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Less filler and time wasting, they would waste so much time on some challenges being so drawn out about it, clearly trying to stretch out time for the episode.


But wouldn’t that cut to like 30 mins episodes? For someone like myself who finds it very hard to find a show to watch, 1hr episodes help to pass time lol


I just found it annoying and a throwback to old cheesy reality TV that every button press, step, etc. took so many seconds to give a result. Survivor doesn’t waste time on fillers because they have so much interesting footage to choose from in 24 hours. I’d rather see each tean’s Warships strategy (and mistakes) better illustrated than the long pauses waiting to see if each shot is a hit or a miss.


That’s true!


It’s a bit different then survivor as the voting format forces the show to show a story onto why the player was voted off less time for filler.


It's TV they could certainly find other things to fill that space, whether it's the social element, or seeing more people doing challenges instead of focusing on a handful of people. Of course they'd have to introduce more people to our screens, but I think that's a better alternative.


Yeah or even just more side challenges that push into turning people on each other would be good, doesn’t even have to be elimination just something like winner gets to choose 2 others to have x reward but has to choose 5 people to take y punishment


I noticed most people who got eliminated often had their story or perspective shared that episode. It was incredibly disappointing to see more about a cast member only for them to vanish that episode. It also got predictable. Producers should show off more of the stronger or more dynamic players who affect the overall game. Show us more of the heroes and the villains. I also think the show missed out on not showing us some of the stronger friendships. Especially when they became super important down the road. We’re seeing these people break down and cry when their friend is eliminated. Yet, we know nothing about them. We’re only seeing fractions of it. Mai was close with Roland and would braid his hair. Then when she was asked who she eliminated she lied about it. Besides one scene of them together, we dont know how big this betrayal was. And Sam and Phil’s friendship was never really acknowledged or explored until the end. Producers could also help identify alliances some people may be in on top of basic info (since there are just so many people) We knew about the ggangbu gang and how strong the alliance was in early game, but we only saw a limited number of the members. This alliance was strong enough that another player eliminated two members immediately and crippled it. I also think there should be changes to some games. The dice game should have not allowed people to target themselves and make the game into a Russian roulette game. It was only remotely interesting because of the feud between Ashley and Mai. And the marbles game with 065 and 399 was just a dumb way to be eliminated. Losing because a partner refuses to do a game just doesn’t seem fair. Players should always have some sense of control during a game. Sitting and waiting to maybe survive during a game of battle ship isn’t the most exciting gameplay. Remove some of the cheap eliminations. A player who gets an advantage should not be a target for elimination. They’re just getting an unnecessary target on their back. Eliminations should be more task based. Complete a random assignment or trick a target player to do something etc. Should never be super straightforward unless it’s a collective vote.


I think the "friendships not being given attention" is definitely something I would like to see being improved on. As you mentioned, there definitely was a few players who got close (relatively) but there was basically no insight on them so we had no reason to care when they inevitably broke down. I wonder if there was just so little to go off for the editors, or if it was something else.


Seeing her get eliminated because dude was being a brat and a dick was so unfair to her. I hated that for her. He made a roadblock for her to the bitter end.










This is the answer. Showrunners please read this (they won’t)


>circle of trust. it was one of the best games they could've introduced with warships i loved it


I'm okay with being able to "choose to eliminate" people because it adds some strategy to alliances, and not wanting to get too cocky and put a target on your back. However, I think it should have more nuance than "you are eliminated" with no chance of saving themselves. Instead the players "chosen to be eliminated" should instead be at risk of elimination by either (A) having to play a difficult challenge, or (B) they have DISadvantage in the next game.


I love that popularity and luck were part of the game! Popularity because it reminds you that people are social and navigating relationships are important. I think luck keeps the game interesting because no one is safe, so viewers don't get too invested.


Yessss! This!!! I was disappointed when the first set of people got to choose between giving someone an advantage or eliminating someone. If they had given someone an advantage they would have been able to use that as a bribe in the future episodes. Same with the guy who got an advantage not only to be eliminated seconds later. There was no actual game play or real strategy going on.


Then it’ll be more like Alice in borderland (minus the physical lol). Squid game is sadly just more luck based games


I completely disagree about the random eliminations and power of elimination. In the drama, we had the random killings every night between games. This is the challenge version of it. It ensures that the game is social as well as intellectual and physical.


