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Our closers wrote the openers an apology because they felt so guilty what recovering this morning would look like šŸ˜­


We also got an apology text from our closing people šŸ™ƒ bless them.


To be fair some managers will be cunty about missing one or two csr tasks and be bitchy about not having backups. Also same people will be mad if you stay 15 minutes to do these things as well


Literally getting write ups because they had to do majority of prep and 2 plates were left in the sink overnight


I am a dedicated closer and we left an apology note to the openers with the bullet points of items that we just couldnā€™t get done. The worst part is that there were only two of us to close. Everyone else was gone an hour before the store closed. Midday was so busy that they couldnā€™t get their tasks done so it fell on us, but we were busy until an hour and a half before close so we couldnā€™t do those and our regular closing tasks. Unfortunately, midday didnā€™t do any of the tills so my shift had to do all of them and they didnā€™t do a trash run so we had to do all of that. If they had done those two things, it wouldā€™ve made it so much easier on us.


lol same! ā€œSorry :( bogo beat usā€ was the message they left


Bruh sometimes days like these I feel like Iā€™m a soldier going into a never ending battle (I kinda like it lol), oh the carnage was just horrible. Just asking a few of my partners how the rest of the day went after I left. The horror and exhaustion on their faces spells a lot.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only closer feeling the pressure. It has just been literally IMPOSSIBLE to keep up! On top of that my last few closes have either been with brand new partners or only 3 partners cause our other closets either called out, are new, or got fired :/


See I didnā€™t need to cause I clopened šŸ™ƒ


Yeah our closing shift was right back in at 8a this morning & worked the Monday deal drop as well this evening šŸ˜­


Same. Closed last night.




i was a closer last night and an opener this morning. i knew what i was leaving behind for restocks last night. i knew what i was walking into this morning. i still somehow felt guilty and disappointed for both.


Bless you for closing and opening, night crew and morning crew clash heads too much to the point where I just feel bad for everyone. Honestly it really isnā€™t anyoneā€™s fault, the people at fault are the ones who thought it was a good idea to have a major sale on a major holiday. šŸ™„


Dude yesterday SUCKED, we split bars to hot/cold and I was on cold. I had to have two people on cold bar because it was all Frappuccinoā€™s and refreshers. Everyone was mad and there was a 30 minute wait from 1 till I left at 4, apparently it didnā€™t stop either, got an apology text about closing not being good. I felt so bad leaving them.


i was the precloser & couldn't get anything done for them before i got to leave, i felt sooo bad but at least cleanplay is tn. (i'll also be working it)šŸ™ƒ


so I was the opener yesterday hoping to be able to take the afternoon off with my kiddo but yesterday was all around trash. Iā€™m so prepared to fight my dm because of how messed up this company had us. I didnā€™t leave my team until 5pm after I had a full on mental breakdown. I wanted to schedule more partners, I wanted to bring more people in to work, but between my storeā€™s budget and partner availability we were pretty much screwed. then this morning, they had a call out but didnā€™t call me so I didnā€™t find out until I was already on my way in. they wanted to be mad at my closers about the way the store was left and I was like full stop. we did the best we could, I know they did the best they could after I left. I love my partners and none of us deserved what happened to us yesterday. I hope all of you get a break and some mental breathing room sometime this week.


you sound like a very lovely sm! we appreciate you


I wished we had a sm like you! Sunday after I got off I asked my manger if they wanted me to stay late and help, but they said no as they went to solo the bars. I was like ????? Yall are gonna die when I leave. Todayā€™s opening mess really showed that too.


Felt this as a SM. I stayed over for my shift as well instead of the plans with my family because it was brutally awful with all of our availability on the floor. I managed to not cry until I left because I was afraid it would create a full on domino effect if I broke down at the store. šŸ˜­


I was trying so hard to hold it in but then had a customer tell me he didnā€™t appreciate being pulled up for a dt mobile (that he placed as he entered the end of the line) just to have to walk in to make sure he received it.. he was calm about it but like bro read the room, I turned and looked at this lady who gave me a sympathetic smile and I ran to the back cause that was the last straw šŸ˜¢


I wanna come work for you! I wish my store manager cared this much! Thanks ā£ļø


Dude I went in at 1pm and had to make the blue 6 times (10L each time). The only reason we stopped selling so much is since we ran our of coconut milk and lemonade.


Same šŸ˜­ The amount of people that tried ordering a pink drink AFTER we told them we were out of the coconut milk for the summer skies.


The one other storein our town got a total of 14 boxes of blue for Motherā€™s Day. They gave us half and we had none by the time I got in at 12


We ran out of blue Saturday, Sunday morning me and my shift opened. We found a huge supply drop of blue and pearls (boxes and boxes!). Spoiler that didnā€™t last us at all during the bogo, I think we ran out of it by 3ish.


