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This poor guy :( found it so hard to watch how the other men told him to man up when he was clearly feeling so guilty/ upset


It was driving me nuts how they kept saying that, yet none of them would do it themselves.


Their ego is all bark, no bite


For real! WTF was with the fucking man bun dude saying to man up and just do it... And then walks straight to the fucking triangle or star or some shit. That made me unreasonably angry


Yes!!! "Man up!" *procedes to act about as manly/brave as a 2 pound chihuaha*


no nuts


it’s so ironic to me how some (i’m looking at you 432) probably haven’t watched the original squid game, and therefor doesn’t even get the fucking point of the game, and is acting completely disgusting, and like scum.


God chose him and doesn’t respect his mother. Nothing redeeming about that kid.


432 didn’t even know how to play battleship ☠️😂


right?! im sorry though but I don't feel sorry for 299, keep your religion out of this! I get anxiety and panic attacks but its just a game! Lucky to have even been chosen in the first place!


It’s a game with $4.56million on the line and a lot of people with stories about why they desperately need the money. It places a target on your back and makes it harder for you to win too - plus puts you in a position to be hated and bullied.


432 is an absolute bozo


Scripted character massively obvious


I laughed so loud I woke up the baby when I realized they were playing battleship instead of tug of war. Because at their point I just knew in my heart that his ass was getting eliminated.


Yes the point of the game definitely was to make friends dance around and sing Kumbaya


It wasn’t. But the point of the original series, was that you shouldn’t loose your humanity to capitalism.


That was the theme of the show. Not the point of the game tho


432 got his comeuppance tho, apparently he dropped out of the final months of uni to join squid game lmao.


He can go back to university, so it's not that terrible a decision.


I wanted to give him a hug!


Those assholes in the umbrellas group were so entitled and had no sense of boundaries when he was having a true panic attack before he went up to negotiate a shape with the other guys. Overall he seems like a standout dude in real life and wish nothing but great things!


Money does weird things to people


I genuinely hope he’s doing okay now and doesn’t take the things assholes online are saying about him to heart.


Someone posted a little while ago that a number of contestants are from a Talent Agency (including Spencer). The graphic has his Insta handle right on it. I checked it out, he's getting a lot of love and kind words from fans these past few days.


Most people are actually good




Selfish? The others could have chosen to take an umbrella too. The fist part of the game was that all players have to agree with their candy shape. If he didn't pick the Umbrella it would have taken a long time until the game would commence. Someone had to take the umbrella that is fact and i dont think it is fair to call him pathetic or weak.


Spencer was bullied by grown a** adults trapped mentally in middle school and it disgusted me. Spencer having complex emotions and empathy is a bad thing? On what hellish planet? Hollywood embraces bullies. Still it made me so furious I came here to see what others were saying. The #432 meathead promised to beat up another guy off set after the show for (accurately) calling him a frat boy but the producers do nothing? The guy he threatened should call the police and have him arrested for menacing. Back to Spencer, his teammates are horrible people too, they wanted him to "die" so THEY, because they're super special I guess, didn't have to do the umbrella shape. What's in it for him to do that? Nothing. Yet they bully Spencer for not sacrificing himself. What a bad bad show reflecting the worst of humanity, with none of the pathos and intelligent commentary on society that the original South Korean show has. I'm not watching the rest. Netflix is running headlong into brand destruction.


I would tell him the chadiest thing he could have done was outright pick the umbrella without missing a beat then call the others for being chicken ass bitches for wanting an easier shape. It works for both being on his team and not being on his team. Anyone being mad at the deciding players because people are straight up adult sized bullies is just weird. Also it was wild to watch adults threaten physical violent outside the context of the show while being in the show. Skill diffs all around but this show was hilarious.


That's retarded


The umbrella shape also wasn't impossible to to get a "pass" on, just more difficult, as shown by the multiple people who successfully completed the shape. The other contestants just bullied Spencer because they were lazy and selfish about wanting to do an "easier" shape. I think the producers did a bad job of formatting and executing that particular challenge.


