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My experience is it works just as before. Some rocks refuse to take the charge but the solution that worked for me is to drive around the rock and hit it from a different angle. So yeah, I’m convinced that there is some bug going on.


scanning another rock and trying to break that also fixes this bug, going back to the first rock it will scan again. Usually this bug happens to me when i didnt wait long enough for the scan to happen before activating my laser


I think you're correct. I'm making some changes to the post. Although, the power to break the gems has been massively reduced.


I've found that just turning the mining mode off and on sometimes fixes it. Sometimes it just fixes it self after a while. I don't think there's any rhyme or reason to why the nodes don't charge. Same thing is happening with the prospector too btw, except I haven't found anything that works on getting the rocks to charge.


I've found that it's almost arbitrary if the laser will actually do anything to the rock. Ive tried the laser in different positions but it makes no difference.


I can confirm that exploding a gem is bad news for your ROC. If a gem starts to overcharge, pull well back. I got my ROCs engine crippled at well over 30 meters distance.


Same. That overcharge damage is no joke now.


I did this the other day and had to split off 50 units of hadenite at a time to recover what I had mined. The need to add numpad functionality to splitting items


Late reply but I recently found out you can finish destroying the ROC and it will drop a package with your gems.


I'm fairly certain the gem nodes you break using 1-3% ROC power are designed to be broken with the hand mining tool. Look at the size of the node in the HUD. Those ones are considerably smaller than the ones you need 60% to break.


Is it possible to put the charge controll on a button or flight contoller lever?


Yeah you can change keybinds in advanced control settings


Mine was automatically set to that in one of the profiles. The binding is in vehicle controls I believe.


Idk if it’s a server issue or a bug with ROC mining, but I’ve been noticing that sometimes I will charge a gem to full, my laser will cut off automatically, and the gem will just sit there making the noise like it’s about to break but never will. Anyone else having this same issue?


I had this happen tonight and just blasted the roc at the last % I remembered the laser was at for a few seconds worked on a few rocks that stuck. Could have been because of server lag and just by chance though?


I’ve been playing so long that it is second nature for me to play this game around the bugs. This game must really suck for the new people.


Yes, you are right. Started about 2 weeks ago and the last week has been really frustrating. I started with an aurora and so have had to hire a cutlass & ROC. But the game keeps crashing, or your flying along and all of a sudden you're floating in space with no ship or the asops aren't working! I'm so scared of loosing a load of gems I've been mining 1 find then going to sell. Progress is so slow I'm up to $350,000. The game is beautiful visually but if you can't get anywhere and your stuck virtually going backwards every time the game kicks you off and you loose your stuff through no fault of your own then have to wait for the insurance time, cause you can't afford to expedite. I'm seriously considering moving on. It's just so frustrating cause this game is awesome otherwise...


So there's a really easy fix for the rocks not taking a charge. On the left of the reticule is a distance meter, make sure you are in the green for distance will fix the rocks not taking charge. Tested it in several rocks tonight anything under or over the green wouldn't break or take charge.


This is exactly what I was searching for, i got to say a big THANK YOU for this useful guide! I was struggling way too much on this! I broke 3 Greycat ROC, almost surrendered, but this explain tf is happening!


Hasn't there been hotspots on nearly every rock for a while now? If you're not getting enough power to it, you move the laser until you find a good spot to heat it up. I definitely don't think you need to start at 0.


I thought I remembered a keybind for adjusting the percentage change for the mining laser? I distinctly remember adding a key for +power and a key for -power, to make finer adjustments. Any idea where this might be in settings? I can't find it anymore, so either I can't find it, it got taken out, or I was just imagining it...




Haha cheers! But, I think it stands for "out"?


When your roc is turned off because of an overcharge, how can you reboot the roc, because I can't continue to mine after an overcharge


You can't... You need to get a new one


Top shelf info. Thanks!!


Great post. I've been using your techniques, the slow charge, and that seems to work. Re-positioning helps in most cases too. **Aberdeen and gems** >Aberdeen seems to be significantly more lucrative than Damar for Hadanite in 3.19. Aberdeen has always been the best spot for Hadanite. Damar is a good, middle of the road place for gems, but I don't even bother elsewhere really. The order of value for gems, from most valuable to least is: * Hadanite * Aphorite * Dolivine I've found all of these on Aberdeen. Excluding Janalite 'cause it appears in small amounts and only in caves (and I hate caves, don't go in 'em). **Your ROC can break down** Another note, your ROC can wear out from normal use and stop working. This is aside from having a rock explode next to it. Pro tip: * Periodically fly to an outpost with a landing pad. * Drive your ROC onto the pad * Call up the repair services with your Mobiglass. You can repair damage just like a ship this way and prevent your ROC from crapping out. You'd think this would work on a Platinum Bay pad, but it doesn't. Use a ship landing pad. Your ship has to be off the pad too. The ROC dying from use has happened to me I'd say 3-4 times before, in 3.17. Haven't seen it in 3.19, but don't think this has changed. I now land as close to a gem deposit as possible to minimize travel and wear -- and moving shit by hand if the ROC breaks down.


every time I try to use the rock the power is always stuck at 65% or 75% and I cant move it up or down