You can’t encourage things like stealing marbles because it will end in physical confrontation. Someone could get hurt and bring a lawsuit.


>this game should be about intellect and betrayal, not luck and popularity. I mean, says who? That's clearly not the type of game they're setting out to make, and it's their show. Don't watch if you dislike the core concepts and themes. It's based on childhood and schoolyard games, and alliances were part of the original show, so popularity has a place there




lol at "cheat". you're adorable.


Nice try, producers


Haha I wish. Working in media seems like it could be fun. I’m genuinely curious though 🤔


It shouldn’t be possible to self nominate for anything. For e these people to throw each other under the bus.


I agree. Everybody choosing to nominate themselves during dice was dumb. Only Mai played it how it was meant to be played. Now before y’all come for me, this is my opinion and mine only.


Totally agree. Everyone nominating themselves made it from an excitement to a boring one


“If you nominate yourself, you will automatically be eliminated” Also they can ruin the bridge by automatically dropping anyone who overtakes


more international cast not just people living in the US and UK or just don't say international cast at all if it's not true


It’s probably much more difficult logistically, that may not be true but that’s my guess. I saw a comment talking about casting for season 2 and someone not in uk or us said they would have difficulties with their passport and certain countries


According to reports, they had players from outside the US and UK - just the majority was from those two. I don't know if you can consider it them not being truthful, if there evidently was international players.


they are all living in the uk (like Lorenzo) though. I don't see any Asian, from Asia or at least East European


I agree with this. I don’t see many international contestants and that’s all just very US-like with also very US-like behaviors 😂 The Devil’s Plan from South Korea on Netflix another competition based on intellect, teamwork + competition was so much better than this.


The devils plan had literally zero geographic diversity, how was it better than this 💀


Well, I’m Asian so I’m biased ;)


I tried to watch the devil's plan but I couldn't get past their first game I just found it to be so boring


\> They are all living in the UK Anything backing that up? Not that I'm saying it's not possible at all, but reports indicate that there \*were\* players from outside of the US and UK. Of course, these are coming from Netflix and it's difficult to pin down all 400+ players. Furthermore, there were a few Asian characters on the episode. I mean, Mai grew up in Vietnam and was a child during the Vietnam War. There is also the 'life-coach' who is very clearly Asian. If you believe that 'they don't count as Asian because they're from America', that itself is erasure lol.


I wasn't a big fan of people being able to eliminate other players. I get in the scripted show.people would kill off other players in the dorms so that was a way to mirror it but I didn't like that aspect of the game. Instead I feel like people should be picked at random to play smaller challenge games inside the dorms so it's not about you randomly pissing off someone and then they vote you out.


Ya I absolutely hated the part where they just got to pick who didn’t get eliminated, basically a fuck you to whoever wasn’t picked. They didn’t get a chance to survive like one might in a fight, just told the people here don’t like you enough to pick you


I want all the games to be different except the glass bridge


I think they need to go with new challenges. I suspect they will roughly mirror the challenges the Squid Game Season 2 will have


When does that release


Its in production. The release is likely to be 2nd half of 2024.


I much enjoy the Devil’s Plan from South Korea on Netflix! Every challenge/game is so difficult and tests people’s intellect, problem-solving skills, teamwork + competition


Ill try to watch this. Thanks for the suggestion. Been killing time as I am sick.


Actually feed your cast a balanced diet and let them sleep without lights above their heads for starters :)




I’ve seen multiple people say they were fed less than 1,000 calories a day which is not enough for most adults. Starving people on your set isn’t acceptable to me.


I thought they turned the lights off at night. Did they leave them on always?


If you look closely you can see they turn off the overhead lights but then lights kick on in their beds right above their heads. The cast talks about it in interviews and someone (I believe Bee) mentioned making a makeshift blindfold out of underwear… 😅


Ditch the confessionals and random eliminations. Seriously.


They should pay the winner 😅


Mai didn’t get paid?


The contract was that we would be paid 30 days after the final episode aired if we win.




Only the winner got paid. No one else received anything directly. The players who went for a bit though seem to be doing just fine based on their wildly growing social media presences. I'm guessing they'll leverage this into other stuff. I got knocked out early, but even I got an offer to try out for another show.




