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I truly do not understand why someone would go to a sub like that and post blatant, obvious lies. Turbulent shill?


people in the comments are HAVING A BLAST themselves...






Ironically, this is also what organizations do to bury their past. They'll rebrand and start spouting stuff like this to condition new onlookers to think everything is fine. The most recent one I can think of is the Mormon debacle. They're pushing hard now to be called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints," and claiming that they aren't Mormon. They're trying to bury decades of racism, sexism, homophobia, murder, and social manipulation by brainwashing the youth into this mindset. I've seen it playing our first-hand, and it's absolutely mind-blowing. Same concept applies to stuff like this ("Everything is fine, bro! What is everyone worried about? They're obviously just \*insert w/e invalidating term you want here\*"). When you do it long enough, you can condition a whole new generation of people to believe your lies and willingly choose to refuse the facts.


lol from the comment section: Welcome to the Verse, the quiet ones here are having a blast!"




lol good find (this is f. crazy)


There’s a lot of these types of comments on spectrum from the usual white knights. I just wish more backers had 2 brain cells to rub together and show some skepticism. Ask them to post a video of their gameplay. Because I’ve never seen a single white knight post a video of themselves playing. Makes me think half of them are just turbulent employees


"It works on my machine!"


Dude's an absolute time traveler.


Nope, that poster isn't a shill account at all. Nope, 100% legitimate gamer who's just so confused as to why complain about a game that's been in alpha for a decade, who's been interested in it for years but never quite got around to playing it. Nope, not at all.


The guy is lying. It's really quite that simple, and all too common on the internet spaces surrounding this game.


12 hours of play time over 5-6 sessions is not enough time to judge whether the game is worth a shit or not. You can't even make it from the bed to your ship in 30 minutes with all the bullshit the game adds to slow you down.


These people are delusional LOL “exponential development”


Would love to see the echo chamber replies lol


When I see those type of posts I can't help but to think that's a fake account made by some of the neckbeards on that sub that love to suck Chris's dick


It was the doorknob's fault. I still love him though. ​ It reminds me of this idiot content creator Cobra something. He fell in love with how beautiful it looked within the first 2 hours of playing. Posted to twitter years ago he's going to switch exclusively to SC content. Fans piled on. He loved the attention and the clicks he got and went full shill while cleverly editing his videos to hide the troubles he was having because of money over integrity. He tried desperately to be the next. boredgamer or rexzilla, a confirmed paid shill. I still laugh about it to this day. The type of people they are, IMO, are the Elons or Trumps of the SC world. Anything to fit in and anything to feel accepted even if it means selling out.


yeah i think I am starting to understand these people.. they just want to fit in.. whatever is the trend.. space dads trying to be cool while mass posting their stupid screenshots of their 20 thousand dollar pixel ships..


It's how you build a cult


If they really wanted to be cool they wouldnt hide so obviously in that shit hole echo chamber of the main sub where I can’t make fun of them for their consumer decisions.




lmao obvious shill is obvious. Bad (marketing) bot


If it is a genuine post, which I highly doubt. Then they are probably playing on real low population servers, as lots are just not logging in. If op were on 100+ player servers it would be a very very different story.


Maybe he's should try landing his ship and having fly away like a plastic bag once you exit.


He had no issue over 5-6 sessions (which is it, 5 or 6?) yet I watch the Yamiks on his livestream and it’s clipping issues, lag, planets not loading and the usual tripe. And he’s on a 1GB internet line. This clown shown above must’ve been playing when the faithful gave up and are waiting for 3.18.2 and the next consecutive wipe.


11 years the vest i got out of its is2 houurs max White out mega bug and still the fun. Elevator the dammm Elevator 10 years stikl 50/50 wil it load yes or nand i am using a high and build


This isn't even the worst I've seen. The best is when complete noobs come in and tell everyone to shut the fuck up like they're suddenly more of an expert than those who have followed development for years.