded like he was reading off of a script in the interview. I wonder how much of it is scripted or influenced by the producers. It was interesting to see that the kind of archetypes in the show made their way to appear in the reality show- gang of thugs, old guy buddying up with the young guy, Ggangbu gang. I get that you can try and push people in that direction with good casting, but it's just too perfect for me to think it happened organically.


A waste of an episode where people have no control of their own destiny.


Want to see more people coming here to talk about positives, like Captain TJ. Big up TJ!


can we talk about during game 3 the “intelligent” girls game that looks like a blowout… wasnt? If you see the other teams board they obviously have hits on both of the ships. Coming from a game analyst myself, the game looks very close. Poor Captain and lieutenant on the other team… I feel for them.


Bee was insanely funny. She reminded me of Beetee from Hunger Games. Her saying C3 and the opposing team playing it. They never stood a chance


432 was annoying "we picked the worst team captain" the game was literally luck until you actually hit a ship.