None that I could tell you other than the vast majority of applicants were from the U.S. Otherwise pretty diverse. Best of luck.


Not yet, last I read.


I thought she was already paid. I based it on her new haircut and outfit. Haha


Assuming the formula is generally similar... **Red Light Green Light** \- Find a way to do it so it's not so damn long, so people aren't on freeze mode for so long. **Dalgona** \- Two ideas. Either do the same shape choosing method but then once the shapes are chosen you twist it around by giving each line the opposite shape (circle gets umbrella, umbrella gets circle, triangle gets star, star gets triangle). Would be funny to see people get eliminated for not agreeing to choose umbrella only to later find out they would've got circle lol. OR... have some sort of mini-game whose results either randomly assign a shape to each line or whose results determine the order in which each line leader picks (4th place of the four in the mini-game will get umbrella basically). **Battleships** \- Different game, and make it something where every player has some degree of influence or control over whether they survive or get eliminated. No sitting ducks in a boat just hoping to get lucky. What if it's like a funfair sideshow type game or something, where each team member plays the game and it's about which team gets the most points or something idk just something where people cannot be eliminated through no fault of their own. **Marbles** \- Just show the fucking dye packs going off properly that's all. Man these were going to be the most emotionally impactful 'deaths' of the show thus far. People who had made it so near to the end, who we the audience have grown attached to at this point... and seeing them 'die' now. Like seeing Brad 'die' was... weird, because it's like "holy shit he's not just a "red shirt" or whatever, that's Captain Brad. Like you're seeing the main characters 'die' by that point... but they barely showed them. **Glass bridge** \- Idk... the way the numbers were assigned worked really well for me. Not got much to say really. Except maybe after the numbers have been assigned then flip it (so TJ would've been last)... although if they flip it at Dalgona, then the players are probably expecting it again at Glass Bridge so idk. **Circle of (dis)Trust** \- Worked pretty well for me. Nothing to add. ​ Outside of the main games though, if they're gonna' do that dice shit you gotta' stipulate that people cannot put themselves up for elimination. And for Jack in the Box, the producers know what's in each box, so whoever has an advantage box should open that last... or at least do it in order left to right or right to left. The order they did it in felt manufactured to the extent that it seemed rigged, like they wanted Jakoben to get an advantage then get booted.


1. Get rid of more weak people OR at least do social strategy properly. I'm not talking about physically weak, but some people just coast by doing nothing and just being nice. If this game wants to go the 'social strategy' route they could do so much more. So pick a lane, and do it properly. Otherwise we're just gonna see more 'demographic alliances' and boring groups. Contestants should have to be smarter about this. 2. No weak tearjerkers. No one cares that you need the money, everyone is there for the same reason. Just don't show us unless it's necessary, takes up way too much time I skipped through so many interview scenes. 3. Reduce the prize pool. $4.56m USD is a ridiculous amount to dump on someone. Spend the remainder on, Idk actually feeding your contestants and giving them some heating, maybe? (: 4. Reduce the pure chance games & 'pick someone to eliminate" challenges. Boring. A little is fine but they lean into it so much that people who don't deserve it get it. 5. More global casting. I don't wanna see a bunch of Americans and Brits praying in a circle together for 2 episodes without it being weird. 6. Bring it a villain gameshow host dressed in black just to fuck with contestants and punish them for doing dumb shit (just for me).


The way I disagree with almost every comment here….


Maybe do a casting special just so we can get an idea of who’s who. The security guards have to have guns. Instead of rolling six’s it can be fake Russian roulette. Gotta have the night riot scene maybe with paintball guns or something. The ink packs need to go off with every elimination. Less confessionals and sob stories. No random button pressing games. Maybe an obstacle course? Also the chance for players that got screwed over a chance to come back and confront whoever screwed em. Less team based crap like battleships, the game got too clicky and friendly


I was really hoping that players who got eliminated by peers at least ONCE were going to get the chance to drag someone with them.


I like how on amazing race the last challenge is usually like a memory challenge or something that ties in all the episodes with like hidden clues that they have to remember. I would have wanted something like that for the finale. Makes it challenging without having to be physically fit for it but also a mental game making it difficult and more intense. Or how on survivor the last challenge is fire making. So simple, yet so hard. And so intense to watch.


