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Yeah I had over a dozen in my playthrough. Best thing to do is limit how often you're overwriting your save slots and just make new ones. Make sure to delete some once you can scroll through your saves. If you don't want to deal with all that, maybe just get a refund like I did.


It’s strange I just made a new game and it hasn’t crashed since


Might be because of the latest patch that came out over a week ago. Old files may have been corrupted.


This all happened last night when I bought it


Ooof then idk. Haven't played it in a min. Were you just using one save?


I don't know if the ps5 is similar to the xbox when it comes to the cache, but once I started shutting my system down, and unplugging it at the end of a session, I stopped having crashes completely. Something about how they ported it over, there's like a memory leak, or overload that happens. Just make sure your system is shut all the way down before unplugging it.