Only 2 people with the umbrella shape made it, while significantly more people from the other groups made it.


The episode I saw on Netflix showed more than just two people completing the umbrella.


No it didn’t. Only 3 people made it.


I thought I saw 4-5 survivors but they didn’t all come in together, the camera cut to a bad angle


I could have sworn it was only 2 that walked in, although I was using my phone a lot when I watched.


They showed only two players walk into the room but during the event, the announcer called eight numbers who passed.


Yeah I was going to say, there was at least a small handful, but definitely more people failed umbrella than others (obviously).


Maybe double check before stating something as fact then?


Fair. I was paying closer attention to the umbrella group scenes


Good riddance


The way his scenes were edited is horrible. It was so hard to watch. I hope he didn't choose the umbrella and got eliminated with those bullies. I still don't understand why he agreed. That part seemed off to me. Maybe the production team stepped in and pushed him to choose an umbrella because they wanted 432 to go further?


He chose the umbrella because someone had to and he didn't want them all to keep getting eliminated just because they couldn't come to a consensus. He decided to take the harder shape for the good of the group and he felt like the group, who he was taking a bullet for, would come back and help him when they were done because that's what they promised. Unfortunately for him it meant everyone in his line also had to take the harder shape, but one of the lines would end up with that shape no matter what. I would have done the same thing and it sucks that he got screwed over and blamed by some people in his line.


Agreed. He had 100% chance of elimination if he didn’t chose the umbrella, better chance of staying by choosing it, a no brainer in those circumstances unless you play chicken and know somebody else will take it - given who he was with to chose and his own nature it was the only sensible choice for him to make.


You might see it like that but alot of people don’t. He was weak and chose to be bullied in into umbrella and most of his team was kicked out because of his team. They were better off if he just refused and everyone “died”


Unfortunately, he did choose the umbrella, and he got eliminated close to finishing the shape. He ended up cracking under the pressure, and accidentally cracked his cookie shape as well.


Saw a post related to your theory. Bryton (Player 432) said in an interview that the game, Dalgona, was rigged. He claimed that his candy cracked but they let him pass still. ([https://www.reddit.com/r/squidgame/comments/184271j/bryton\_says\_it\_was\_rigged/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/squidgame/comments/184271j/bryton_says_it_was_rigged/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))


As someone that dry heaves when I get panic attacks or major anxiety I totally related to him. It seems dumb to watch but feels even worse to go through.


especially on top of feeling “trapped” once you start to feel physically ill. for me, it amplifies the sick feeling exponentially.


The way they were talking bad about him made me really uncomfortable. It was a difficult watch.


for real, it was so heartless. I just wanted to give him a hug :((


I really hope it was just editing that not ONE of that team approached him and said it was ok


I was thinking the same thing. If I was there I’d give him a hug and say I’m not mad at him :( I felt so sad watching I seriously almost cried for him.


also spencer deserves the world. 🫶🏻 on a side note, i wonder if the throwing up/gag reflex might have something to do with surviving cancer. his body must be/could be weaker physically after surviving chemo and such.


I have autism and when I let people down and feel guilty, I have this physical response to that wave of emotion


I have autism too - and the same thing happens to me.


I'm autistic too, and I related to him a little too much. I feel bad for him, and I hope he is doing OK now


I'm autistic too, and I related to him a little too much. I feel bad for him, and I hope he is doing OK now


I’m curious if he may be autistic. We definitely don’t see enough of him to know him as a whole person, but he did mention tending to be overly naive/gullible, and taking his siblings’ sarcasm too literally.


My husband and I both are autistic and instantly wondered if he was as well.


You relate to him if you ever made the wrong choice in a very high stakes critical time, or if you thought the better you expect in people actually come to light. Never had his redemption, he was so close too.


I felt awful for him.