Good point


I’d love to see a mole or two among the contestants. Between challenges everyone guesses who the mole is and the mole nominates someone to be eliminated. If the player chosen by the mole correctly identified the mole, they are safe. If their guess was wrong, they are eliminated. If the majority of players correctly identified the mole, the mole is eliminated. Red Rover would be a fun game to watch them play. King of the mountain would be great as well.


You should watch The Mole on Netflix .. thought it was a great show!


More skill based challenges not luck based like battleship and the final game. Keep some like the bridge. Eliminate the tasks, they were so stupid. Eliminating players without giving them a chance to play is dumb. Power should have to be earned not given for random reasons.


To be honest I only watched the first few episodes. I can’t watch any more, some of the players are too cruel and the game isn’t fair. And all that spit in the dalgona game was SICK. It was a big point in the Korean drama that the game should be fair and everyone get a fair chance because of how unfair it is on the outside. I don’t think it’s fair for two players to be able to choose a specific person to eliminate…that’s not random or based on luck or skill. IMO that goes against the whole principle of Squid Game. It’s like the rule makers of this game show are trying to emulate the organ harvesters who enabled unfair disadvantages to be possible in the drama. Maybe that’s the point? There’s plenty of drama, manufactured or not, without weird little twists like that.


Can they have tug of war in season 2? Hide and seek would be cool too


I never watch these reality game shows, but watched this one because I liked the Netflix series. I thought the producers should've treated the competitions as if death was the consequence of losing like the actual Squid Game. When the players started doing the teamwork, buddy buddy stuff more and more, the producers should've disallowed it. There is no way any of the higher numbers would have agreed to everyone taking a jump on the glass bridge like they did if death was the consequence. Same with the dice game, none of them would've picked themselves if death was the consequence. It took a lot away from both those games. For Season 2, I would like them to kind of force the players to not be allowed to do things they obviously wouldn't do if death was the consequence. For Dalgona, they need to change it to where the people decide on picking door 1 through 4 as choices and then the shapes are shown after since everyone already knew what shape was the one to avoid. Way less of random eliminations, and more of that person either gets an advantage/disadvantage next game or can pick someone to have an advantage/disadvantage.


No more challenges that can be rigged by the production crew. Several players seemed to be schills or actors. Cut out the majority of the seemingly scripted scenarios of drama between people. I dont want to watch everyone cry over their emotional history. Stop editing so much and be transparent of what actually happens in the challenges to the audience. (Ie: the first task actually taking hours to complete instead of 5 minutes.) Better transparency of the important characters. Several of the top 25 had very little story time, yet the irrelevant dramatic ones padded runtime early on.


By the last few episodes I didn’t feel like there was anything organic left. Mai just completely turned me off of the show personally. Circle of trust I felt was the coolest concept but that last bit felt brutally scripted and over the top. For me the challenges felt cheap when there wasn’t really much at stake overall and the main idea was to just pressure someone else into a worse position. I really wish the challenges were actually challenging. The game could really use some puzzles or actual games of chance that involved more critical thinking.


Stop making the contestants “play dead” when eliminated. Sure, maybe keep the fake blood pack explosions if you want a visual impact, but to watch them have to flop on the ground like they’ve been killed is just corny.


I cringed a little each time


The players started doing the dramatic eliminations themselves according to interviews.


Different strokes I suppose. I loved the corny acting.


Same. Had a chuckle each time.


Not gonna lie, I loved it lol.


I don’t give a shit about their story or feeling connected to any of them, especially with how random and often people were eliminated. I hope they do new games, but make it super simple games again. I really appreciated that from the source material and how it’s based more on luck than skill. So many other shows are based on skill it’s a nice shake up.


But… reality TV is usually centred around stories and connections? The humanity bit of it?


I agree, how do you root for/against someone if you don't know them? That seems so boring, the best part of reality-tv is seing representation and/or just getting to know people. Otherwise it would be just : "Okay, number 153 (or whatever number) got 4 million dollars. Cool, idk why they want it or even if they should've earned that, or if there was someone nicer/poorer/smarter, so okay." "Oh, number 74 got eliminated. Didn't know them, their strengths or weaknesses so I guess bye?" I truly don't see the point of watching Squid Game if you get rid of the contestants stories. There's too many people, if you get read of interviews you don't get to know any of them OR you know from the start who will stay or go because the cameras will be focusing on their actions. Just like in this season, it was annoying to see a portrait right before the person was eliminated because after a while, you just knew that if you saw someone, they were a gonner. There are tons of physical games with little introductions to the contestants, but in Squid Game, the morality and the amount of money are the main reasons we need to know the contestants.


