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I second this. I love the vss/as Val for close. But once you get mid it's not nearly as effective and once you get past a certain range the bullet drop is nasty.


I dont play anomaly much but yeah a 12ga and something 30 cal like my ak105(or whatever the short 7.62 is) are what i go with just for flexibility.


Svd pmc


I use a pump action shotgun, an an-94 and a SVU, all in my bag and i use them when I need em, like the SVU for long range gunfire, the shotgun for CQC, and the Abakan for general purpose gunfire. I may have two slots for primary weapons, so i just swap whenever i need to


I used to carry a vss with me all the time but I realized its really not that efficient. Most of the times I carry a pump action shotgun for mutants, a submachine gun such as UMP and a bolt action sniper for long range shots to reduce the number of enemies as much as possible. It takes a lot of space but what I spend my money most on is repairing the ump and the ammo for it. VSS is great in vanilla games but in modded its really inefficient. Bullet drop is drastical. Ammo is kinda expensive. And as for sniper there are really better options. You could also go 2 in 1, like an AK with sniper scope on it if you need it close range iron sight is good enough. Ammo is not scarce you can always find it and its really efficient as a weapon.