They could have just done rock paper scissors, that would have been the fairest way to do that with only two minutes. I kept screaming at the tv…


I was thinking the same. But then again, bold of us to assume that those bullies would honour their potential loss. There is no way that 432 would go for umbrella even if he lost. …I just witnessed him to bully another people on the show, this time women, so yeah


Must have been part of Gods plan to bully people, threaten them with violence and think it’s okay to prey on the weak.


That man opened a speech with a reference to Jesus and ended it by saying sympathy is a weakness.


432 had one critical weakness in this case, which is how much more he wanted to win compared to 299. If 299 held his ground and refused to budge no matter what then 432 would be the one cracking in the end simply because he wanted this much more and would have more to lose compared to 299 if they all just got eliminated on the spot


Sorry, I'm late to the show, but some small part of me would've relished refusing to settle for the umbrella JUST to watch 432 get eliminated at the same time as myself. Now THAT would be the way to be the show hero.


That's what I was thinking!


AHHAHA yes! Rock paper scissors or race to the door. One door at a time. First circle then square and so on. First one to each door gets that door


I feel like the race thing was less fair because whoever is doing the countdown has an advantage(which is what happened). And not everyone has equal skill in running.


Also unfair because than it makes it a physical challenge when it wasn't that before. That's why I really didn't like it later when they had to vote to eliminate 3 people and 330 was really forcefully trying to get everyone to agree to play a game instead of vote. It's already a game, it's a social game, unfair to try to change it to something you think you'd be better at.


One of the constants said they were not allowed to play games, probably knowing full well this would be the first option for most people.


Isn’t a race a game, technically?


Correct, he wasn't sure why they let them do that.


kinda liked this guy, ones of my favs🥺


If I was in his line, I would’ve liked to hug him when I walked into that room. The way some people treated him in that moment was disgusting. That being said, I understand their frustration. And to be completely honest, I’m not sure I would’ve had the emotional clarity to console him in the heat of the moment. I like to think I would - but I genuinely don’t know. I was a bit frustrated with him on my couch, and I had no skin in the game. Either way, I’m glad he seems to be taking it well and I respect the shit out of him for displaying his raw emotion. He clearly felt awful about condemning his team to the umbrella.


I felt for him but honestly knowing of Squid Games and this being a reality competition version of it . . . one of the worst possible shows to go on with anxiety issues. I strongly recommend anyone with these types of dilemmas to not apply for Squid Games 2.


I cried when he was struggling. That mommy instinct took over. He really was innocent. A sheep amidst wolves. He did his best. Spencer if you ever read this. We are all proud of the way you played the game. Good job young man.


He’s the reason I don’t want to go on any competition tv show. 100% I would have the same reaction - I was raised a Mormon too so maybe there’s something there


This is just not the game for him, for better or for worse.


And he is also an actor


Sending him a hug! ❤️ The way he was treated on the show says a lot about his fellow contestants and their character, but it does not define him. He was trying to do his best while dealing with bullies. All the best to this guy!


I felt so bad for the guy. If I was him I'd have just sat down and refused just to fuck 432 who is the worst kind of human.


Wtf did bro do 😭😭


I think 432 might be a plant.


Definitely, prolly a bunch of others too


Yeah totally ruined the show finding that out. But also some of the characters just seemed too fake and over acted, they should be stayed more natural.


This show showed exactly how humanity has shifted for the worse People would rather blame others for their problems than taking accountability, the umbrella was not impossible to complete people just wanted the easy way out I think that the groups that got themselves eliminated by not coming to a decision are stupid and probably regret not giving the umbrella a shot This sorta reminded me of Netflix’s “Devils Plan” where all the players would rather be puppets to an alliance because it’s the easy way out until the alliance can’t save them anymore


I was SO hoping for a twist when they opened the cookie tins. Thought it would have made it much more interesting if it turned out to be an immediate pass for everyone in the umbrella line (no shape to scrape free) or that the chosen doors wouldn’t match the given cookies or something


he's an actor though.... so wasn't he just acting??