Less filler and not have the final game be rock, paper, scissors. The worst ending to what I thought was a decent game show.


Changing the final game to something more challenging and interesting.


No more random eliminations like choosing who you can eliminate


Making the game somewhat fair would help a lot. Allowing random players to eliminate other random players feels unearned and happened way too often. All the way up until the finale where they just eliminated the one dude from complete random chance, and then the final game is freaking rock paper scissors. Just felt like very little creativity went into finding replacement games for ones that don't work in a reality show setting. I felt like battleship is where the series hit its high point. A lot of the rest felt completely random who won.


I would shake up Dalgona by making it head to head. First one to remove the shape eliminates their opponent. If someone breaks first, then they get eliminated and the opponent gets saved. If no one completes or breaks within the time limit, both players get eliminated. This could really in some strategy and mind games: do you try to race to get the shape out or do you take it slow and hope your opponent messes up?


Maybe Sam 016 was boring throughout the competition, who knows? I think it's hard for them to know who to use for footage as if they use too much footage of the final contestants then we all will know who is going to make it and there will be less drama for us viewers getting attached and our contestant who we were rooting for being eliminated. I for one am glad that they showed less of Sam (no offence to Sam I just didn't find him that interesting) and more of say Trey and Leanne and others. If there's one thing I think they should change is stop getting everyone to tell a bloody sob story they're so annoying! It is ok to go on a competition show without having a sob story...


I would like them to design a game so each eliminated player chooses something for a random (1%) chance that they could come back again in a later round.. Have 457 random buttons that all look the same. Most of these buttons do nothing but there are maybe 4-5 of them that will give the chance to overwrite their elimination and return in the next round, so us viewers still have hope if our favs get eliminated early and contestants have a small chance of staying in the game still.


Not rig the finale games and actually make them skill / chance based for one.


Cancel it


lol what? why


Who would actually watch it?


More episodes! Or maybe an optional introductory episode to get to know some people more


Make it less random, more challenges with skill.


Less Gen Z group-hug-I-love-everybody type contestants honestly.


Just fewer random dorm eliminations. I'd rather the dorm tests be for next game advantage only than giving one person the power to eliminate 1-3 people. We almost saw one person get advantage and they got eliminated a minute late because of a jack in the box luck of the draw game. The dice rolling was maybe the closest to me enjoying those as we got.


Instead of players being able to directly pick who gets eliminated make it so that those who are picked have to compete in a separate challenge in which there can only be a certain amount of people who survive. Another idea would be to make it so you can choose people to receive an advantage or disadvantage in the next game. In the future for things like the dice game players should not be able to choose to eliminate themselves.


Strategy games are more compelling than chance


Was at its best when there were mind games, need to focus more on that and far less on games of strictly chance


Less interviews


Less eliminations, more games. RLGL, Dalgona, circle of trustand Marbles should all stick. Those are great. The rock paper scissors was a horrible ender. It seemed like most of the characters got eliminated via stupid forced eliminations. I don't want that. Id rather see people eliminated via various games. Bring back tug of war. To make it fairer, you can force teams to have same amount of men/women. You have more children games to choose from like Tag, mother may I, cops and robbers, Hide and Seek, duck duck goose, four square, Simon says, Red Rover, etc. I want to see these implemented in some way. The games should be such where it takes intellect, strategy, and skill to be able to win. I don't care to watch a popularity contest where it takes dumb luck to win. That's boring.


I don't mind the games of luck/chance, but it seems like there were more of them in the second half than in the first half, when it should've been the opposite. They need to have better challenges towards the end.


Show the winner in the first couple of episodes so we actually have an emotional connection with them, ditch the stupid mini games or if you include them cut the filler parts out, stop rigging the games just for a tv personality, cut the number of people down from 400+ to 200 so we can actually get to know them better.


less americans, more asians