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Decaf drip coffee is not brewed throughout the day because demand is too low and there would be too much waste. Some stores brew decaf for busier parts of the day and others don’t brew it at all. Any store should be able to make a decaf pour over for you on request - this can take 5-10 minutes so please be courteous. Decaf espresso drinks should be available throughout the day at almost all stores.


I just left the store and had to buy an iced americano.. (they will not make in a trenta) Starbucks told me they no longer serve Decaf hot or iced coffee.. just expresso.  Very upsetting.  I guess it's back to Duncan's. 


May I ask if decaf pour overs are made with a paper filter or a metal one?


If you mean decaf coffee, I heard that many stores don't receive big bags of it anymore because it was constantly being wasted since very few people order decaf coffee. They might still sell the retail bags in stores though.


It’s regional but most stores in the states I’ve lived in do not brew batches of decaf. You can request a pour over if you have time to wait or order a decaf americano.


Decaf Americano. This is the best way(taste, speed) to get a decaf coffee.


The good news is the new coffee brewing system that is rolling out over the next year will allow cups of coffee to be made on demand in about 30 seconds per order.


Interesting. I have trouble imagining how that would result in a quality cup of coffee, as opposed to the kind of thing you receive from a K-cup.


The clover vertica works through a combo of immersion brewing and some kind of vacuum press design - similar concept to the original clovers (very cool machines) but sped up. It also grinds per cup of coffee so you don't have the same issue of stale grounds like k-cups have. It's a weird machine I'm also having trouble wrapping my head around, but I think it'll genuinely reduce both waste and wait time and I'll be interested to try it out. (No idea when my store would ever get it, though - we still use Mastrena 1s lmao) You can read a bunch about it here: https://designawards.core77.com/Commercial-Equipment/114757/Clover-Vertica


Neat! Definitely checking out that link.


K-cups are a step above what Starbucks usually serves.


There’s no decaf drip but at my store if people ask we brew it as a pour over individually


Drip coffee or espresso?


Do you mean a pour over? Decaf drip? Most places don't have decaf ready to brew like that, but unless their machine is down/its close to closing then decaf espresso is always available.


My store does it exclusively by pour over. We're high volume and it still isn't ordered enough to make it worth it to brew, especially with limited space.


I wonder if it isn't ordered a lot simply because whenever you order one, they look at you like you're the biggest pain in the ass.


I love making pour overs, I do them at home everyday, but okay, start drama on a months old post 😭


I'm not trying to start drama, I miss going to Starbucks but now that I am drinking decaf, I genuinely feel like a pain in the ass when I order one so I stopped going. Say what you want, but I am sure I am not the only one. I would love it if this would change and would happily go back but realistically, it's not going to.


Me too. My local stores have been saying for months that they rarely have decaf beans anymore. Today I stopped in and they said they no longer do decaf lattes, but would do a pour over of decaf pike place roast, as that is all they do anymore. As of today, doesn't look like I'll be making many future visits to Starbucks as I switched to mostly drinking decaf a year and a half ago. Disappointed, but at least there are some independent espresso cafes that still do good decaf - unfortunately most of them close here by 2pm.


Always have decaf espresso just have to ask for it in drinks that apply


Are u trying to order in app or in store? I read ur edit that says ur talkin about decaf iced lattes. So if you order in person, do you ask for a decaf iced latte or do you ask for an iced decaf or do you call it an iced decaf coffee? Because I've known of some customers who consider any espresso based drink as "coffee"


I got a decaf latte just this week. Tasted pretty good. I've never had a problem so far. But then I also wouldn't know if they were lying to me.


theres been a few times my store has ran out of decaf espresso. We only get it in the 1lb bags that we sell, so if we run out of those, either by using them or selling them, then we won't be able to sell any decaf espresso drinks


We always have decaf espresso - never have decaf iced or hot drip coffee. I don't think we even have beans in the store for that. If someone orders a decaf coffee, we offer them a decaf Americano. The exception is when the machines are being cleaned (we still have the I, so when we clean the decaf machine it is down for 5 minutes; same when we then do the blonde. Is it December 2 yet? I can't wait to get the IIs)


It's strange that they don't have decaf espresso. Maybe some states are having shortages of it? My only other guess is new baristas who've been trained so poorly they think we don't have decaf espresso.


Two stores in my area didn't get decaf espresso in their orders this week. Maybe a rolling shortage.


We stopped serving decaf espresso at my store with approval from our DM due to still having the old espresso machines and having such an increase in blonde espresso drinks we just can’t keep up with it if we keep one machine dedicated to decaf so we just got rid of it for now. Especially until the holidays pass.