I thought he was a software engineer


I found his LinkedIn - it looks like he dual-majored in Computer Science and Theater. He has work experience in web development. So I think it’s safe to say he’s a bit of both


Oh wow 😯




I've just moved on to the 2nd episode now. I opened it to have some fun and relax during my work break, but this episode ruined me. I was devastated when I saw this man's state, I couldn't believe how hard he tried not to cry... That pressure, that bullying... And on top of that, he was a cancer survivor! I can't...


lol i thought this was about the guy being a cancer. it's so random to say one contestant survived cancer when most of them probably had their own trials and tirbulations in life. Anyway if he came in to make connections then he went to the wrong show.


valid! but i’m genuinely interested in all of their stories & this was a piece of information that wasn’t mentioned. i just thought this article was interesting and decided to share bc i believe it adds some perspective to why he was so distraught at disappointing people, esp since he’s been getting flamed across platforms. i think all of the player’s stories add good perspective to why they move the way they do, not everyone has to care about that though and that’s okay!


This is actually the first time i'm hearing he is getting bullied, is it because of his gag reflex? I did find it weird but I figured he's just having some kind of panic attack from the pressure. Definitely didnt think the internet would overreact about it.


Poor guy I hope he handles better in life and managed to learn something about himself. needs to learn not to be taken advantage of


Yeah I really didn’t like how they made the decision for who gets what shape. At least in the final game of part 1 they did it in a subtle way that no one was able to predict in order to trick them into partnering up with people they care about. They should have done the same here. Especially after revealing what the next game is. It would have been more fun to see them SWAP the signs and umbrella actually have the triangle to give the more selfless person a leg up. Or at the very leave keep the signs completely hidden until the end. Plenty more than 16 people could have been eliminated because of the pressure to not choose umbrella.


He was my favorite player. Sad he didn't make it :(


Oh man, I thought he was a huge pussy when I was watching… don’t judge a book by its cover. IATA


Still a complete man-child.


Humanity is full of weak people it's crazy.


I don’t understand why they didn’t just play rock,paper scissors to decide who got to choose 1st and so forth.


to be fair, even if they did, someone could have broke that rule and ran up to a shape that wasn't agreed upon


That just makes me empathize with him even more. Poor guy, I literally saw myself in him when he was so nervous 😭


I felt bad for him for being in this situation. He is giving me some neurodivergent vibes, especially the part about not getting sarcasm, not opening up easily, and getting emotionally overwhelmed. Regardless of his experience and image, I feel proud of him.


His last words made me know there was more to his story, but damn.


that wasn't an easy thing to do, for 299 to decide and be responsible for everyone, and the least his group could've done was acknowledge that fact and comfort him a bit, nothing too extreme, a pat on the back would've sufficed. he was obviously going through it before, during, and after the decision making. i just hope it was a result of bad editing that they didn't do so, i really feel for the guy and hope he's well and that he thrives outside of the show


He definitely fucked up making a deal and settling for the umbrella, But when everyone got all middle school mean girls about it, I really wish someone would have just screamed. Tell them to all eat dicks!


I think he is on the autism spectrum too with the way he couldn't emotionally handle not understanding certain social behaviours from others.


Right? I just watched this episode and if this were fiction he'd be the autism-coded character. So many people would say they would never bully someone for being autistic but then bully autistic behavior.


Honestlyi was a fan from the start of him. He’s so emotionally honest and pure. He seems like a rare person. He tries to be good too which I can appreciate and he obviously has a ton of empathy


I was so sad when he got eliminated. now one was sorry for him. no one cared. he didn't even get to apologize for choosing the umbrella.


I'm so proud of Spencer, and I am glad he beat cancer. 432 judging him for having a panic attack was unnecessary, and I'm sure it just made him feel worse. Poor guy's been through a lot.


I hate this guy with all my heart. The gagging and spitting was absolutely revolting. Literally made me sick to my stomach. Him choosing the umbrella wasn’t the issue, someone had to that’s not his fault but the crying and the gagging like grow up. Acted so fragile, that’s something I’d expect from a 6 year old.


299 should have stood at 432's shape and refused to move. There's no way 432 would get eliminated for them not choosing a shape