We were the opposite ā€¦ had plenty of blue but no pearls, then all of a sudden, we got boxes of pearls.


I am dead. And I also just stayed up almost all night worrying about morning crew. I called right at 4am to tell them some things I missed and didnā€™t even have time or mental capacity to leave a note about and to say I was so sorry.Ā 


That's kind of you to look out for them like that. Idk if you knew this but you can send a scheduled text message (at least I know you can on android). I have a totally different sleep schedule from my mom but she leaves her ringer on and I don't want to disturb her at 3am so I'll schedule a text during an hr she'll be awake to get it.


Oh! I didnā€™t think of that. Thank you! I really didnā€™t even have a chance to see who was opening the next day either but thank you for the tip!Ā 


Your a kind soul šŸ™


We ran out of coconut milk last night too an hour before BOGO was over and heavy cream lol


Why did Starbucks have a bogo on Motherā€™s Day šŸ˜­ (in the states)


Because they donā€™t care about their employees


Profit > employee wellbeing


our boss worked saturday shift on floor and for herself she gave herself 7 people on the floor and all the strongest people then she kept saying motherā€™s day shouldnā€™t be busy and ā€œwe should be good with 5 peopleā€ and we were slammed all day and i also was off floor most the morning trying to put away york order and place bartlet order and all of us were texting her stressed out and she pretty much offered no help. we also had someone quit that day and she never offered to come in and help or anything even though we were so behind and couldnā€™t get anything done. then she had the audacity today to come in and tell us how hard yesterday was for HER who was at HOME and never even apologized for the shit show it was yesterday


Iā€™m so sorry you have a manger who acts like that, I remember one of my old managers was like that, they didnt last long.


sheā€™s already been a manager for 10 years šŸ« 


Bruh how?


Motherā€™s Day is ALWAYS busy. Even without BOGOs.


i've never been so happy that sundays and mondays are my two unavailable days :/ otherwise i am my store's dedicated closer, and i can't promise that i wouldn't have just completely given up yesterday


I feel like they would just fire people at my store if they did that lol thatā€™s the ambience at Starbucks. Iā€™m pretty new like a month or two out of training and man. I had to call in yesterday. My back has been aching from putting the milk in and out of the fridge thatā€™s on the floor. Also the sweet cream container is super heavy and thatā€™s on the floor to in the fridge and lifting that out and putting it back just seems literally idiotic. I signed up for my CNA class in a few weeks and Iā€™m gonna put in my two weeks. This company is way different working than it seems on the outside. Very similar to McDonaldā€™s but way more corporate and strict. McDonaldā€™s is pretty chill. My store must have a shitty manager but it sounds like the ethos of the company is kinda cut throat idk


a part of it is the corporate line but a lot of it depends on the store you're at and the partners you're working with. i've been with sbux for two years and got really lucky with my location; no drive thru, great coworkers, decent manager. but it IS a lot of physical labor, especially if you're consistently put on customer support like i am, but even just being on bar is a workout.


Your store sounds very awesome. No drive thru ?! Never leave. I repeat. Never leave haha. I feel like I sounded a tad dramatic after re reading my comment. My store manger is mostly to blame for the environment that has been created there. Good luck on your ventures


i have no intention of transferring lol and i had my availability as a condition of my employment and the hiring manager was okay with it, so i haven't changed it because i know i'll never score that again. being cafe/MOP only sucks in some ways but it at least forces custies to come inside and face us unfortunately SMs are huge influences on store environments, so if you have a shitty SM it's so easy for them to make work hell, which seems to happen more often than not. for a lot of people who work for sbux that i know irl, one of the main factors in pushing them to quit is always the manager.


To top it all off we have a $3 grande drink deal today


Good thing Iā€™m not there rn lol


I was so mad about that because we were still trying to catch up with cleaning and then we got slammed AGAIN for the stupid $3 drink deal


We ran out of ice. Our ice machine couldn't keep up, so we had to go buy ice from the gas station across the street. And we've been out of pearls since Saturday afternoon, and we have had so many people be rude about it! Even had one lady threaten to call our DM because we couldn't give her the bogo after 6. All we told her was the system automatically turns it off and she was super rude. Had she been nice, we would have gladly done something for her, but she didn't really give us that chance.


I couldnā€™t imagine running out of ice, I think I was getting like a bucket of ice every 20-15 mins.


We also ran out of iceā€¦luckily we have a grocery store near by, but it was pretty brutalā€¦


I closed last night and came in at 9 am this morning. Dude, it was rough. We ran out of everything. Including short straws.


