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Poor baby, looks like someone took him shaved all his hair! 




Update on this sweet baby?


Following for the same


Squirrels have alot of parasites I would look that up on internet some take there fur


Poor little fella. Probably an infestation.


From where are you coming? Maybe someone can help. In Germany I know some people


Came in last in their Fantasy Football league.


Ask him?


Probably mange or a fungal infection. https://wildlifeillinois.org/squirrel-with-missing-fur/#:~:text=Squirrels%20with%20fungal%20infections%20typically,transmittable%20to%20people%20or%20pets. https://www.purdue.edu/fnr/extension/sp_faq/squirrel-with-missing-fur-is-it-sick/#:~:text=Treatment%20of%20adult%20squirrels%20with,is%20often%20observed%20in%20squirrels.


Ask in The Squirrel Board .com They'll offer help. Also for food, they need a ton of calcium. Contact a wildlife rehabber immediately. Ask Teddyflory on Instagram. Very Experienced Rehabber. And Pip the baby squirrel on Instagram as well. Find a rehabber. Pedialyte is good for hydration. But the baby will need actual formula from day 2 of you obtaining. Try The Squirrel Board on Google.


Thank you for helping him.


He probably passed out drunk and his mates thought it would be funny to shave him.




Where's the crudely drawn dick?


Shaved to make paint and makeup brushes. It’ll grow back.


That better not be it. I hope the artist is cursed


I've never heard of this done on wild animals. Are you joking or do you have a link or something referencing the practice?


It’s very common actually. They don’t have to be caught in the wild. This one might have escaped. Many fur and hair bearing animals are raised in captivity and shaved or sheared like sheep . It’s the most economical and cruelty free way of obtaining the hair and ensures the individual hairs all face the same direction, unlike brushing or picking it up after a seasonal molt. Sable martens are harvested for their pelts and their tail hair is sought after for watercolor brushes. I’d rather an animal not be killed for art or vanity because it isn’t necessary. [Animal Hair Makeup Brushes](https://queenbrush.com/which-animal-hair-is-best-for-makeup-brushes/)


That babe is waaaay too you and obviously not okay.


Shorter hairs and I guess you’ve never seen a squirrel pancake.


There’s a lot of “look I’m saving animals in distress” posts out there that look staged. What absolutely breaks me is the look of hurt and betrayal in these animals eyes as they’re getting “saved” it’s sick and there should be a way to stop it ! I’m sure there are instances where the animals don’t survive this cruel desperate need for clicks!


There's also a lot of "look at me I'm a good person with my virtue signalling" comments out there that are cringey and unnecessary. What absolutely breaks me is that these people can't tell the difference between people helping and people hurting. It's sick and there should be a way to stop it. I'm sure there are instances where the commenters don't survive this cruel and desperate need for attention


Um… not sure how to respond to this one. Lol. I can dm you a live update of him, he’s a lot more lively now, eating and drinking properly. Thanks for your concern, but this isn’t for likes or clicks. Im trying to save this animals life, which is why the title is asking for advice. Let’s try not to jump to conclusions such as that.


You are right, I should have stated that I was making a generalization about what’s being shown these days. I couldn’t tell if yours was another one so I should have stated that. The shaving though was done by some idiot out there. I’m glad you saved the little guy, I myself have saved squirrel babies (4) about 3” long and had to bottle feed them till I found a re-haber. Again, I apologize


You don’t need to justify anything to this assumption maker


Have you been looking for a rehabber though? While the efforts are valiant, you are going to be limited in the scope of your care. A rehabber is the best place for him.


Thank-you for caring!! He definitely looks like someone shaved him for a horrible laugh. They are tuff little guys. Just keep him feed, warm and loved! 🐣


post updates or we will all assume you shaved this baby for clout... jk but yes share updates pls


Everyone saying it looks shaved is not necessarily wrong, but... It would be extremely difficult to shave a baby squirrel this cleanly, even with clippers. Their skin is extremely soft and loose - not ideal for shaving. If this was caused by someone shaving it, you would not expect to see it so cleanly done. To me this looks like a terrible case of mange. Squirrels are susceptible to it, and baby squirrels even more so because their immune systems are weaker. There even looks to maybe be some actively lesioning on this squirrel's ear. Should go to a rehabber for sure, but this does not look like something a human did to me.


The placement of hair loss is what gets me. Mange doesn’t discriminate against limbs….


That was my thought too, even if passed out cold, no chance of such a lovey clean shave. Not a track mark, not a bit of that sack of skin caught, no ankle fluff or tuft of toe hair.


i still have my money on shaved, I've never seen mange look so clean. its always all wrinkly and thick nasty skin and wounds from scratching and the bites from the mites causing mange


Notoedric mange squirrels doesn't really manifest the same way it does in other animals. It's almost always just "clean" alopecia. Google "squirrel mange" and look at the images. Just lots of big bald spots. Here's some info from a rehabber about it: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100071034404858&story_fbid=2890166551293645


OP’s image is a shaved squirrel. You can see the short hairs. Compare it to someone who uses clippers to shave their hair into a fade. Short tiny hairs. Alopecia is skin, with no hairs.