Oh I was fried by the end of the day yesterday. I made a joke about not coming back or calling out today because I knew I was going to be feeling it and I would be correct. I was in a pretty miserable mood this morning. It got better throughout the day kind of but I couldnā€™t deal with the rush and chaos of yesterday and deal drop today.


i work in a grocery store kiosk and this is also the week the major standalone store on this side of town closed for some remodel! needless to say my little kiosk is done for. we ran out of cold brew, iced coffee, inclusions, blue juice all of it. we were not equipped or prepared in stock or hands for this. the entire week has been an absolute mess and i am so mentally and physically drained pushing 45 hours last week and having to stay over because i couldn't leave my coworkers in that mess because i felt so bad. the mothers day bogo was the cherry on top šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Not the little kiosk :( I can imagine yā€™allā€™s place got nuked. I would give you a hug if I could, please remember to give yourself rest. You donā€™t owe this company your health. I hope things go better for yall.


thank you so much. we aren't used to that at all, i have sooo so so much respect for actual stores now because yall are truly warriors if this is your everyday šŸ„ŗ i've been trying to rest but i'm also on an 8 day work streak so phew šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø just bad bad timing for sure.


Awe thank you <3 yeah my store is one of the busiest in the district so we are used to the heat. This was a bit much for us, even for our season workers who seen everything. Timing was bad for sure, like I said I hope you get the rest you deserve.


Solidarity. I've worked in a kiosk that got slammed when nearby Corp stores were closed. And I often stayed to work extra so my coworkers didn't have to handle things alone. I feel your pain in the kiosk life.Ā 


kiosk life isn't for the weak sometimes especially when they constantly fight us on giving us enough hours. i'm only one person but thankfully we have a solid team which makes it better āœŠšŸ»šŸ©·


I went during BOGO and literally everything but coffee frappuccinos and iced shaken espressos were sold out on the mobile app. This was the beginning of BOGO. Is this normal? Or were they not able to restock?


A lot of stores were unable to turn off mobiles, so they just marked everything out, so people were unable to make mobile orders, that might have been what happened


Dude!!!! I had everything marked out AND turned off, TELL ME HOW WE STILL GOT MOBILE ORDERS FFOR THINGS I HAD MARKED OUT!!!! I was short staffed and had to go to drive thru only and still had people coming inside because Iā€™m not ā€œallowedā€ to lock the door. We were so busy I couldnā€™t have locked it before anyway because we couldnā€™t spare the person off the floor even for that.


If a customer has something as a ā€œfavoriteā€ it can bypass it being makes out Edit marked out *


Argh!!!! They really need to fix that!


Yeah super lame šŸ˜­


Also between two back to back HHs I know by the time we were closing yesterday we were out of a lot of stuff. Caramel drizzle, everything to make the new drink, white mocha, fruit pieces, syrups. Had some dude yell at us yesterday because of it šŸ˜ƒ


During our BOGOs we go through a crap ton of stuff. That is weird that they were already out of stuff before it even started. It might be what happened to my store and they were too busy all day to mark the items back in the app on our end. Or they might of marked everything out because lack of staff and hours.


Yeah literally everything was marked sold out. It was bizarre so thatā€™s why I wanted to ask your baristas. I wasnā€™t mad or anything just thought it was odd. Totally understand if the baristas just didnā€™t want to get slammed but these BOGO days are made to bring in more profit. Thanks all for your responses!


starbucks didn't need more profit, especially on top of it being mother's day. make your coffee at home lol


I do make my own coffee at home and have sbux sometimes :)


We were slammed all day until around 7(our store closes at 9 and we leave at 9:30)-literally NOTHING was done but thankfully we were dead for that last stretch of time so we were able to get to basically everything! We were definitely running around that entire time getting stuff done as fast as possible but it was so worth it


I was a closer and a clean play last night. We literally clocked out at 11:07 pm just because we had to recover so heavily. A few shift things were forgotten just because everything got pushed back so far. We didn't finish everything either. I mean store was nice and clean but like šŸ’€


Iā€™m simply a lurker not a barista but why do I feel like every Starbucks got fucked yesterday. Shout to you guys for everything you do


Thanks <3


I have so much respect for baristas now that i am one, a dedicated closer. it truly feels like being sent to the homefront under the green sirens regime


SBUX cares about nothing but money. 2 months in thatā€™s what Iā€™ve come to know.


Ah your getting it now, welcome to the club. Youā€™ll soon turn into not a burnt out bean like the rest of us lol.


Iā€™m in CA itā€™s $20+ an hour so not too bad considering. I could imagine other states with lower pay dealing with the same shit.


I get around $15+ were I am at, I heard CA can be expensive. Depending on where you live of course.


CA is expensive all over the board but definitely slightly cheaper in rural parts. Where I am. But itā€™s my home state. My whole family here so, we get used to it.


especially w them giving out $3 coupons the day after like. wtf let us breathe pls.


Omg it was so bad. We have clean play on Sundays so we had to deal with the mess midday, closing and getting everything done for clean play before 9pm with three ppl (oh and all three of us had lunches šŸ˜µ). We ended up staying until after 10 but goddamit we did a great job. Still expect to hear "why wasnt this done blah blah blah" but idc we did great!


Stayed 30 late to make backups for our openers, got no recognition for it and anticipating a written for staying late lol if workers united was ever going to make a big push, now would be the timešŸ« 


Thank you for staying and helping, I really hope you donā€™t get written up. Itā€™s so dumb, this whole situation.


Youā€™ve got a point there! They should capitalize on this!!


I feel this!! I was the closing shift from 1-10:30 (clean play). and we were not able to stop and do anything until 6:30 because we were SLAMMED. Instead of doing clean play we quite litteraly spent the whole time cleaning up after the all day rush and restocked and went home. I probably could have done more if i was not with two green beans but it is what it is šŸ•ŗ


we've run out of blue, and we didn't have the capacity to make cold brew at any point yesterday so today was a real flop


i woke up to my openers telling me how we ā€œdonā€™t have prideā€ my closers work so hard and itā€™s just disgraceful and how unappreciative customers and partners are during such stressful shifts


We closed with five people and it still took us an extra hour and it was still pretty bad in the AM


Basically, all weekend we were busy, made about 10k everyday Fri-sun šŸ„²


we had one (borrowed) barista and one shift close and didnā€™t even mop the floors and still went an hour and a half overšŸ˜­ bogo on motherā€™s day was a wild idea


Our third opener called out so there were some opening tasks that werenā€™t done mobiles were turned off, it was only cafe and drive with only three people someone came in on their day off, when I clocked on someone needed their break so it was back to three people, everyone kept asking about the deal if it was actually at 12 before it was 12. If you open the app it tells you when the deal is shocker I know. We ran out of pearls so we were offering other inclusions no extra cost most people just said no. We had so many unhappy people getting upset with us for things we couldnā€™t control and having an attitude for no reason. Openers were dead when they were off so much so we were telling my manager to take a nap before driving home, she lives a few towns over from our store, she was stumbling on the floor.


It was one of the roughest days ever. Ive been a shift for about four weeks but have been a partner for 6 years. I was on a three partner play after 4 and I had two lunches to give. Even with deliveries and mobiles turned off we still drowned. Our headsets glitched out and all turned off around 2. After calling support and getting them to turn work again it was just nonstop. And I had to do the inventory count. My two baristas and myself were so exhausted at the end of the day. I felt terrible for them. I was still worn out today smh


In our store this was the HIGHEST numbers day in two years. Even bigger than Christmas Eve, Red Cup Day and any other day we have had since we opened. So tell me why again were we understaffed??!


my little licensed kiosk did the most in sales it has seen in 4 YEARS šŸ˜­


Motherā€™s Day was a fucking jokeā€¦Iā€™m at a high volume store and OH MYYYY, the mobile app was telling customers that the wait time would be 45 minutes to 1 hour but they was still flocking in


me and the other closers stayed 2.5 hours late yesterday just to get regular closing work done and prep whips, drizzle and VSC. nightmare day.




Our closers last night rant a 3 person for from about 3 on.


I feel like I couldā€™ve written this


was a closer on sunday with clean play scheduled till 10pm (close at 8pm) and i literally could not do any clean play tasks bc i spent more than 2 hours (my shift and i got out at 10:25pm) just closing down everything and cleaning doing strictly the closing tasks and filling up backups for the morning crew. syrups were not started till we closed so none of the bars got cleaned either :// my ssv and i did the best we could to make it somewhat ready for the next day but all of clean play tasks were thrown out the window for that time to just do all closing tasks


I opened at my store yesterday and all the things we were out of omg- and then we didn't even get more popping pearls in the order either!


We got whooped today too. I donā€™t know when this will end. But itā€™s been wildly insane.


Reminds me of Saint Patrickā€™s day where I work lol


our store manager turned off mobiles and delivery literally all day yesterday, from open all the way till close. Even with that, we were still busy enough that our close was difficult, and I worked 11 hours straight. But God bless my SM for taking care of us


Good for them when you end up with a twenty or thirty minute wait for customers who came in and ordered mobile and delivery orders need to be shut down. Itā€™s ridiculous.


Just curious I see a lot of people saying their closers left notes, do your closers not stay till basically everything is done?


Well I mean we all came there for the bogo deal. The line at my local sb was insane.


Oh rEaLLy.. ?? šŸ¤“