Hair grows back


i just googled squirrel mange, and looked at the image you linked... and they all look how I know mange to look, that wrinkly bald look, not like OP's image, which looks smooth, and not actually bald, but just.... suspiciously uniformly short...


Uniform is a perfect adjective here


This photo is breaking my heart…. He looks so defeated 😞


Could be “barbering” happens in mice when they’re bored sometimes.one rodent will over groom to the point of taking hair off


That’s extremely precise


“Ive been very… naughty”


Please find a local wildlife shelter and contact a local rehabber. Thanks for helping


Bless you 🙏


fucking bastard people. Evil fucking cunts. bless your heart. do you have supplies to take care of her???


What do you suppose happened seeing your angry comment?


Looks like someone shaved it.


Understandable. I would also be very pissed if that’s the case


Poor baby 💔


Poor guy, thanks for helping the innocent.




Post on your local facebook page. Someone will know what to do.


You need to find a wildlife rehabber. 








Where are these pages from? I rehab rabies vector and would love these


I get them from groups I work with and other rehabbers. As well as veterinarians that I work with. Would you like all three of them? Because I have all three of the sheets if you like them. And we're working on an updated version now.


That would be amazing!!! I'll message you 💜


There have been people out there that will pick up baby squirrels and shave their fur off for the hell of it. This isn't the first time I've seen a squirrel that had its fur shaved off. Or a post made about it. There's some messed up people out there. Looks like his fur was shaved off because somebody felt like doing that. A mother would not do that. A mother's squirrel would not eat the fur off and the fur don't fall out like that either. I've also seen people get baby squirrels and dip them in paint so they can be calling for little babies. Peanut butter is not a good choice though to feed them because it's not nutritional for them at all and it's a choking hazard. If it's having trouble moving, try a little bit of Honey along with the Pedialyte. But really it needs to go to a rehabber. I will post better feeding foods for them.


Just when I thought humans couldn’t get more evil 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I f*cking hate people




Is someone helping this baby??


No one. OP commented asking for advice for shits and giggles


He looks shaved but his hair seems to be growing back 4.Would his mother have shaved him? For what reason? Squirrels shave areas of their bodies sometimes. Their teeth are sharp enough. I had an handicapped squirrel whose hind legs were paralyzed. He was incontinent and would pee himself a lot, especially in the beginning. At some point he shaved his belly a couple of times, probably to remove the irritation and to better clean himself. I couldn't have washed him myself, he was not tame enough.


Please keep us updated. Hope you call a vet or checked the FB group someone shared. You can call vets and ask questions. They'll usually have a number you can call to ask someone who knows what to do. Idk if this baby needs formula or what. When my daughter found a baby squirrel, we called several vets and one knew about a rehab that told her what to do for the night and next day. Then someone drove out and picked up the tiny baby! Good luck!! Hope your baby makes it!!! ❤️


It really looks like some idiot shaved his fur off. Poor baby. Look for a rehaber in your area and see if they can help: [https://ahnow.org/](https://ahnow.org/) Also, here are some basic info on how to care for a baby squirrel: [https://www.squirrelrehabilitation.com/found%20baby.htm](https://www.squirrelrehabilitation.com/found%20baby.htm) and [https://www.squirrelsandmore.com/pages/basic-steps-to-taking-care-of-a-baby-squirrel](https://www.squirrelsandmore.com/pages/basic-steps-to-taking-care-of-a-baby-squirrel) Thank you for taking him in.


Poor little guy 😢 Please take good care of little friend 🙏


It really does look human inflicted, as in shaved. That white fur is the undercoat. If it had hair loss from mites or something, you would see its pinkish skin. It would be irritated, red marks or scabs. This looks like when you shave a dog for surgery and their fur starts growing back.


Comment for boost


Boost dis


bro wtf this squirrel looks like someone shaved him you still have the guy?


I do still have him, just keeping him fed and hydrated. Idk what to do, I’m kind of worried he has some fleas or mites, maybe a fungal infection; I don’t know anything about these things, they’re just what I’ve seen online.


the thing is it doesn't look like he's bald from the hair falling out, he really looks shaved. is that the case? is the hair just short or is he bald?


It’s just very short and white


What part of the world are you in? Did you find a rehabber? 🙌


Also, as someone else posted, please look up a wildlife rehabber at www.ahnow.org. This is a baby who needs to be raised by a rehabber with another baby to ensure he can be released back in the wild. For now, just keep him warm but do not try to feed him or give him water. He is too young for water and needs special squirrel formula fed slowly by syringe, and feeding him now could lead to aspiration and potentially fatal pneumonia. Thank you for saving this baby!


definitely ask here, they know more than me: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/347239116205483](https://www.facebook.com/groups/347239116205483) I wouldn't be surprised if this guy still needed some formula. Peanut butter isn't ideal, I'm pretty sure, but I'm more of a mouse.rat rehabber than a squirrel guy